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It's rare for a series four seasons in to not only pull out a surprise plot twist, but one that leaves you REELING and wanting to re-think EVERYTHING leading up to this point...but Bungo Stray Dogs is capable of that!  

Thank you all for not spoiling me! I was a screaming, feral fangirl in this episode - because of the twists, turns, and the gorgeous animation, especially on our girl Yosano! This episode was worth the wait! HOLY SMOKES!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/2bkld2

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Bungo Stray Dogs Season 4: Episode 10 Reaction! IN LAMENT OF MY WINGLESS BODY?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/2bkld2 **HOLY PLOT TWIST! HEADPHONE WARNINGS - I AM LOUD!** It's rare for a series four seasons in to not only pull out a surprise plot twist, but one that leaves you REELING and wanting to re-think EVERYTHING leading up to this point...but Bungo Stray Dogs is capable of that! Thank you all for not spoiling me! I was a screaming, feral fangirl in this episode - because of the twists, turns, and the gorgeous animation, especially on our girl Yosano! This episode was worth the wait! HOLY SMOKES! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



The hype and quality of BSD seasons have a linear growth


I think making Stormbringer into a movie would be more suitable than a movie. Like Dead Apple

brianna a

honestly, it's such a great series!!! I know it has a pretty sizeable following, but still, not enough people talk about it haha

daragh faro

Hey offtopic and sorry to ask I dont mean to be pushy and I respect Romania's times and schedules but does anybody know when her reaction to aot final season part 4 is coming out?


Hey! No worries -- here's what I put on the Community Post on YT about AOT: Hey All! I've had a lot of people on Patreon and YouTube ask about Attack on Titan, now that it's announced that Part 1 of 2 of...Part 3...of Season 4 (that's whiteboard-kun-levels of wrapping your mind around) is coming out in March. I still want to review and react to the manga leading up to Part 3 -- this spring, I'm hoping to jump back into the manga reactions and reviews. As for the anime, I want to watch Part 3 in one GIANT go (a Month of Attack on Titan, if you will), so I won't be watching Part 1 when it comes out in March for that reason, and because my work schedule has me away from reactions two weeks between March and April (so I will be busy trying to record ahead for those events). So, basically, please no spoilers on Part 3, but I WILL be reading/reacting to the manga leading up to a "Titanic" month of Attack on Titan, when we have all of Season 4, Part 3 available. I appreciate the support and am very, very excited! **walks away humming 'Rumbling'**

brianna a

Sakaguchi is Ango ! Lol don't worry, I'm also super bad with names, but his full name has been mentioned plenty of times so this isn't a spoiler.. And we can remember that yes, he was a previous spy for the government. I'm also an anime-only so don't ever expect spoilers from me haha


I could see that happening! I think it would be better suited than a mini-arc for sure! Thank you for the comments! :)


