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At the halfway point of the season and we're fully into the "second selection" and things are certainly NOT going the way I expected, but in the BEST WAY!  

Isagi and his harem club president Bachira team up with an unlikely ally and things take an intriguing turn as we move into the second half of the season! As Ru Paul would say, "I can't wait to see how this turns out!"   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/6r4hee

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Romania Black - BLUE LOCK: Episode 12 Reaction! THE SECOND SELECTION!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/6r4hee **THREE ON THREE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** At the halfway point of the season and we're fully into the "second selection" and things are certainly NOT going the way I expected, but in the BEST WAY! Isagi and his harem club president Bachira team up with an unlikely ally and things take an intriguing turn as we move into the second half of the season! As Ru Paul would say, "I can't wait to see how this turns out!" Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



In regards to the aura, originally everyone’s is blue then when they get their own ego it becomes a different colour


If I remember right, Nagi is 6'3" so he's a tall boy definitely. The only one that would be taller than him is Aryu (glam boy) at 6'5"!


Awww Treekawa!! This was a super cute Daiya ad. The art in the artbook looks great! What a start to the 2nd Selection, a great episode and I really loved your reaction and discussion! Your analysis of Isagi’s character and development and Ego’s ideology is so good! I like your comparison of Isagi with Hinata and Sawamura with them being optimistic sports MCs. An MC I like to compare Isagi with is Deku. They’re sweet, very considerate of others, and overthink sometimes. Also, Isagi figuring out that he should use 70% of his kicking power in the 1st stage kinda reminded me of how Deku learned to control his power by using a smaller percentage. I’m glad you liked the first stage of the 2nd Selection. Some reactors I watched, who probably watched Blue Lock for the hype and soccer action, get annoyed when characters are (inner) monologuing, but I personally love listening to Isagi’s thought process and Ego’s speeches. I’ve been enjoying how you relate Blue Lock to your coaching experience and also drag race. Near the beginning of your Blue Lock reactions, because of you comparing it to BLLK, I actually started watching RuPaul’s Drag Race for the first time. I love it, it’s SO fun. I can totally see the similarities. The way the teams change from the 1st selection to the 2nd selection and within the Rivalry Battle as well. It’s an individual competition where you have to make yourself stand out, but you also have to work well with others. It’s funny how Blue Lock got me into death games and RuPaul’s Drag Race of all things 🤣 I also got more into soccer IRL and watched season 1 of Ao Ashi, definitely one of the sports anime I’m rooting for in the next sports poll! I think it’d be fun to see you compare these two 2 soccer anime, but I’d get it you would prefer to take a break from soccer lol. I appreciate that Ego made the 1st stage’s facility “create situations based on each player’s individual qualities” as Anri explained. Isagi’s 1st stage seems specifically designed to test his weapon, his direct shot. We also see shots of Kunigami and Chigiri each facing bulky, Blue Lock Man-sized defenders in their 1st stage instead of the flat, linearly moving defenders that Isagi faced, which is a neat detail. Rather than Ego gearing this program to creating one specific type of striker, it’s like Ego is pushing the players to become the best versions of themselves and improve on their strengths rather than trying to change them fundamentally or punishing them based on their weaknesses. I love how Ego calls them “diamonds in the rough.” Ego’s methods can be questionable at times, but I think he was very fair in how he designed the 1st stage. You immediately wanting Isagi to team up with Nagi and Reo LOL. Didn’t even give a second thought to consider Bachira or anyone else 🤣 Hmm I wonder what would've happened if Bachira finished the 1st stage a little later. Would Isagi team up with Reo and Nagi or wait for Bachira and the others? Isagi finished the 1st stage with a lot of confidence and eagerness to try new things. Anyways, I love how Bachira automatically assumed that he and Isagi would team up and was already thinking about the 3rd person. And Isagi didn’t mind. Bachira just sped up the process. They really are on the same wavelength.. unlike a certain other pair *cough* Reonagi. I absolutely loved your reaction and analysis of the Reonagi “breakup.” Before I watched this ep for the first time, I wanted Reo and Nagi to stay together forever, so I was initially very resistant to and salty about the Isagi-Nagi-Bachira team that was created this ep. It’s wild how you theorized a few eps ago about how Isagi and Nagi would work well as a team, and here we are! I haven’t read the timeskip part of Haikyuu manga, but I know things about it, including about how the players from the different high school teams mix and match in these new teams in the timeskip. Luckily for us in BLLK, we get the chance to see our dream team ups so soon in the series haha. I also remember seeing in the Daiya channel you guys talking about your dream batteries. I never would’ve expected an opponent or rival kind of character in Nagi to suddenly become our protag’s teammate, it’s very exciting. Nagi told Reo, “You taught me soccer. You and I will become the best in the world. That is certain.” I love how blunt and honest Nagi is. Using the words “will become” and “certain” shows how much faith and confidence Nagi has in the both of them achieving that goal. When Nagi said, “But we did lose. We weren't the strongest,” it reminded me of Gojo going from saying “We’re the strongest” together with Geto to “I’m the strongest” in the present 😭 It’s a completely different context and everything, but. Them having white hair, being OP, and going through a breakup. (And Gojo and Nagi being my 2nd fav characters for their series) Also, this episode was released on December 24, which is the same day that the JJK0 movie released in Japan which revealed the Satosugu KFC breakup 😭 Anyway, I love that Nagi didn’t put blame on himself or Reo for their loss, Nagi used “we,” and is working actively to respond to that loss. He’s not taking that loss lightly. My heart melted when Nagi said “I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss him.” Awwww! Like you said, it gives me hope. Nagi’s been away from Reo for like 1 minute, and Nagi already misses him 🥺 I wish Reo could’ve heard Nagi say this, and I wish Nagi talked with Reo about his idea of wanting Isagi on their team before confronting Isagi about it. A lot of different things could’ve happened to prevent any miscommunication. I also thought it was interesting how during their breakup, Reo looked like he was about to say something but then he stopped and gritted his teeth and said “Are you serious? Do what you want.” Yeah, I don’t think there was anything at that moment Reo could’ve said to change Nagi’s mind. And Reo knows that Nagi’s his own person and doesn’t want to control him. That’s how I saw it. When this episode aired, I was analyzing the Reonagi scene with a magnifying glass, or microscope even 😭 (Gonna split my comment into 2 parts)


