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Today I'm NOT shooting with the new model, because she had forgotten to tell me she's still in Rome...
The younger the models are, the less professional they are.
Martina is only 5 years more than this girl, but she is so much more precise in every respect.
I guess it is the price to pay to have a very young girl to pose naked for you, and I'm willing to pay it, so we decided to reschedule the shooting in the next days...

Lenne was a pleasant surprise, but I'm expecting a lot from the new girl, so I hope I will not be disappointed when we finally do the shooting 😉
We have a saying in Italy: "Non tutte le ciambelle escono col buco".
Translated it would be like: "Not all the doughnuts have a perfect hole in the center".
Well the girls do, but it means you can't win every time...

I'm also planning another shooting after the 20th of August, in Brescia, in the same apartment I used with Martina several times (and also for "The Bet").
It is the house of another photographer that became a friend by now.
He will be hosting a nice 19 YO girl, which is very pretty, even if she is not my usual kind of apple.
I want to give her a go anyway, because I'm pretty sure you're going to love her.
This girl in Brescia will also give me the opportunity to try a new camera, that might make some brief appearance in my future workflow.

I booked Lenne after she worked with my friend in Brescia, so it is a good idea to keep an eye on the girls he's working with... he has proven a good hound for new talents, and he knew Martina before I did!!!



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