I agree with you that Mori is a great villain. I think he is so well-written, a kind of character you would love to hate. He may not have a super-brain like Dazai or Fyodor, but you definitely can’t underestimate him, or he may use you for what he thinks it’s benefits. Many people hate him for being attracted to a little girl, but I think the way he viewed others (including girls) more like his pawns, being used mainly to achieve his goals. And if we look deeply into Mori’s original work, like Vita Sexualis, you will see the fact that it’s not related to something erotic at all. Actually, it’s really questioning toward sex, giving an idea that sex isn't everything in human life and not that important. The main character is also more interested in other stuffs than sex thing (which could be considered as asexual), so do some other characters in his other books. They always choose logic/career/benefits over relationship or feeling (and there’s a character using girl as a pawn too), which fit BSD Mori character here as well. Anyway, you mentioning that he wanted Yosano’s healing power so much that he made Elise like her is an interesting idea! I’ve never thought of that. Speaking of Yosano, I love her so much. I’m so glad that I’ve seen her using ability many times in this season, especially this episode. I’ve been waiting to see that animated for the whole time cuz we’ve just know what her ability is but never seen her using it before. But now we get it! Her ability is so gorgeous! Ahh, and our poor boy, Kenji got stabbed many times in this season. It seems that the author loves torturing every characters in this series, like giving them trauma. And now it’s Yosano and Kenji’s turn. I also love the scene when Hirotsu (the old man) used his ability. So so well animated! It’s somehow looking as noble as his character’s look, fitting him really well. It might be a small scene, but I was like WOWWW when watching that scene. The way they displayed Japanese alphabets/Kanji on the screen while speaking poetically (which I believe that lines come from one of his work), and the background music were so GOOD! That made me want to read the poetry immediately 😊. Then there was Tachihara’s reveal!!! I have been waiting for this since season 4 announcement. That reveal made Tachihara rocket from the almost-least-fav to become one of my favorite characters in BSD. At first, I was afraid that BONES will mess that scene up, but then feeling relieve when it was well animated. I really love your reaction to the reveal! Tachihara is someone you’ve seen since the very beginning of this series, but you’ve never known his background until this reveal. I think his acting was so good that he should get the OSCAR XD XD XD. By the way, since you brought up BSD Light Novel, may I ask you if you are going to read/react to 55 Minutes, too? It’s the fourth volume of BSD LNs, which may not be as popular as Dazai/Chuuya LNs, but I think it’s so good. I feel like there is a low chance that this one would get animated since it’s not a flashback, but about one case placing around manga volume 9 or 10 (if I remember correctly). The novel would give you more info/hints about some characters and things in BSD world, which you may never know in the main series. At the same time, it also leaves you some more questions to think. I recommend you to read this one. I will look forward to your reaction/discussion next week :))


OOOHHHHHHH -- thank you! I didn't want to look them up, just in case they were a new character that got name-dropped in that episode, but that is VERY helpful! :) Thank you!


I do love Mori and Yosano...for opposite reasons, haha, but I'm glad we're getting more and more of them in this season! And THANK YOU for reminding on Hirotsu! And the Tachihara reveal! @.@ Thank you for the kind words; that reveal blew me out of the water! oooh, the 55 minutes novel I have a link to, I believe -- that might be a nice one to review/look through instead of Stormbringer -- I have a deep, deep feeling that after this season, I'm going to need some BSD material to look through whilst we wait! Thank you for the kind words and comment - SO excited for next week!