(Part 2 of my comment) Yeah, I felt the same way about Bachira when I watched this episode. Bachira’s so chill and supportive of Isagi, I also thought he probably wouldn’t mind whatever happens. I remember when I first watched ep 1, I thought Bachira was going to be a super chaotic and unpredictable character since the first thing we saw of him was him kicking Connie in the face and later that ep try to kick Kira's face lol. But he’s so easygoing, cheerful, and sweet along with being unhinged, I love how his character gradually subverted my impression/expectation of him. At this point in my first watch through of the series, I think he was my first or second fav BLLK character, and I’m glad that you’re enjoying him! I’ve been meaning to mention this, but when I first watched Blue Lock, around ep 7, I made comparisons to Free!—the bright colors, fun characters and interactions, shipping, drama, OST, and fast pacing. When I first watched this episode, I was so in love with and attached to Bachisagi and Reonagi that when Isagi and Nagi fistbumped in that tunnel, I was like, “This is just a professional, totally platonic, workplace relationship happening between Isagi and Nagi.” I was used to sports anime fistbumps being very shippable moments (ahem Kuroko), so I was in DENIAL lmao. Bachira and you (and probably most people) were way more chill about the inclusion of Nagi into this team haha. I actually wrote a short fluffy Reonagi fanfic (my first ever completed fic) between when ep 12 and ep 13 aired. Ep 12 was just that powerful. Yep you’re right, this series has been very fond of the number 5 lol. 5 buildings, 5 teams in each building, 5 stages in the 2nd selection, pass the second selection by forming a team of 5 members. I believe the mangaka is partial to this number because a soccer ball is made up of white hexagons and black pentagons which have 5 sides. The Blue Lock logo also includes a pentagon haha. When I first watched this and when Chigiri said, “Kunigami, I have a proposal,” I immediately thought, “A marriage proposal?!?” And I was right! They both thought of the same proposal to team up together! I like to say that they both proposed to each other at the same time. How poetic. It’s funny how this ties into their first additional time together (where they exchanged food) in which their dialogue and gestures were a cultural reference to how people in Japan confess their love or propose. If Reonagi got divorced in this episode, Kunigiri just got engaged haha Here’s the most random fun fact ever: Rin is drawn with 5 eyelashes and Sae with 6 eyelashes. Siblings in anime tend to naturally look very similar, but I love how distinguishable Rin and Sae’s designs are, their hair colors and hairstyles are very contrasting. It reminds me of the differing designs of Free’s Ikuya and Natsuya, which I’ll talk more about in a sec because.. It’s time to talk about the VAs of the TOP 3! Mr. BL RANK 1, Itoshi Rin! I know you know his VA already, but I want to talk a bit about it anyway, especially since Uchiyama Kouki is in my top 5 fav JP VAs! Uchiyama’s played so many great roles, and I’ll just focus on a few. Rin has the same VA as Tsukishima (HQ) and Ikuya (Free!), which is so fitting since they’re both the younger brothers of Akiteru (HQ) and Natsuya (Free!). ALSO, Akiteru is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai who has the same VA as Sae. Blue Lock getting Tsukki’s VA and Akiteru’s VA for Rin and Sae, respectively, how perfect is that! I was so amazed when I found this out on Twitter when I first watched this episode. Also, Ikuya looks SO similar to Rin—they both share a similar hairstyle and hair color. In ep 2 when Sae first appeared, you said, “Is that Rin?” (you referring to his hairstyle appearing similar to Rin Matsuoka) and we were freaking out a little in the discord in spoiler boxes because it was funny that you said that, since Sae actually has a brother named Rin lol. #2 Aryu Jyubei is voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi - Tengen Uzui (Demon Slayer). OMG this casting. Tengen says “flamboyant” or “flashy,” and Aryu says “glam.” It’s perfect ✨ #3 Tokimitsu Aoshi is voiced by Shinnosuke Tachibana - Yaku (HQ). Another HQ VA! Seeing your reaction to and impressions on these 3 new characters was so fun! You saying that Rin is the “emo version of Rin from Free!” lol, I love it. I love that we get confirmation that Rin and Sae are brothers and learn more about Rin. “You’re nothing but stepping stones to me. You and this Blue Lock…. Crushing Itoshi Sae is everything to me in soccer.” That line about stepping stones gave me chills. He’s so cool. We’ve seen Isagi and the rest of Team Z be so desperate about winning and surviving in Blue Lock, and then the #1 ranked guy basically says that he doesn’t even see these players as rivals, despite Blue Lock being all about everyone being each other’s rivals or stealing rivals in this Rivalry Battle. I think it’s neat that we immediately get Rin’s motivation about using BLLK to get on the national team to surpass Sae. I thought he was going to continue to be completely mysterious for longer, but this makes him more intriguing. And I love me some sibling dynamics. I like that Isagi apologizes to Nagi and Bachira before challenging Rin’s team. Isagi’s an egoist, he’s gonna follow his ego and do what he wants, but he’s very polite about it and apologizes lol. And then Bachira and Nagi say they wanted to do that too, so it all works out. They’re so in sync. While Rin is accepting Isagi’s challenge indifferently, Isagi thinks, “I wanna fight him! More importantly… I want this guy!” Isagi’s got his priorities straight 👏 I love the determination in Isagi’s eyes. When I first watched this ep, I realized that in the ep 8 Reo flashback, Reo thought the same thing when he first met Nagi, and it was the exact wording too. “Koitsu ga hoshi” which means “I want this guy.” The parallel!! I was fangirling so hard, and I started really shipping Rinsagi. I even sketched a Rin fanart between the airings of ep 12 and ep 13. My shipper heart was feasting this episode. Right before I continued my Daiya watch with ep 3, I saw a glimpse of an image of Furuya in the discord, and his design, specifically his hair, reminded me of Itoshi Rin. I love Rin, so I had a feeling I’d really like Furuya too just based on his design, and.. Furuya became my favorite Daiya character! I’ve got a type haha


