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Apparently Martina has started going to the gym, and doing some fancy electro-stimulation or something like that, and she gained 5 kilos.
Not sure where she has put those kilos, because she looks the same to me, maybe it is just muscles that weight more than fat,  but she is not convinced by the procedure anyway, and she may stop going to the gym very soon.
Whatever she decides, she is still the same stunning beauty.

This is the photo where I have left the colour casts from the lights untouched, so the red and the blue are blending with the window light.
Surely in a studio you could maximise the effect and make the colours pop even more, and possibly I could try again this technique during the Winter season, when the natural light is not enough, but I am happy about the results so far, and this 19th shooting with Martina is going to teach me a thing or two whilst I'm working on it.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com




She looks the same to me too. Love her pose and stare. 😊 Awesome shot. 🤘


Beautiful. I'm probably the only one here old enough to remember the song by The Bangles with the lyric: "I see you in a different light".