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I thought the last set of chapters was one of the best reveals I've read in a while -- and this set of chapters just keeps the roller coaster MOVING! MY EMOTIONS! 

The BlackWater Demon Xuan is bound and determined to get his revenge -- but there might be more going on under the surface than our cinnamon bun deity once thought and Hua Cheng is being suddenly mysterious about it! MORE than just teases in this set, but DEFINITELY A CLIFFHANGER!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Review - PART 39 - Chapters 124-125! BLACKWATER'S REVENGE?!

**REVENGE-FILLED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I thought the last set of chapters was one of the best reveals I've read in a while -- and this set of chapters just keeps the roller coaster MOVING! MY EMOTIONS! The BlackWater Demon Xuan is bound and determined to get his revenge -- but there might be more going on under the surface than our cinnamon bun deity once thought and Hua Cheng is being suddenly mysterious about it! MORE than just teases in this set, but DEFINITELY A CLIFFHANGER! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Oh no, I didn’t realize my phrasing in my last comment sounded spoilery. My intent wasn’t to say “ah, this quote is so important! Make sure you pay attention to it!” I was more saying it’s just one of the more popular quotes used and reiterated by the fandom (for like merch and fanfic stuff). Sorry if it read as me hinting to spoilers 😥😥😥 But still, I’ll be more careful with my phrasing next time! (Just wanted to get this out prior to my longer comment before I forget)


Ah, it wasn't just you! I wouldn't have thought much about it, but then people on YT started commenting the same thing, and I realized it might have some connotation -- but you're fine! I was trying to get ahead of the curb just in case! ^^

Blanca Choco

Ever since I read chapter 124, I loved it. I love SQX, he's the kind of friend anyone would love to have, but my heart burns for HX. I enjoyed his transformation, his every word, I felt his vengeful aura pierced from the book and came to flood my whole body. It felt so epic! I've always been on HX's side so I didn't suffer for SWD's death, unfortunately he did a lot of damage and it's something I can't forget every time I read his or HX's name. Thanks for the subtitles! As English is not my native language, I wanted to try to understand you as well as possible so as not to comment anything that might spoil your reading.

Anime Annie

Just a short comment this week because I'm about to go for my long flight home. Mo Xiang Tong Xiu writes suspense and horror so well. She's also amazing at giving antagonists somewhat reasonable justification for their actions. I mean for all that He Xuan and his family suffered because of Shi Wudu's want to save his brother from the Reverend of Empty Words, you can kinda understand why mere apologies wouldn't be enough. I feel like parts of this volume give you whiplash. I mean you go from the horrific death of Shi Wudu to Hua Cheng and Xie Lian making out in public and compelling Qi Rong to want some bleach to bleach his brain of the sight he saw 🤣 "three of them were now useless" because they no longer need coffins to float upon the sea, but there is one of their number that will need a coffin because he's dead 😭 Need to get that levity in in the form of Qi Rong being swatted.


The epicness of this chapter set was INSANE -- and I didn't care for Shi Wudu's character, so I felt more for the Wind Master in this set because of how helpless he was! I'm glad the subtitles worked for this one, too! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment; I truly appreciated it! <3

Miss Angel

I don't think I've ever commented on these reactions simply because I couldn't think of something intelligent to say lol. I haven't finished the video yet cuz I have class in 10 minutes and I just wanna comment before I forget what I wanted to say. When you talked about how He Xuan might have gotten attached to Shi Qingxuan in some way it kinda made me think. So, you remember that He Xuan had a fiance who was according to chapter 107 "beautiful like flowers, kind and compassionate." That honestly reminds me of Shi Qingxuan as a person. Maybe He Xuan also saw the similarity. That's just my little theory :)


Ahhh, thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I'm not sure how I feel about people saying the "theory" of the Black Water actually liking the Wind Master...it feels a little like a spoiler to me, and hopefully I can find out on my own as I read the story, but thank you for the support! :)


Hey oooh! I hope you have a safe flight!! No worries! MXTX is just SO good at writing horror and romance together! And yeah, for all of HX's suffering, apologies alone aren't worth it! There's SUCH whiplash with this set of chapters, too -- going from a major character death to the hilarity of Qi Rong suffering! @_@ And OOF that coffin line...yikes! Maybe the levity WAS needed. T-T Thanks for the comment and safe travels!

Kathy Cheng

Now sure if you know, In cultivation world, the heavenly Calamity can take all sort of forms, such as lightning struck, love suffering, life threatening event etc. Gods can advance to higher level after successfully pass each of their own calamity. For watermaster trial, it is his fate to have a life threatening event this time and it just happen to be blackwater who come for revenge. So blackwater does not setup the trial for him, but just watermaster come across life threatening event this time. Thats why he battled at the sea for a while before sailed to Blackwater domain. If watermaster can pass this trial, he will automatically advance to higher level.


IIRC it's the second time we come across a trigger warning and last time a whole family dropped from hundreds of feet above into a bloody mess. Ooof, MXTX sure knows her way with horror and gore when needed. I suspect that HX sparing SQX's life before and after revealing his true identity is of course, because he developed a twisted relationship that's hard to be defined as simply love or hatred, but also because XL's soul is in the body so HC could have made an emergency call to him and be like "before I got Gege's soul out successfully you don't hurt SQX, or this time it'll be more than punching you into the ground" and HX was like "NOT AGAIN" but still managed to keep the promise and only reached towards SQX after XL got literally sucked back to his own body by HC. Since the horny jail is already opened......there is loads of sucking between HuaLian in these chapters that comes with 'energy exchange' and hopefully more than that ROFL. And QR is still trash, but comic relieving one. HC when XL's not around: leans on the side of the chair, puts his leg onto the table and maybe menacing QR in the ghost king way. HC the moment XL opens the door: puts his leg down and become a nicely-sitting baby boy sanlang. There's someone else meddling this revenge plan by throwing hundreds of fishermen onto the east sea……as always, one revelation is followed by even more mystery. Thanks for the reaction!

