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We're ramping up to the finale, and secrets are revealed, and tensions are tight as Akane's hue is put to the test from multiple sides -- what's our girl to do!? Speaking of which, Mika is put in a perilous situation as well, as loyalties are kept secret and no one is truly aware of what's going on...  

I'm not ready for these last two episodes,  y'all!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JfgG6663vRYTL8hGWkT4kM?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS Season 2: Episode 9 Reaction! THE OMNIPOTENCE PARADOX?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JfgG6663vRYTL8hGWkT4kM? **PARADOXICAL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We're ramping up to the finale, and secrets are revealed, and tensions are tight as Akane's hue is put to the test from multiple sides -- what's our girl to do!? Speaking of which, Mika is put in a perilous situation as well, as loyalties are kept secret and no one is truly aware of what's going on... I'm not ready for these last two episodes, y'all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I definitely don't blame Mika for being so terrified, but I also don't have much sympathy for her because the position she is now in is simply the consequence of her actions. But as you've stated before, Mika is a coward, which makes it worrying that she now has this knowledge and is even more so at the mercy of the Sibyl System than she already was. Just when you thought Psycho-Pass couldn't shock you, they go and give us Togane as a child killing puppies 😭 Glad you have the same sentiment as me on where the line is 😅 As much as Kamui is creepy, he does look good in that white cravat. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of the Pringles man for the little robot servers. The reason you might recognise Kuwashima's seiyuu is because Uchida Yuuya has also voiced: Rimbaud from Bungou Stray Dogs; Hendrickson from 7DS; and Galgali from Chainsaw Man. Also love that you pondered shipping Kuwashima with Kamui...give me that childhood friends ship! 😆 That lookback firmly cements it as a ship, right? Having Nessun Dorma playing whilst seeing those disgusting scenes of the people burning reminds me so much of Season 1 with the visuals given when Ode to Joy played over Senguuji killing Ouryou. Yet again it is a fitting operatic piece, as basically in Nessun Dorma the singer expresses their affirmation that they'll be triumphant (within the actual opera it's that the character makes assurances that he will win the princess). I just love Ginoza running to hold Akane back, and calling for Kunizuka's help in understanding why she flipped out [definitely had a "What's in the box?!" moment when I first watched this 😅]. Love them both trying to be a steady presence for Akane, but love even more that Hinakawa has now slowly edged his way into their little circle. All your theories around the significance of Aoi's earring made me feel like Xie Lian: I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Saiga wanting to turn Kuwashima's colour black for me has always felt like a moment that shows Saiga cares for Akane, and this is his way of getting back at the one that hurt her. I've realised the reactions of everyone is a great way of showing their Division's dynamics. Ginoza restraining Akane is like a nod towards how he was when he was the leader of Division 1, and in the aftermath he dons his investigative side and aids Shion in research. Kunizuka is the silent carer, who provides support (both in helping Ginoza and just by staying near Akane). Hinakawa is a little awkward and shy, but wants to help Akane however he can. Mika has a visceral reaction, alongside fear, yet doesn't speak up and warn Akane about Togane's interest in Aoi. And Togane smiles creepily in anticipation of how Akane will react. Saiga does what he can do: analyse the possible perpetrator, and potentially affect his Hue. Akane is the only one to differ slightly from how we've previously seen her. With the deaths of Funahara and Kagari she was able to somewhat push her emotions to the side and approach things in quite a logical manner, whereas she immediately flipped out (emotionally and physically) upon seeing the ear. But afterwards her silence and the way she sits is more reminiscent of her usual analytical self. The ponchos, especially them being that exact shade of green, really reminds me of the Survey Corps' capes too! The Titan they're after though is one called Sibyl 😂 I let out a hysterical giggle at you questioning about if the murder of Aoi doesn't affect Akane's crime coefficient, then what would; the reveal of her grandmother not only being alive (currently), but being in Togane's grasp definitely makes you worry so much more for both her grandmother, and Akane's Hue.


Loved the reaction & discussion! We are definitely building to the end of the season. The ‘extreme’ colours within the environments are an aesthetic I’m very partial to – think Mignon – so this is a visual treat for me, especially the sky this season. Loved your analysis of Saiga in this ep – I agree he really prioritises wanting to hear how someone thinks, over having a full conversation or needing to come to an agreement. Togane’s talk about being the Child of Sibyl is one of my favourite speeches of this season – mostly as it positions him in such an interesting way in my eyes: as both protector and product of Sibyl. He also elevates himself above not just Enforcers or Inspectors, but society – he individuates himself to such a massive degree, saying he is the physical representation of a concept (society’s/Sibyl’s will) and one that was created for this purpose, not just someone who became such a representation. I completely see the Kamui/Kuwashima ship, especially with the easy acceptance of Kamui as a collective. “Our precious friend” 🥰 – and that line alone goes such a long way to show how Kamui sees themselves. Division 1 looking after one another is so sweet! 🥰 This was at the centre of their interactions this ep (including Saiga and Shion) and I love seeing them supporting Akane (emotionally and professionally). Cannot wait for next week! 💙


Oh yeah, this is literally Mika’s own fault for being in this situation, but I would probably be scared so much to be in that position and yeah…I’m worried for where her character will go being as cowardly as she is! And yeah, Togane may be physically attractive but he’s too much of a red flag for me. Nope. Nope. Kamui cleans up too – why are these attractive people so creeeeeepy?! Ahhh, thank you for the VA information! OH, I am full on shipping Koichi and Kamui 100%! I can’t resist a good childhood friends ship! 😛And oooh yes, the reference back to ode to Joy, just this time it was just….darker. Ew. The Se7en references continue! I love Hinawakawa and Ginoza so being there for Akane! Yessss! And ugh…the ear coming back to this episode…I don’t know whether to laugh or cry EITHER. And Saiga watching over her, too! So interesting – although, it does make Saiga similar to Togane in a way where he wants to turn Akane black for his mother and Saiga wants to turn Koichi black for Akane…hm. The way you described how they all care for her is so great. I do love that we see her snap, but then reflect again – the way they show us how she’s at war with herself is really well done in this season but especially this episode. 🙂 After the titan called Sybil; isn’t THAT hilarious! The connection of Sybil being a collection of minds and Ymir with the “collection” of Edlians in the Paths? That’s quite a connection, eh? ;) And yes, why do these grandmothers gotta get brought into this!? **nervous sweats** Thank you for the comment and kind words! Just one week left of season 2!! 😀


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! 😀The build is real! And ooohhhh, the connection to Mignon – now, now you have me wishing we had some romance scenes like THAT in here…but alas. T-T What can we do? It’s so sad, because I doubt we’re getting that Koichi and Kamui ship; sad days! I love Saiga so much and how even as smart as he is, Akane and being around her makes him realize new things! I love that! Love Division 1’s protection towards Akane and each other! :3 It’s so sweet and yessss, that’s such a great point about Togane as the embodiment of society! Hm. I have just recorded episodes 10 and 11 *evil dark laugh* for next week, but I will have to touch on this for the movie the week after!! Thank you for the kind words and comment! SO EXCITED for next week (it’s a LONG video) and I’m sure the following week will be, too!