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So....this episode was....INTERESTING! I knew a little bit about it before going into this reaction, and while that did influence how I approached it...I honestly...have a lot of thoughts about this episode, with few being..."good."  

There are parts I liked but overall, it was a mixed bag of confusion, befuddlement, and bewilderment at what I was watching -- so let's rant about it! Join me as I try to understand how Bram really did regenerate those "boots with the fur..." among other things!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/fdv7ry

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Bungo Stray Dogs Season 5: Episode 11 Reaction! TWILIGHT GOODBYE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/fdv7ry **BEFUDDLED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** So....this episode was....INTERESTING! I knew a little bit about it before going into this reaction, and while that did influence how I approached it...I honestly...have a lot of thoughts about this episode, with few being..."good." There are parts I liked but overall, it was a mixed bag of confusion, befuddlement, and bewilderment at what I was watching -- so let's rant about it! Join me as I try to understand how Bram really did regenerate those "boots with the fur..." among other things! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



i dont think they are done with bungo stray dogs, i think (im not sure if this is true) i heard the stuido said that there will be more of the anime and manga. in the mean time there are more content they get to animate, the light novels, bsd WAN! etc.


Great reaction and discussion! And oohh BOY, did this episode have more plot holes than Swiss cheese XD To be honest, when I first saw Fyodor getting stabbed, I thought it was bc Fukuchi ordered the vampires something in advance, like to eliminate Fyodor in the event he got out of jail without his permission. But. Well. The show made Dazai omniscient again XD One of the things few things I outright dislike about this show is how they use intelligence as to explain knowledge that characters have no way of knowing, no matter how smart they are. There are some thing you simply can't deduce!!! Thats totally just seeing the future, not being smart and predicting what your opponent does XD The whole Fyodor sequence had me screaming "BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE???" for the whole scene. 1. Why did Chuuya pretend to kill Dazai??? What did that get them? 2. WHY DIDN'T CHUUYA JUST KILL FYODOR THE SECOND HE MET HIM IF HE WAS NEVER VAMPIRE TO BEGIN WITH??? 3. WHY DID DAZAI TRY TO KILL CHUUYA IF HE KNEW THAT HE WASN'T VAMPIRE FROM THE BEGINNING???!!!! hhbfrjednbhrj AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT WAS THE POINT??? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE WHOLE PRISON SUBPLOT IF THATS THE RESOLUTION???? AHND YEAH, WHY DID DAZAI JUST LEFT SIGMA BEHIND???? HE HAD THE TIME TO BRAG BUT NOT THE TIME TO HELP SOMEONE HE "SUPPOSEDLY" CARED ABOUT SURVIVING???!!! NCKND AAAAAA And if its the end of Fyodor's I am gonna be so disappointed but also it will be so bitterly funny bc FYODOR DID NOTHING AT ALL THIS WHOLE SERIES EXCEPT LOOKING MYSTERIOUS AND GETTING HIS ASS THROWN IN JAIL XDDD I could give the rest of the episode the pass with the bullshit bc it wasn't that bad, but this scene had no logic in it and ACTIVELY took away from so many past events and actions of characters. It really was the worst. Well, at least we got our old man yaoi!! Fukuzawa's VA gave his all to show his grief and that voice acting near the end was siply godly!! I loved it so much, it really took my breath away! Simply, an amazing performance! Poor Fukuzawa, I felt so bad for him in this episode... I still can't take my emotional support old man suffering... He was so sad... Also, I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I PREDICTED FUKUCHI DOING WHAT HE DID XDDD He pulled a Lelouch!! HE REALLY DID IT!! And its so funny that Fukuchi got a message from himself from the future and really said, FUCK IT WE BALL, and didn't look back once XDD Also. Love Fukuchi saying that Fyodor's couldn't intervene from the the prison XDD Did we just forgot about the subplot of Fyodor's supposedly killing those two dudes who were delivering the One Order on the plane???? ISN'T THAT SOMETHING FUKUCHI KNEW ABOUT??? And this episode has one moral: everyone in bsd is resistant to deadly wounds. Everyone is immortal XD Look: Fukuchi - slashed in the throat, chest, throat again, stabbed through the heart. End result, if we are meant to believe the last images: still alive XD Also look: Fukuzawa: stabbed in hand, arm, chest (very close to the heart). Status: just fine! AND THAT ENDING SCENE!!! RIDICULOUSNESS REACHED IMPLODING LEVELS OF STUPID. WHAT IS UP WITH THOSE CLOTHES. WHAT IS UP WITH FUKUCHI STILL NOT BEING DEAD. WHAT IS UP WITH THIS 2 HOURS TIME SKIP TO THE DESTROYED FUTURE???? WHAT IS UP WITH IT ALLLLLLL!!!!!!! Ehm. Sorry about that XDD As you can see, I also have been suffering from sanity slippage from this episode XD


