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It's the "Rule of 8" and we are getting INFORMATION, Y'ALL! Answers, more questions, mysteries, and I am MORE AFRAID for our crew than ever before! Mika...my girl....you dug too deep down the rabbit hole...how are you going to handle the truth or can you even handle it?!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/XcBzGFXEkPYUGt5wNphD9G?

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Romania Black - PSYCHO-PASS Season 2: Episode 8 Reaction! THE CONCEPTION OF SYBIL & AA!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/XcBzGFXEkPYUGt5wNphD9G? **EXPOSOTORY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** It's the "Rule of 8" and we are getting INFORMATION, Y'ALL! Answers, more questions, mysteries, and I am MORE AFRAID for our crew than ever before! Mika...my girl....you dug too deep down the rabbit hole...how are you going to handle the truth or can you even handle it?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the discussion and reaction! This was an intense episode (and discussion!) – I think they did well in dramatizing the amount of explaining we got, like a satisfying avalanche - I always need a tea break after watching this ep. + Another win for the Rule of Eight! The “get away from her!” was great 😂 - Togane is going around trying to honey-trap everyone. He has tried various ways of getting closer to Akane over the season (subtle and not at all) and in this ep we essentially see a seduction attempt with Saiga. The posing, the flattery, etc. I really enjoyed their interaction this episode. Love whenever we get 2 characters with such complicated points of view trying to suss each other out. Kagari 🥰 – I absolutely agree that Sibyl was afraid of someone like him, I think it did judge him "accurately", in Sibyl’s eyes he had to die. He would have been a danger, so he had to be isolated immediately, and then disposed of before… he could continue to be himself. My fury for Kagari continues to burn bright. I subsist on all sorts of Kagari The Revolutionary headcanons. 😂 Looking forward to next week! 💙


Thank you so much!! Yessss, this episode was crazy intense but it was a satisfying avalanche indeed - the rule of 8 did not disappoint! Togane is seriously in the “red flag” zone for REAL. And yes, him trying to seduce Saiga – look, Togane, I’m all for a Bisexual King, but leave folks alone!! Ahhh, I feel you! Kagari is missed and was done so dirty by Sybil; I can’t forgive the system for the crime of taking him from us so soon in the series! Thank you for the comment and kind words! I’m so excited for these last few episodes but I am terrified of what’s to come! We’ll seeeeeeee! *nervous sweats*

Anime Annie

Kamui being made up of body parts from the other victims of the crash basically made me think of him as Frankenstein's monster. If only we still had Makishima around to whip out Mary Shelley to trash it as being pedestrian for the Book Club 😆 But in all seriousness, yet again the show is intertwining realism with the fantastical with the surgery performed on Kamui. We're definitely not medically advanced enough to be able to do what the doctor did with Kamui, but his mental state after all that surgery is a real possible side effect of receiving organ donation. I love them putting Kamui in the interrogation room, as it really feels that (through a third party's words) Saiga is psycho-analysing Kamui, not just Masuzaki. I also loved the talk between Saiga and Togane. Saiga barely said anything and his body language mostly remained relaxed. But like Togane said at the end of their conversation, Saiga's a sharp one and was analysing Togane's character whilst Togane seemed to be trying to make Saiga react to his provocations. Honestly I cannot understand Mika's actions with that email. 1) Chief Kasei has not once taken her side over Akane's with all the previous instances she's made complaints about Akane. 2) She seems so blinkered on Akane not doing things by the book, and laying the blame at Akane's feet, but she doesn't own how *her* actions/inaction has caused some of the events that have happened. 3) She brings up the point about Togane having affected the crime coefficient of the previous Inspectors he worked alongside, and yet doesn't make any kind of recommendation that *he* be removed from duty. 4) If Chief Kasei did as Mika asked, then surely that puts Mika in the hot seat for being most at risk of having her crime coefficient go up thanks to being in closer proximity with Togane, and not having Akane as a buffer. It *is* a cool, yet terrifying, concept that the Sibyl System has set up those kinds of traps though in order to better understand and learn about certain members within society. I feel a little bad for Mika (she truly did have faith in the system), but not a whole lot. I feel like I can't be more sympathetic towards her in that moment because she has had her chances to learn from her own mistakes/hypocrisy, but she just doubled down even harder on her "I'm right, you're wrong" Miss Trunchbull mentality 😅 Togane talking to Kasei and being all about "Mother" definitely adds another level of creepiness to his character. The way he acts with her gives me Norman Bates (Psycho) kind of creepiness. I laughed at the Mika/Karen comparison 🤣 I don't know that I'll be able to watch her previous interactions with Akane and Kasei now without imagining her as a complete Karen. In this scenario would that make the Enforcers, i.e. Ginoza and Hinakawa as they're the main two that have been berated by her, the staff (or in Karen-speak "the help")? 🤭 Personally I think Makishima would be interested in seeing how far Kamui could go, and possibly intrigued by the surgery that was performed on him, but I definitely feel it'd be more like how his relationship with Senguuji (the guy who was more robot than human and liked to hunt people) than what Makishima's relationship was with Choe.


YES! Instantly thought of Frankenstein’s monster, too! And yes, like I said in the discussion, Makishima WOULD view Mary Shelley as too pedestrian for him! XD And it makes him a living embodiment of the Sybil System, which is….INTRIGUING with what they can do with that! I wish we could get more with Togane and Saiga – their dynamic was so intriguing as well and it made me want to see them analyze each other so much! Mika is fascinating because of HOW FLAWED she is! Yeah, Kasai has not taken her side, so her throwing Akane under the bus for potential insubordination – does she think Kasai is going to change her tune knowing this? She’s clearly cherry-picking what Akane has done vs. what she HASN’T done and choosing to ignore THAT information and choosing to not self-reflect. That IS a fair point of why she doesn’t bring Togane up…maybe because he’s already an enforcer, so he “technically” doesn’t have authority within the group, whereas Akane IS the main Inspector and should be in charge and she isn’t doing things how Mika wants? I think she’s so blindsided by her own desires to have Akane be “accountable” without realizing JUST how involved Akane is in all this…Mika’s character is SO frustrating, but I can’t help but want to examine her under a microscope more because of it. But yes, SO. FRUSTRATING. She is literally at the Olive Garden demanding her salad be tossed again properly and calling the manager. Hahaha! INSTANTLY thought of Norman Bates as well with Togane and his “mother” mentality. I am not sure if Makishima would find the surgery aspect of Kamui fascinating or view him as another Senguuji – I'll literally say that in a future discussion, hahaha!! So I’m glad you brought it up here! I agree, I don’t think he’d be pursuing a relationship with Kamui like Cho, though. 😛 Thank you for the comment and kind words!! RULE OF 8! It did not let us down!