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LINK TO 2nd ANNIVERSARY TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU1SOn6dMwk  

Ohohoho, THESE CHAPTERS! I am FLOORED, y'all! Not only with the cliffhanger **shakes fist at MXTX** but with the TWISTS! The MYSTERY! THE WINDMASTER BEING THE BEST BESTIE FOR XIE LIANNNNN!!  

Seriously, though, Hua Cheng is swoon-worthy, Jun Wu is ex-worthy, and apparently Qi Rong is NOT worthy of Xie Lian's mercy this time?! Seriously, I don't like seeing our cinnamon bun deity be either self-loathing or in the pits of despair he seems to be by the end of Chapter 57...and this was just PART ONE. Oh my God.   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel, Manhua, & Audio Drama Review - PART FIFTEEN!

LINK TO 2nd ANNIVERSARY TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU1SOn6dMwk Ohohoho, THESE CHAPTERS! I am FLOORED, y'all! Not only with the cliffhanger **shakes fist at MXTX** but with the TWISTS! The MYSTERY! THE WINDMASTER BEING THE BEST BESTIE FOR XIE LIANNNNN!! Seriously, though, Hua Cheng is swoon-worthy, Jun Wu is ex-worthy, and apparently Qi Rong is NOT worthy of Xie Lian's mercy this time?! Seriously, I don't like seeing our cinnamon bun deity be either self-loathing or in the pits of despair he seems to be by the end of Chapter 57...and this was just PART ONE. Oh my God. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Xie Lian's utter lack of self worth never stops hurting us as readers no matter how many times you re-read these moments. But Hua Cheng's utter belief in Xie Lian always makes me happy. The idea of Xie Lian being worried about Hua Cheng becoming disillusioned about him and then Hua Cheng's basic confession about his feelings...gah! So so good. I had to stuff a pillow in my mouth so as I didn't wake my family laughing at your reaction to Shi Qingxuan's unwanted interruption! Too damn funny. Hua Cheng and Shi Qingxuan silently being able to work together and the Wind Master being the best bestie! They somewhat make up for that previous interruption. Feng Xin needs to learn not to make taunting remarks at Hua Cheng. I just love him showing off and proving that he really can clean up all Qi Rong's ghosts in a mere second. Your reaction that Pei Ming got dragged into this too made me laugh. But it's gotta count in his favour that 1) he didn't interject and remind everyone about Pei Xiu; and 2) he owned up to being the one that should be responsible for such a breach in the Heavenly Realm's security. Mo Xiang Tong Xiu is so good with sprinkling in those little crumbs of information, such as learning that the other ghost to come from Mount Tonglu was Black Water. Poor Xie Lian for that whole scene with his mother's casket. Hurts way too much. You couldn't understand what the rest of the book would be about seeing as Qi Rong left towards the end of the last set of chapters. But Qi Rong decided not to make you wait before he popped back up with his maniacal laugh. "sword struck down." Romania: O_O A CLIFFHANGER??!!


Hi Romania, Thanks for the longest reaction video for Danmei Monday, which is in itself a heaven official's blessing💕 truly! But longest for now, right😉? You said in the video that these are perhaps your favorite chapters in the series so far. Well, girl, I gotta say, part fifteen is definitely MY favorite!!! Apart from the great length and the 2-years-anniversary clip and all that, what I loved most is your ability to pick up the details, some of which I haven't even noticed or thought about, even after reading it 5 times😂! I mean, the line saying XL wanted to cultivate for fun as a kid, but later on, not for fun anymore. I just thought he had this great aspiration to become a deity as a personal goal, and it never occurred to me where that aspiration came from. Could it be from obligation? OMG, imagine the pressure he'd been having! Thankfully he was gifted at martial art and truly loved swords, so maybe not that painful after all. Besides, I love how you constantly compare Junwu and Huacheng in terms of their attitudes to XL. I didn't group them together while reading for the first time, but I found your observation very interesting and SPOT ON! Very nice parallel indeed! God/Equal (HC) vs Subordinate (Jun Wu) Finally, the most fun I had, is watching you comment on Wind Master, saying that he is XL's BFF and even acting it out, which was such fun to watch and really cracked me up! Your mood is INFECTIOUS! To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to Wind Master while reading these chapters, but seeing you RAP as Wind Master made me connect with him more! Anyway, who doesn't want a BFF like Shi Qingxuan?!


Ahh, thank you!! Now, THAT is the question -- I have a feeling this is FAR from the longest review for HOB we'll have, which is exciting!! I appreciate the kind words and comment, though, and am sohappy you're enjoying the reactions! I am really intrigued to see what we'll get out of XL's past and him becoming a cultivator leading up to his first ascension -- we have SO much story to get through, so I'm sure we'll touch base on it at some point. And YES, I love comparing JW and HC -- I'm glad that JW isn't as sketch as I thought he would be at the start of meeting his character (so far anyway), but agree, DEFINITELY getting the "equal" vs. "subordinate" vibe between him and HC when it comes to their thoughts on XL! I'm glad that the Wind Master is getting attention, too! They deserve it!! :) I loved them in this set of chapters! Definitely the source of some hype moments! :)


We all need a HC in our lives to make us feel affirmed as a person and to love us unconditionally, despite our flaws! <3 I love the relationship that's developing between them! And SHIIIIIII -- hahaha, I LOVED the Windmaster in these chapters, but DANG IT -- I wish that they hadn't interrupted in that moment! #_# These three (HC, XL, and SQ) are just WONDERFUL together in these chapters! And yes, Feng Xin is the odd man out and maybe will catch the drift after this set of chapters not to mess with HC. I honestly felt badly for Pei Ming in this set of chapters -- for once, he actively was NOT getting involved and the Windmaster just drug him right into the comment! At least he offered and got help from MQ and FX in strengthening security, haha!! Yes, finally the reveal that the Black Water was the other ghost from Tonglu and ugh...XL's angst with this mother was HEARTBREAKING! Seeing this animated will be hard. I'm still stunned that QR is just STILL HERE at this point -- the trash king refuses to exit the story! Thank you for the comment! I can't wait for the next part!