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Oh, Y'ALL! How does this series manage to get BETTER and BETTER?!  We finally get Kazuki full-on backstory as we meet Karin and see her relationship with him, just as Kazuki reaches his limits as "papa!" 

Meanwhile, Rei learns the value of Kazuki's parental input and his emotional communication reaches new heights! All the emotion, all the symbolism, and all the "setting the stage" for the halfway point of the season! I love it!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/9j2UT7YJ79TpCxTNs58kh4?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Buddy Daddies: Episode 7 Reaction! AFTER RAIN COMES FAIR WEATHER!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/9j2UT7YJ79TpCxTNs58kh4? **QUESTIONING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh, Y'ALL! How does this series manage to get BETTER and BETTER?! We finally get Kazuki full-on backstory as we meet Karin and see her relationship with him, just as Kazuki reaches his limits as "papa!" Meanwhile, Rei learns the value of Kazuki's parental input and his emotional communication reaches new heights! All the emotion, all the symbolism, and all the "setting the stage" for the halfway point of the season! I love it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I love how when Kazuki thinks of Yuzuko he immediately goes back to his empty habits (excessively drinking, uncontrolled gambling, fighting) to distract himself. I think it's a really neat detail. And having all characters ask Kazuki about his family in different ways beforehand (the girls asking if he has a sweetheart and Kyu talking about how he changed) feels like subtle foreshadowing for the themes of this episode which is about Kazuki *truly* accepting this newfound family not just for Miri's sake but for his own too. Of course, Rei is learning too that being the fun parent means you still gotta do work LMAO I know my mum has said a similar thing in the past about not being a maid. I have a little brother and we've definitely done the rush to get ready for something only to discover it's actually not even on that day lol. I love how the camera pans to Rei and settles on his face as Kazuki smiles :,) all that despite coming home to a completely trashed apartment he recognised Rei's effort and he is just so FOND. YESS YOU MOVE ON KAZUKI!!! and the symbolism of the title "after rain comes fair weather" and the fair weather for him is Rei and Miri as the sun finally dawns on his face during that realisation!! It's so momentous for his character. (ALSO NOT THE BIFLAG LIGHTING DURING THE GARDEN SCENE LMAO) and that line where he says he's scared of being fulfilled by something else... IM CRYING TEARS (this is just my own theory but I have a feeling that maybe his wife's death wasn't a complete accident..)


If it wasn’t for Vinland Saga airing this right now, Buddy Daddies would have been my no.1 favourite of the season! That’s even with other great shows happening this Winter 2023. Tsurune delivering a much better season than the first (in my opinion), MHA second cour being genuinely pretty awesome and doing a good job in its adaptation, Bungo Stray Dogs having its best season by far, Blue Lock being a blast, Trigun and Nier too and so on.. I know people were hyping up the Fall season just gone but this season has been pretty special and maybe better when it comes to the amount of content that I’ve been loving. Oh no… just realised I forgot about the AOT special! Shit! 😄 Okay AOT doesn’t count as it’s not a season! That’s my loophole! Buddy Daddies Fridays is becoming like absolute crack for me. It’s made my face hurt from smiling, actually made me cry and I’ve been just genuinely super impressed by the writing, pacing and approach they are taking. But that’s PA Works for you. They are really showing their strengths with their past few projects.

