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SO...this episode was the first time this season that everything felt...like a LOT. SO, please see the disclaimer below but despite that, this episode was WILD and had so much happening in it! I'm excited for what's to come in this season finale, because there has been a LOT revealed and a LOT left to be addressed...and only one episode to go.  

DISCLAIMER: Since it seemed like there were parts "rushed" in this episode or content left out, I am planning later this month to react to the manga content that happens around Episodes 11 - 13 of this series. Because of that, PLEASE. NO COMMENTS about what has been left out from the manga. I want to be surprised when I react later this month. Thank you so much!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/jtp7he

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Bungo Stray Dogs Season 4: Episode 12 Reaction! BUNGO HOUND DOGS?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/jtp7he **SIGMA-RELATED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** SO...this episode was the first time this season that everything felt...like a LOT. SO, please see the disclaimer below but despite that, this episode was WILD and had so much happening in it! I'm excited for what's to come in this season finale, because there has been a LOT revealed and a LOT left to be addressed...and only one episode to go. DISCLAIMER: Since it seemed like there were parts "rushed" in this episode or content left out, I am planning later this month to react to the manga content that happens around Episodes 11 - 13 of this series. Because of that, PLEASE. NO COMMENTS about what has been left out from the manga. I want to be surprised when I react later this month. Thank you so much! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



so cool you will react to these chapters! :) personally, I rarely have problems with bsd anime adaptation but this episode made even me ask questions like what happened here lol, not just pacing but also some animations, oh well... so just to be safe I'll keep my commentary about everything after you read the chapters! but i enjoyed your reaction as always


I'm happy you're going to record your reaction to those chapters!! Me watching this episode be like 'BONES, what are you doing?!' BSD community (especially manga readers like me) has gone wild rant after this episode came out. So I'll definitely look forward to your manga reaction and let discuss about it after ss4 end:)) BTW, for the anime, I like the background music during Sigma scenes. The music suit him well, so did his voice. Just sad when I come to think that if it wasn't too rush, those scenes would become more epic. He's a cool character, I really love him 💜🤍 . And you were right about Fyodor's taste, considering Shibusawa from Dead Apple, Nikolai and now Sigma, he really has such taste XD


I haven't even read this manga, and I'm still mad about this episode. I love this series, and this season has been so good -- and then it seems like they jam three episodes worth of stuff into one. That said, your reaction was really good and helped a lot to think through some of the gaps and the reaction to those chapters will be helpful too. Have a good trip and don't stress too much about taking a break!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I will luckily have Episode 13 out before I go, but I appreciate it! And yes, I'm excited to get back with the manga, but I will definitely do my best to savor the break! :)


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! And for being careful for me! I'm excited to react to the chapters and we can talk about what was left out, rushed, etc! :) :)


I can only IMAGINE the manga reading community! I am really looking forward to seeing the manga and how it differs and what it adds to it! That's a great point about the music, too! Sigma is such a fun character so far -- but YES, Fyodor definitely has a "type." Thank you so much for the comment!


