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 had theories about how this season would start, but NOTHING could prepare me for Shogo Haizaki! WHAT A CHARACTER to start off the season!  

These first episodes were beyond my expectations, but I love seeing our sunshine boy Kise shine, especially next to his besties Kuroko and Kagami! And Aomine getting in on the "action" this set?! If this is how the season is starting, we are in for a FUN RIDE!  

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RoLgrNKqGyiSrgreHZSrNS?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball Season 3: Episodes 1-3 Reaction! IT'S MINE! ENTER HAIZAKI SHOGO!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RoLgrNKqGyiSrgreHZSrNS? **SHARK BITE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I had theories about how this season would start, but NOTHING could prepare me for Shogo Haizaki! WHAT A CHARACTER to start off the season! These first episodes were beyond my expectations, but I love seeing our sunshine boy Kise shine, especially next to his besties Kuroko and Kagami! And Aomine getting in on the "action" this set?! If this is how the season is starting, we are in for a FUN RIDE! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Only Generation of Miracles Players get to have colored hair, so it's just right that Haizaki loses his as soon as he quits the team. Season 3 was the one season that I watched as it aired, and so that little section in the OP where they showed the four semifinalists really stuck with me (especially since it's the first we get to see of Rakuzan, and they all look so interesting). A little detail in the OP that I only just recently realised was the bit at the end where it showed Aomine and Murasakibara playing against Fukuda- that it actually foreshadowed Kise using his Perfect Copy mode. I just thought they did that so they could showcase the eliminated players as well, guess I should've given them more credit. A little mistake I noticed during the interview section was when the interviewers asked Mitobe about their next game against Kaijo, even though they have yet to play against Fukuda. Or maybe the interviewers are just Kise fanboys and just assumed they'd win. That little note about Akashi not attacking Haizaki with scissors. Maybe Akashi gave him his new haircut? lmao The Haizaki and Hanamiya comparison is really funny. Hanamiya plays dirty against his opponents, but actually treats his teammates well. Haizaki does the complete opposite; he treats his teammates badly, but he actually plays proper basketball (up until the end when he got cornered). I'm really excited for this season! Can't wait to see your reaction to the rest of the series. Only 22 more to go.

The truck

You keep calling Haizaki straight, and maybe thats the reason he was kicked off the team, it's rainbow zone only. But honestly though, I would have kicked Haizaki off the team way earlier. The moment he started to show violent behaviour i would have given a warning to him and the moment he stole Kise's girlfriend I would have kicked him off for antagonizing teammates and the team bond. And for a team to AT LEAST try to stay in good bond with each other is essential for a team sport. Also, taken what you mentioned about Akashi after watching the next episodes on discord. Everytime I hear you saying how you "love the mystery around him"... its painful as fuck knowing what will be comig next week. xD cant wait for it tho so we can get over with it and continue to the next match.

