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We have hit the ground running and are MOVING, now! We're well into several rounds of qualifiers and facing up against some interesting opponents already! I'm very excited for lots of reasons: 

* We get to see more of Kise, Kasamatsu, and Midorima! <3
* Our 2nd years prove they are QUITE capable on the court if need be
* There's lots of hilarious and shippable moments

I'm very excited to see how Kuroko takes on this loud-mouthed "baldy" in the next set! Get 'em, Kuroko!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/qtoNbKQDRumQThgkkjPa54?

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Kuroko's Basketball: Episodes 7-9 Reaction! TO WIN!!

Link to Reaction (starts at 8:22): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/qtoNbKQDRumQThgkkjPa54? **QUALIFER HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We have hit the ground running and are MOVING, now! We're well into several rounds of qualifiers and facing up against some interesting opponents already! I'm very excited for lots of reasons: * We get to see more of Kise, Kasamatsu, and Midorima! * Our 2nd years prove they are QUITE capable on the court if need be * There's lots of hilarious and shippable moments I'm very excited to see how Kuroko takes on this loud-mouthed "baldy" in the next set! Get 'em, Kuroko! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I don't know if this is the first cliffhanger; both Kise's and Papa's games were interrupted. But maybe this is the biggest cliffhanger yet? And I forgot about all the games they skipped over, to be honest, LOL. Papa's and four others before the "commercial break" and the fifth too. Don't need those super-weak teams; but it makes it even more insulting that everyone has looked down on Seido. They made the championships last year, and have made the semi-finals of the prelimiaries this year. They are not a weak team! C'mon Midorima; you didn't need to throw down that gauntlet! Speaking of, those high-arc shots of Midorima's are something else. I think this is the point where you have to suspend your disbelief a bit, even if "technically" they can be done. But a 100% success rate on them. Uh huh... And then there's Izuki's "eagle eye". But Izuki is cool, so I'll let it go. Anyway, of course Kagami takes Midorima's challenge, just walking up and giving Midorima his number. ;) I can see there being a real rivalry between Midorima and Kagami - they're like two opposing elements, hot and cold, etc. And you've also been formally introduced to Takao. He's a fan favorite (including me), so I'd keep an eye on him! ^.^ Segueing back to the preliminaries, that Tsugawa is just...I don't even know how to finish. He's just so easy to dislike. Let's hope Kuroko shuts him up!


I guess it's fine that we skipped over those weak teams, but we are FLYING in this first part of the season through everything! But yeah, Seirin isn't a week team but man, yeah, Midorima is such a diva! Ahahahaha, I love that shade on Midorima's accuracy -- though, I do love seeing shots with high arcs in real life, so seeing them here is just wonderful! I love Izuki, too, though, so we'll give his super power a pass! :) And yessss, Kagami and Midorima look like they can be fun rivals -- I'd say Kagami's making all the GoM's his rivals, but Kise is practically dating him on the side with Kuroko, so can we really call them "rivals?" :P and I really like Takao already, so I'll be sure to keep an eye out! I agree, though, Tsugawa runs his mouth so much -- I'm ready for Kuroko to shut him up as well! Thanks for the kind words and comment!

