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Holy smokes -- this season finale was SO GOOD! It was heartwarming, surprising, serene, and now...NOW my Shipper Heart is going into OVERDRIVE, y'all!

It's been so fun following these boys, especially Minato and Seiya, as they come to terms with themselves and each other this season -- we still have an OVA to go, but I am MORE than hyped for Season 2, now! What a flawless victory of a season finale! I can't wait to talk about it with you all! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/dHQFopzmrMFnoAt2gQmzcP?

Thanks for Watching and the Support! 


Tsurune: Episode 13 Reaction! IRREPLACABLE!?

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 3:48): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/dHQFopzmrMFnoAt2gQmzcP? **SEASON FINALE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Holy smokes -- this season finale was SO GOOD! It was heartwarming, surprising, serene, and now...NOW my Shipper Heart is going into OVERDRIVE, y'all! It's been so fun following these boys, especially Minato and Seiya, as they come to terms with themselves and each other this season -- we still have an OVA to go, but I am MORE than hyped for Season 2, now! What a flawless victory of a season finale! I can't wait to talk about it with you all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


WuXian Suibian

Tommy Sensei's "regret" is actually a catalyst for Minato to find Masa. If you remember it was after shooting during the club meeting that Minato raced off on his bike all emotional and then when he stopped to rest he was on the road below the shrine where he heard the Tsurune of Masa's bow. Minato may not have been in that area and run into Masa otherwise. Also, the two "support" guys that when up to Manji after the finals, they are the same guys that told Shu, and the twin to "throw" the tryouts" to allow more upperclassman a chance on the team. SO, a bit of a turn around for their attitude towards the twins at this point in the story line. And yes the Masa x Minato connection comes full circle.


Thank you for another great series of reactions! Our boy Minato finally learned to see what's "in front of him" and use that knowledge to help other people. It happened with Seiya. Minato didn't understand why Seiya had transferred schools. But once he got it, he could help Seiya overcome his guilt. It happened with Masa-san. He was a mysterious figure to Minato, who even mistook him for a ghost! But once he saw Masa as a real person with his own motives, he was able to help him make peace with his grandfather. It happened with Kaito several times as Minato learned to see past his bravado and slowly gain his respect. It happened with the team when Minato realized that they needed to change the way they were reacting to Masa's absence. And Minato's description of each shooter at the end was a perfect encapsulation of their personalities during the show. Their friendship and knowledge made them a better team. Because when we are at peace within ourselves... when we know where we belong... when we find common purpose with others... then our joy and wonder and sense of well-being naturally radiate outward to other people. Like light. Or ripples. Or sound. Like tsurune!


OH. MY. GOSH. How did I not catch that about Tommy's decision leading Minato to meeting Masaki!? WOW...yeah, it adds another layer to Minato telling Masaki that "all things happen for a reason." APPARENTLY they do! WOW! @.@ Thanks for pointing that out!!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 10:35:15 Thank you for the kind words and comment! I love how much of an impact Minato has had on all of these characters and in return, he's able to look up to them to not be worried about how things go! A darn poetic circle, isn't it?! That last paragraph is so perfect! I'll have to quote it when I get into season 2! :) Ahhhhh, it's just TOO GOOD! One more week with the OVA and then I'm diving into season two with you all! <3
2023-01-13 01:09:15 Thank you for the kind words and comment! I love how much of an impact Minato has had on all of these characters and in return, he's able to look up to them to not be worried about how things go! A darn poetic circle, isn't it?! That last paragraph is so perfect! I'll have to quote it when I get into season 2! :) Ahhhhh, it's just TOO GOOD! One more week with the OVA and then I'm diving into season two with you all! <3

Thank you for the kind words and comment! I love how much of an impact Minato has had on all of these characters and in return, he's able to look up to them to not be worried about how things go! A darn poetic circle, isn't it?! That last paragraph is so perfect! I'll have to quote it when I get into season 2! :) Ahhhhh, it's just TOO GOOD! One more week with the OVA and then I'm diving into season two with you all! <3