Anime Annie

I was laughing about your thoughts for what this season might bring because no-one expects the introduction of Haizaki at this point. The Opening is Punky Funky Love by GRANRODEO. It's definitely one of my favourites both for the music, the animation quality, and the art style with the shadows. The Ending is GLITTER DAYS by Fo'xTails. Baby Kuroko is just too dang adorable. But it's cool getting to see the snapshots of his life. Also find it interesting to learn Aomine is a Speedo kind of guy, but that diving form showing he could easily end up in Free! Kiyoshi, my sweet airhead. Hyuuga and Riko definitely need to look after him because he's just too gullible. What I love about Aomine's character is that he accepts his loss. And although it plays on him, he is thinking about the next time. As well as smiling whilst thinking about playing them again. That moment with Hanamiya and Kuroko when you said "At his face, Kuroko!" I did imagine, what would have happened if Kuroko accidentally missed the ball or messed up it's trajectory and he'd actually punched or hit Hanamiya with the ball? 🤭 Haizaki's entrance really immediately puts him on the trash list with Hanamiya. And Aomine's reaction cements his position there, if punching Himuro and choking Alex didn't already do so. For me though it's honestly strange seeing what an asshole he is because for me Morita Masakazu's voice just makes me think of Ichigo. Though he definitely adds a darker/more sinister quality to his voice with Haizaki. But I love how Himuro protects (or at least tries to) Alex from Haizaki. The mid-episode animation for the teams are pretty cool. Really makes me think of actual games when they show you the line-up. Can I just say how much I love Kise's interruption of that scene with Haizaki trying to fight Kagami being a call-back to when Kise and Kagami first met at Seirin? Love the parallel. Haizaki is a butthurt douche with that whole idea of wanting to steal the title of Generation of Miracles from one of them 🙄 But Kise just listening to that drivel and then immediately after asking Kagami who Alex is 😂 He really couldn't give two sh*ts about Haizaki's reasoning for playing again. Also love that whilst Kagami calls Kise out for it not really being the time and place, he does still explain who Alex is. Whilst Kise calls Haizaki by his first name and that typically would denote closeness, to me that just shows another level of how little Kise respects him. Anyone that doesn't get a nickname he calls by their surname and sometimes the suffix -san/-kun/-senpai. And yet another way of them disrespecting each other is that when the game starts all the other players on both teams bow to each other; Kise and Haizaki just stand there and have a stare-off. Midorima just adding more evidence to being the Mum of this ragtag bunch with calling Aomine out, telling Haizaki not to chew loudly, and that Murasakibara needs to eat properly. Murasakibara's reaction to Haizaki trying to steal his food made me definitely like his character a lot more. And you gotta love Aomine calling him out with how quick he was and fired-up to protect his food. In regards to Haizaki dyeing his eyebrows as well I do know a fair few people that do that. I'm fortunate (read: weird) in that even if I get a dye on my eyebrows when getting them shaped, in photos they take on the colour of my hair or wig. I've had my eyebrows dyed a really dark brown and yet they've looked red when wearing a scarlet red wig, and then the following day looked blonde because I was wearing a blonde wig. My beautician says she's never heard of such a thing but does agree that in photos my eyebrows really do look that way, whilst other people (usually in order to hide the fact they've dyed their hair) have to dye their eyebrows to make them match with whatever hair colour they've gone. Poor Kasamatsu having to wrangle all those unique members. But he's a good captain in that he knows when and what his fellow players need. He accepted that Kise shouldn't warm-up anymore, and also brought him out of his own head before the start of the game when Kise seemed to have tunnel vision; focusing too much on just Haizaki. Also gotta love Kasamatsu for calling Hanamiya a "sh*thead" 🤣 Honestly when it comes to Haizaki's ability and his opinion of it Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better) from Annie Get Your Gun plays in my head 🤣🤣🤣 Riko and Hyuuga proving what a compatible couple they are by having the same reaction to just watching Haizaki's plays. It's honestly making me want to try and find a FanFic that has Haizaki ending up at Seirin after Teiko... Gotta love Kagami, Kuroko, Aomine, and Momoi all showing concern for Kise 🥰 But Kagami and Kuroko voicing their faith in Kise shows that the respect is a two-way street. Up until this point we've only seen Kise encouraging them and being certain of Seirin's victory. Never fails to make me smile when Kuroko stands up and shouts his belief in Kise, and how that helps Kise to stand again and push through. As well as talk back to Haizaki and put the douche in his place. I find it interesting Haizaki's use of names. Murasakibara, Aomine, Kuroko and Kise he calls by their first names, but Akashi he calls by his surname. We don't find out how he addresses Midorima as in the flashbacks we never see him call Midorima by name. "I want to see the moment he gets forced to quit" it's a surprisingly calm and collected moment I feel...at least on Akashi's behalf. Kise wins and Kasamatsu really comes and grabs his face with both hands and pulls him closer...sorry KasaKi shipper just basking in that moment and imagining scenarios from it 🤭 Then we get that whole moment with Kise, Kagami, and Kuroko 🥰 And then immediately after we have Aomine being Kise's protector and punching out Haizaki. The fact I ship each one on different levels means these few moments are difficult to take one after the other. Feels like my shipper heart is going all directions 😂 Aomine I think was expecting a fight fight, and instead managed to oneshot it! So he really was at a loss for a moment as to what to do. Love how unconcerned he is about just leaving Haizaki lain out on the ground. But yeah this soft side that no-one else witnesses really skyrockets Aomine up the list in comparison to some other members of the Generation of Miracles. Haizaki's words to Kuroko back in their Teiko days definitely are intriguing...especially with how Kuroko later came to hate basketball. But the fact he doesn't throw his shoes away this time, after thinking about Kuroko, does make me have some hope for him in the future. Or at least more hope for him than Hanamiya. Yes there are some extra scenes in the end credits. As far as I can remember they're each after Akashi playing the violin. It's the next Ending that doesn't have any extra scenes. The Kagami, Kuroko, and Nigou End Card is too adorable, and like you said shows how much Kagami's grown as a character. But I love the KasaKi one more because of how soft they look, and how Kasamatsu's eyes aren't on the photo but rather on Kise...🥰 My headcanon for the photo is that it's one of two things: either it's the photo from the Opening of the Generation of Miracles in their Teiko days; or it's a photo of Kise with his current team. Not you comparing Haizaki to Veruca Salt!!! 🤣 But I can definitely see it. They have a very similar "it should all belong to me" mentality. When you said about reading that line wrong I did have to pause and laugh for a bit because I figured it was the "titles" part you read wrong. Glad to see my brain was working in sync with yours for that 🤣 Great reaction to the start of Season 3. So excited for more!