Ahh, thank you! Treekawa is my bestie and yeah, what a way to start the second half of the season! Oohhh, that comparison to Deku from MHA with the percentages is PERFECT! And EGO. Dear god, that man! Hahaha! I LOVE Drag Race and it’s been the one show I can watch outside the shows I do for this channel and they all apply in many ways to anime, but seriously – Blue Lock and Drag Race are like a match made in heaven, against all odds! And yes, if I had the time, I wanted to try and watch Ao Ashi next to Blue Lock, but maybe it’ll win a future poll! :) The comparison would be interesting, but like you said, I do enjoy not doing the same sport back-to-back! That is an interesting detail at how the Blue Lock Goalies were DIFFERENT for each person. Hm. That’s a great assessment of him, too! Ego wants the best, but he’s not about to punish them THAT severely…he’ll let them do that themselves. ;) I was honestly not sure who would show up and if Isagi joined with Nagi and Reo, he wouldn’t have to choose between the others, haha! But yes, Bachira is just fulfilling his Harem Club president role! I feel like it’s early Christmas because I get to see Isagi and Nagi working together! And Yes, giving me major timeskip Haikyuu vibes – if you haven’t read that part of the manga it’s probably my FAVORITE in the series for that reason, so I highly recommend it! I LOVE that Nagi is telling Reo, “we have to separate to get stronger,” and ugh, it’s so amazing! The Development! The connection to JJK 0, though, is INSANE! Wow! And yessss, Nagi saying he misses Reo – it’s keeping my ship SAILING! Thank goodness! I wish that Reo could have heard him TOO! I want Reo to be able to know how Nagi misses him already…*wistful sigh* I just love them so I will maintain hope for them!


