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I was NOT READY for the twists, the character pop-ups, and the GORE of this episode! JJK is NOT messing around and Sukuna is BACK BABY!  

RIP to SO many characters this episode, as the death count starts rising as high as the fingers of Sukuna Yuuji has ingested...and we're JUST getting started, I feel! *sweats*   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/5YuHrnevXy4euaC8pr6pEx?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Episode 15 Reaction! FLUCTUATIONS, PART 2?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/5YuHrnevXy4euaC8pr6pEx? **BLOODY INSANE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I was NOT READY for the twists, the character pop-ups, and the GORE of this episode! JJK is NOT messing around and Sukuna is BACK BABY! RIP to SO many characters this episode, as the death count starts rising as high as the fingers of Sukuna Yuuji has ingested...and we're JUST getting started, I feel! *sweats* Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Tim Kane

Hi Romania! Around 36:10 you make reference to a Jackson Pollock like painting framed behind Jogo. You may be interested to know it’s an actual mural framed in Shibuya station called the “Myth of Tomorrow” by Taro Okamoto To quote the artist website “ This mural features an image of the tragic moment in which an atomic bomb explodes. However, it is not simply a picture of the victims. The powerful message contained in this work by Taro Okamoto is that human beings are capable of proudly overcoming even the cruelest of tragedies and giving birth to ‘a myth of tomorrow’.” I thought it was an inspired choice given Jogo’s philosophy that the curses are the new humanity

Anime Annie

Once again late to watching this. Absolutely love the Dagon cosplay; perfect for winter! 😂 Also a perfect episode for this cosplay, both for Dagon's death and so as the blanket can provide some comfort with how brutal some moments were this episode. I think the tentacles look great. When you first said about cosplaying as Dagon my first thought with the tentacles was a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End where Will asks about Davy Turner being all tentacle-y and uses his hand on his chin to get his point across 🤣 Honestly your way was *much* better! Boo on the spoiler-front. But yeah Floor and BeHappy, hats off to them for their Moderator work! Any time I see comments complaining about the animation quality I would like to direct them to several shoujo or josei anime that I adored the manga but we the animation was not of the same calibre. I kinda do want to stereotype and say it's the people who *only* consume action shounen that are being the loudest voices in that regard, and that they should feel very fortunate for all the high quality shows they get, Jujutsu Kaisen included. Pretty sure someone will have confirmed for you by now but yes Fushiguro's voice actor is Uchida Yuuma; i.e. voice actor for Banana Fish's Ash, Daiya's Okumura; Given's Uenoyama; and SasaMiya's Hanzawa! You saying Nanami is the guy that is at the family reunion who gets a plate of food and leaves made me think of He Xuan 🤣 I can definitely see the two of them in the corner eating whilst familial chaos is errupting around them, but meh it's not their family so not their problem! Toji's on a whole other level. The others were getting bloodied from trying to fight Dagon in their Domain. Toji? He's trying out as the next Moses and parting the sea with Playful Cloud (which is a three section staff so again some similarities to Moses and his staff)... I'm with you in that I don't think Nanami and Maki are dead. It could be just wishful thinking/hoping, but somehow they'll both pull through, right? Naobito I personally wouldn't be too bothered about if Jogo had managed to kill him. This episode really doesn't let you have a breather does it? Gotta say that I love the advert break is right after Jogo basically gets Sukuna's breakfast all ready and calls for him to wake up in order to eat up 😆 And then when we return it's to a green exit arrow, as if teasing us with the way we can get off this crazy ride. They really got the terror right for Sukuna's slow approach towards Jogo, Nanako and Mimiko. First time watching it I had to remind myself to breathe 😆 Also love that Sukuna tears off a perfectly good gakuran when he's about to go toe-to-toe with Fushiguro. But when he's in a bloody and hole-ridden mess of a blazer, likely wet too, he just gives it a little brush off. I loved seeing that moment of Geto with his girls, though it was so bittersweet. It really highlights the difference in how Geto and Gojo "raised their kids" after their break-up (taken out of context that could sound so strange 🤣). Geto raised his girls with love and a caring environment for the three of them. Gojo raised Fushiguro to push himself to keep getting stronger and to strive to become better than Gojo. So with the way Nanako's death was shown I at first thought that maybe there wasn't something off about her death. Re-watching now I've realised, Sukuna did the same move on her as he did the Special Grade that was in the Detention Centre; which was also our first glimpse of Sukuna's Domain. Only in Nanako's case he didn't even have to call on his Domain to deal with her. I do feel for the twins so much. They just wanted to try and save their father 🥺 I felt very conflicted in this episode. On one hand we have Sukuna being so blasé about taking lives, on the other we have Suwabe's sultry voice...🥰 When I learned what Grandma's trick with her technique that she'd been counting on (as a way to protect her and her grandson) it did make me want to shake her and ask her "Don't you research the people you want to use this way?!" Like they had a piece of his body or something that the grandson swallowed, surely there was information in that that could have told her this mothereffer will negate the safety net built into her technique. I can't hide NSFW comments like I can on Discord so I'll put my little comment regarding Sukuna and the, uh, consumption of fingers in there just to be safe 😅😇 I was honestly shocked by Toji's brutality, but re-watching with your reaction my brain decided to go "Toji just wanted some ceviche or sushi 🤷‍♀" Romania: ...but then Suwabe's voice lifted into the air, and it was like a Bat Signal, and he was like: "I hear Suwabe, let's go!" Guess I'm Jogo then 🤣 Love the Tian Guan Ci Fu comparison. Now I'm gonna imagine Sukuna and Fushiguro as being like those fanarts of Hua Cheng looking absolutely feral to everyone else, and then with Xie Lian he's just this sweet little flower that wouldn't hurt a fly. For the bit with Jogo saying Sukuna can't heal someone from Mahito's technique, that is just the supposition the curses have made because back in Season 1 he didn't enter into a pact with Itadori in order to save Junpei. They don't know about the whole conversation Itadori had with Sukuna regarding a pact after Itadori 'died' (when Sukuna pulled out his heart). And Itadori is also no longer aware of the contents of that conversation because he couldn't remember the details when Gojo asked him about it. We don't know if that pact made him unable to make another pact to heal Junpei; if there is the possibility that Sukuna can't heal transfigured humans; or if he just decided in that moment to be a d*ck to Itadori.