How can you say the series didn't have a douchelord when Hanamiya was in last season lol. Hes a douchelord too Also I'm really creeped out by the fact that Haizakis captain looks IDENTICAL to Teppei... lol I dont understand that character style choice at all. At this point in the series I definitely think we all understand that this isn't a realistic sports series and really they don't have to work this hard to explain all these incredible talents and skills lol. Could explain it with 2 words: super powers. And we'd all be totally on the same page for that. See you say you don't like Haizaki but you were cheering for him with your arms above your head 🤣 he steals moves and you're like "YAAAA" lol or is that just because you enjoy the chaos? Aomine is a papa bear when he's in the right frame of mind. When he's not self loathing and depressed he's very protective of his boys and he could see the writing on the wall so plain and simple there. He knew Haizaki so well that he just knew he'd try to start something and Aomines definitely not just gonna stand around and watch as he tries to beat the shit out of Kise. Here's the thing for me right, I like Haizaki a lot more than I like Hanamiya. I feel like Haizaki has more humanity to him. Did he ask to be removed from the team? Absolutely. Does he have a shitty attitude? Absolutely. Is he a sexist pig? Yes. BUT he still does let his own skills and talent in a sport that he enjoys do the talking for him most of the time. He's violent and rough around the edges but I have 0 respect for someone who goes out of their way to injure the other team MID GAME instead of proving themselves with their skills. Haizaki is a great player and didn't resort to violent tactics because he still respects the game and enjoys the game. Hanamiya had 0 respect for the other team, nor the game itself. He just happened to land on a team full of players that were slimy like him. The end of that 3rd episode gives Haizaki a lot more humanity in my opinion and the fact that he could tell how bad things were going to get for Teiko after he left shows a lot. He absolutely would've been someone to oppose Akashi on every decision. Can't wait for next week lol


Trash King Hanamiya makes Oikawa look like a Recycle Bin 😜💕


AHAHAHAHAHA Oh my gosh! I about snorted my drink! XD That is perfect! :P I love it so much! Thank you for that laugh and the comment -- I'll still support my King Oikawa, though! ;)

Jordan G

My Mitobe/Koganei shipper heart sang for the sliver of content we got with them during the interview. Honestly, I have no idea if Mitobe has a voice actor. I guess he does? but if he does, does he just make like...sounds?? On the topic of no one really settling on a name for Hanazaki/Shogo. I always thought it was because he was maybe older/younger than different people or it was a closeness thing? I know Akashi for example calls all of them by their first name so perhaps it's like that? Some people respect him (ish) and some don't. This could make no sense but It's what I thought of while listening to your discussion. I hate to admit that I've seen all of KNB and completely forgot Hanazaki existed until I started the episode with you. I saw the thumbnail and was like "oh who's this cutie?" only to have my dreams crushed immediately. Yeah, Hanamiya is trash but I mean I like to think he wouldn't do to Alex what hanazaki did. All beef is reserved for Teppei I guess. I think we need to figure out what they put in the tap water at Teiko Middle School to 1) make all of the G.O.M somehow linked to each other when they improve/are in danger/fall in love and 2) have such ginormous middle schoolers. It's definitely interesting that the referees get onto Hanazaki for trash-talking Kise and yet remain oblivious to any form of physical violence on the court. Shogo and Akashi is a ship I never want to thank about honestly.


