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After that little "breather" last week (pun intended), we're back in full swing with FOUR chapters that dive into Qi Ying and his adventures with Xie Lian on the hunt for the Immortal Brocade! Hua Cheng is (seemingly) not of help, so it's up to these two heavenly official acquaintances to hunt down this evil relic!  

Of course, along the way is more mystery, connections to characters from WAY BACK, and of course...a DANG CLIFFHANGER! What else could we expect from MXTX Mondays?!  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Review - PART 41 - Chapters 128-131! THE IMMORTAL BROCADE?!

**HEADPHONE WARNINGS** After that little "breather" last week (pun intended), we're back in full swing with FOUR chapters that dive into Qi Ying and his adventures with Xie Lian on the hunt for the Immortal Brocade! Hua Cheng is (seemingly) not of help, so it's up to these two heavenly official acquaintances to hunt down this evil relic! Of course, along the way is more mystery, connections to characters from WAY BACK, and of course...a DANG CLIFFHANGER! What else could we expect from MXTX Mondays?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



these couple chapters are some of my favourites! Much needed after the horrors of blackwater mansion.


I LOVED this set! I was so hooked on reading, I think I read to fast for my mouth to catch up out loud with you all! It was a lot of fun! Thanks for the comment; this set was MUCH NEEDED!


I've only just started watching but happy birthday! i hope you have a fantabulous day 🎉 i will add another comment if anything comes up but very excited to watch 😊


I'd say not every opinion iterated with assertiveness is a spoiler. Talking of facts not mentioned before or hinting at possible points of interest, sure, but saying things like "Oh sure Black Water likes him" under a chapter that is actually referring to their relationship? Regardless of what actually happens in the text later, I can not in any sense consider that anything but an honest discussion. Maybe consider promoting someone form Discord to a sensitivity reader for comments? That might make things easier.


All I ask is that for me to read people's comments, that they please be considerate to me as a content creator and if I don't answer your comments because I suspect it might be a spoiler that it's understood why. I have a very specific criteria to what I consider to be a spoiler and if people can't follow that, I just won't read their comments. I want to engage in this story as blind as possible without any hints, clues, or suspicions going in. I do ask if people want to volunteer as readers, but sometimes people aren't able to read them by the time that I want to start the next reaction. I just want to be honest so if I don't read your comment, you'll know why. I hope that makes sense! :)


Thank you so much for the kind words! That sounds fine, but thank you for the birthday wishes! :)

Anime Annie

Our chaotic child Quan Yizhen has entered the Puqi Shrine! I was so excited for you to read the hilarity of the entire sequence of events of him sneaking in to give Xie Lian gold bars and then being poisoned by Xie Lian's cooking. Nice little bit of levity before we get the gruesome backstory of how the Brocade Immortal came to be. From the moment you got Quan Yizhen in your Top 3 I've been looking forward to you learning a bit more about him. You gotta love that he's great at fighting but probably has the weakest stomach we've seen yet when it comes to Xie Lian's "cooking". I relate to that part of him. Xie Lian > fine with bathing in front of others but not Hua Cheng...and *still* this cinnamon roll remains oblivious to his own feelings. Though he is getting there, at a snail's pace. Xie Lian really takes the term multipurpose for jars to a whole other level. Quan Yizhen wanting to ride the litter is too adorable. This facet of his character I feel shows that he's still young at heart. Xie Lian seeming like a first-time babysitter with wrangling Quan Yizhen and Lang Ying when trying to find the Brocade Immortal amongst all those pieces of clothing. The description of the female clothing surrounding Xie Lian as being like flowers really reminded me of the Land of the Tender. Little note for the shixiong/shidi comparison in regards to Yin Yu and Quan Yizhen. Wei Wuxian was the shixiong for many of the Cultivators at Lotus Pier and, being the younger, Jiang Cheng was his shidi. I did giggle when you kept muddling Lang Ying's name with San Lang. Definitely forefront of your mind 😂 Love that Pei Ming gets a d*ck joke even when he doesn't appear! Again, happy birthday! This was a good set (and chunk) of chapters to read for your birthday. I can't think off the top of my head what the next set will be so hopefully it's a good read on your birthday too and no awful cliffhanger...but it's Volume 4 so 😂


Happy birthday! Looking forward to next week chapters!


After all the horror of the last several chapters, the levity is APPRECIATED! I'm so excited to get to know Qi Ying more in this story, now! He definitely feels like he has a "young" heart and soul, indeed! Xie Lian of COURSE is oblivious to WHY he wouldn't want to bathe in front of HC (modesty in front of his crush)...but yes...he's SLOWLY getting there! Also, I snorted at that line about him being a "first time" babysitter -- for as much as he likes kids...he's not the ...best at raising them! At least WWX had LWJ to depend on; HC seems just as bad as XL haha! And "LAND OF THE TENDER" thank you -- that name keeps escaping me! Pei Ming needs to just accept that he's going to be the center of D-Jokes from here on in, and that's a good comparison with JC and WWX to YY and QY, at least in titles! Thank you so much! This was a great Birthday read and I'm hoping the read tonight for next week will be just as fun...and if there's a cliffhanger...WHAT'S NEW at this point?! Hahaha!! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


Thanks for the reaction and happy B-day! In earlier chapters when the heavenly realm sent QYZ to back up XL on his black water mission, it's mentioned that he was looking around Puji Shrine and the village (chapter 125), maybe that's when he found out that XL is poor so he decided to give him loads of gold......but little does our curly-hair deity know that his colleague is not only poor but also bad at cooking ROFL. So, after nearly 100 chapters we finally got some of the story of QYZ and his senior YY, who's 99.9% the wanning moon officer. We all know too well that the story told by one party regarding others and sometimes even oneself (I'm talking about you, WWX) in MXTX works can be biased, so clearly there's more to be revealed. And also, there's the question about how come HC took in this banished god as his officer? It's not like he's of any good terms with any gods other than XL...... The story of the origin of brocade immortal shares a bit of liking with the story (current version) of QYZ and YY, both involving someone with massive talent but little intelligence and someone who used this inconvenience as a way to murder. Pickle jars, the tgcf version of Poké Ball. XL--fine with bathing with underpants on in front of any other people but somehow not in front of HC. All the female clothing is going towards XL and some children's clothing are choosing QYZ. Either they don't have other choices or the clothing has a way of seeing through one's heart and finding the child-like side of QYZ. In that case......XL really has a feminine side somewhere, eh?


Ooohhh, that's a nice observation about QY being set up to go and see XL and giving him the gold bars -- no one expects the XL cooking skills, though! :P I am SO intrigued by the connection with Yin Yu -- there clearly is SOMETHING we don't know and I can't wait to find out! And yes, why take in the Waning Moon Officer, if it's him? So many questions! The pickle jars literally are pokeballs in this world hahaha And XL being so oblivious around HC; I love it and simultaneously want to shake him! And I was wondering if maybe the clothes attracted to XL meant either he has a feminine side they're relating to...or he's just handsome! ;) I think HC is fine with either. :P Thank you for the comment! I can't wait for the next set!