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**Headphone Warning**  

It's time to dive into Volume 3 of Heaven Official's Blessing! And WHAT does MXTX have in store for us, you may ask? Only a deeper dive into Qi Rong's upbringing and psyche, alongside the tragedy of a class system and child death! *nervous laughter* Welcome to the Third Volume!  

I look at Chapters 69 and 70 of this series along with manhua Chapter 86! There's already a LOT to think about with these chapters and we've jumped ahead three years after Xie Lian's ascension...we know nothing bad happened around that time, right?   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel, Manhua, & Audio Drama Review - PART NINETEEN!

**Headphone Warning** It's time to dive into Volume 3 of Heaven Official's Blessing! And WHAT does MXTX have in store for us, you may ask? Only a deeper dive into Qi Rong's upbringing and psyche, alongside the tragedy of a class system and child death! *nervous laughter* Welcome to the Third Volume! I look at Chapters 69 and 70 of this series along with manhua Chapter 86! There's already a LOT to think about with these chapters and we've jumped ahead three years after Xie Lian's ascension...we know nothing bad happened around that time, right? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

All the Qi Rong backstory just tearing at your heart a little 😭 So moral of the story: don't be mean to other kids because those kids could grow up to be cannibalistic ghosts 🤣 The whole scene of Xie Lian talking about getting too many prayers to be able to deal with them all himself...not gonna lie it reminded me of Bruce Almighty 😂 Mu Qing and Feng Xin...I do have a soft spot for the Opposites Attract trope I'm laughing so hard that Mu Qing doesn't even appear in Chapter 69 yet he's still to blame for the cliffhanger at the end 🤣 Conspiracy-sama nearly needed an appearance there with your theory making! Little Huckleberry appearance felt like he was comforting you with that heavy moment with Lang Ying's detached re-telling of his son and mention of his wife. But no he was just wondering why you'd choose emotional pain over playing with him 🤣 Mo Xiang Tong Xiu writes disturbing scenes like this so well that it really sends a chill up your spine. Enter pissed Xie Lian! I love though that whilst he is unaware of the luxuriousness if the temples possibly be an issue for the common people, he isn't naive to think that whilst the prayers in Yong'An couldn't reach him, the situation itself wouldn't be known by the higher-ups in Xianle (who by rights should then have made prayers on the Yong'An people's behalf to Xie Lian). Getting Beefleaf in the manhua chapter definitely makes Ming Yi coughing up blood feel like simpler times in comparison to where we are in the novel.


The QR backstory does get me a bit! But HA! There IS a Bruce Almighty comparison, there! And poor MQ -- getting blamed behind his back! :P I have a feeling the theories are going to get wilder as we go... **braces self** Hahahaha!! Huckleberry, in true Corgi fashion, asserts his role as tiny dictator of the house and declares I wait on him hand and foot and play with him whenever he asks -- I just get lucky and know when he's tired during the evening/day to film, usually, haha!! MXTX really does know how to get to the chilling horror of a scene...and usually it's just so understated and terribly sad. UGH. And ahhhh, that's a GREAT point about the royals NOT praying for Yong'an if they knew they were in trouble...hmmmmm....I can see why XL is ticked off...how to see what will happen next!! And RIGHT?! This manhua just showed how truly SIMPLE times were...back before all this pain and insane trauma with our poor cinnamon bun deity occurred! @_@ Thank you for the kind owords and comment!