Hahaha, once you leave the GoM, you can no longer have the snazzy hair, apparently! :P OOOOHHH, that part of the OP foreshadowing the copy mode! THAT IS WHY THAT IS! OMG -- I talk about that next week but now it makes SO MUCH SENSE -- thank you! I will have to make note of that with episodes 7-9, so thank you! ALSO, thank you about that note from the interviewers; maybe THAT is why I didn't think that there was another game! And ahahahahahaha, maybe Akashi gave him that haircut, indeed! I love that headcanon! Haizaki and Hanamiya being trash kings in the opposite ways is so poetic and perfect! :3 But honestly, I am both EXCITED for this season, and bittersweet it's the last season, though -- we have a LOT of content to cover even after the season is over, so I AM happy about that! Thank you for the comment! :D :D


GoM is a Rainbow Zone ONLY -- I'm hearing it. But yeah, his attitude was definitely toxic, and if he wasn't going to change, it was only going to get worse, especially getting violent (only Akashi can do that). But YES, antagonizing his OWN teammates is way over the line as well! All fair points! Hahaha, yes, I'm nervous for anyone that likes Akashi with next week, but hopefully, the more we get later on will help my view of him! Fingers crossed! Thank you so much for understanding and the kindness and comments, fellow Taurus! ;) ^^

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 11:02:40 I agree -- Mitobe and Koganei got just a nugget of content but I was LIVING for it! Someone in the Discord said they had someone doing the "grunts" or "sounds" for Mitobe or at least he HAS a VA credit, but I have no clue, either, haha!! OH, that SUCKS that you were like, "Who's this cutie," only to immediately have your dreams dashed like that! @_@ That is cruel -- and seriously, Hanamiya is a trash king FOR CERTAIN, but he keeps that all ON the court, and I doubt he'd ever do that to Alex or anyone else, either. Teppei just gets targeted from SO MANY PEOPLE. Just. WHY?! Hahaha! And seriously, Teiko has some serious Kool-aid they are giving out to all these kids or it's on some kind of radioactive site or SOMETHING. Something's in the water, perhaps. But yeah, also, the ref's clearly have something against anyone slandering Kise, haha! I honestly gave up on the referees in this series after the Kirisaki game, but it was almost hilarious how THAT was the line we couldn't cross in this episode! And honestly, in hindsight, A Shogo x Akashi ship is not one I want to think about, either. @.@ Thank you so much for the comment! <3
2023-04-01 22:01:28 I agree -- Mitobe and Koganei got just a nugget of content but I was LIVING for it! Someone in the Discord said they had someone doing the "grunts" or "sounds" for Mitobe or at least he HAS a VA credit, but I have no clue, either, haha!! OH, that SUCKS that you were like, "Who's this cutie," only to immediately have your dreams dashed like that! @_@ That is cruel -- and seriously, Hanamiya is a trash king FOR CERTAIN, but he keeps that all ON the court, and I doubt he'd ever do that to Alex or anyone else, either. Teppei just gets targeted from SO MANY PEOPLE. Just. WHY?! Hahaha! And seriously, Teiko has some serious Kool-aid they are giving out to all these kids or it's on some kind of radioactive site or SOMETHING. Something's in the water, perhaps. But yeah, also, the ref's clearly have something against anyone slandering Kise, haha! I honestly gave up on the referees in this series after the Kirisaki game, but it was almost hilarious how THAT was the line we couldn't cross in this episode! And honestly, in hindsight, A Shogo x Akashi ship is not one I want to think about, either. @.@ Thank you so much for the comment! <3

I agree -- Mitobe and Koganei got just a nugget of content but I was LIVING for it! Someone in the Discord said they had someone doing the "grunts" or "sounds" for Mitobe or at least he HAS a VA credit, but I have no clue, either, haha!! OH, that SUCKS that you were like, "Who's this cutie," only to immediately have your dreams dashed like that! @_@ That is cruel -- and seriously, Hanamiya is a trash king FOR CERTAIN, but he keeps that all ON the court, and I doubt he'd ever do that to Alex or anyone else, either. Teppei just gets targeted from SO MANY PEOPLE. Just. WHY?! Hahaha! And seriously, Teiko has some serious Kool-aid they are giving out to all these kids or it's on some kind of radioactive site or SOMETHING. Something's in the water, perhaps. But yeah, also, the ref's clearly have something against anyone slandering Kise, haha! I honestly gave up on the referees in this series after the Kirisaki game, but it was almost hilarious how THAT was the line we couldn't cross in this episode! And honestly, in hindsight, A Shogo x Akashi ship is not one I want to think about, either. @.@ Thank you so much for the comment! <3


