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Kamui seems to have a LOT going on in his favor - from tech to his "assistant" - but Akane is NOT going down without a fight and girl is ready to go all in...or so she thinks! Meanwhile, headquarters are all working nonstop to aid Akane, even as Mika discovers some creepy things possibly afoot within the Division...  

...this series is giving us greatness while still keeping SO MUCH under wraps and we're only at the halfway point of the season! I can't wait to talk about this one with you all!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RTPQhQUfuZvpTvaH53ZM77?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Psycho-Pass Season 2: Episode 6 Reaction! THOSE WHO CAST STONES?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RTPQhQUfuZvpTvaH53ZM77? **THE EYES HAVE IT HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Kamui seems to have a LOT going on in his favor - from tech to his "assistant" - but Akane is NOT going down without a fight and girl is ready to go all in...or so she thinks! Meanwhile, headquarters are all working nonstop to aid Akane, even as Mika discovers some creepy things possibly afoot within the Division... ...this series is giving us greatness while still keeping SO MUCH under wraps and we're only at the halfway point of the season! I can't wait to talk about this one with you all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction and discussion! This was an amazing episode – so the doggos were appropriately hyped! 🥰 It’s criminal how we only had Kaede for barely a few episodes 😭 – gone way too soon. + We lost a bunch of new, interesting characters all at once. One of the things I really love in this ep, which is partly enhanced by having introduced the other divisions + shifting enforcers from D2 to D1, and is something you noted, as well: everyone who is in the Akane support group. The ones on site are trying to protect her, Akane wants to protect the enforcers and get them out of harm’s way, so that just reinforces what Gino/Sugo/Togane want to do. Then the ones back in the PSB are also trying to protect them all + are supporting Akane, and her approach to the situation, directly. Related to this, there is a really sweet little detail in the dub of this ep, in the scene in the PSB when they talk about helping Akane, Hinakawa goes: “I can help big sis.” 😍 - he really is a total sweetheart, love him. More character love: Sugo is a darling – really enjoyed your analysis of him these past few eps and seeing the way he is starting to integrate into D1. Shion and Saiga remain the best pair, especially with sassy!Saiga in tow. But we also get KuniKara in the same space! Of course, the little Kagari-asides are always noted and appreciated. 🥰 Looking forward to next week! 💙


I LOVED this episode but MAN was it brutal seeing Division 3 take the fall, especially Kaede who seemed like such a good bro! T_T Man down! This show is not afraid to give you a character to like and strip them away just like THAT! I love that we have the Akane support squad, though; I feel like our girl is gonna need them with her! And awwwww, Hinakawa saying “big sis” to Akane is the most precious thing and I’m 100% in support of him, now! Bless his bones; I want to keep him safe this season! We CANNOT have Kagari 2.0! And SUGO - he has had a ROUGH time this season, but I really like that he seems to be becoming one with Division 1 and hopefully he’ll be safe the rest of the season? Maybe? Possibly? The fact that Ginoza is not seeming to hold a grudge is hopefully a good sign! And seeing Shion and Kunizuka acting together? We love to see our ladies working it! Thank you for the kind words and comment! I can’t wait for next week!