Anime Annie

Kazuki being a protective father when Miri goes to run out into the road 🥺 They did well in my opinion on portraying Kazuki's trauma. Yeah the title is optimistic but also suggests pain first. Makes the comfort better when it hurts first 😅 Rei got the towel...but left putting the name on it for Kazuki. Poor man is just not having a good time of it. He's got two kids on his hands rather than a partner and a kid. Rei's especially showing what a big kid he is with that move with the mushrooms! What adult puts the food they don't like on a four-year old's plate?! Gotta admit Kazuki's breaking point gave me flashbacks to my own childhood. Everything he said in that moment my Mum has said on several occasions. All the noises and facial expressions Rei makes are just too hilarious. Definitely the clueless Dad being left with the kid to realise just how much their partner does. Kyu-chan's talk with Kazuki gave off such big brother vibes for me. He really cares for Kazuki and wants him to move on from the past 🥺 Listen you know I love Rei, and he is ever so slightly more my favourite than Kazuki, but the minute he ordered chips to cover their "vegetable" requirement?? Yeah I wanted to reach through my screen and smack some sense into him! I'm from NI and I follow the stereotype of loving any and all forms of potato. But a potato is NOT a vegetable!!! "We've been abandoned" showing that Rei can be just as dramatic as Kazuki sometimes 🤣 Kazuki calling himself lame/equating himself to trash just hurts my heart 😭 And can honestly say I knew the Kazuki backstory would be painful but didn't expect it to be that bad 😭 For a kid armpit is the best place for checking their temperature. It won't be as accurate than if it's taken orally but it's the easiest method with kids. Rei calling for Kazuki has my heart though. But the thing I love most was when he was thinking of himself as a failure it just took Miri calling for him to push him into action. "A papa is someone who saves you" after all 🥰🥺 And then him covering up Miri to protect her, but uncaring about himself as he runs to Kyu-chan for help...gives me so many soft and warm feelings, which is in direct contrast to the pain and concern the scenes with Kazuki make me feel. Kazuki's apologies to Karin *hurt*. You can feel the blame he holds for himself and know by his sorry's that he thinks "if we'd never met/I'd never come into her life, you'd still have your sister". I cried actual tears (and teared up again watching your reaction) at Kazuki talking about his fears. Grief is something that can stay with you and leave you afraid to move forward. Especially because to move on you mostly have to let go of the one(s) you lost. As much as I want Kazuki to feel fulfilled by his little family of three, I completely understand the part of him that is afraid to. The memory part also made me think of that moment on the beach with Yuki and Mafuyu (which certainly didn't help stem my tears 😅). Kinda funny that we both also thought of Given with this scene 😂 I honestly love Karin's character. She focuses on her good memories of her sister, and remembers her sister. But she doesn't allow the memory of her sister to keep her caged and instead moves on with her life. But the idea of her still coming to tell her sister about her achievements makes it feel like she's keeping a part of her sister with her. Helps show Kazuki there's more than one way to honour the dead and remember them. The light of the sun coming in in that moment when Karin helps Kazuki come to the realisation that it's okay to be happy and having fun being a family with Rei and Miri *chef's kiss* Hydrangeas are a nice flower, but they're one of the ones my Mum typically won't have in her garden because they spread through your flower bed and so smaller flowers get blocked from getting enough nutrients. The fact this show chose to have Kazuki softly smile after not just looking at Miri, or Rei holding her hand, but at a completely exhausted Rei who really has done his utmost to look after Miri...they knew what they were doing with that moment 🥰 Romania you had the same reaction as me to the umbrella getting opened indoors! 🤣 It's so engrained into me that it's bad luck that I have gotten soaked trying to put an umbrella down before entering somewhere. But her new little rain song was adorable 🥺 They tried to get the tears from me again when they showed that Kazuki's picture of him and Yuzuko is no longer relegated to a drawer but happily on show. Great way to show that he's ready to move forward, but won't forget her 🥺 And yeah there were some similarities to Episode 7 of SK8 between Kazuki in the rain and Reki in the rain 🥺 But unlike SK8 it all resolved itself in this episode. FanFics on Kazuki teaching Rei how to make French Toast sound good! Though my brain is warring with two potential ideas for them: one would be G-rated and includes Miri "helping"; the other would be after Miri's sound asleep and most definitely E-rated 🤣 In regards to the aloe, cactus and hydrangea I looked up to see what the Japanese symbolism is with them. I got a bunch of different information for them. Most stated, as I mentioned in the discord, that hydrangeas represent heartfelt emotion, gratitude and apology; but I also saw that the clusters of hydrangeas can symbolise the enduring love in a family or friendship, and can be considered to be a fickle flower because of how quickly the colour can change dependant on the growing conditions. Some said in hanakotoba a cactus signifies endurance, grandeur, warmth, and ardent love; whilst others said it represents lust/intense passion. Most seemed to agree that aloe signifies bitterness and grief. You pointing out Kazuki calling Rei "dude" in that moment when Rei obliviously believes he's doing enough as a Dad made me go back and listen to it again. Dude is an...interesting translation choice. From my (novice) understanding Kazuki is using a very informal way to say "you" (omae/お前). I get that in English we don't have an equivalent to show he's speaking informally to Rei but using dude in this moment just makes me think of certain 'bro' connotations. Especially considering omae/お前 can apparently also be translated to something like "my dear"... The phrase the taller woman says which they've translated to "Make each other happy" (oshiawase ni/お幸せに) is apparently used a lot at weddings...👀 It definitely feels like a Bleach reference with not just their names. Of what we've seen of them, Yuzuko definitely feels the more motherly of the two sisters, just like Yuzu in Bleach. And Karin in both is more of a go-getter type. Also Yuzu was the older of the twins and Yuzuko is Karin's older sister in Buddy Daddies. The official website gives what their specific ages are but I won't say them in this comment. If you want to know I can tell you in the discord.


Oh yes! I couldn't wait for you to see this episode! It's just like you said, this series just gets better and better! I had your same reaction to Kazuki's flashback. Also i love Rei's character and i like to discover all his characteristics and his evolution! Thanks as always for the reaction! See you next episode!!!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! This episode was just FANTASTIC! I absolutely loved it and the development with our boys is sooooo good. I can't wait for the rest of the season!


