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Oh, y'all, this is the penultimate set of episodes in the anime and I'm SO excited by what's to come in the finale, but FIRST! We have Seiren fighting to stay alive against Rakuzen, and Kuroko is NOT going down without a fight!   

But Kuroko isn't the only one fighting -- Hyuuga's in hot water, Teppei's hurt, Kagami's in the zone, and Koganei takes the court! Oh, and Akashi has a "warning" for not only Seiren...but his OWN team as well!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/S1e7Ds61wjr5TvniUaQEYm?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball Season 3: Episodes 20-22 Reaction! THE WEIGHT OF RESOLVE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/S1e7Ds61wjr5TvniUaQEYm? **FELINE AND FINALE-NEARING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh, y'all, this is the penultimate set of episodes in the anime and I'm SO excited by what's to come in the finale, but FIRST! We have Seiren fighting to stay alive against Rakuzen, and Kuroko is NOT going down without a fight! But Kuroko isn't the only one fighting -- Hyuuga's in hot water, Teppei's hurt, Kagami's in the zone, and Koganei takes the court! Oh, and Akashi has a "warning" for not only Seiren...but his OWN team as well! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



It feels like every time Seirin reaches a noticeable progress up the tall mountain that is this match, Akashi is there to hurl a boulder at them. I like Riko's quote: "When you're this far behind, no sport is more boring than basketball." Not only is it a true thing in sports (the most boring the NBA has ever been in the past decade was when the Golden State Warriors were dominating year after year), but it's also the very problem Teiko (Aomine especially) faced back in middle school, but from the other side. How quickly all of Rakuzan turned on Mayazumi when he fell apart. I do have a slight disagreement with something you said in your Akashi-Mayazumi discussion, but I'll save it for the end of the series (obviously). I love Izuki's mini-battle with Hayama! Izuki is my favorite Seirin player, so I love him getting the spotlight. And Hayama has a great character moment as well. Just when you expect him to lose his cool, he picks himself back up and narrowly dodges a very scissor-shaped bullet. I love how Seirin is slowly turning the tables this match. Mayazumi, Hayama, Mibuchi, Nebuya... they're taking down each player in Rakuzan one by one. And I love that this progression gave the show an opportunity to giving a spotlight to each member of Seirin. But little did they know that there was a lion anxiously waiting for this exact moment to pounce. Also, can we appreciate the spike in animation this season? A noticeable increase compared to season 2, and when you compare it to season 1 it's almost like a different show entirely. Akashi's zone animation especially goes hard. One set, 4 episodes left. It's actually crazy. I both don't want the series to end, while at the same time wish the last set would come even faster.