Yeah... Bungou Stray Dogs /is/ criminally underrated. And this is one of the many reasons why. :' ) Excluding the light novel arcs, which I consider their own separate things (and the best parts of the series to me - like you said, absolutely nothing can ever beat Dark Era), it really does just get better and better, and it hurts me how unknown it is when it's SUCH a masterpiece on so many levels and SO much deeper than the initial impressions it may give off. This is one of the greatest plot twists ever and I'm so happy to see you finally get here; your reaction did not disappoint in the slightest 🤣😭 the Mrs. Doubtfire clip still hits LOL. And putting it on the same level as the "Warrior" twist?! High praise indeed omg!!! 😭🙏 But it warms my heart to hear... yes, give this series all the love and praise it deserves. 💖 It's soooo funny to go back through this episode again after you know the reveal..... funny, and kinda surreal, and also kinda sad. Like, yeah, give my man Tachihara his goddamn Oscar for his acting all throughout here; he not only continuously controlled that mannequin to fight them all, but did so WHILE fighting back against it himself, AND having it attack his comrades, AND pretend to have it attack HIM, all while effortlessly making it look like he was none the wiser to anything just like the rest of them -- this GIGACHAD. The mannequin is shown right at the beginning in plain view, making you feel good later when you remember it was shown right upfront, but that's only half the foreshadowing, because TACHIHARA IS SHOWN RIGHT WITH IT NEAR THE WINDOW. IT'S PURE GENIUS, ALL OF IT. And then in the elevator they start straight up shit-talking the Hunting Dogs and calling them freaks, and Tachihara's face is just 😭😭😭 his poker face is the best; poor man is being roasted and can't show anything to keep up his cover a;skdfkgfld When you go back to Tachihara's earlier (few) scenes in the series, there's absolutely no foreshadowing for this twist, which I feel like some may say is bad writing, because it really does come out of nowhere -- but imo I think it's BECAUSE there's no hints towards it that is the only reason it makes perfect sense, and makes it such a genius twist. I don't know how far ahead Asagiri plans while writing this series (especially because a lot of the light novels.... feel like they exist in a vacuum, which can be a little frustrating to me but that's not important lol), so maybe he really didn't have this in mind for Tachihara from the outset, since I mean the Hunting Dogs didn't even EXIST in the story until a handful of chapters/episodes ago. But Tachihara is a spy: his entire role in the Port Mafia was pretending to be someone he isn't, hiding his true, original identity as a Hunting Dogs member, so of COURSE there would be absolutely no hints of this up to this point. Sure it may come out of nowhere, but it coming out of nowhere with this random dude you always thought was just a nobody in the background (and yes, it DID always have me dying and laughing my head off whenever you wrote him off as just some dude whose name you didn't remember 🤣😭 iconic) is backed up by the narrative itself, so it doesn't feel like an asspull at all, it really feels like a genuine, good surprise, and I absolutely love it. Tachihara is one of my top characters in the series; he's just simply wonderful and I love the depth given to him 💖 BSD and Asagiri just don't miss!!! (also, go back and watch his scenes in Wan. He gets a lot of moments in Wan, more than in the main series tbh, and they are REALLY funny to me in hindsight lmao) But it hurts me to see him willingly hurting Hirotsu and Gin..... yes, the Hunting Dogs were his new found family, but the Black Lizards (+ Higuchi) were a family as well :' ) 💔 and it also makes me emotional to see Yosano upset at not being able to save Hirotsu, as you pointed out, and Tachihara urging her to leave him behind; there's SO many layers to that moment, oh my god. Because Tachihara is the one ATTACKING Hirotsu, and Yosano, true to who she is at her core, just wants to save people, even people who are supposed to be her "enemy", but Tachihara cannot see that kindness of hers, because he's clearly so blinded by what he thinks happened between her and his brother, with her killing him... when we know that isn't the truth..... just aughhhHHHHHH IT HURTS SO MUCH. Baby Yosano trying so so hard to revive him over and over again (I NEED TO KNOW HIS NAME. TELL ME HIS NAME ALREADY BSD, HE'S SUCH A CRUCIAL CHARACTER EVEN BEYOND DEATH, JUST LIKE ODA IS; HOW CAN WE NOT KNOW HIS NAME 😭💔) is SO MESSED UP, and I just feel like the Aladdin genie gif going "TELL (HIM) THE TRUTH!!!" @ Tachihara because he needs to know what really happened and that his brother and Yosano truly cared about each other, dangit. 😭💔 I already ranted about this plenty about the /next/ episode especially in discord lmao (since this comment is late OTL), but all your theorizing about how certain characters could connect to others, that is one of the many things I just LOVE about this series: how Asagiri so effortlessly ties together certain characters that may seem bizarre at first, but it isn't long before it becomes abundantly clear how much SENSE it makes thematically. Who would have ever expected in the beginning that you'd eventually speak of Yosano and /Tachihara/ of all people in the same breath, and Tachihara and /Ango/ -- because there's the emotional throughline with Ango as well! Ango was a spy in the mafia who left the mafia after he lost someone dear to him -- and who comes along after him and takes his place? Another spy, /joining/ the mafia because (his personal reason at least) /HE/ lost someone dear to him. It always just feels so SATISFYING to me in a series when connections are made like that; Yosano's soldier wasn't just a random guy, he was Tachihara's brother, and Tachihara didn't just join the mafia at random, he was specifically brought in to fill Ango's now-empty spot, while also being, ironies of all ironies! a spy himself! It's just *chef's kiss* mwah. Beautiful, simply beautiful, how everything comes full circle. 😌 Francis believing the ADA will win makes me so happy :' ) 💛 the old sport has changed, just like I said before! He'll still never fully lose his vanity or he wouldn't be the Francis we know and love lmao, but his time in the slums gave him some much-needed taste of humble pie, and we love to see it. And I really loved how Atsushi was able to recognize here that he cares about his subordinates, after seeing how Francis reacted to and spoke of Margaret when they were looking at her in the hospital room. 🥺 Yosano's words about trusting in Atsushi's trust in Francis because he's fought with him may be cheesy, but it reminded me of back during the Guild arc when he came to Fukuzawa with the proposal to team up with the Port Mafia, and Fukuzawa tells Mori that Atsushi's request carried a lot of weight because of how much he himself had been brutalized by the mafia in the past -- I think it's a similar case here. Yosano knows that Francis fought with and hurt Atsushi plenty of times during their battle with the Guild, so his opinion out of everyone's should be respected; if he still chooses to trust him even after everything he did to him, then he should be believed about Francis having changed and now being an ally. Why did I have a feeling you would ship Yosano/Gin 🤣 but hey, I'm not judging; I myself saw the vibes here too before watching this LOL. Higuchi canonically sees Gin as a little sister for her to older sister, so... Gin with Yosano? Hell yeah I could get behind it. Yosano this episode truly was FINE, like mmmmm girl, mmmm Bones, I see you, dropping this episode right around Women's Day 👀💦👌 We talked about it on discord, but 55 Minutes and Beast are definitely reasonable for you to read and make videos on (and Untold Origins of course); Beast is an AU and has multiple adaptations (definitely recommend the novel first of course, and then the movie/manga depending on your preferences), and 55 Minutes...... is so far isolated from the rest of the franchise in terms of adaptations; none of the other mediums choose to touch it, it truly is the forgotten light novel, so you should definitely check it out. And yes, Stormbringer is by FAR the longest one lmao, it is over double the size of some of them, it is THICC and I truly do not know how Bones will choose to tackle it, but mark my words that it cannot be in their usual 3/4 episode format, unless they truly decide to lower the bar even further than even I expect and cut more than they've ever cut before. On the plus side, if you do decide to read it, you'll have the Stormbringer stage play to watch afterward, which I also have subtitled and ready to go (officially subbed, too...! Some of the best BSD money I've ever spent lol) 💖 This is definitely just a setup season, and the wait for season 5 might be agonizingly long..... why not join the manga club in the meantime-- *shot*