I LOVE this comment and picture/info! Thank you for this! I'll have to note this and talk about it in the intro of the next episode! Thank you! :)


You’re not too late at all! I usually just try to read the comments before the next Thursday’s episode! 🙂Thank you for the kindness about the cosplay! It wasn’t too hard and DEFINITELY cozy because it was cold out! I’m also very grateful for the mods! 🙂 I agree, though, the quality of this season - to me - has been amazing so far! And yesss, I always forget Uchida’s name, but I love his voice acting! You know? He Xuan would probably be friends with Nanami, oddly enough! TOJI IS INSANE. Just..THE FUDGE, right? I am crossing my fingers SO HARD that Maki and Nanami are okay, because if THAT moment from Jogo is what kills them? I will be so sad! But yeah, this episode is INTENSE! Sukuna is also TERRIFYING. And someone else noted with the fact that he’s still got that blazer on…it’s only because Megumi isn’t there to show his abs off to! 😛 And yes, how Getou and Gojo did parenting; it’s so sad and heartbreaking to see that little moment, especially before the girls’ deaths. And OOF, the fact that it ties into that domain usage…that’s so sad. 🙁 Sukuna is so scary but then you have Suwabe’s voice being so sensual – CONFLICT. If only Sukuna could be to Megumi like Hua Cheng is to Xie Lian, but I sadly think that will NOT be the case…@_@ Toji just overriding grandma's technique is so on brand for his character at this point, isn’t it? Yes, let’s just tell ourselves he was craving sushi, that’s all. He was hangry. Of course. 😛 Oohhhhh, I forgot that about the secret pact! I was being Yuuji in this moment; interesting! I’ll have to talk about that in the next discussion. Honestly, at this point, I would NOT put it past Sukuna to be a dick to Yuuji involving Junpei, though. Thank you for the kind words and comment!