Pump Wagon CONTEST! (Goobertown Hobbies Collaboration) (Patreon)
Build your own Pump Wagon with the provided kit and win!
DOWNLOAD FILES HERE (Type 0 in the price box)
Check out Brent's video creating his own Pump Wagons here: https://youtu.be/N6Xwf7I7iAU
Prize pool:
1st Place: UV Resin 1L+ Free Patreon Month
2nd Place: UV Resin 1L+ Free Patreon Month
3rd Place: UV Resin 1L+ Free Patreon Month
4th to 10th: Free Patreon Month
Feel free to post work in progress on Discord and our Facebook Group.
-You DO NOT have to be an active patron to enter the contest.
-Print and Build a unique Pump Wagon using the provided Pump Wagon Kit. (Download kit)
-The miniature can be scaled up to 250% of the original scale, NO MORE.
-Painted entries will likely have an advantage, but there is no reason why an incredible unpainted build can't win.
-For the Pump Wagon, at least 90% of the material should be from this kit.
-Pump Wagons may be based or not.
-The base can be 100% custom. (No restrictions on size)
-No digital painting/editing allowed.
-You may submit as many entries as you want, but only 1 per contestant will be eligible to enter the Top 10.
-Photographs submitted have to be at least 512x512 pixels in resolution to be considered. There are no restrictions in terms of aspect ratio.
-Video entries are always appreciated (short turnarounds or 10-second videos).
-To enter, post on our Facebook Group a picture of your painted mini using the hashtag #PumpWagonContest
-The deadline will at 11:59 pm CST on September 15th, 2020. (EXTENDED to September 20th, 2020)
-The top 10 minis will be posted on the Cast n Play's Patreon Page along with a poll for everyone to vote on September 21st.
-Winners will be decided based on votes on the official poll. Voting will close on September 26th, 2020, and winners will be announced.
-While this is not a photography contest, we expect decent photographs and videos to be able to judge as fairly as we possibly can.
Good luck to everyone!