Hanamiya is a douchelord, too, I suppose but he was more a "trash king" in my book, which is a slight step up for me from "douchelord." But you're not wrong in that the Fukuda captain looks EERILY like Teppei. That's weird -- we have enough players on these teams that look "somewhat" similar, we don't need more! SUPER. POWERS. I'm proud they're at least "trying," at this point, haha! I wasn't cheering FOR Haizaki in those episodes, I was cheering at the fact that I actually predicted something before it happened! ^^ I said early in the set that he "stole powers" while Kise copied them, so when the show actually revealed that was the case, I was happy! I usually don't predict those things, so I was celebrating, haha! I enjoy chaos, but not that created by HIM! :P I love that we see this side of Aomine, where he is protective and just comes up and says "NOPE. LET'S STEP OFF, DUDE." And it was just one punch. That's all it took. No fight, just one move. Aomine isn't going to waste the energy on people that don't deserve it. I feel Haizaki and Hanamiya are apples and oranges to me, personally. They both don't really care about the sport as a whole -- Hanamiya it's obvious on the court, and Haizaki it's obvious off the court, because his actions could get him in trouble, but he "doesn't give a shit." However, I will say at least he seems to maybe give more of a care at the end of Episode 3, when he doesn't throw the shoes away. I do give Hanamiya a tiny bit of credit that he doesn't cause any drama "off" the court and his team seems to actually get along with him, whereas Haizaki is a pig off the court and his team doesn't like him at all..they're just using him for his skills. I do agree Haizaki gets a little more humanity in the 3rd episode, so that's to his benefit, but they're both at the bottom of the barrel for me. Trash kings! AHAHAHAHAHA, thank you for the comment and kind words, and YES. NEXT WEEK. HOO BOY.


This season has right out of the GATE been surprising! I LOVE the opening, though! It’s so much fun and Baby Kuroko is so cute! Honestly, though, can we GET a Free! X Kuroko’s Basketball crossover!? I feel Aomine would be a FORCE to be reckoned with, and I need to see Haru and Kuroko just popping up where no one expects them to. Riko and Hyuga are an OT3 with Teppei for a reason, haha! I would LOVE to see Riko and Hyuga get onto Haizaki and how his attitude might have developed if he was on the team with Kagami and Kuroko as opposed to Fukuda… I loved Aomine in this set - I love that he seems to be in a better place and just exudes “badass energy” throughout this entire set. And everyone showing concern for Kise is so sweet! I love that our blonde model gets some love in this set! Kuroko and Kagami could be deadly around others if they’re not paying attention! I love how Hanamiya was the example of what would happen with a mess-up! Bwahahahaha… Haizaki and Hanamiya are trash kings together for SURE. I watched the dub mainly for Bleach growing up, so I’m not as familiar with the Japanese VA’s so I did NOT catch that was Ichigo! I’m so glad Kagami and Himuro were a part of the “Alex Protection Squad!” Gotta watch out for our sister/mom figure! And Kise interrupting was soooo good! My how we’ve come full circle with his character, right? And we haven’t even had Seiren vs. Kaijo, yet! And Kagami and Kise’s friendship (along with Kuroko’s) could be OT3 material AS WELL at this point. @_@ And the uses of “names” in this set is quite telling with how people view each other as well, isn’t it? And despite it all, I do like that Haizaki seems to have a “moment” where he could become a better person, thanks to Kuroko…I’m rooting for him, at least, to not be such a douchelord in the future. I agree, the scenes in the flashback made me like Murisakibara more, protecting his precious lunch! I barely have eyebrows and have literally never touched them, so that’s interesting about the dying process! And that it matches your wigs! @.@ That’s really cool, though! Kasamatsu wrangling his team like cats – what a “mom” of the group! I love him, though, in this! I friggin’ LOVED that moment of Kasamatsu grabbing him! MY SHIPPER HEART! And then add Kagami and Kuroko in! Our blonde getting all the love he can get! :) It’s great! I noticed there were some end credit scenes after episodes 4-6, so I noted those and will be on the lookout! 🙂The end cards and credits have been really cute so far! And that head canon for the Kise picture makes allllll the sense! I’d like it to be a current team, showing he’s moved forward, and it would explain why Kasamatsu is looking with such warmth, too! Thank you for the kind words and comment! This season is WILD right out of the gate, and I feel it’s only going to get crazier!