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Well, it's here...the final countdown, the final RECAP, REVIEW & RIP! I'm sorry it's so long. This was a labor of many hours, days, and summing up my thoughts...at least until May 2024 when the Artbook and "bonus chapter" arrives!!  THANK YOU for all the support up until now!


Opening 00:00
I. Introduction 00:47
II. Manga vs. Anime 13:54
III. Expectations & Surprises 01:06:39
IV. The Timeline Summarized 01:23:46
V. Themes, Symbolism, & Favorites 01:30:47
VI. The Squad: Final Thoughts 02:30:13
VII. Nitpicks & Naysayings 03:43:43 (forgot to label)
VIII. Episode Rankings 04:13:27
IX. THE SHIPS 04:44:21 (accidentally labeled Part XI.)
X. Character Tier 05:06:10
XI. AOT Requiem Reaction and Discussion 06:13:31
XII. OP & ED's Reaction and Discussion 07:36:52

I hope this helps you through the holidays, while you travel, or put together your holiday gifts, etc. ^^

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan: The FINAL Recap, Review, & RIP!

**PERHAPS A HEADPHONE WARNING OR TWO** Well, it's here...the final countdown, the final RECAP, REVIEW & RIP! I'm sorry it's so long. This was a labor of many hours, days, and summing up my thoughts...at least until May 2024 when the Artbook and "bonus chapter" arrives!! TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Introduction 00:47 II. Manga vs. Anime 13:54 III. Expectations & Surprises 01:06:39 IV. The Timeline Summarized 01:23:46 V. Themes, Symbolism, & Favorites 01:30:47 VI. The Squad: Final Thoughts 02:30:13 VII. Nitpicks & Naysayings 03:43:43 (forgot to label) VIII. Episode Rankings 04:13:27 IX. THE SHIPS 04:44:21 (accidentally labeled Part XI.) X. Character Tier 05:06:10 XI. AOT Requiem Reaction and Discussion 06:13:31 XII. OP & ED's Reaction and Discussion 07:36:52 XIII. CONCLUSION AND WHAT'S NEXT 08:05:16 Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Christopher Pettersson

8+ hours? i'm not even going to say anything about it... but which i guess i've now already have. Just finished part 5 at the 2 1/2h mark, as good place as any to make camp. 😂 Yeah, all discussions probably work better if you keep it in the back of your mind that you might be the one who is wrong, otherwise you just get two monologues instead of one dialog. An author might have intentions, made clear or not, but if everyone interprets it different what does that matter? Sure their are some things that can be objectively wrong like if i say the Colossal titan is 100m tall (well, as objective as anything can be in a fictional work, because when compared to other things he/they do seem to change in size quite a bit). What is it they say? as soon as an artist puts a piece of work out into the world it is no longer theirs. The interview with Isayama about trying not making your intent clear enough is interesting and i like it, but at the same time i'm a bit wary about artists changing their work from critique and/or popular opinion. But here when he only made his intent more clear, he thinks it's better, i think it's better and the original work is still there to compare and contrast with i'm all for it. It's a win win for everybody. Of course you might not want things to be spelled out (both as an author and as a reader/viewer) and instead something more open for interpretation, maybe the author have a clear answer but wants it somewhat abscured or they made it so that they themself doesn't really know the "truth" because things can certainly be overexplained. At the very least i sympathize with Isayama about not feeling like getting your intent across as after these rambling paragraphs i'm not sure they say what i want them to say. 😜 Well, i would say Floch killed Hange, as if he had it her instead of the fuel tank the outcome would have been essentially the same. I'm so glad that hillbilly Eren explained the timeline to me, it's all so clear now. We've talked about this before but yeah, sometimes people seem to confuse "main character/protagonist" with "always in the right/good" doesn't quite work for AoT... in my opinion. 😉 Smarter than 90% of species? that still leaves hundred of thousands if not millions of species smarter than humans, sure, maybe Douglas Adams had it right and dolphins has us beat but that is only like 40-50 species, still feels like you are selling us short here. 😜


Yeah, it’s ridiculously long…I have nothing else to say to that! Yes, that’s “death of the author,” as you describe it and I talked about! 🙂 Yes, I think that in Isayama’s case, he didn’t necessarily change, but “clarify,” which I appreciate! I do feel for Isayama, too, for having to spell things out, ahhaha!! Oohh, that’s interesting about the concept of Floch killing Hange…how dare he!? Hillbilly Eren explaining the timeline helps, right? I didn’t feel ridiculous at ALL being a bro for that moment. I test my sophomore English class every year with the question “what is a protagonist and antagonist” and honestly, you would be surprised how many say “The good guy and bad guy” vs. “the main character and opposing force.” Hahaha, I can’t wait to see what you think about the rest of it, when you get to it! 😀

