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Ooohhhh, this episode...quite frankly, Huuuurrrrtttttt. Rin and his crew are definitely the "Top 3" for a reason but aside from needing a thorough dose of therapy, they also are snatching up the unexpected from our group...leaving the formerly "most dangerous" player of Building 5 and "most potential" in the Loser's Gate to try and figure out their next move...  

...I am shaken, y'all!   

LINK TO REACTION:https://streamable.com/2tekyb

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Romania Black - BLUE LOCK: Episode 13 Reaction! TOP 3?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/2tekyb **HAREM ON HIATUS HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Ooohhhh, this episode...quite frankly, Huuuurrrrtttttt. Rin and his crew are definitely the "Top 3" for a reason but aside from needing a thorough dose of therapy, they also are snatching up the unexpected from our group...leaving the formerly "most dangerous" player of Building 5 and "most potential" in the Loser's Gate to try and figure out their next move... ...I am shaken, y'all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Love the sleeves under the jersey look. The zodiac segment was fun and yess looking forward to the zodiac compatibility talk next week! The daiya ad was really creative. More Treekawa is always welcomed. Small correction, Hinata is #10, not #11 which belongs to Tsukishima. Like ep 12, ep 13 is one of my favorite episodes of s1, so this comment is going to naturally also be really long. When season 1 was airing, there was a week break between cours. So we had to wait two weeks between eps 12 and 13, so my anticipation was through the roof. I enjoyed your Isagi, Nagi, and Rin comparisons. Rin takes soccer extremely seriously and is bored and wants to get the game quickly over with. Nagi just started to like soccer and is curious about learning more. Then we have our protagonist Isagi who’s driven and passionate about soccer in a healthier way and finds soccer fun. When Rin scored a goal from the kickoff (it was a smaller field but still impressive) and scored from the corner kick, it reminded me of Midorima’s ability to shoot the ball from basically anywhere on the court. Also, the way Rin curves the ball’s trajectory (even in his warmup in ep 11) reminds me of the way Midorima meticulously arcs his shots to go perfectly in the hoop’s net. I find skills that require a lot of accuracy and precision really cool. And they both have green hair and prominent lower eyelashes! I kinda expected Rin to be more calm and pristine based on his appearance and his mysterious introduction in ep 11 and 12, so it was a shock to see how much emotion Rin ties to soccer. When I watched Daiya, Kuramochi reminded me a bit of Tokimitsu solely because of their quickness and the dark green color of Mochi’s hair and Toki’s aura. Toki is like the Hulk except instead of bulking up when getting angry, he becomes a juggernaut when he’s too anxious. We thought Isagi was pessimistic and needed more confidence, but Tokimitsu’s on an entirely different level. Toki terrifies and concerns me the most. I called Aryu a combination of Illumi and Hisoka from HxH. He’s got Illumi’s long black hair and Hisoka’s flamboyance. He’s so entertaining to watch. Btw I’ve been loving your nickname of Jujubee for Aryu. Your reaction to Aryu saying “Be my stagehand, Bachira” in the discussion lol. The top 3 are like the theater club or drama club of Blue Lock. Similar to how Crunchyroll translated Barou’s catchphrase (“hetakuso” or “talentless piece of shit”) very inconsistently in ep 3, in this ep Rin said “nurui” (or “lukewarm” or "tepid") about 6 times, but CR translated it to “half-baked,” “not good enough,” etc. I much prefer the accurate translation “lukewarm,” so it’s unfortunate. “Lukewarm” as an insult is just really funny and cheesy to me. I thought it was interesting that you compared Rin and Barou in the discussion. I think they’re both extremely egoistic, and they look down on others and have an insult catchphrase. (Meanwhile, Aryu calls himself and others “glam” for his catchphrase, lol what a contrast. Like you said, I appreciate that Aryu is willing to give compliments to others. I can imagine Aryu asking the Magic Mirror who’s the *glammest* of them all lol.) I had the opposite preference as you concerning Rin and Barou after I watched ep 13 for the first time. I personally wasn’t really bothered by Rin’s attitude, while I found Barou (as well as Raichi and the Wanima twins) to be more rude or violent. I appreciate that Rin uses the words "to me" when he says "Friend or foe, you're all lukewarm NPCs to me." and "To me, soccer is a fight to the death." Rather than imposing these as objective facts, he says that these views are personal to himself. When Isagi is sitting on the ground and starts to fall into despair in the middle of the episode, I love that Nagi (maybe unintentionally) breaks him out of that funk and starts talking about how soccer is interesting and says, “I can see things this way thanks to you. I promise I’ll make it more interesting next.” I interpreted this as Nagi wanting to return the favor for Isagi making things interesting in the Team V vs Z match. I also love how optimistic and reassuring Bachira and Nagi are. I agree with you that Nagi is surprisingly a fairly polite guy. I didn’t expect him to get along with Isagi and Bachira so quickly. He’s just really chill. I thought this trio was wholesome, and I was a little sad to see it be so short-lived. I felt the same with the end of ep 11 where I was really loving how Team Z was coming together as a team. You had the foresight of the Second Selection splitting the teams up, while I was not thinking about the Second Selection at all and was watching in blissful ignorance haha. We’ve talked about the Reonagi-Kuroken comparison, and I also want to compare Nagisagi and Kenhina: Nagi becoming interested in soccer after playing against Isagi and his team reminded me of how Kenma became excited to play volleyball against Hinata. Reonagi and Kuroken are absolutely my fav ships for their characters, but I do also enjoy shipping Nagisagi and Kenhina both romantically or platonically. It’s neat how my opinions on these BLLK ships match my opinions on what I consider their HQ counterparts. I totally get that you see them as platonic bros. (Splitting my comment into 2 parts)


