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This episode may be a set up for next week, but there's a LOT happening and a lot of WTF moments: Yuuji and Megumi strategizing with bunnies? WTF. Ino with various beast summons? WTF. Curse Users who wear and eat the flesh of others and potentially become them? WHAT. THE. FUDGE.  

 I ended up with more questions than answers this week, but I have faith Gege is going to give me an answer soon enough!   

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/sMvrkLuZBeMT4WtdV1CtRB?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Episode 11 Reaction! SEANCE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/sMvrkLuZBeMT4WtdV1CtRB? **FAVABEAN-AVOIDING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This episode may be a set up for next week, but there's a LOT happening and a lot of WTF moments: Yuuji and Megumi strategizing with bunnies? WTF. Ino with various beast summons? WTF. Curse Users who wear and eat the flesh of others and potentially become them? WHAT. THE. FUDGE. I ended up with more questions than answers this week, but I have faith Gege is going to give me an answer soon enough! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I think Kamiya is the coat-rack dude, and that's why they didn't fuss much over him getting caught during the infiltration. I giggled at learning Brain-kun gets called Melonpan in Japan. That's dark humour right there for the shape that type of bread is 😂 Loving country boy Itadori! 😆 The red scarf for his red part of his uniform is fantastic! And that wig looks great. Glad it's comfy, usually the short ones aren't the most comfortable because of trying to put all your hair under it. I did question about the term "egg of Columbus" too. Apparently it's a phrase used to say an idea/discovery seems simple or easy after the fact. Basically that in the case of the Veil most jujutsu sorcerers would follow the basics of barriers and the fundamentals are that the people who set the barrier are typically inside it to be protected from outsiders trying to break into the barrier. But if they're not within the boundary of the Veil it increases their risk of being found (but as a result makes the Veil stronger). Jujutsu sorcerers would likely keep focus on trying to break the Veil by force, rather than consider the potentially simpler idea of the creators being outside and somewhat nearby. They made it so comedic of Itadori defeating the little curses but those are all transformed humans. And although Itadori dropped a fair number of floors, he still had to go down the rest and potentially battle the transformed humans inside the tower before meeting up with Fushiguro outside 🥺💔 I agree with you that the guy fighting Itadori and Fushiguro after seeing that scene of him carving up the faces I'm questioning if that's his real face. Feel like it's the way the eyes are set in his face, but it could just be the lighting in this episode as it felt a little off at times for me. Though with his hair and clothes he reminds me of Netero from HunterXHunter when he met Gon and Killua for the first time during the flight between the exams in the Hunter Exam/First Arc. Re-watching that yakiniku scene with your reaction did not help with me craving yakiniku 🤣 Though as much as I love Nanami he can keep his drink to himself. I'm not 100% sure, as my knowledge is just from reading some manhwa, but makgeolli is a milky-coloured Korean alcoholic drink made from rice wine, and is a low proof alcohol. They really dropped the bomb with "Granny's" technique and threw us way back into a flashback to help us not miss Gojo just yet 🤣 But that whole scene of creepy serial killer curse user was kinda giving me body horror vibes on par with Mo Xiang Tong Xiu; no thank you. But it does pose an interesting thing in that not all those who see curses and can use curse energy use it for good, nor are they all inherently good people. Being shown both "Granny" and "potential-Buffalo Bill dude" being so brutal and seeming to enjoy such work, similar to Toji, does make you a teensy bit happy at them feeling such terror over this itty bitty kid. My brain went "ooh" over Ino's abilities and delved into the mythological side of the names of the beasts that Akutami used. They're all based on ancient Chinese mythical creatures. Kaichi (the horned one) is a symbol of justice and law that was shaped like either an ox or a goat in stories. Reiki is a spirit turtle/tortoise considered to be an omen of good luck. And Ryuu (the one we don't get to see because "Grandson Hannibal" [if the other guy is Buffalo Bill then potentially eating a part of a person with a séance then he can be Hannibal Lector, right? 🤣] stopped Ino before he could use that ability) is the word used to describe Chinese dragons. I won't say what they're linked with just in case it's a spoiler for later on. Also we talked about the red flags last episode for Ino, but I didn't think we'd get his blood spilled out like that just yet. Romania: If you don't get beat by the gay, you get beat by the abs. I reckon that could be a good tagline to describe Jujutsu Kaisen to newbies 🤣 My mind went even further into the gutter with you saying "Sukuna just wants to visit Megumi's zoo" in a really bad bestiality way. I really wish my brain wouldn't drop so deep into the gutter at times like these 😅 I do love what Jujutsu Kaisen does with our main trio, but especially Fushiguro and Itadori. Like you said, in other battle shounen the main male characters are almost pitted against one another and firmly just seen as rivals. It takes a lot for them to willingly work with each other. But in Jujutsu Kaisen they give us a healthy rivalry and friendship. They work well together (even though their timing isn't quite in sync yet at certain times), filling the spots the other isn't quite as good at. In Season 1 that was running for Kugisaki when they were trying to outrun Eso, so Itadori piggy-backed her whilst she provided defence if necessary. And now in this moment we have Itadori being "clear and decisive", whilst Fushiguro uses more evasive manoeuvres to get their opponent to drop his guard and get him where they want him.


why'd they have to get Toji's body, from what we know, besides Gojo and Sukuna, the strongest character? that's so unfair xD it will be interesting to see if Yuji and Megumi will have to fight him next and I'm nervous because of it. That aside, Gojo changing the balance of the world when he was born lol, that's so on brand with him, excited for next week, can't wait ^^


I am looking forward to the explanation but it's so unsettling seeing him! :( And yes, I'm nervous for Megumi to see him but who knows how that will go -- and "so on brand with him" hahahahaha!! Right?! Gojo, what a troll! Thank you for the comment!


I got really lucky with this wig because I thought the same would happen; I think the fringe on the front part helps it not feel so uncomfortable - and them not being worried about Kamiya is low-key funny; they didn’t have much faith in him from the start! Ahhh, that makes sense about the “Egg of Columbus” point! Our “country boy” Yuuji! It IS the darkest humor that we see him kill these curses so cutely, but yeah, they’re humans, sooooo…. I definitely feel that the Silence of the Lambs man is wearing a fake skin on his face, which is the MOST CREEPY. Him and the Granny are SUPER scary because of how far they’re willing to go with their businesses. I’m not sure I would like Makgeolli based on that description, but I’d be down for drinking and yakiniku with Nanami ANY DAY. And here we have gege just pushing the fan service/gay yearning agenda more in JJK – I’m sorry, but your reaction to the “Megumi Zoo” thing is exactly what I was thinking as I said it…we can all wade in the gutter together. *sigh* Ahhh, thank you for the information with the animals and mythology so far! I seriously didn’t think Ino would get THAT beat at this point, but they leave it so mysterious with him and Catfish Hannibal (his new name) that I’m curious and nervous! But yes, the dynamic of the trio is so well done in this series! Especially in this episode with Megumi and Yuuji working off one another! I’m nervous and excited for this week’s episode! Thank you for the kind words and comment!