Anime Annie

You saying you're starting your own Generation of Miracles with Corgies made me think of you as Nijimura walking seven dogs (Kuroko and Kagami are both getting counted here 😆) and they all have a corresponding colour of lead and collar/harness to Kuroko no Basuke's Generation of Miracles 😂 There's too much extra content to actually feel sad at this point. Helps extend the journey and experience though. Orchestral music, especially this type of choral style, going to always make you think of Akashi makes me laugh...but honestly it is such an iconic background music style for him. Takao just throws Midorima under the bus by saying he threw a tantrum to come watch the match. But Midorima's growth by saying Hyuuga was foolish, but that he can't blame him? Before he'd definitely have kept a somewhat hoity attitude that he wouldn't have made such a mistake as that. Kise, Seirin's Number One Fan, considers Kagami the candle of hope in this dark moment for Seirin 🥰 Kuroko is finally able to shout out what his wish is, that he wasn't able to do on the school's roof 🥺 Interesting thing that when Kuroko told Akashi on the court that he won't run, Kuroko was in the light and Akashi was in the shadow. Just like how they showed Kuroko's lack of presence slowly fading away, I feel like they've done a great job of showing that whilst there are similarities between Mayuzumi and Kuroko, Mayuzumi has a much bigger ego than Kuroko. And it's that ego (believing Seirin underestimate him) that makes him seemingly forget what being the Phantom Sixth Man requires most: a quiet presence. And all the Generation of Miracles watching put respect on Kuroko as the Phantom Sixth Man. That James Franco meme definitely fits Kuroko and Mayuzumi so well! 🤣 Nothing on the other captains but Kasamatsu is probably my favourite. And I love him calling out Akashi's behaviour with Mayuzumi as heartless. Especially because that's another captain (and another Third Year) viewing the situation, so shows how Kasamatsu's character and captaining differs from Akashi. For Kasamatsu I feel like his players are all separate people; Akashi is feels more like his players are chess pieces for him to move where and how he wants them to. You gotta love the dorky moments. And I'm sure if Hyuuga had been in his right state of mind in that moment he'd have been calling to sub out Izuki so as to prevent Izuki and Hayama being together and Hayama potentially giving Izuki the audience he's desired all this time. That look from Akashi when Hayama messed up and passed to Mayuzumi, it just makes me think of the look my Mum used to give us when she knew we'd done something wrong. But how Hayama reacts is why he's probably my favourite on Rakuzan. He took a breath, pushed what just happened aside and let go of all his emotions that Izuki riled up. I feel like his ability to quickly get his head back in the game and brush off something like that is even more impressive than his dribbling skills. Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire is what I thought of too during that moment with Kagami on the paint 😂 Koganei vs. Mibuchi really brought that nice bit of humour into a very tense game of back-and-forth. Poor Koganei being at the level of a house cat instead of a big cat. But house cats can still be plenty tenacious and vicious! Our Jack of All Trades, Master of None did *so* well in these episodes; both in team-play and his individual plays. Love Mitobe being the last player they shot to before the ball fell in with a look of desperation on his face 🥺 And then at the bench Mitobe's being a physical presence for him there 🥰 I knew you'd go crazy over all those little things between Mitobe and Koganei. We've seen a lot throughout the series of Koganei being there for Mitobe, mostly as a translator; but we haven't seen much vice versa until now. They already had my heart before this episode but these moments definitely cemented them as one of the sweetest ships of the series. Hosoya honestly does such an amazing job as Hyuuga. He sounded so cool and dreamy with how he spoke as he rose up from the bench, but then he can sound so nervous and worried when just with Riko 🥰 Riko in her head cheering on Hyuuga...pretty sure that's the first time she's thought of him by his first name and with no suffix. Usually she thinks and calls him Hyuuga-kun 😍 Hyuuga beating Mibuchi's Void shot definitely helped Seirin regain even more of their fight. But I just love Mitobe celebrating it on the bench with Koganei, because without Koganei Hyuuga wouldn't have been able to beat Mibuchi's shots 🥰 We had Sakurai previously praising Hyuuga's 3-pointer (I want to say during the Kirisaki Dai Ichi game), but as much as I love that precious bean having Midorima praise such a shot definitely ranks a little higher. The darkness amplifies it, but seeing three Uncrowned Kings on the ground after playing Akashi three-on-one honestly made me terrified to see him in the Zone. And the show did not disappoint. That shot of him stealing the ball and Kagami going sliding into the padding around the hoop? Pretty cool and badass but also terrifying! But it really is interesting that Akashi's trigger for forcibly entering the Zone is basically the complete opposite of Kagami's. Also it's so bad of me but I do honestly love that "Kneel" moment. I'm sorry Hyuuga and Izuki, but it was honestly pretty badass. Pouring their hope and trust in Kagami through their fists 🥺 Such a power of the nakama moment for this series! Aomine's dorky side poking out ever so slightly with him explaining the Zone. Also Aomine went from saying Seirin had 0% chance of winning to saying Kagami's only chance of winning is to open the second door...i.e. there's a chance even though Seirin honestly look like they're in worse shape after Zone!Akashi blasting through the entire team. I feel like because we get that potential of a chance at the end of this set there isn't the same feeling as with the last two sets. Hyuuga getting that Technical Foul from arguing with the ref made me think of rugby. I don't know the rules of basketball outside of what I've seen in anime, but my brother used to play rugby so I understand and know the rules for it. There might be kicking and punching going on in scrimmages in rugby but whatever the referee says goes and you don't argue with them as that'll get you an immediate penalty. You're likening Akashi to basically a Karen when Kuroko comes back on the court 🤣🤣🤣 As to the position Koganei might have played in baseball his seiyuu, Eguchi Takuya, also voiced Maki Yousuke in Daiya...For football/soccer I'd maybe say central midfielder because that's a useful position for an all-rounder. Tennis there aren't really positions, even with doubles. It's more about what's a players best way of hitting and serving. A little similar to the volleyball serves there are some players that are great at hitting a service ace. Differing styles of serves and hits will change the speed and spin of the ball. Also some players score better from the back-line and then there are some that have a high score percentage up at the net. And for swimming considering how Koganei was at the hot spring I'd say he was a front-stroke/free-style swimmer. That scene of Yosen eating and drinking tea together is precious. The one with Haizaki he's on his own (though on his phone potentially chatting to someone) and Seiho. As for the coach ending scene, I told you that even in these last moments they just keep hitting us with potential ships 😂 For the Mayuzumi and Kuroko End Card it's very plain but I feel like there can be two meanings behind it. 1. Like you said Mayuzumi is casting a shadow over Kuroko and trying to be the better Phantom Sixth Man. And/or 2. Mayuzumi is shining brighter again and no longer a shadow, and as a result Kuroko is once again starting to slip back into the shadows and take back the title of Phantom Sixth Man. We gotta keep giving hype to Izuki and Koganei because they definitely deserve it after the plays they managed to do this episode set. And then we get out OT3! 🥰

The truck

OH, I never realised that the conversation in the locker room might have been in Kuroko’s head. Do you think that the conversation with Akashi may have been as well? Or well, now that I went back to the episode the way that Akashi talked to Kuroko it really feels like all the conversations that I have with my mirror. Don’t ask. But oh! These are interesting new thoughts. I love the orchestra!! I’m such a slut for orchestral music and that theme music is something that I listen to unironically. Akashi’s themes music is just made for my taste :P The end card with Kuroko and Mayuzumi tho, the way in which it’s Kuroko hiding in Mayuzumi’s shadow while Mayuzumi is in the light? Very fitting. Especially with the way that the episodes with Mayuzumi and Kuroko wwent in this set. The finale next week, I can’t wait I’m so hyped :sob: :sob:


I DO think that the Akashi conversation happened with Kuroko in the locker room, but I'll be curious to see if we ever go back to that conversation -- either way, it doesn't affect my views on Akashi and the situation itself, but the idea that the other GoM may have no idea what the context of the situation was fascinates me! "slut for orchestral music" - YES, Hans Zimmer has a way into my heart with all his soundtracks that have this bombastic orchestral themes. *sigh* I can definitely understand the appeal of Akashi's theme music at the very least! :) And yes, great point about Mayuzumi and Kuroko and how they use shadows and light compared with this episode set! :) I can't believe we have one more week of the anime, but there's still a whole summer of Kuroko, so I'm happy! :) Thanks for the comment!