Anime Annie

I agree with you that I love about how video games are treated within the universe of Psycho-Pass. It definitely feels like overt commentary on those that blame violent behaviour on specific video games. Psycho-Pass however shows that everyday people can play said games with no intent to kill and so their hue remains unaffected. I did feel for you with how much you appreciated Kaede in the previous episode. It's also interesting how this happens because he acts alone, and that he was able to act alone because the MWPSB were running low on Inspectors to corral the Enforcers properly. Hinakawa is entirely too precious 🥺 I love how much he's come out of his shell from Episode 1, whilst still being a shy boy. Also in Japanese he didn't call her Akane but rather called her "onee-chan", i.e. Big Sister 🥰 Such a term denotes that Hinakawa is younger than Akane, but also that he could consider her to be a close friend. I just adore them implementing the fact Sugou used to work on the drones as the basis for making a proper plan. It's also smart in that it makes that fact have more relevance than just making Sugou's day all that worse/giving us a character who has a connection with these side characters that were just introduced and killed in the previous episode. That line of Togane's "I want to colour her black" really made me think of The Rolling Stones' Paint It Black 🤣 Perhaps that will be the next AMV I do: Togane and Akane/Paint It Black 😆 It definitely feels a bit like comeuppance that the one pulling Mika for being against their plan is Saiga. Especially considering she ran away from being around him back when Akane visited him at the facility. Togane just had to remind Akane of Kougami in that moment. I feel like if she hadn't thought of Kougami having acted in pretty much the same way against Makishima, Akane would have let Togane make the shot. This moment though is one bit I have a problem with. It made sense Akane not being able to shoot either Makishima in Season 1 or Kamui in this scene. But I don't understand why she couldn't have just shot up the boat and tried to disable it in some way. If she'd done that then what would Kamui and Shisui have done? Your comment about Kamui not being able to operate on himself did make me think about several reports I've read of doctors performing surgery on themselves, such as Leonid Rogozov who performed an appendectomy on himself whilst part of an expedition in Antarctica. It's incredibly difficult, but I wouldn't call it implausible if Kamui did it himself. Romania: Only evil people wear solid white shoes Me: *gasps in Xie Lian* 🤣 From my perspective for artworks evoking emotions that can affect your Hue, whereas video games don't, I feel like in the world of Psycho-Pass video games are accepted as a virtual/fictional world that has no repercussions within reality. But art is a physical object that they can touch and feel as well as see; it may be harder to create that same separation between the two and that's why it can evoke a much more emotional reaction that will affect your Hue. It also could be a sly commentary on the idea that when playing video games your brain turns off and doesn't need to fully function, whereas looking or creating art does require more brain power. Huckleberry was not having it for you analysing this episode in peace 😂 How dare his human toy-thrower not do the job he's kindly provided you with! Tara was not having me listen to your discussion in peace either. She wanted constant petting...and then started snoring on me 🤣 As a fellow dog owner, you never have to apologise for Huckleberry and Ruby 🥺 I was waiting for you seeing the boat's name 🤣 Kamui using a boat called What Colour? really is so cheesy, also adds a little more to his creep/unhinged vibe.


Yeah, the video game angle is definitely an interesting commentary to bring up! I feel Makishima would scoff at the notion of it, though, since he’s above such silly “vices.” ;) KAEDE…ugh, right when I was getting to enjoy his bro-ness! At least Sugo is okay, but he really went through it this episode! I’m glad he’s made it through and was able to help out. Also, I am seriously on alert for Hinakawa! I want his preciousness saved!! And “big sister” – that is too cute! I love their friendship – the protect squad signal needs to go out for Hinakawa! If I had the time, I would so do a “Paint it Black” AMV with Togane, so you have permission to follow through; the song fits TOO PERFECTLY, doesn’t it?! I do agree the “boat situation” is a little plot contrivance – the “What Color” boat title just is SO cheesy…but it’s also hilarious so I’ll let that slide. Maybe she wanted to save Shisui and was afraid shooting up the boat might blow it up and hurt her? That’s my main justification in the situation. I think if Kamui had been alone, she would have shot the boat, but Shisui is a convenient “innocent” in all that. That is good to know about the appendectomy and the surgery that Kamui could have done on himself, though — *shudders* – it’s just…ew. Saiga almost seems to delight in making Mika squirm and putting her in his place. He definitely has some Enforcer-coded tendencies in that regard, which is interesting! Okay, with the white shoes, I consider Xie Lian and Lan Wangji to be wearing the white “moon boots” like in The Untamed, not white shoes, hahaha!! I think of characters that have black suits and solid white shoes – now THAT… that is evil! XD That’s a great point about the tangible state of artwork impacting vs. a video game! And hahaha, Huckleberry is just expecting me to work as a cog in his own sybil system of toy-throwing. I’m glad you all tolerate their ridiculousness! If you ever see me bouncing up in my seat during a reaction, it’s because one of them is laying at my feet, demanding me to rub its belly. XD That’s so cute about Tara snoring, though! Thank you for the comment and kind words! You’re almost caught up and I’m almost caught up with your comments! HUZZAH!! 😀