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SO...Tenma's had a very, not so good, pretty bad day. Things take a serious turn from bad to worse for our doctor, as his decision to save a little boy, Johan's, life leads to his world being thrown out from under him. And that's not even the strangest aspect of the episode!

The twins continue to be QUITE creepy and mysterious, and NOW there's not one, but THREE dead doctors -- and all of them are tied to Tenma and his "downfall." Hm. Show, you have me INTRIGUED! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/KwfTZHRGAGhrf9M7MJUwXx?

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MONSTER: Episode 2 Reaction! DOWNFALL!

Link to Reaction (starts at 3:20): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/KwfTZHRGAGhrf9M7MJUwXx? **HEAPHONE WARNINGS** SO...Tenma's had a very, not so good, pretty bad day. Things take a serious turn from bad to worse for our doctor, as his decision to save a little boy, Johan's, life leads to his world being thrown out from under him. And that's not even the strangest aspect of the episode! The twins continue to be QUITE creepy and mysterious, and NOW there's not one, but THREE dead doctors -- and all of them are tied to Tenma and his "downfall." Hm. Show, you have me INTRIGUED! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo

Last week I compared monster with The Wire but I wasn't thinking of any particular reason other than it being an acclaimed live action show and a bit of a thriller, but this early episode is what must have given me that vibe to begin with and then just forgot about it. All through the episode you see the doctors more interested in doing their job to get the credit than for the good of their patients, and then you see it's the same way with the detective, he's pushing to solve the case not because he cares for the case itself but because he doesn't want the credit go to someone else. Everybody worried about their numbers and stats is straight from The Wire. Meanwhile, Tenma comes of a a bit McNulty-ish: Failed marriage, potential drinking problem, superiors don't like him because he won't play along but he just can't help but do what he wants almost as if he's instinctually compelled to it even if he knows it's going to screw him over. If McNulty was 'Natrual Police' as that show puts it, Tenma comes off as a 'Natural Doctor'.


Honestly listening to your discussion on certain individuals and ‘certain moments’ is just wonderfully entertaining. 😄 This is a loooong anime with alot of foreshadowing. Just like what you said with the OP it’s all THERE but you just need the details. Once again I’m going to point at Tenma’s naive idealism and how he is not exempt from human weakness. Last episode I talked about how he still made a choice between two people’s lives. Sadly he was put into that scenario but he still made a moral decision between two lives. With this episode we have some veeeerryyyyy interesting choice of words from our doctor. It’s the scene when he is talking to the boy Johan. He says “There is no distinction between people’s lives!” However, in the very next breath he says “That bastard … That bastard .. He’s better off dead!” Oh boy. Oh dear Tenma. Now this is clearly him in absolute frustration and at a very low point in his life and we all say things in the heat of the moment, but, I find it absolutely fascinating that he can talk about how the people around him are wrong and HE is in the RIGHT because he believes a doctor’s duty is saving lives (true) and all lives are equal (idealism) but at the same time he can wish someone’s death. Unpleasant as this man may be Tenma, does that mean he deserves to die? Definitely corrupt and money hungry but death?? Just goes to show that no matter how idealistic as a human you think you are .. the cracks will show themselves eventually. ‘Downfall’ is such a good title. Not only perfect for the situation that our man Tenma is in … but also could refer to the Downfall of the corrupt Director Heinemann and his fellow doctors Boyer and Oppenheim. Some lil facts (not too sure if you are aware) because in your discussion you were talking about when this probably aired. This anime was done by Madhouse from 2004 to 2005. The manga serialised from 1994 to 2001. The events of the story are currently in the 80’s.

Tyrone Tyrone

How in world do you compare The Wire with Moster. Talk about a reach...wow! Monster is inspired by a American TV show. Don't say the name because it would be sort of a spoiler at this point. And no hostility was intended in this comment. I love The Wire.


I'm honestly sure there's going to be things I "maybe" get or get close to figuring out beforehand...and then parts that I am 1000% WRONG on until I get the reveal, and THAT has me excited! And yesss, I definitely want to talk about Tenma's naive idealism in future episodes -- and CHOICE -- this series so far has been ALL about Choices and their consequences -- ahhh, great point! I love the idea of Tenma being a nice guy and believing he's doing good -- but -- wishing death upon someone? Yeah, we're not all perfect, are we? I definitely am going to talk about this in the next episode! And wow, yeah, Downfall applies to SO many people in this episode, doesn't it? And wow, thank you for the information about the dates of publication and airing of the manga and anime -- I'll have to bring that up in a discussion! Thanks for the comment! :D Excited for next week!