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Kagami is one of my FAVORITES in this series, and so is Aomine, and you put  them together and BAM! Instant WIN of a volume set! Not only are we seeing them face off but it's TIME. TO GET IN THE ZONE!   

These volumes did NOT let me down; the artwork - the pacing - the emotion -- I felt on the edge of my seat JUST like during the anime! Probably one of my favorite sets so far! I LOVED this and can't wait to chat about it with y'all!  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: Manga Volumes 15-16 Reaction & Review! AOKAGA IN THE ZONE!?

**ZONORIFIC HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Kagami is one of my FAVORITES in this series, and so is Aomine, and you put them together and BAM! Instant WIN of a volume set! Not only are we seeing them face off but it's TIME. TO GET IN THE ZONE! These volumes did NOT let me down; the artwork - the pacing - the emotion -- I felt on the edge of my seat JUST like during the anime! Probably one of my favorite sets so far! I LOVED this and can't wait to chat about it with y'all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Love the converse contrast between the Kagami and Aomine covers 😍 The way Kagami's drawn it also looks almost like it was drawn in charcoals. Oooh that panel of Aomine manoeuvring in the air around Kagami to make the basket looks so good! Yeah that's Sakurai getting in there and stealing the ball from Kiyoshi. He wears the number 9 jersey. But he's definitely not the character, from Touou, you'd expect to get in there and make such a steal. The image for that panel of saying that Kuroko's misdirection is useless looks so good. I love that Kuroko looks like he's in the light, whilst Susa's made up of nothing but shadows. Not quite like with Mayuzumi vs. Kuroko in that he was seen as the better shadow, but rather that Touou have dealt with the threat of Kuroko's ability and made him like a mere average player. Yeah although I do get taken aback by some of the side profiles, Fujimaki's art is amazing. And it's developing with every manga volume. Even the side profiles that are a bit off for proportions are better than any of my attempts at art!🤣 That image of Imayoshi's grin is giving me *such* Joker from Batman vibes. He really is much more villainous in manga-form 😆 May say I've watched the anime too many times, but I heard the sound effect they used in the anime when Izuki 'disappeared' thanks to Kuroko's Misdirection Overflow 🤣 Oooh we finally get an answer to the winner of the sauna competition! Mitobe's that quiet dark horse that doesn't come to mind when you think who'd be the most competitive to stick it out the longest. I love the expressions of shock on everyone's face, because whilst everyone is feeling the same emotion they don't all look the same. The mangaka really took the time to give each of them a distinctive expression. No copy and pastes here. Misdirection Overflow definitely feels a bit like a parallel to the Wifi Zone. Just yet another similarity between Kuroko and Akashi, and how they can link with their teammates to give them more strength. The tired look on Kuroko's face, whilst showing all the determination to not give up, hurts my heart a little. Aomine wanted a player or a team that wouldn't give up even after being shown a difference in level between Aomine and them, but I don't think he ever expected it would be like this. Also I like to think Aomine could be having his own flashback to Kuroko's words back at Teiko about giving it your all to your opponent. Romania: Kagami and Kuroko in that picture forms a heart! The eyes of a shipper 😂 The images of past and present Aomine look so good! Flooding my heart with hope for him 🥺 So the question part for Kagami and Aomine is definitely a hard one to translate to English. Basically, thanks to Riko, Kagami gets the nickname Baka-gami. And in Japanese Aho, like Baka, basically means idiot. So the Japanese fandom dubbed Aomine as Aho-mine. Just yet another way to show their similarities (and that Kuroko has a *type*) 🤣 The manga really highlights how little explanation about the rules for basketball is given in the anime 😅 I knew you'd be happy with how many players are a Taurus on Seirin. That blooper of Aomine wrenching open the door to the Zone 🤣🤣🤣 Aomine in the Zone and looking so relaxed for showing the real Aomine looks so so good! 🥰 It's interesting getting to see Aomine all the offers for Aomine to join different high schools. We only get told about it in the anime when Harasawa from Touou approaches Aomine with his offer. Aomine's pose when they're basically talking about how unstoppable Aomine now is looks like he's a conductor; when in the Zone everyone on the court plays to his tune because of how strong he is. The image of Seirin and the Generation of Miracles in the cut-out really does look amazing. And with the amount of space Seirin takes up in comparison to the Generation of Miracles feels like it's showing Seirin as this great force coming to thwart these individuals/remind them that basketball is a *team* sport. Hyuuga getting in on that Aomine and Kagami move of the arm around the shoulder 🤣 KagaKuro heart definitely takes flight every time Kuroko says he believes in Kagami 🥰🥰🥰 The panel of showing Aomine in the Zone with there been no shadows or shades for Aomine is just so good! It's like he's transcended and proving just how much brighter his 'light' is than Kagami's. Especially with that previous reminder of Aomine calling Kagami's light too dim. Kuroko looks like he is in emotional overload at seeing Aomine enjoying himself again 🥺 And Aomine does look like he's enjoying the challenge and the game a lot more than before, but it's definitely a different kind of enjoyment than what he had back in Teiko. In Teiko it was very pure-hearted, and just enjoying the game because it was fun. This time Aomine's having fun because someone is actually able to go toe-to-toe with him, and give him more of a challenge. Midorima realising that Kagami took on his words at the training camp 🥺 This can count for a little MidoKaga moment 😆 This Touou-Seirin match really has you on the edge of your seat just like in the anime! And just as emotional. Just want to reach into the panels and give them all hugs 🥺 So that team I thought was Mibuchi too, but they're the next team for Seirin to face. Haizaki's team is Fukuda. But yeah I *did not* remember Nakamiya South either, and I have a pretty good memory with Kuroko no Basuke 😅 I love Kagetora giving all the Seirin members nicknames. Makes me laugh him just straight up deciding Tsuchida looks more like a Takashi 😂It also makes me think that maybe he's the one that came up with the nicknames for Nakatani and Harasawa. This may make me love the anime all the more, that the episodes that had more of a filler feel are actually straight from the manga. Yay! Alex has now been introduced! 🥳 Getting more and more of a feeling Kuroko could be good with an open relationship 😆 And either Aomine is protesting too much in regards to his 'date' with Momoi, or he's worried Kuroko could get the wrong idea. Kagami looking like a startled cat with that line work when he sees a naked Alex 🤣 Himuro's so suave with how he stops Alex from kissing him. Also kinda shows that Himuro had more time around Alex than Kagami did, so he's better at preventing her from doing such things. Also my HiMura shipper heart is imagining he's doing that to prevent Murasakibara from getting the wrong idea 🤣 Yes Liu Wei is a Chinese Exchange Student. I've noticed too that they definitely show stereotypes in drawing foreigners in manga or manhua. Even Westerners are more typically drawn as blonde with blue/green eyes (and big boobs for most of the women). The build-up for the Yosen's game really makes you want more! I did laugh at you saying you were excited for seeing the Yosen game because you want to see Murasakibara cry! 🤣


