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Honestly, while I've really enjoyed the end-of-season specials and bloopers leading up to this one, The Season 3 Special and Bloopers are my FAVORITE of all of them. They were SO funny and tied things together SO well and was a nice little "dessert" after that main course of a finale for the season!  

I hope you enjoy the reaction and discussion! Next week we'll have the Season 3 character songs and THEN the MOVIE and manga journey begins! I am so excited!   

Link to Special on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKiNMPEJw84  

LINK TO SPECIAL REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Bg5dyzvLomA5gPVXmG5QxM?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball Season 3: OVA Special & Bloopers Reaction!

LINK TO SPECIAL REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Bg5dyzvLomA5gPVXmG5QxM? **SPECIAL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Honestly, while I've really enjoyed the end-of-season specials and bloopers leading up to this one, The Season 3 Special and Bloopers are my FAVORITE of all of them. They were SO funny and tied things together SO well and was a nice little "dessert" after that main course of a finale for the season! I hope you enjoy the reaction and discussion! Next week we'll have the Season 3 character songs and THEN the MOVIE and manga journey begins! I am so excited! Link to Special on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKiNMPEJw84 Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Little aside: the canvas looks great there! 😆 No special for the movie sadly, but there is one episode of a compilation of bloopers. And then one character song. The bloopers are 2:20 in length and the character song is 5:02. For the 10th Anniversary stuff, there is a song and a visual/picture drama that they released for the 10th Anniversary. The song is 4:34 and the drama is 24:09. The specials really are such a fun Fourth Wall break. This special is probably my favourite because even the sort of recap parts didn't feel like they dragged like some parts of the other two specials. The rainbow huddle conferring over the idea that Akashi called them to a Maji Burger to *chat* I feel like it shows they care...or potentially just weirded out by Akashi's Invasion of the Body Snatcher moment. So the hiyoko/chicks we get for the posters: on the burger poster the yellow one with glasses is Alex and Riko is the one with the whistle; the chips poster has Kiyoshi, Koganei with the cat mouth, and Mitobe is the black one; banana and drinks one has Haizaki (the grey-coloured one) but I can't figure out who the other two on the poster are. Of all people we get a glimpse of Aomine's bedroom 😆 But you do feel concerned about him wrapped up in his duvet like that...until you discover the reason; then the image becomes adorable. Which with Aomine eating Momoi's test for the chocolate is either 1) she forced him to play taste tester; or 2) he willingly subjected himself to being taste tester for the sake of both Momoi and Kuroko [who will eventually be killed by...sorry, *given* said chocolate]. Stuttering Midorima and him trying not to make it seem like such a big deal the trust he has in Takao is just too great. I loved you being concerned that some of Murasakibara's snacks would melt before he ate them...yeah he's not losing any of his food. But this just adds to me viewing him as being like a baby considering his entire tray was just sugar (and that one of them came with a sparkler). Everyone picks on Kise and then Kagami, the precious by he is, gives an honest compliment to Kise's skills and ability to copy the other Generation of Miracles' members. I'm not a massive KagaKi shipper (KasaKi just holds my heart too much) but I do love them as good friends. Yes we have a AkaMi ship too and this special makes it such a sweet and cute ship, right? Love that whilst they're discussing the Rakuzan side of things for the Rakuzan vs. Seirin recap they have the emperor music playing. That theme is seriously like The Imperial March from Star Wars 🤣 Himuro shushing Murasakibara is also one of those moments I find adorable. He wants his little brother to gush about the Zone 🥰 But *Aomine* being the one to be able to properly sum up the True Zone 🥲 Thank you to Kise for calling him out on being somewhat tsundere there. Also want to point out the hilarity of Aomine calling Kagami a baka when the fandom appointed Aomine the nickname Ahomine (aho also meaning idiot)...which technically gives Aomine and Kagami matching nicknames (Ahomine and Bakagami) 😂 When you commented about wanting Alex to have been able to hit Haizaki in return for him strangling her, I knew you'd appreciate this first blooper. Bad Boy Haizaki just sidling to basically hide behind Kuroko from Midorima's anger...this is why I love the bloopers and definitely think they're worth a watch. Himuro's like such a Mum in that blooper with Murasakibara and the snacks. He really thought he'd prepared enough snacks to last one game of basketball. I just love the side eye and then full on stare of horror Himuro has during this little skit. After calling him a 90s BL character I just knew you'd absolutely love the Mibuchi bloopers. The bloopers are definitely skilled at taking the most serious moments in the show and turning them into something that makes your cheeks hurt from smiling/laughing so much. Himuro moaning over Murasakibara managing to fit six umaibo sticks in his mouth at once 🙃🤣 The dramatic music as a curious Murasakibara stares at Momoi's bento she made makes that blooper all the funnier. Guess this is why Murasakibara hung up so quick on Momoi when she said she'd make the snack if he came to Tokyo for Kuroko's birthday. Kuroko, in the bloopers but also in the anime, comes up with some of the most fantastical things as well as 'mishearing' people and creating his own idea on what they've said. He's the spacey kid in class that lives in their own imagination! The whole Koganei 'backstory' blooper is really sweet. And just makes me wanna ship MitoKoga so much more 😂 Agreed completely on your points for why out of all of Rakuzan's team that it's Mibuchi that joins Akashi for the 'chat' at Maji Burger. We do see Mayuzumi walking along whilst the Shuutoku senpais are hanging out by the cart. And then later it's Okamura being taken for a joyride by Fukui from Yousen with Kaijou senpais walking along the street. Google is really not helpful with showing their school uniform, and not just their team uniforms. So the word for chat in Japanese (Oshaberi) I believe can also translate to: idle talk, chitchat, gossip; or as a descriptor for a blabbermouth/chatterbox. Not something you'd typically expect to come from Akashi, hence Takao's reaction 😂 I feel like in English if the subs had changed the meaning each time the joke might have made a bit more sense. This special definitely gives you a few great moments of development for Akashi's character that really would be so much better if it was in the actual series and not just a fan disk. Looking forward to watching your reaction to the character songs next week!