OH yeah, this twist was RIGHT UP THERE with “Warrior” – for it to come out and surprise me that hard after these years, I really appreciated it! Tachihara gets the Oscar for sure for his acting! And seriously, for him to be THAT resourceful throughout all of that?! GIGACHAD indeed! Whether the mangaka intended it or not, I think the twist WORKS in this series and it’s really fantastic as a reveal – not having hardly any information on Tachihara DEFINITELY worked to the mangaka’s benefit if it wasn’t planned ahead because then they could tailor the story to fit the reveal. I love it! :) And HA! More scenes in Wan is absolutely great in hindsight! There’s a lot of pain, there, like you said and Tachihara having two found families, but letting his desire for revenge seemingly put one over the other and like you said, ignoring Yosano’s clear “heart” because he is focused on revenge is TRAGIC. This whole season has been SUCH a beautiful web of how characters are separated, connected, related, and bouncing off one another – this season has been CHAOS but I’ve really enjoyed it! It makes me excited with each episode to see what will be put out there for us! Francis’s little fist pump at saying the ADA will win and he’ll help them is ADORABLE. That Old Sport! I love how his character has developed – it’s been so great to see throughout. And how Yosano trusts Ranpo, Atsushi, and has faith in them is just *heartwarming!* HAHAHA – I don’t SHIP Yosano and Gin personally, but I definitely saw the ship develop as the scene progressed! 😛 But I can probably get behind it, I mean – Women’s Day, right? And yes! Untold Origins, too! Those three pieces of BSD content as well as some Audio Dramas and the Character Songs? We definitely have some material to go through as we wait for Season 5 and to hold out for Stormbringer. That is EXCITING that you have the Stormbringer Subbed stage play, though!!! VERY exciting! HAHAHA, maybe Bones will announce Season 5 before we think! I hesitate to get into the manga, because it would take away from my anime reactions..we’ll see, though! Thank you for the kind words and comment!