YES, I really expected Bachira to be more…annoying? But he really hasn’t been! He’s been so easygoing, cheerful, supportive, but DRIVEN and I love that about him! As to the relation to Free! This really is a more…BRUTAL version of it? Hahaha, it’s similar in so many ways, but also SO different, and that’s neat! HAHAHA – Oh, to ME, Isagi and Nagi are those bros that are totally platonic and already have significant others! 😀I’m not 100% sold on the Chigiri and Kunigami ship – I feel it’s been more forced onto me from the fandom than my own perspective at this point, but I’m not against it. That is interesting with Sae vs. Rin and the eyelashes – OF COURSE he has 5, pfft! Also, the comparison to Ikuya and Natsuya is ON POINT. Both of them have the same eye color, similar to Sae and Rin. AND THE VA BEING BROTHERS IN HAIKYUU NO WAY! Oh my God! WOW, I love that! This show playing to the similarities with Haikyuu and Free!? LOVE IT. Oohhh, Jujubee having the same VA as Tengen is amazing and perfect - GLAM for sure! Aoshi’s VA being Yaku’s VA is sooo interesting, since their characters seem SO different! Rin is DEFINITELY mysterious and intriguing; I can say that! Isagi as the “polite egoist” is so intriguing compared to Nagi’s “curious egoist,” Bachira’s “chill egoist,” and Rin’s “cold egoist” to me. Bless him. Gonna be honest, though, I don’t see the Isagi and Rin ship romantically at *all* but that’s just me. That’s so cool about your fangirling! Furuya and Rin definitely have a similar “aura” on first glance, but they could not be more different – or at least with what I know about Rin right now. But I’m SUPER excited to know more about him! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment!