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Welp. We have made it to the final episode of the 90's anime....and....I can honestly say I did NOT see a lot of that coming. At ALL.   

I'm BEYOND thankful that I still have the manga to look forward to, but next week? We're going to do a reaction to the English Dub Outtakes next week, because...because Romania needs a moment to gather herself after this finale!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/xgF1tN6wZzGhuRgrVFUVG8?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BERSERK: Episode 25 Reaction! TIME OF ETERNITY?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/xgF1tN6wZzGhuRgrVFUVG8? **TRIGGER & HEADPHONE WARNING FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT** Welp. We have made it to the final episode of the 90's anime....and....I can honestly say I did NOT see a lot of that coming. At ALL. I'm BEYOND thankful that I still have the manga to look forward to, but next week? We're going to do a reaction to the English Dub Outtakes next week, because...because Romania needs a moment to gather herself after this finale! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I just wanted to pop in to say that Corkus missed a trick, I would have still fucked the monster woman after she transformed (consensually of course), teach her the meaning of love and elope together, anyway Merry Christmas


In the early 2000s when the Dark Horse volumes started coming out, I planned to watch the anime and then go on to the manga. I enjoyed the anime well-enough overall and then this ep happened and I thought: Oh, it’s just yet another one of these. I dropped it. Especially in the media landscape of that time (so this isn’t just about Berserk) – finding works which didn’t try to have their cake and eat it was next to impossible. I mean the works which are touted, and want to be perceived as, complex representations of trauma but at the same time take every opportunity to fetishise and titillate. And then believe having the former should absolve them of criticism regarding the latter. I have felt no desire to go back to it until it appeared on a poll here. Even though there has been a real resurgence of Berserk related content the past few years, even a bunch of creators I enjoy for other media (non-anime) doing Berserk-reactions, for example. Knowing the way you approach complex and flawed works like this, with frank and fair analysis – was the main motivation to give it a try again. I think, for better or worse, it is indisputable that Berserk is a monumental work. Rewatching it now after so many years, specifically with the help of these in-depth discussions, has made me appreciate the anime in a new way - but I don’t think the passage of time has fixed the ick-factor for me. I am looking forward to following the manga reactions and seeing where that goes, but I will be there specifically for your analysis of the work, and not the Berserk manga itself. Thank you for your candour. Yours is the only channel I feel that I can safely watch literally any of the content. Best wishes for the holidays!💙


"Consensually of course" - how kind! Haha, thank you for the comment and Merry Christmas to you too! :D


I am glad you are reading and watching along with me! I don’t think I would be able to have encountered this content until NOW. No way, at least to give it the treatment I think it deserves. I really thank you for the kind words and trusting me along the journey with it – I am sure there are going to be parts that I am going to be frustrated, concerned, and saddened by…but we can cross that bridge together, right? Best wishes to you for the holidays as well! <3


Hey, Romania I want to say I'm sorry about your horrible experience. And I completely agree with your thought on handling of SA in this episode. It was bad and does show disregard to the issue. Not to mention completely obvious double standard at play. Being familiar with the fandom myself I just want to say I hope mods can provide additional help with censoring misogynistic fans of the series that would claim their understanding is better and go on tirades. These types have tendency to stick around. I hope you feel better as I'm sending this. You analysis is very insightful and thought-provoking as ever. Take care.


Thank you very much for the kind words and sharing your support - I have seen in some fandoms some misogyny or people who have not had that same experience try to “explain” or justify the reasoning…you do what you have to do with it, but I definitely feel encouraged to talk about it with you all because silence is not good. But thank you for the kindness and comment! That is really appreciated!