Christopher Pettersson

Who doesn't like Pieck? Seems to have a good head on her shoulders and she always brings her A-game. Of all our main characters she seems to be the most well adjusted, so sure, for drama's sake perhaps not the most interesting. But if i had to be friends with any of these people in real life? she would probably be the best choice. Hmmm, Reiner only seems like the bottom in that drawing if you imagine it as him laying down. If you instead imagine it as him jumping of a spring board, dive bombing onto a bed and into the flesh pile that is all of his lovers, it paints quite a different picture. I've said it before but it never felt like Annie was gone, either with Reiner and Bertholdt talking about her or through flashbacks, she always felt present. Historia feels much more absent in the last parts of the story, but perhaps mostly because she doesn't really gets to come back like Annie does. Levi is a bit to OP for my taste but he's still such a great character that i'll overlook it, you should be glad i haven't been following the Jujutsu Kaisen reactions because i would have been such a downer for everybody that likes it, for me all of season 2 has been nothing but OP-bullshittery (that's a word, right?). I also agree and would also have liked to know more about the Ackermanns, and that Mikasa had gotten a few more moments of consequence like Levi. I'm so glad she got to kill Eren, if anyone else... had stolen that head throphy from her i would have been angry. Armin doesn't strike me as a believer so promising to see Eren in hell might not have been that big a commitment, perhaps Armin's poetic way of saying "you really screwed up bro, but i still love you". And yes, the Eren/Armin ship makes more sense than the Eren/Mikasa one after all that. But for me the "romance/love" ending mostly worked even if (or perhaps because of) the Eren/Mikasa ship is the last one i would have wanted to come to real fruition. Mikasa was perhaps mostly trauma bonded to Eren, it was not a good fit and it needed to be... severed. Now of course AoT "suffers" from the thing all fiction does when it comes to romance, we all want to pair up the characters we know and love so it all becomes a bit "incestious". If Jean just ended up with some woman (or man) he met one night out at the pub and Mikasa with some farmhand-kun 2.0 we would feel a bit cheated even if it would be more realistic. So i'm fine with Mikasa and Jean ending up together, and Mikasa would need to get past the Eren thing no matter whom she ended up with. Now, i have no idea what it's like in a relationship where one person has lost a former partner in a traumatic way but i guess there can be some hurdles to clear to make it healthy for all involved... all that said, yeah Pieck and Jean would perhaps have been a better fit. 😉 We can all dream of some profound ending stunning us into a week long daze of existential dread, questioning life, death, life and things never before imagined by feeble human minds. But in the end we are just mammals, living on a thin biofilm coveringa a small rock hurtling through cold dead space, chasing our base desires of food, sex, belonging or whatever else we might be slaves too... Ok maybe i like Zeke more than you because i'm more like him than i want to admit. 😜 What i was trying to say was that i'm fine with a "simple" ending as one persons "profound" might be anothers "hoity-toity self indulgent philosophical wankery". Something deeper would have been nice but i'm just glad i got something that (mostly) worked to end this saga. But yeah, maybe a bit to much shonen/third act superhero movie where it all just devolves into "epic" battles... so perhaps i did want some more philosophical wankery after all. Happy New Year! May your 2024 be filled with BL ships and whatever else you might wish for.


Btw the final op and ed that you listened to both have animated visuals that go with them for the episodic versions of the final chapter movies. Not sure if you've seen them but the ED in particular is animated absolutely beautifully!


YES! They're soooo good! For some reason the subtitles were wonky on them the day I recorded the recap reactions, but I did go back and watch the episodic animation and it was really cool! Thank you for the recommendation and comment! :D


I would definitely pick Pieck for the friend circle as she seems the less…damaged or traumatized of the group! And poor Reiner…getting bullied by Isayama to the very end! I do agree that Historia feels VERY absent in the last part of the story, that’s a great point! OH! I don’t know about “OP bullshittery” with JJK - I don’t get that impression, but I’m also not a “power scale” junkie, either. I’m more into JJK for the thematic and character work that’s really well done - the Shonen “stuff” I could probably care less about, haha! But yeah, more on the Ackerman’s would have been nice, but I’m glad Mikasa got the…agency? To do the “deed” in the end! And that’s a fair assumption that Armin was just making Eren feel better in the end before he died. Shipping and romance is such a weird thing in the AOT world, that’s for sure. Not you, giving me Farmhand-kun’s cousin getting with Mikasa theories! Hahaha! But that’s a really good point! I’m “fine” with Mikasa and Jean, but like you said, only if she was able to get “past” Eren and treat Jean like a proper partner and not a replacement. Which we know she wouldn’t mean to, but you know what I mean! I need the fan fiction, dang it! Sadly, the fandom seems very against Jean x Mikasa, because there’s hardly any out there. But yeah, I’m still rooting for Pieck and Jean, too. Man, Jean is spoiled for choice by the end of this series! You’re more like Zeke! Eek! Kidding, but I get what you mean. And yes, overall, I was happy with the ending despite all the potential gripes, too! :) Happy New Year, indeed! And hahahaa, I hope it’s filled with BL ships! You all know I’ll be saturating myself now with AOT fan art and fan fiction now that the flood gates are open until we get that Artbook and “Volume 35” in May/June! 😀 Thank you for the kind words and comments as always!