(Part 2 of my comment) Some nuance that got lost in Crunchyroll’s translation this episode. The subtitles made it seem that Isagi and Rin are talking about the same meaning for “life.” But Isagi actually used the Japanese word for “career” or “livelihood,” which is different from the “life and death” that Rin goes on to talk about. So, Isagi’s talking about how they’re all risking their careers or livelihoods and putting their dreams at stake, then Rin says he’s risking his life and reason to exist. This really intrigued me. I loved the part when Isagi read and blocked Rin’s shot, which caused Rin’s eyes to widen, which is the first time we've seen him look surprised. Then, Isagi doesn’t say something like "I'm not lukewarm. You're the one who’s lukewarm,” but instead, he says, "You're lukewarm, too." I love this. I personally interpreted this as Isagi kinda saying, “You’re not as perfect as you think or say you are. Get off your high horse. You’re just like us.” Right after Rin says, “To me, soccer is a fight to the death.” Toki, Bachira, Aryu, Nagi react outloud and are confused or say he’s weird or a bother. In contrast, Isagi thinks to himself, "Interesting. Let's fight to the death, then." There’s our Aries always up for the challenge 👏 They immediately dismiss Rin as weird, except for Isagi who takes Rin seriously and accepts the challenge of a deathmatch. I love it. I saw a Twitter post with an ep 13 screenshot of Rin saying “I’m staking my life on every moment here” with the caption of “Tsukishima would hate him.” LOL. It’s just funny how they have the same VA, but their introductions are totally opposite, with Tsukki’s “It’s just a club” attitude, but they do both have the “I don’t care” attitude. It was fun hearing your theories about Rin and Sae. When I first watched ep 13, I jokingly wondered, “Does Rin watch the History Channel on TV? Is that the reason why he talks about soldiers and the battlefield?” That was the only theory I came up with when I watched this ep lol. I love the metaphor and imagery of the battlefield. My favorite scene of the ep was when Rin shoots the winning goal and Isagi has this inner monologue: “Even though we were on the brink of losing, my eyes and my heart were completely enthralled by the beautiful arc Rin’s shot drew in the air…. Honestly, my brain hadn’t even caught up at this point. I hadn’t realized the meaning of what we could lose.” It’s so poetic, especially with the voice acting and the piano music in the background. It felt like time slowed down, which is a contrast to the fast-paced brutal game. All the overwhelming despair Isagi was feeling vanished and turned into fascination while Isagi was watching his own demise happen. Rin’s shot was just THAT beautiful. This captivation even lingered for some time after the goal was scored, and it wasn’t until Bachira was chosen that Isagi woke up from that trance and returned to the harsh reality. I especially loved this wording, “my eyes and my heart.” Not only did Isagi’s eyes logically perceive and appreciate the beauty of the technical skills of that shot, but it touched his heart, too. The Japanese word for “heart” Isagi used here was not “shinzou” (which refers to the physical organ), but rather, Isagi used “kokoro” which refers to the metaphorical heart (mind/emotions/spirits). In my comment for the last episode, I talked about how I started really shipping Rin and Isagi at the end of ep 12. Well, the “enthralled” scene made my Rinsagi heart explode, and ep 13 solidified them as an OTP for me, behind Bachisagi and Reonagi. I also really connected to this scene when I first watched it because I was just staring in awe like Isagi. I was completely speechless and wasn’t even upset that we lost. Your reaction to Aryu and Tokimitsu choosing Bachira was so relatable. I too thought that Nagi or Isagi would be chosen if they lost, but it made so much sense why Bachira was chosen. Your comparisons of Bachisagi’s and Reonagi’s relationships were great. I like the parallel between Nagi’s “I’ll wait for you on the other side, Reo” and Bachira’s “I won’t wait for you, Isagi. If you want me, come and get me.” OMG. It’s giving “Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes” energy. I loved how poetic Isagi’s thoughts were about losing something important to him and having to chase it to get it back.


