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I was honestly surprised we are rounding out the season 2 events in THIS volume, but this volume was CRAZY GOOD, full of surprises, and NOW I am SO HYPED that we are about to start season 3 and all of its shenanigans!   

This volume was SO WONDERFUL and I can't wait to talk to you about it!  
Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan: Manga Volume 12 Reaction & Review! CHARGE & SCREAM!!

**BELLOWING HEADPHONE WARNING** I was honestly surprised we are rounding out the season 2 events in THIS volume, but this volume was CRAZY GOOD, full of surprises, and NOW I am SO HYPED that we are about to start season 3 and all of its shenanigans! This volume was SO WONDERFUL and I can't wait to talk to you about it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Be Happy

The thing is Reiner and Berthold wanted Eren back with them because logically 2 titans of the 9 are missing : the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan! So there is 2 ways to see this : 1/ going back with Eren was kind of a gamble because logically they knew the founder was with the Royal family and since Eren has no link to them it could the Founding or the Attack ! But either way Marley will be happy! And THEN the scream happened which confirmed 100% that he is the coordinate and thus the target. 2/ they were 100% sure from the beginning because Marley couldn’t know that the Attack Titan went to Paradise and thus Eren manifesting his ability in ep 7/8 of Season 1 could only mean that this is the only Titan in Paradis which is the founding Titan.


It can't be 2/, because Reiner explicitly says that they're not sure Eren is the coordinate in Children, a few pages in, when he explains to Bertolt that Krista would be a way in for them if Eren isn't the coordinate and they need to follow the Wallists.


1. Yeah Ymir was clearly lying to Historia in a very clever way. We know for a fact Ymir was never trying to save herself and was doing it all for Historia’s safety, since she knew once she went back with Reiner and Bertholdt she’d be fed to one of Marley’s warriors. But she knew if she told Historia that she was doing it for her safety then she wouldn’t go along with it, but if she pretended that she was doing it to save herself then Historia would agree to come since Ymir knows how selfless Historia tries to be, willing to give up her life for pretty much everyone, especially her most loved one. 2. There’s always been a big misconception in the anime community that Mikasa is a yandere or at least acts like one which I’ve always thought is a dumb interpretation of her character. I think it’s partly fuelled by how the anime depicts her saying Eren a billion more times than the manga. Mikasa may be a little overprotective at times but she’s living in a world where people die everyday and her most loved ones keep getting kidnapped by the strongest titans that are responsible for wiping out humanity. Her being so protective of him and so ready to kill the ones responsible for mass murder that are trying to take him away isn’t crazy behaviour in my eyes, it’s how I’d expect anyone to act if it were their loved ones being taken away. Plus, that’s not even going into the other obvious important factors like the fact that she’s lost her family and home on 2 separate occasions with Eren being the only family / bit of home she has left, on top of the fact that one of the last things Carla told Mikasa to do was to keep Eren out of trouble. 3. Another misconception about Mikasa is that a lot of people see her thanking Eren and trying to kiss him in this volume as just a basic love confession, a chance for her to finally get her feelings off her chest before they die. Which I’ve seen people criticise her for, saying it wasn’t the time or place for her to do that. When in fact what she says in that scene isn’t for herself at all, but for Eren, telling him what he needed to hear in that moment. In that scene Eren is breaking down over how useless he is, thinking he’s never accomplished anything failing to save Hannes in the same way he failed to save his mother. But Mikasa tells him that’s not true and tells him all the things he did for her, how he saved her, gave her a home, and taught her how to live, how he wasn’t useless and didn’t achieve nothing because of the massive impact he made on her life. She thinks they’re both going to die there but she wants Eren to die knowing that he’s not useless and he did accomplish great things in his life. 4. You see Eren and Mikasa’s relationship change after this point in the story with Eren no longer lashing out at her or rejecting her help. Up until this point he had thought when she was protecting him she was treating him like a child and belittling him, or only doing it because she felt like she had to repay a debt to him for saving her in the past, which she said in like chapter 2 of the manga. But this scene in chapter 50 showed him that it wasn’t due to any of that, but simply because she wanted to be with him. 5. I remember quite a few manga readers were mad at including Ymir’s backstory in season 2 since quite a few of them felt that showing that Marleyans soldiers and humans being pushed off the wall and being turned into titans gave too much away and would spoil the basement reveal for anime watchers. At the time I sort of felt that way but in the years since based off all the anime reactions I’ve seen to it, I think its placement is fine. I also think having her backstory in season 2 helps wrap up her character arc pretty neatly since as we know she basically never appears in the story again after this.