Anime Annie

Finally getting to watch this! First, *love* the Hocus Pocus t-shirt! Not the Dirty Dancing line Romania!!! 🤣 Oh god now I need a Dirty Dancing/Kuroko no Basuke FanFic crossover. Kagami and Midorima's first meeting never fails to make me laugh. Also Takao! The way he gets all buddy-buddy with Kuroko I think is great. Takao's seiyuu is Suzuki Tatsuhisa, i.e. Makoto from Free! 😍 Seeing Otsubo's power and immediately following up with him being kind and apologising to the other team...the show really just wanted me to adopt a whole bunch of kids again. Though I also love that prior to that our first interaction with him was his no-nonsense way of dealing with Midorima. And for all of Midorima's confidence, he did shrink back from Otsubo and seemed to become much more compliant than we've previously seen him. And this was the start of Kagami's nickname via Riko (though it didn't get translated into being a nickname and just kept as idiot Kagami). She calls him Bakagami and basuke baka (basketball idiot) 🤣 Fits this man so well. I love getting to see Kasamatsu and Kise watching the semi-finals for Tokyo's teams. Gives us a glimpse deeper into their characters and their relationship. Though at the same time also makes it seem like Kaijo have placed Kasamatsu as Kise's babysitter considering it's only the two of them going off to watch Kise's ex-teammates. But yes same vibes as Oikawa and Iwaizumi showing up in the normal clothes to watch Karasuno vs. Shiratorizawa. Only unlike with Oikawa hoping for both teams to lose, Kise gets all excited and concerned over Kuroko and really is pulling for him and Kagami (and Seirin) to win. I do like that fouls play a part in Kuroko no Basuke. Not many of the other sport anime I've seen tend to either use fouls within games or if they do there isn't really any serious consequences. Your little rant on Kuroko apologising to Tsugawa for Tsugawa bumping into him made me laugh. Here in the UK it's a very normal thing to apologise for standing still and causing someone walking towards you to bump into you. Though the correct thing is for the person that bumped you to also apologise. But another take is that Kuroko is used to apologising for not being seen/noticed by others and therefore causing them to bump into him. Tsugawa: Don't be disappointed. Morgan Freeman voice over: In that moment Tsugawa f**ked up. Fire got lit underneath Kuroko with those stupid words! 🤣 It's sport anime Romania, we gotta have a boy band pose at least once! 🤣 I'd be the same as you with how handsy Kasuga is. I'm alright with being touchy-feely with people, also alright being the total opposite (and sometimes have to be the latter due to touch sensitivity that comes and goes). But a teenage boy that's been playing basketball for almost two quarters? Yeah no, stand a foot away from me please and thank you. Kise experiencing second-hand embarrassment over Kagami getting fouls just adds so much more fuel for the OT3. Same though goes for his adorable pride over Kuroko's plays. Kuroko's eyes when he tells Tsugawa that he's going get Kagami his payback by proxy!!! 😍 So serious, and a tad terrifying. Welcome to the games that can give you some really painful cliffhangers if you can't just binge-watch. Honestly it'd be so much worse for you if you were watching one episode a week. The changes for ED1 are *very* subtle in comparison with some of the other EDs. The end cards do *every* ship possible! Even the ships that are more crack ships. The crane game end card is one of my favourites and I want so many of those little dolls in real life 🤣


Oh thank you! I LOVE Hocus Pocus and I recorded this right around Halloween, so I had to celebrate! And hahaha, I need Kuroko being lifted by Kagami in a fluffy dress – make it happen, show! I love Takao and his VA, especially, and so far the relationships between him, Midorima, and Kuroko and Kagami, too! The VA work has been GREAT in this series so far! Otsubo is interesting and a good captain, I like that HE keeps Midorima in line – him and Takao pulling double duty! BAKAGAMI – I love it – it definitely fits this basketball knucklehead. Riko has such a job ahead of her! I’m so happy to see Kise and Katsumatsu doing commentary on this game! It’s wonderful! Such IwaOi vibes! That’s a great note, though, that Kise is kind of rooting mainly for Seirin to win unlike Oikawa – Kise’s NOT a sore loser, clearly. Fouls are going to be interesting to look at in this series – Slam Dunk featured them, but I can’t quite remember how “serious” they were treated (Sakuragi fouled out nearly EVERY game at the start of that series). That’s kind of sad that Kuroko has to APOLOGIZE for EXISTING and not being noticed – that makes sense about the UK – it does happen in the US like that, too, but I’ve never understood why – it wasn’t Kuroko’s fault he was just standing there minding his own business and Tsugawa wasn’t paying attention where he was walking, haha! I do love that he lit a fire under Kuroko, though! BOY BAND POSE and yes, Kasuga (that’s who that is?) is SUPER handsy – I’m not very handsy myself, but yeah, sweaty boys? Y’all can stay a step apart, haha! But also, the OT3 vibes with Kise, Kagami, and Kuroko is HERE. I love it! I am starting to see how this show would be EASILY binge-worthy! I’m so excited, though! I’m super glad I’m not watching one episode a week; that’d be too much! But I’m loving it so far, along with the end cards – that crane game one is SO good! :) I want those dolls, too! Thanks for the comment!