Oh good, you're going to read all of season 4's manga content! I wasn't sure if you were only skipping to episode 12 and 13's content, since that's what you're reacting to live. xD But yeah..... hoo boy. "Gonna hope Bones knows what they're doing and will treat it with some dignity" famous last words. :' ) BSD twitter had a field day after this episode; it felt like I was just scrolling for miles where every other tweet was complaints about cuts and rushing. :' ) I don't think the pacing in the rest of season 4 has been perfect by far, episode 6 especially with Nikolai's stuff/the book reveal was veryyyy fast-paced and had pretty much zero breathing room, but this is without a doubt the WORST the pacing/cutting issues has been this season, and the fact that even an anime-only can notice that is extremely telling. 🫠💀 The issue of bad or mediocre adaptations is a subjective thing for a lot of people; I know everyone will feel differently about it, and there are so many factors to take into account. I've seen plenty of manga readers who say to just be grateful, because "well there've been far worse manga adaptations out there!", and because the artists and animators put a lot of blood sweat and tears into all this (and of course, I am SO appreciative and acknowledge all their hard work, and I would NEVER blame the main staff for the numerous questionable adaptation decisions made by higher-ups). I also know that plenty of anime-onlies don't really care to be more than casual fans, and never intend to go further and read the source material; as long as they're entertained, they don't really care if the show they get is in many ways quite different in tone and feel from the original material, because they'll never know, and I totally respect that, too. ...But as a manga/light novel reader, I'm such a stickler for everything being as close to the source material as possible /because/ I have so much love for this story, and /because/ I feel like it deserves so, so much more justice, that it hurts me deeply that Bones just doesn't give it. Maybe it's pessimistic of me, maybe it's mean of me, but I'm just like..... at some point, if your adaptation is such a warped, hollow, speedrun shell of what the original was, what's the point of even making it anymore? Bones' other shows like Mob Psycho and MHA seem for the most part amazing (I dropped off of MHA after season 4, and I heard some complaints about season 5, but haven't really seen any criticism for season 6?), so I KNOW they can do better. BSD on the other hand, for some reason, is the forgotten child, the ugly ducking, that's constantly getting shafted, and that I'm CONSTANTLY seeing complaints about someone's favorite scene being cut, or the tone of said scene being so utterly different from the manga, to the point where instead of being entirely excited every week, it feels like the manga fandom (myself included) go into each episode with a bingo card of "Most Likely To Be Cut/Fisheyed/Tonally Butchered". We were all SO terrified of how they would handle Yosano's incredibly heavy and sensitive backstory, and it's honestly a miracle it turned out as wonderful as it did, a rare W for Bones' BSD. But that's not how it should be!!! Seasons 1 and 2 were the best PURELY in terms of adaptation, and then I swear Dead Apple happened and /something/ went wrong. And seasons 3 and 4 have had.... so many issues. It's so weird, it's so disappointing, I would give ANYTHING to know what went on behind the scenes these last many years between 2016 and 2023. Season 4 is simultaneously my favorite season but also the season that has given me the the most mixed feelings ever, the biggest roller coaster, over these last 12 weeks, like god. It can be so good, and then I'm pulled back to reality with some scene that makes me remember, oh yeah, this is still Bones and they still don't understand how fundamentally character-driven and nuanced BSD really is lol 🫠 Ugh, sorry for the rant, I just had to get it off my chest. Your reactions and discussions have been fantastic, and make my frustrations and bitterness each week easier to deal with. xD I just want better for this series.... for Asagiri *sigh* it's so underrated, and I really just feel like the anime contributes so much to that, in a lot of ways. Tone and expressions and music etc can make or break a series, and completely change how people are affected emotionally by certain scenes, and connect with characters, especially if content is cut altogether..... just, whyyyyyyy Bones? Why don't you understand Bungou Stray Dogs as well as you could? Whyyyy do you feel the need to rush everything? All that being said, I really hope you're looking forward to reading the manga for your own sake, and not just because you don't want to be spoiled. It's really great, like it always is, and will add to your appreciation of season 4 so much more. 💖 At least we finally got animated Sigma, my poor sweet relatable child! 😭🥹💜 I really loved his voice acting; it was so good (though the voice actors always carry, in both Japanese and English lol)! He's so kind, I love how much he cares about his customers, and the casino...... because they're all he has 💔 And I SWEAR when you were talking about the whole "the most powerful scariest person is an ordinary desperate man", I started thinking about Oda, and then you read my mind!! xD It's so true though..... I've seen this famous quote related to Oda, that goes "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man", specifically the last part, and I feel like that also applies to Sigma, even if the situations aren't exactly the same. Sigma fights to protect all he has, out of desperation, and Oda fought after /losing/ all that he had, out of a desperate yet broken desire to end it all....... but both of them have anger brought out from those circumstances, despite how innately kind they are, and that's what makes them so dangerous, and terrifying. Sigma will stop at nothing to defend what he cares about, and Oda would stop at nothing to get revenge for those he cared about. I love them both 🥹🥲 and like you said, so many other characters in BSD are similar to that, especially Atsushi.... Atsushi's own anger and defiance also comes out when he's most desperate to protect his new home, and prove his worth, despite feeling like he has no worth. It's really nice to have a member of the Decay of Angels that's for all intents and purposes normal and the every-man, because these series is all about humanity and normal people just trying to survive, so someone like Sigma is much more relatable and easier for us to understand and fits in with the overall themes imo, compared to the more godly crazy people like Fyodor and Nikolai 💀 I definitely agree that Ivan in the cannibalism arc with his long hair kinda felt like a beta version of Sigma lol... but Sigma is MUCH better. 😌 Not Biscuit Teruko oh my godddd, how did I never think of that, you're exaclty right 😭😭😭 I was thinking more about All Might LMAO, but yeah she's basically Bisky fjdkfgjkf that's so funny oh my god Fukuzawa's wolf pack 🥹 he has cubs now 🥹🥹 papa Fuku wolf 🥹🥺😭💖 I love him........ he really did go "bitch I ain't got time for marriage!! I got 9 kids and one of them doubles as a cat!!" bless him. Looking after Ranpo and Dazai is a full-time job in of itself lmaooooo The difference between how Jouno and Tecchou operate on the job is absolutely fascinating, I'd love to know how they both came to be the ways that they are. Jouno is probably my favorite of the two, but....... I much prefer Tecchou's samurai honor lol (even though he did try to kill our crew multiple times a few episodes ago... 💀). Teruko on Tachihara's shoulders is unfairly adorable, and so is Jouno standing on Tecchou while he's doing pushups while half-stripped. They're such a weird yet somehow endearing dysfunctional bunch lmao But yeah, this was.... an episode alright....! Really wish this arc had just been teased at the end of this season and saved for season 5, like you said. :' ) Very stressed for how the finale will go down!! There's multiple ways they could end it I have no idea what they'll go with lol, but I fear for yet more rushing 😔💔 feels bad man. I'm glad you've been enjoying the season mostly overall though; that's what matters the most 💖


I’m definitely looking forward to touching base on the manga after this part, especially before the next season. It is definitely hard to watch an adaptation of a series, especially when it’s one you REALLY care about! Don’t feel bad about getting that off your chest – I totally get it! I definitely am looking forward to the manga reactions! Reading the manga between seasons 3’s anime reactions ending and starting this season DEFINITELY strengthened my enjoyment of the series! Sigma is a lot of fun so far and I can’t wait to get more into his personality and backstory (that he apparently doesn’t remember, poor guy!) I like that tie of Oda to Sigma! I’m not going to read too much into it, because I want to discover Sigma’s character naturally on my own throughout the series as I go, but that’s cool there’s a connection there. Oohhh, I can definitely picture the All Might tie in to Teruko! That analogy works really well, too! 😀 Fukuzawa is like Bagera from The Jungle Book - having to watch after these cubs left and right and clean up everyone’s mess…or maybe Natsume does that, too? I miss him. Solidarity for him living out his bachelor life, though! I agree, too, I prefer Tecchou’s “Samurai honor” as well – Jouno makes me SUPER nervous with his attitude, particularly! But thank you SO much for the comment and kind words! I definitely am excited to see what is going to happen next! :) :) Cheers to the Stray Dogs!