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MXTX continues to completely blow me away with surprises this set of chapters! Just when I least expect it -- THERE is our TRASH KING and now, his entourage has grown and Xuan Ji is back!?  

This set of chapters was pure insanity in the BEST way and it was filled with all the surprises and laughs I needed; I cannot WAIT to talk about it with you all!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Reaction & Review - PART 53 - Chapters 167-169!

**CHAOTIC GHOST KINGLY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** MXTX continues to completely blow me away with surprises this set of chapters! Just when I least expect it -- THERE is our TRASH KING and now, his entourage has grown and Xuan Ji is back!? This set of chapters was pure insanity in the BEST way and it was filled with all the surprises and laughs I needed; I cannot WAIT to talk about it with you all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Quan Yizhen really is this adorable puppy full of sunshine, and poor Yin Yu can only think of the negatives his actions and words have wrought on Quan Yizhen. I definitely feel like Quan Yizhen fits into the himbo category (mainly because he reminds me of one of my favourite himbo characters Bokuto from Haikyuu!! 😅). I relate to Xie Lian so much on the not paying attention to the actual words. There have been a few times watching anime when I've had to go back and rewatch a scene because the seiyuu's voice was just so distracting. Main culprits are Suwabe Junichi, Tsuda Kenjiro, and Inoue Kazuhiko 🤣 I like how adamant Hua Cheng is about having Xie Lian not focus on a single possibility. It's really not how our scrap-collecting god tends to work during investigations. Normally he doesn't make snap judgements until he has enough information to make a good analysis. Because of the emotional connection he feels he might have to all this, he's instead come up with a theory and is shaping the evidence they have/are finding to fit his theory. I love the contrast of Xie Lian's massive amounts of respect for Jun Wu, yet Hua Cheng is holding a grudge over Jun Wu having punished Xie Lian the way he did in the past. I think their views on Jun Wu will always be in conflict. Xie Lian being able to drop all barriers he puts up against others and letting Hua Cheng see and know of the fear he holds for Bai Wuxiang, it just floods my heart with warmth. And I think Hua Cheng's immediate response helps for why Xie Lian is able to be wholly himself. At the time of the fall of Xian Le, Mu Qing and Feng Xin were his subordinates so he had to keep the mantle of unshaken leader when even around them. But around Hua Cheng he can remove all those shackles hiding away his true emotions 🥰🥺 The Beetlejuice reference 🤣 Everybody and anybody are turning up at Mount Tonglu. You do forget that way back when Xuan Ji was introduced she was linked with the Green Ghost Qi Rong; having made the forest of hanging bodies on his behalf, and Pei Xiu theorised that it was Qi Rong's influence that helped Xuan Ji rise to the level of Savage. In regards to her appearance, potentially she can fix her legs but I feel like she did it to herself to gain pity from Pei Ming, and so she may want to keep them that way to have such a physical reminder of what Pei Ming did to her. Guzi calls Xuan Ji "jiejie" as in big/older sister. Same pronunciation as the jie in "shijie". Qi Rong's aesthetics for sitting in the middle of rooms and having people/ghosts/statues seemingly prostrating themselves before him leave a lot to be desired. As do his delusions of grandeur. Guzi's growing! 🥺 Before I don't think he'd have had the courage to call Qi Rong out on eating 'bad things' again, or tell him off for it, nevermind wheedling information out of Qi Rong for Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. I do like Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, through Xuan Ji, highlighting the idea that not all women want to be mothers or are maternal. I agree with you that there is quite the bit of pressure on women (especially once you get to a certain age) on when you plan to start a family. I used to want kids, but now I'm currently good just playing auntie; and in the future if my partner has a kid/kids from another relationship then that's fine. The "Huang" from Yushi Huang's name means bamboo grove. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian using Pei Ming as bait to lead Xuan Ji on a wild goose chase...might teach him to be a bit more circumspect on who he has relations with. But the way they manage to do it with the butterfly is so good and clever! Hua Cheng and Xie Lian really out here basically writing a porno from a mundane conversation about cooking 🤣 Qi Rong being the bestie you want for relationship advice...but that's the *only* time I'd want this Trash King around me. And as much as some things he's teaching Guzi are concerning, Qi Rong does seem to be slowly growing into the role of a father. Even if he is a tsundere about it and continues to crow that Guzi's just portable food. Guzi makes me love him more and more, especially with how innocently encouraging he is of his "Dad" 🥺 And potentially it's this unconditional love that is slowly changing the way Qi Rong is with Guzi. Aaaand then we get the, uh, *passwords* Qi Rong chose for unlocking the ghost fires and making them burn. This Trash King...he does make you like him a little bit against your will. Yin Yu, the quiet MVP for the farmers, saving them from Hua Cheng's wrath should they attempt to use that incantation to unlock the ghost fires. Also it's kinda sweet of Hua Cheng to put Guzi to sleep before they beat up his "Dad" 😅 When you told us how much you read for this chapter set and I looked back through to find fanart for you, I immediately knew you'd love this set but also hate the cliffhanger ending! 🤣 We got breadcrumbs that could lead us to answers. And the only slight question that gets added is the mystery regarding who made it so Xie Lian could understand the Wuyong cries from the corpse-eating rats. Romania: Pei Ming'll be like "What did I do to deserve this?" Me: Weeeeell 🤣 For Xuan Ji it's his manwh*ring ways to blame, as well as the way he ended their relationship.