THANK YOU! Yes, that canvas – I love it there! 😛 People will get a constant reminder of Daiya from now on! That’s great about the movie extras! And the things for the 10th Anniversary – I’m excited! I definitely agree this may be my favorite special and favorite set of bloopers; they were so funny! That’s so cool about the chicks! <3 Yeah, a few are hard to pinpoint but I love how cute they were in this! And Aomine…bless him. Being Momoi’s friend has its dangers, for sure! Speaking of friendship, I do think that Kise and Kagami are just “friends” to me, too, but they have some great moments together! But also, Aomine and Kagami having matching “moron” nicknames. How cute! I love Midorima being extra-tsundere, too! And knowing Murisakibara can handle his own is really great in this special – I was worried about wasting the sweets, but I should know by now that Muri would be the LAST to do that! It DOES explain in the OVA why he hung up so fast now, though! He learned his lesson! XD I am 100% down with the Mibuchi x Akashi, ship, though! But YES, the Imperial March and Rakuzan theme have a LOT of musical similarities! And alllll the Mibuchi shipping and flirtiness! YES, PLEASE. Himuro was SLAYING this special and the bloopers! He has such great moments in these with Muri! And his spinning with the rainbows behind him? RIDICULOUS! Your comment about Kuroko instantly gave me vibes to Mafuyu from Given – our two boys that “space out” at times and live in their own worlds! The bloopers are just such a trip but so worth it! It definitely furthered my MitoKoga ship fo rsure! I’m so glad it WAS Mayuzumi featured in the special and YES, Google is not helpful with looking up high school uniforms for them! I will admit that this special made me feel more for Akashi – excited to see more in the future, hopefully! Thanks so much for the kind words and comment! I am SO looking forward to the songs, the movie, and the manga! 🙂


Okay okay I watched it lol the daiya canvas, front and center where it belongs, looks so good there and it makes me happy lol I'll admit the special was cute and the bloopers were funny lol. I probably won't go back to watch the other seasons but it was worth watching lol You are absolutely correct that me and Muri were on the same page in that zone talk lmao "super powers" "yes super powers" "not logical at all" 🤣🤣 I find it interesting that Kagami points out that hearing KAIJO (specifically Kaijo) and seeing Kuroko infront of the gate is what helped him get into that deeper zone lol. Like Aomine and Midorima and Ogiwara yelling didn't resonate at all or?? I feel like on your face I could tell you got sad seeing Aomine cuddled in the blankets like that 🤣 like you thought he was having a depressive episode or something at first lol. Hes just struggling but he's okay lol


I'm SO happy that the Daiya canvas will always be there to remind people of the AoD greatness! ^^ I'm so glad you got to see this special and bloopers -- they were so cute and I loved them! Who knew you and Murisakibara would have the same views on the abilities in this series?! :) Yeah, the idea that Kagami was into Kaijo yelling getting him into the zone -- did you...did you forget Aomine and the others, Kagami? Or not wanting to admit they were influential for you? :P That's a great point to bring up! Maybe he just wanted to give Kaijo the recognition it doesn't always get? :P I'm just happy that Aomine was okay -- he just had a bad batch of chocolate from Momoi, hahaha! We don't need to see him struggling any more! But yes, thank you so much for the comment and kind words! SO excited for the movie now! :D