Haven’t commented in a while, but I have returned!! This comment will be a hodgepodge of all my thoughts on your reviews of the last parts in volume 2 and this week’s video. I love seeing the difference in Mu Qing’s character from past to present. I also really love the Mu Qing and Feng Xin bickering. Mu Qing seems like an over-thinker to me, while Feng Xin is so simple-minded. No wonder they butt heads often, but I think that just makes their dynamic so interesting. I love seeing the three of them be this inseparable unit, but it also makes it even more sad to see bc in the present they’ve all become so estranged with one another. Qi Rong is definitely a product of his environment. He probably developed this idea of those against him deserve “punishment” from his father’s abuse toward him and his mother—the idea that those who go against me/my beliefs of right or wrong must be punished. That doesn’t mean I excuse his horrible behavior, but it does shed light on how he became to be the person he is. It also hurts to know that, like you mentioned, had Xie Lian just put in more effort to curb his behavior, maybe he wouldn’t have turned out like this. I feel like all the “what ifs” can be the saddest part of a situation. Can we talk about how EXTRA teen Xie Lian was?? He literally jumped from a high place just to have a dramatic entrance during the parade. His statements are all so dramatic as well, no wonder Xie Lian was embarrassed by them later on. Also I forgot about it until the line appeared, but the fact that Xie Lian used to be a picky eater and now, in the present, he will literally eat a cold meatbun off the floor without complaint. Ugh, the CONTRASTS between then and now!!!! It’s so good. In regards to flashbacks, Mo Dao Zu Shi walked so Heaven Official’s Blessing could run. To me, I really think MXTX had to go through Mo Dao Zu Shi in order to perfect her flashbacks. I feel like it’s less of a jarring switch, and transitions more smoothly than how they were portrayed in Mo Dao Zu Shi. I just want to point out the scene where Xie Lian grabbed the leader of the black spirits surrounding Hong Hong-er, it sort of reminded me of Xie Lian grabbing the scorpion snake that poisoned him back in the Banyue arc. It makes me think that it reminded Hua Cheng of that time too, a reminder of the time when he felt powerless to protect the one person he cared about. It was probably a reality-check for him again back in Banyue that even though he had become more powerful, he still wasn’t able to protect Xie Lian from a measly snake. Which is why I think he was acting weird/cold during that time after. I had also forgotten those last few chapters of volume two, the chapter titles that say ascending is human and falling is human too. I love this chapter title. I feel like it encapsulates one of the important themes of this book. I am always shocked to see art of Mei Nianqing. Because I too was imagining a fifty-something year old man, instead he’s actually a pretty boy XDDDD I could never recognize him in fan art because my mind is convinced he’s supposed to look old. Oh but the newest manhua chapters? I knew the Earth Master would be so attractive, but even beaten up and coughing up blood, he’s still so pretty????? That whole interaction with Shi Qingxuan and the Earth Master about how they’re best friends and Ming Yi denies it, is always so hilarious to me—the ship sails itself XDDDD Technically, at this point, we don’t know that the Hong Hong-er is Hua Cheng. There was no clear confirm yet. But with the donghua and how much Hua Cheng is not really trying to hide anything, the pieces are forming and putting themselves together on their own. But honestly, I think the added dramatic irony is what makes putting the pieces together more fun. Anyways, as always, loved the review and YOUR THEORIES!!! I love hearing people’s theories, no matter how far-fetch they may seem. Now, are you on the nose or very off? Wellllllll, I guess you’ll just have to read more and see 😉😉😉 hahahahaha


Woohoo!! YAY! I love the backstory we’ve gotten with MQ and FX so far! Their relationship with XL is so interesting, especially juxtaposed with the present timeline with them. The “what if” moments and theories, especially with QR make his storyline, particularly with XL, all the more tragic. :( Showing how XL has become SO different now compared to the past, whereas QR has just become more and more extreme from his mortal self is so good but so sad at the same time! And that’s a GREAT point with MDZS! I feel like you can “feel” the growth of MXTX as a writer between those stories – I love MDZS dearly, but you can see the benefits TGCF reaps from her previous writing! That’s a GREAT comparison of XL grabbing the black spirit in the temple and the scorpion snake! And ahhhh, that helps add another layer to HC’s character as well! NICE! Thank you for that! Mei Nianqing being a hot thirty-something may be MXTX’s biggest plot twist so far, hahaha!! The manhua continues to amaze me and BEEFLEAF is one of my favorite ships in this series so far – I cannot WAIT to see chapter 87 when it comes out! And yes, even though there’s not that “confirmation” yet with HongHong and HC, the pieces are all pointing to them being one and the same – or at least, HC is trying his hardest to make them for us the audience! Now if only XL would put them together or at least ask about it! ;) Ahhhh, thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I’m SO EXCITED to see where this story goes now!