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This set of manga volumes has been SO much FUN -- we get the backstory of Teppei and Hyuga's relationship AND the game with Kirisaki Daichi!  

I LOVE seeing how DRIVEN Kuroko gets because of our favorite Trash King Hanamiya, how in tune the Generation of Miracles players are with Kuroko when he's angry, and the beautiful relationship between Teppei and Hyuga! Plus...it's a good thing I went ahead and watched the audio dramas for this week, because they made a comeback!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: Manga Volumes 11-12 Reaction! ENTER KIRISAKI DAICHI & HANAMIYA!

**TRASH KING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This set of manga volumes has been SO much FUN -- we get the backstory of Teppei and Hyuga's relationship AND the game with Kirisaki Daichi! I LOVE seeing how DRIVEN Kuroko gets because of our favorite Trash King Hanamiya, how in tune the Generation of Miracles players are with Kuroko when he's angry, and the beautiful relationship between Teppei and Hyuga! Plus...it's a good thing I went ahead and watched the audio dramas for this week, because they made a comeback! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

It's really amazing, especially to someone not gifted at art whatsoever, to see those kinds of techniques with colour to help emphasise and elevate the main colour. That image of Himuro...he did a modelling gig and that's where that image came from and you cannot tell me otherwise. That look with his hair being somewhat windswept and the expression on his face screams model to me. Yes mangaka give me all the smiling Midorima moments! Also that moment of Midorima and Kagami was totally Midorima shocked by how good Kagami looked running his hands through his hair. I feel like how the mangaka changes up the way the panels are and makes the route the ball goes almost like it's splitting up the image into more panels really helps with keeping the passes from seeming all the same. I love Aomine so definitely gotta vote for him being the strongest. My reasoning is more that he's a threat when he has barely turned up for practice and sometimes doesn't turn up for games. All the others, including Murasakibara, we got glimpses of them having played/practised with their teams (Akashi we didn't see much but we did get to see the aftermath of him forcing open the door to the Zone and trouncing Hayama, Nebuya, and Mibuchi). Also, whilst time had passed since the Winter Cup and so Aomine's possibly worked on his stamina more, he was the only player to play the entirety of the match against Jabberwock. I did laugh at you singing Whatta Man for Takao. It is actually a fitting song for him to sing about Midorima. Especially considering all the times he talks up Midorima's abilities, and then the whole AkaMido moment in Last Game that Takao realises he's not as bothered about as he thought he would be (because he knows Akashi is Midorima's past and Takao is his present and future) 🤭 Kiyoshi in the anime is like a soft teddy bear...Kiyoshi in this moment in the manga with that cocked eyebrow is much more lover bear 🤣 I honestly love the way the mangaka does the panelling of everyone ready and waiting, and the way he has a character inlaid over the top of those panels. It really gives that feeling of all eyes on that character. In this volume (Volume 11) he did it when Kuroko came back on to the court and Kiyoshi taking that second penalty shot. Your outrage at the time of watching this in the anime did make me laugh a little at you being unable to remember the outcome of this Shuutoku-Seirin game. But it's completely understandable the games and outcomes blurring together. 1) There were so many of them without any real downtime between one ending and another beginning; and 2) the games went by at a crazy speed. Nigou's appearance in Midorima's cart is like that moment to decompress after the Shuutoku-Seirin game. Feel like you need this moment f levity considering the pain to come with Kirisaki Dai Ichi. With how the audio drama chose to sow Yosen at the same time, and Murasakibara using a second unused locker for his snacks, my guess for the owner of the locker is that there isn't one and that this locker became the dumping ground for potentially all the players to mindlessly chuck stuff in but then forget about it. Gotta love Kuroko and Kagami both choosing paper. The photo of the founding of the Seirin basketball club is definitely a nice segue to get into the flashback and Hyuuga retelling their previous year to Kuroko and Kagami. Blonde-haired Hyuuga I can handle...it's the hairstyle that's a nope for me. As a glasses-wearer I can't understand how those bangs don't annoy the crap out of him. I mean I do like longer hair on guys sometimes, but not cut like that. You're a barber's son Hyuuga! Your hair should not look like such a mess. The two images of the Second Years have some big and some slight differences between them really highlighting the growth they've all gone through 🥺 I did die a little at you saying Hanamiya isn't that tall at 5' 10". I suppose in comparison to some of the giants in Kuroko no Basuke. But, to me, it's pretty tall (considering he's nearly a foot taller than me and he's only 15 years old). Hanamiya really is such a trash king. That moment between Hyuuga and Kiyoshi (and Riko listening in) is even more emotional in the manga. Mangaka does such a good job with the expressions on Kiyoshi's face. I also love that we don't see Hyuuga's face so you can decide on if he's fighting back tears too. And now I can comment that *of course* the match Imayoshi drags his whole team to go watch is his kouhai's team against Seirin. Really gotta have Imayoshi watching over Hanamiya, or vice versa, when they're playing 🤣 The shadows on his face and that maniacal grin from Hanamiya, along with his words, really casts him as a Villain over being a mere antagonist. He comes of as having such a lofty attitude (being better than everyone else), but also wanting to pull others off their pedestals by any means necessary. Very like Qi Rong. Yeah the anime made it much harder to accept the blindness of the refs considering just how battered and bruised Kiyoshi was by this point. Aomine is a Jedi, he senses something in the Force when it comes to Kuroko and basketball. "Little boy"...Hanamiya, he's *a year* younger than you and only four inches shorter. Star Wars and Admiral Ackbar was what I first thought of too with that chapter title 🤣 For Hanamiya I'd consider him a prodigy in basketball on the same league as Kiyoshi, Hayama, Nebuya, and Mibuchi. It's where he differs from Qi Rong in that he is at their level and it wasn't just because they needed someone else for the Uncrowned Kings' group. But I feel like he's a bigger prodigy in mental warfare/strategy (and classes that require a lot of memorisation) than in physicality. Imayoshi looks so proud of his kouhai (boyfriend) when saying it's a nasty set-up 😂 As much as Aomine's body language says he's bored watching the match, he is still intently watching. Feel like Aomine's looking forward to Hanamiya getting his comeuppance for pissing off Kuroko. The comment of how Seirin can play with Kuroko passing the way he is having a panel of nearly just Kagami and "It's trust". Thanks for that manga. Don't actually need my heart. AoKuro pain already hitting me hard. Kuroko being Xie Lian and Kagami being Hua Cheng I can actually see. Especially as Kuroko doesn't tend to get really mad at things until this moment with Hanamiya. Very similar to how Xie Lian is usually a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of guy until around his cousin. Though the comparison and all the backtalk from Hanamiya and him sticking out his tongue is kind of making me want Kuroko put a knife in Hanamiya's mouth like Xie Lian did to Qi Rong. Also Kagami being the one quicker to violence is very like Hua Cheng. Same for him following Kuroko's lead and calming himself to help Kuroko and their team win in the way Kuroko wants, without stooping to Kirisaki Dai Ichi's level. The blooper about Kuroko making the speech before the ball dropped just breaking the Fourth Wall there. Love it. Kuroko always having these fantastical world-ending ideas. I'm somewhat worried he's actually prepared for like a zombie apocalypse. Though that final side story all I can think is: Kagami's having dreams about Kuroko 🤣 Giggling over your anticipation for the onsen episode 🤣 (I'm looking forward to it too; especially if we get Kagami mirroring Aomine by putting his arm around Aomine's shoulders 🥰 Definitely think it should be coming up next volume judging by how things have been going so far, but who knows if the manga has more content between the end of the preliminaries and the start of the Winter Cup.