Be Happy

Hey Doccy! I hope you re doing well. Could you please remove paragraph number 6 of your comment or just tag it as manga spoiler because indeed it spoils certain things in the manga that Romania will prefer to discover by herself . She really considers the : pay attention to this or that as hint that could influence her reaction experience. And prefers to really come to this conclusion between manga and anime by herself as per her rules to avoid spoilers 🙂 Thank you very much for your understanding in advance. Have a nice day

Christopher Pettersson

One could also not make a to OP character to begin with :P The problem as a see it is that there is always power creep. I feel Mikasa in season one defending Eren (after he punched his own face off) is the right kind of "OP", by herself stronger than an elite team and an incredible asset to have on your side but also not able so single-handledy just fix everything. When we see an unprepared Levi easily defeat 30 "abnormal" Zeke titans it just makes me annoyed that we ever used other people besides him to begin with, people that will just die anyways. When we are introduced Levi we see him defeat 2 regular titans while several of his team dies fighting nearby, so it just makes me wonder why he didn't do more back then, or why he even had those sacrifical red shirts with him at all. Makes the other peoples sacrifices feel less meaningful, it's like in games when they give you friendly NPCs to help but they just run around and die, "no i'm the hero, i've got this, no need to sacrifice/kill these poor saps". I've also missed Ymir, she was such a interesting character with quite the unique view/perspective on things in this world. Wish she could have stuck around a bit longer.


That does make a lot of sense! :) The Attack Titan being the "secret" one is always such a fun concept -- that it was hiding in plain sight that entire time. @.@ Thank you for the comment!


Hahahaha, that is true -- Isayama did choose to make these characters OP, didn't he (or was it Eren's influence all along?!)? I figured that even Levi was only "human" in a sense, so while he and Mikasa are literal murder machines, they "eventually" would get tired or run out of gas in their equipment and then be as useful as Nanaba and Gelgar atop Utgard. :P But still, I have missed Ymir -- she's so unique and cool and I really have gained a bigger appreciation for her character now that I'm re-reading the series. Isayama just can't let us enjoy the really cool characters, can he? Thank you for the comment! :D


Thank you so much for the comment! 🙂 To each of your points: I do love what we get from Ymir in this manga; I didn’t appreciate her character nearly as much when I was first watching the anime, so it’s nice to come back to her here. And YES, when watching the anime, I thought that yandere vibe from Mikasa with how they portrayed her in the first two seasons, so I’m really happy to get to see her fleshed out here. I do love how you worded that – that it wasn’t just a confession for her sake, but to make HIM feel better, that he wasn’t a failure in the moment and that he gave people meaning – yes, that he’s not useless and is worthy of the love that she has for him. That’s a great point about Eren not lashing out at her at this point; I’ll have to bring that up in the discussion! I’ll stay quiet on Ymir’s backstory until I see it happen in the manga, if we get it. Please no spoilers or confirmation on whether it happens in the manga or not or where. :) Thanks so much for the comment and kind words!

Christopher Pettersson

Sorry about my "OP-rant" :D i might be watching another anime right now with far to many "cool" and those "powering-up" moments. Now, i can enjoy those things (they've become a trope for a reason) but they can also take me out of the story if overdone. That's the "problem" with sad and high-stakes stories like AoT, if the author didn't kill off some of the interesting characters we like we would feel chetead too, why do we want Isayama to hurt us? :P


Hahaha, no, you are fine! I can totally understand that! I agree, if they're not done "just" right, they can be a problem -- I at least think Isayama did all he could to make Levi either conveniently not there or out of commission so he couldn't be "too" OP at times. And Isayama hurt US? Since when has he done that? :P