Miss Angel

Oof, sorry for making it seem like a spoiler. I intended to just compare those two character's traits because I love drawing parallels and I could have worded that a bit better since I was in a hurry lol. I enjoyed your reactions to this arc as well as the previous ones, of course. I can't wait to watch more :)


For realsies this time, here’s my longer comment 😁: One thing I actually never noticed until rereading ch. 123 with you last week is that, in the previous chapter right before the big reveal, “Ming Yi” asked Shi Qingxuan “Why are you here too?” Now, it could be seen as him acting surprised to stay in character, but idk it doesn’t feel right for that to be the first thing to say if he wanted to ward off suspicion from himself. I feel it would have been more natural to say “the array didnt work” or “did you see anyone else?” Or maybe even just said it differently like “so you are here too.” Asking, “why are you here too?” just makes me question more if He Xuan intended Shi Qingxuan to be there or not. Idk, the situation is just so complicated. He Xuan is such an interesting character, I would have loved to read a whole prequel in his perspective from his mortal life to rising as a calamity to this moment of getting his revenge. Also, speaking of complex characters, of all the characters in the entire series, I didn’t necessarily care much for Shi Wudu. But I can’t help but admire how human MXTX had written him at the very end there. Yes, he’s prideful and condescending — everything you would expect in a god. But he could have also abandoned Shi Qingxuan the moment he ascended. Just as Xie Lian was warned by his Guoshi back in vol. 3 of how you must shed your ties to the mortal world when you become a god, Shi Wudu should have let go of his connection with Shi Qingxuan and could have easily done so to live a life of glory as a god on his own. And, yet, he sacrificed whatever he could in order to save his brother, the one person he truly cared about. He worked hard to get his position and protect SQX and did not rely on the Heavens to solve all his problems. In a way, it’s almost like Shi Qingxuan was Shi Wudu’s last shred of humanity, the last piece of his mortal life, and he was unable to let them go even to the very end. His love for Shi Qinxuan motivated him to become a god, and it ultimately became his downfall. Which is why I really felt for him in those final moments. And who would have thought I would be thankful for Qi Rong existing to lessen the tension 😂😂😂 If only we got an update on the donghua, this arc would be so epic animated. I also just want to see how they animate Shi Qingxuan in their male form as well as Ming Yi/He Xuan. I really like StarEmber’s designs of them, but their female forms were so pretty in the donghua that i’m just so gosh darn curious!! Knowing the pacing though, Blackwater arc will probably be pushed to a season 3, and that’s if we even get a season 2. And don’t even get me started on the audio drama - I still don’t understand what happened there 😭😭😭 Guess we just have to wait and hope season 2 will at least release by the end of the year as promised 🥺🥺🥺 Anyways, amazing review as always! Looking forward to next week’s video!


Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate it! I can't wait to see what else Volume 4 has in store as well! :)


I find He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan's relationship so interesting in this chapter! He Xuan says that he gave Shi Qingxuan multiple chances to basically side with him and because Shi Qingxuan kept protecting their brother... I wonder if He Xuan felt somewhat betrayed by their 'best friend'...😭 Despite saying he hates Shi Qingxuan for living in blissful ignorance off the back of his suffering, he gives him a lot of leeways in comparison to Shi Wudu and doesn't kill him. As you suggested, I wonder if He Xuan formed a complicated and twisted bond of love and hatred towards Shi Qingxuan.


It definitely seems like that might be the case -- I'm trying to keep from confirming or deconfirming anything until we learn more, but I guess we'll see! :) Thanks for the kind words and comment!


Wow, it HAS been that long since the trigger warning, hasn't it? MXTX sure knows when to give them, though! I'm going to be curious about the HX and Wind Master's relationship, but I'm trying not to pay too much attention to comments on it right now, for spoilers' sake, so I can interact with the couple as we go further...if we even get them in the future...who knows at this point! The "energy exchange" being an excuse for a makeout session is AMAZING -- we can only hope the donghua is so kind to us...and QR, our garbage heap of comic relief; it was NEEDED after these chapters! I love how he instantly goes from badass to puppy dog the moment XL enters the room! And yes, more and more mysteries...I don't know how MXTX kept track...probably with some gigantic planner, hahahaha! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


That's an interesting point about chapter 123 -- I hadn't thought about it that way; neat to point that out, but yes, the entire situation is SO complicated! And YES, I didn't care for Shi Wudu in the series, but I totally understand his love for his brother and how "human" he really was in wanting to save his brother. That's a GREAT point and callback to volume 3 with the guoshi! Wow! I'm glad you brought that up! Sooooo interesting! I'll have to bring that up in the discussion! I can see how someone would feel for him in that moment! At least thankful for QR alleviating that tension! UGH, I will wait patiently to see if we shall EVER get season 2 of the donghua or the audio drama again, but at least we have the novels in the meantime! <3 Thank you for the kind words and comment! SOOOO ready for the weeks to come!