This rant is hilarious (majorly agree with everything)—i was going to comment on my own, but I don’t think I could top this!


“More plot holes than swiss cheese” - LOVE THAT! Ahhh, the idea of Fyodor being stabbed as a contingency by Fukuchi WOULD make sense! I agree; I like that Dazai’s smart on his own but it’s not an ABILITY – in that moment, I was like, “Did the show forget what Dazai’s ability ACTUALLY is?” Having caught up with the manga (which will be out Sunday), I can maybe see the “fake Chuuya” situation being canon, but I’m hoping that Asagiri does more with it to explain it better than the anime did! Surely that’ll be the case…right? But agreed on ALL accounts with that! God, if Fyodor just ups and dies and we only learn of his power later from Sigma…I’ll take it, but what a way to go, right?! I guess that WOULD subvert some expectations with his character! I think Asagiri has more planned, though. I just can’t see him going down that easily. Sigma being left behind is the most tragically hilarious thing about this episode, in all honesty. Clearly, he wasn’t good at Salsa and Dazai said, “Nevermind!” 😛 *sing* The woooooorrrrst! OLD. MAN. YAOI. I’m mad we didn’t get Mori interrupting, dammit. I guess if we take into consideration those last 30 seconds, maybe he WILL show up in Season 6! ;) I think my big issue with Fukuchi is that him “pulling a Lelouch” is so…predictable? I didn’t really want to theorize that route because it seemed too obvious and “easy.” I was putting Asagiri up to doing something smarter with him, but we haven’t finished his character in the manga, so we’ll see! The thing that got me with the last scene wasn’t that Fukuchi wasn’t dead, but mainly that Akutagawa was: 1. No longer a vampire and 2. In medieval armor. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGE?! Hahahahaha I can’t wait to see how this gets explained. *sips tea* Thank you for the comment and kind words! All of our sanity slipped with this episode! XD


Ahh, I wish I'd found your channel when S5 of Bungo was still airing. If there's a S6, I'll certainly be tuning in for your reactions! I haven't watched the entirety of your 1+ hour video yet (I'll be back for the rest later), but I wanted to say something about your "Anime Only" discussion. I've been wondering if this episode is actually AO, or if the anime team was animating the author's vision (which he would release in the manga later). It isn't unheard of for anime production teams to receive advance copies of unreleased manga chapters (or, when the chapters haven't been finished yet, written drafts). As I haven't read the manga, I have no way of knowing, but that's what I thought when I first watched this episode. It seemed unlikely (to me) that the Bungo anime would get an AO "ending" if the series would be continuing later. I know it's happened in the past with other animes, but I think story deviation would have happened much, much sooner if that was happening here. Anyways, I'm glad you aren't giving up on Bungo Stray Dogs!


Oh, thank you for the kind words and comment! :D I definitely am hoping there is a season 6!! I am not ready for BSD to end! I'm not sure what is manga and what's anime only, but we shall see, won't we? I definitely am not giving up on BSD, that's for sure! Thanks for the support! :D :D