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We finally reach the end of the manga, and MAN -- the way that Sadamoto interprets the End of Evangelion is surprising, refreshing, and interesting when you consider this took place YEARS before Thrice Upon a Time came out. Hm, Anno.

The journey with this manga has been SO great and I'm SO happy I have these digital versions to read whenever I want, now. I have a feeling I'll be doing so a lot!

Next week is the recap of this amazing series! I look forward to answering your questions and celebrating the greatness that is Neon Genesis Evangelion! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/A9TSKaGu1fKzhGZTXqcvq3?

Thank you for reading with me and for the support!


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Manga Volumes 13-14 Reaction!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 4:38): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/A9TSKaGu1fKzhGZTXqcvq3? **END OF EVANGELION TWISTING HEADPHONE WARNING** We finally reach the end of the manga, and MAN -- the way that Sadamoto interprets the End of Evangelion is surprising, refreshing, and interesting when you consider this took place YEARS before Thrice Upon a Time came out. Hm, Anno. The journey with this manga has been SO great and I'm SO happy I have these digital versions to read whenever I want, now. I have a feeling I'll be doing so a lot! Next week is the recap of this amazing series! I look forward to answering your questions and celebrating the greatness that is Neon Genesis Evangelion! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 00:26:30 I'll be honest you totally turned me on unto the Asuka/Kensuke ship, When Thrice happened I thought it came out of left field but you going back to the manga has made me realize, nope, there were always seedlings for that relationship all along. I guess I was too distracted by that live action scene with Asuka & Toji, and the fact that the very first person she expected to be the Ace pilot in ep 8 was Toji that I always thought Asuka/Toji could work if Hikari and Shinji weren't around. but that's Toxic, unhappy Asuka. Happy, self actualized Asuka would definitely go for Kensuke.
2022-12-16 06:34:40 I'll be honest you totally turned me on unto the Asuka/Kensuke ship, When Thrice happened I thought it came out of left field but you going back to the manga has made me realize, nope, there were always seedlings for that relationship all along. I guess I was too distracted by that live action scene with Asuka & Toji, and the fact that the very first person she expected to be the Ace pilot in ep 8 was Toji that I always thought Asuka/Toji could work if Hikari and Shinji weren't around. but that's Toxic, unhappy Asuka. Happy, self actualized Asuka would definitely go for Kensuke.

I'll be honest you totally turned me on unto the Asuka/Kensuke ship, When Thrice happened I thought it came out of left field but you going back to the manga has made me realize, nope, there were always seedlings for that relationship all along. I guess I was too distracted by that live action scene with Asuka & Toji, and the fact that the very first person she expected to be the Ace pilot in ep 8 was Toji that I always thought Asuka/Toji could work if Hikari and Shinji weren't around. but that's Toxic, unhappy Asuka. Happy, self actualized Asuka would definitely go for Kensuke.

Christopher Pettersson

I love the ambiguousness and weirdness of the anime, but to be clear, the more explained and clear events in the manga is not why i rank it beneath the rebuilds. I just need those voice actor performances and the emotion of a score/soundtrack, otherwise i concede that the manga is better written, with a better script compared to the rebuilds. Also really like that we get more of Gendo and Yui and i got a bit misty eyed with the ending here with Rei and Shinji. I can appreciate some of where things are just spelled out and explained, but i don't think i would want it in the anime, just more of a bonus you get in the manga... and it's not like any extra revelations/information we get here must be true for the other versions of the story. And i do love all three versions, it's like your favourite dish just with different seasonings. I actually didn't like Shinji coming in and saving Asuka like that, to much like a regular shonen protaganist. Sure, growth for Shinji taking action and Asuka slightly opening up, but i like the original better. The anime (and EoE) is horrible to Asuka but i guess that fits the with how depressing and dark the original story is. Maybe they could have found a middle ground for me, where Asuka finds her inner strength, defeats all the EVAs but after losing power and all the EVAs coming back Shinji could jump in for the save. Now in the anime you clearly could come back if you died before the instrumentality began, as clearly demonstrated with Asuka, so saving her here perhaps didn't really do much... although i guess it's much more pleasant to be embraced by Kaji than being cleaved in twain by an EVA, so he spared her that atleast. And again, there is also the possibilty that things are different in this version of events, but with Rei also here seemingly "lcl-ing" NERV personell already dead i guess it works the same. How much power did Shinji... uh, Rei... eh, Adam and Lilith have to recreate the world and bring back people who died? Did the 2nd impact even happen in this new world created? would it even matter? The remnants of the EVAs show there are some continuity between the old world and the new world created. But i guess all that is just academic at this point, Shinji made a new world where people can hurt, help and love each other... without the risk of his parents turning them (and all life) to orange goop. Good job baka Shinji.


YAY! I'm glad that my once crack ship actually ended up becoming a legit one thanks to the manga -- I honestly think that a happy, self-actualized Asuka would be all about Kensuke, whether in the manga or Rebuilds. Plus, Kensuke always seemed on board with Asuka despite her personality; maybe like Yui to Gendo, he accepted her for who she is. :) ^^


Ahhh, I can totally see that reason with wanting the voice acting, soundtrack, etc. That’s a fair point – thanks for clarifying that. I definitely think it’s apples, oranges, and lemons at this point, as I find so many things about each genre that I enjoy! I do agree that the Shinji and Rei ending gets me! As much as I like Kaworu and Shinji, I’m glad he’s not in this version of the end here – that Rei gets a “proper” send off and that her and Shinji have those moments together at the end. It’s very sweet and fitting! Ahhh, I can see that with Shinji – I’m glad he came in and helped her, but I agree, it DOES read like a Shonen manga so I can understand someone not finding it as good as the anime. And yeah, the original EOE is so horrific, but it matches the tone and characters, so it fits. And at least she has a happier bout with instrumentality instead of being ripped apart…I guess that’s a…plus? Haha!! HAHA – Good work, Baka Shinji – you made the world without NERV and the Eva’s, even though that one series are still there as some sort of vague reminder. I do like the ending and that he gets the snow, like Yui promised, and at least has Kensuke and Asuka there with him, and presumably Hikari? It was definitely a different ending than I was expecting, but fit the world Sadamoto made, here. Thanks so much for the comment!