I love how this episode does what you said and gets to Kazuki's bad habits while also foreshadowing that others around him can see he's transitioning towards something new and "better for him." And I love that Rei and Kazuki are still developing their relationships throughout this. And YESSSSS the Bi Flag basically being the Hydrangeas -- AMAZING. I'm hoping his wife's death was just an accident of circumstance, but I can see that being a possibility...and it scares me! @_@ Thank you for the comment and kind words! So excited for the rest of the season!


Seriously, Buddy Daddies has come out of NOWHERE and claimed my heart! But yes, all of these series this fall and winter have been SO GOOD! I can't wait to get to Blue Lock and Trigun eventually -- and AOT doesn't count because it's not a full season, correct! :P -- But yeah, Fridays have become my crack with Buddy Daddies, too! I don't "have" to watch ahead like I am, but I can't help it! It's just SO DARN GOOD! I've been so impressed with this series and it came out of nowhere! Thank you for the comment -- SO excited for the rest of this season!


The realism of parenting and how much Rei and Kazuki still have to go even after this period of time is so refreshing, but yeah, Rei’s “child at heart” is really showing in this episode and poor Kazuki just reached his breaking point. But Rei slowly coming to the realization of what all Kazuki does for them was both hilarious and heartwarming. Your offense at him choosing fries as a vegetable – hahahaha – it reminds me of my dad, that would let us “get away” with things just to treat us, much to my mother’s chagrin. 😛And him being dramatic, too – maybe that’s why I like Rei so much; he reminds me in many ways of my dad. I agree, Kyu comes across like a big brother to Kazuki; I loved that talk with him in this! Kazuki’s trauma with his past and Rei’s desperation with the present was so tense in this episode! And yes, grief is really talked about well with Kazuki’s character in this. Ah, Given, the series that keeps on “giving” flashbacks of romantic trauma. I’m also so glad Karin ended up being such a great character in this and NOT a hurdle for our boys! The animation and visual symbolism in this episode in the scene with her and Kazuki talking was ABSOLUTELY a *chef’s kiss* moment. And yes, Hydrangeas are very pretty, but the “snowball” ones my mother had as a kid DID spread EVERYWHERE in the yard. That’s interesting to know that they block other flowers in the flower bed! @.@ Oooh, I’m going to talk about the hydrangea symbolism next week, but that is GREAT to know about the cacti too! :) AND YES, Kazuki looking at both Miri AND Rei in that end scene? SUBTEXT IS CONTEXT, y’all. And using that “Make each other happy” phrase at weddings? HAHAHA – yessssss! I love the Bleach reference and SO agree on their personalities as well! Thank you so much for all the info, kind words, and comment! I’m SO ready for the next several episodes! I think it would be okay to say their ages for the sisters! :) Thanks for asking, though!

Toni simi

Best episode yet. This episode made me realize that I maybe should apologize to my mother for how often I used to, and sometimes still, complain about the food. I think Ryo and Kazuki worked together since it seems like they all work in the same organization and Ryo was just too perfectly there at the time. It was probably just unfortune timing that Yuzuko and Kazuki were at the same place that day. Kazuki will grieve for the rest of his life over his fiance and unborn child because he obviously deeply loved them. But like Karin said it's okay for him to change, look forward and get happy again. They did a wonderful job in portraying Kazuki's ptsd and grieve. I was so emotional and him saying he's scared of being fullfilled by something again was my last straw. I couldn't stop my tears. Kazuki looking fondly and softly at Rei and Miri in bed?! They were definitely not hinting at something right after the talk with Karin and the Bi flag flowers. Definitely not. XD But seriously it was nice to see that Kazuki can finally start accepting that he has a new family he loves and deeply cares about. I think Rei definitely starts helping more after this. Now that he saw how he can do nothing if something happens. Wish you a wonderful day!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-18 19:53:43 I LOVED this episode! From Episode 6 on, this series has not MISSED, but this episode was so beautifully emotional, for all the reasons you've stated! The idea that Kazuki can still grieve, despite his loss, while still having a new family is such a beautiful concept! I love that theme of moving forward and not feeling BAD for it! <3 Your comment definitely summarized my thoughts, too! Thank you for the comment and kind words and have a great day, too!
2023-03-15 15:51:30 I LOVED this episode! From Episode 6 on, this series has not MISSED, but this episode was so beautifully emotional, for all the reasons you've stated! The idea that Kazuki can still grieve, despite his loss, while still having a new family is such a beautiful concept! I love that theme of moving forward and not feeling BAD for it! <3 Your comment definitely summarized my thoughts, too! Thank you for the comment and kind words and have a great day, too!

I LOVED this episode! From Episode 6 on, this series has not MISSED, but this episode was so beautifully emotional, for all the reasons you've stated! The idea that Kazuki can still grieve, despite his loss, while still having a new family is such a beautiful concept! I love that theme of moving forward and not feeling BAD for it! <3 Your comment definitely summarized my thoughts, too! Thank you for the comment and kind words and have a great day, too!