Can't believe we're only a few chapters from the ending of volume 5, time really flies. HC: I have a noble, gracious, special someone. XL: Oh. (secretly being jelly) and I have someone I trust with all my heart HC: Who the hell is that? Nonono gege I'm not complaining, just maybe you need to be more alert...... Me: while there's only you two from the beginning, how come you guys make this relationship sound like there's 4 people involved? just HOW? You two are just one step away from each other and you both choose to sit down back-to-back and begin talking about anything else than confession? If only PM can be a little less flirty towards other women XJ wouldn't be tricked by that audio clip. Like if he was yelling to BY how to cook like Ramsay Grodon with his chefs, things might turn out differently. And technically BY is on good terms with PS, so poor general Pei jr. need to watch his ancestor flirting with his crush with empty stomach and inability to string a sentence together, one more scene filled with chaos. So, HC's butterflies can literally bug around and tape-record information? That's surely one strong ability. And I bet he has a secret folder in his computer somewhere filled with XL's every word and sound, and the confession (that'll happen someday hopefully) will be his alarm clock sound and ringtone from then. QR's ability: Trap people with green ghost flames and light them up when yelling the right code (❌) Gets beaten up every time he's in the middle of eating human (√) Thanks for the reaction and cannot wait for next week!


I honestly expected there to be more time with Volume 5, but here we are. Volume 6 is going to go by QUICKLY, I feel. HAHAHA – I love that idea of there being 4 people but really just 2. 😛 I would love to picture QR as Ramsay Gordon, but I’m too busy imagining Qi Rong as him! ;) I feel for Banyue – stuck working with PM while still proving herself as PS’s lover – bless her and her patience. SUCH chaos, though! HC’s butterflies are a swiss army knife of OP-ness! And AHAHAHAHAHA a secret folder of XL’s “every sound” is just hilarious as a concept! Qi Rong was such a pleasant experience, right?! What a garbage emperor. 😛 We love him, though, for all the entertainment he brings us! :) Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! SO ready for the last chapters of volume 5!


QY is SOOOO like Bokuto! And honestly, Yin Yu’s negative feelings of himself remind me of Akaashi having his freakout during their game at nationals! Poor XL being distracted…can we BLAME HIM!? And yes, HC trying to hold XL up to his normal standards! :3 It is interesting how they both view JW at this point. It’s also sweet to know XL feels he can be open and himself around HC. <3 OH MY GOSH SHE WAS CONNECTED TO QI RONG BACK IN VOLUME 1….wow….I can’t believe I forgot that! I think since it was connected after the fact in the Heavenly Court, and we didn’t see them “on screen” together, I didn’t connect the dots! AH! It also makes sense that she would stay that way in regards to Mei Ming. And ahhh, yes, QR and the delusions of grandeur! I do love that Guzi is growing, too, which is probably why XL and HC suddenly realize this environment…may not be the best for a growing child! I’ve never really wanted to have a kid myself, but your thoughts on your partner and being an “auntie” I definitely share! That’s cool about Huang meaning “bamboo grove!” And yeah, Pei Ming really has been the punching bag of this volume, hasn’t he?? “HC and XL write a porno” sounds like a bad movie title! 😛It is good to know that QR’s redeeming feature is that he can give you a pep talk after a bad break up! Maybe just having his phone number would be enough so you wouldn’t have to see him in person…and I fully believe QR is starting to be a dad towards Guzi which is equal parts heartwarming and disturbing. But the love changing QR is really sweet! I definitely want to say something about that in a future discussion! God, the PASSWORDS. *face palm* And yes, HC really is sweet with Guzi! And yes, after 5 volumes, where I wanted Pei Ming to get his karma with Xuan Ji, we’re FINALLY here. It’s just that I kind of like his ridiculousness now. Hahaha! Thank you for the comment!