Ahh, thank you so much! I appreciate it! And yes, all the zodiac fun as well! Treekawa loves to be a diva and make an appearance, although, ack – thank you for that note about Sawamura and the #10 vs. 11! Ohhh noooo two WEEKS to wait for EP 13?! That’s insane! Ooh, Rin being compared to Midorima works really well, especially because Midorima is very “no nonsense” about basketball too like Rin is with soccer. That makes a lot of sense! And green hair and eyelashes – ooooh. Nice observation! Kuramochi’s ability may be tied to Aoshi’s, but they’re personalities are SO different. Kuramochi would never be as insecure or as anxious as him. I do agree that Toki’s attitude is most concerning to me of the three because it’s so unstable. Ooh, the comparison of Hisoka and Illumi to Aryu is spot on, too, from what I remember of HxH – what a theater kid! Trukk went on a tangent about the “lukewarm” translation, too, and that’s sad to see because it’s such a very…specific insult! It’s interesting him and Barou have an insult catchphrase! I think for me, at least Barou is…genuine in him being a jerk? Rin is clearly hiding some insecurity or projecting something - or at least that is what it feels like - and I can predict we’re going to see that Rin might be acting as “true to himself” as he will later in the series, whereas Barou is pretty much the ass he is now (which is ironic with his catchphrase towards OTHERS). But who knows what we’ll learn! That is a good point about him saying, “to me.” And about the interpretation of “life” there. Nagi being reassuring and a supportive presence is a great surprise, too! Ooohhh, and that tie of NagiSagi to KenHina is fun – I definitely ship KenHina platonically but that is a lot of fun! 🙂The only thing is Nagi - to our knowledge - isn’t a sugar daddy for Isagi….yet. ;) That is such a great moment for Isagi to point out to Rin that he’s not perfect! 🙂And of course, Isagi takes Rin seriously, but then…he’s taking Blue Lock with 100% seriousness, too, our Aries up for a challenge! And HA!! Oh, realizing they have the same VA, yes, Tsukishima would loathe Rin, more than likely! That’s hilarious! I do like that Isagi was enthralled by Rin’s shot – the despair just didn’t kick in until his Harem President was taken away. I honestly don’t really like the RinIsagi ship at all, but that’s cool that you do, though! Huzzah ships! And yessss, Bachira went full Moriarty with that last moment, leaving him with Watson–I mean, Nagi! Does that make Reo Irene Adler? 😛 Thank you for the kind words and comment!