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Hey all! Apologies -- I had to repost to allow Multiple Choice! 

There were SO MANY amazing nominees for the Husbando Bracket this year!

We are having three flash polls to narrow down the remaining spots -- the top spots from all three polls will make it to the bracket. Thanks for voting!



I always have way more to pick for husbandos as expected haha. Haru, Kataoka, Louis, Lunge, Canute :)

Jordan G

Qi Rong??? I voted for him of course but at the same time...Qi Rong? Husbando? Maybe I'd get a cool lantern and some questionable dinners out of it lol


Hahahahahaha, I mean, Hisoka made it last year and THAT was a long shot, so Qi Rong didn't surprise me too much, but "cool lantern and some questionable dinners out" suggest there were...more than one, so it couldn't have been TOO bad, eh? ;)