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This was a request by Sebastiannn, he too is a great fan of Shinrin!
The last picture of her I've posted on Flickr is now the top performer of all time with 795 Faves.
I don't have a lot of erotic and explicit pictures of her because I didn't feel like pushing her in any way, but this sequence where she is sitting on the floor is probably the hottest pictures we've made together, so far.

Please let's all be respectful of this brave young girl and don't share the pictures elsewhere, and we might be treated to see even more of her in the future... 

Please remember that everything you see in Patreon must not be shared elsewhere! 



Alex Piercy

Hi! Is there any way of viewing this image of Shinrin now it's not on Patreon? Thanks.

Bramley Apple

Hi and welcome onboard. Please read the mail I have send you to explain the new regulation on Patreon and the reason why this photo had to be taken down. Reply to that mail if you have any more questions. Cheers


I am too a fan of Shinrin. I also understand that she's not a full time model and I agree not to make her afraid. I am not very hopeful about the future since she's turned her instagram account private. I see that many stupid people make unrespectful comments (never here on Patreon, but elsewhere this is the standard) and I can understand why models like Chiara and Sadie become shy.


Quite exceptional 😁

Bramley Apple

You are right, most people react strangely to nude and even more people are morons on social medias (on every argument). I admire the bravery of these girls and I always try to expose them as little as possible to the wrong kind of people (if that makes any sense). I hope the attitude of everybody is going to change towards nude in the future and these girls will obtain the respect they deserve for having been pioneering this artistic nudity. Let's start by showing them all our love and respect!


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