The covers being connected is so fun and yes, it looks like a charcoal drawing! Agreed! Love the converse contrast between the Kagami and Aomine covers 😍 The way Kagami's drawn it also looks almost like it was drawn in charcoal. I love how much the mangaka also loves Aomine for as many great moments as they have these volumes! It makes sense he would have had a lot of offers as well, but it’s nice to get confirmation this week. It DOES hurt seeing Kuroko being so determined and your note about Aomine wanting that type of opponent will hurt all the more when Aomine realizes why he couldn’t open the “true zone.” It’s cool Sakurai gets the steal on Teppei! *Lucille Bluth voice* Good for him! And good for Mitobe for winning the sauna competition! 😀Always the quiet ones! I love how the mangaka does the Zone and Misdirection animation in the manga! It’s so stylistic and works so well! I do agree that they still struggle with side profiles, but the improvement is great! And yessss, the Misdirection Overflow being a form of the WiFi Zone fits, especially when the mangaka originally wanted Kuroko and Akashi to be twins. 😛 Yes! Imayoshi is MUCH more villainous in the manga with how Fujimaki draws him! I VERY MUCH have the eyes of a shipper in this series, especially when it comes to KagaKuro! And of course I’m happy there’s so many Taurus in this series! 😛And the MidoKaga moments were great as well! I agree, this match up with To-Oh and Seiren was just as good in the manga as in the anime. And yeah, Nakayama South being “added” to this manga – I’ll have more thoughts on it next week! :) But glad I’m not the only one who didn’t remember or recognize them! And Alex is here! Yay! HAHAHA is Aomine not wanting Kuroko he’s thinking he’s on a date with Momoi or is he in hardcore denial? It can both ways – just like Aomine *coughcough* - Yay! Maybe it’s Himuro being more suave and have had more time around Alex…or Kagami is just not very good at preventing things hahaha! And YES! Can’t have Mura thinking the wrong things! hahaha! But good to know about Liu (watching enough Donghua, the name difference made sense) and yes, I’ve noticed most Americans are brunette or blonde in anime/manga, haha!! And HA! What can I say, Murasakibara realizing he likes basketball and tearing up gets me going! :D I can’t wait for next week! Thanks for the comment!