The idea of Himuro being a model means I need to see more of him and Kise interacting STAT! :) But also, Kagami looked sooo good with his hands through his hair! I’m here for alllll the KagaMido moments! And Takao WOULD sing “Whatta Man” to Midorima or hum it while he pulled the cart, so Midorima couldn’t stop him! That’s a good point about Aomine against the Jabberwock with his stamina! LOVE BEAR! AHAHAHA – No, Kiyoshi SO is that in that one panel! That’s a cool comment about the way the panels get us to “focus” on a character, for sure! The entrance of Nigou is DEFINITELY needed after the “tie” (I can’t believe I forgot that, hahaha) and before Hanamiya makes his entrance! The point with the locker does make sense, too; it was just a collective “dumping” locker. Maybe Hyuuga styling his hair like that was a way for him to “rebel” against his dad? 😛Oh no! I mean, for BASKETBALL players he’s average at 5’10” – but yes, he really is a trash king. And YES, the manga is so emotional…making me NOT READY for a lot that we have left in store in the manga to come. I’m surprised the referees weren’t as “noticeable” in the manga compared to the anime, where it was just ROUGH. That is a good point to bring up, that he’s more of a prodigy than Qi Rong at least in basketball. And he’s smarter and more strategic, whereas Qi Rong is just bold and manipulative; but their attitudes and “looks” are soooo similar. And Qi Rong, to our knowledge in the book so far, doesn’t have a “boyfriend” or at least one as nasty as Imayoshi in terms of being JUST as devious. And YES, Aomine looks like he’s just WAITING for his ex to extract revenge! But yeah, the “trust” moment and the AoKuro pain HURTS. I would love art of KagaKuro as HuaLian, please! :3 Kuroko’s world ending meteor moment reminds me of Sakusa saying the same thing in Haikyuu – what a bunch of apocalyptic nerds! 😛And yessss, Kagami dreaming of Kuroko – of course he is! OH, I am VERY excited for this coming week’s manga set! 🙂Lots of good stuff in that! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment!