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How dare you, TJ. How DARE you.

This volume was filled with amazing moments between our aces Sawamura and Mei, their partners (and the POWER OF LOVE), and enough anxiety that only this mangaka can worm his way into the story! I am rooting SO HARD for Seidou, but TJ knows how to make you question EVERY batter that steps up to the plate and EVERY pitch that our boy sends their way! 

To help cope with the insane cliffhanger I'm left with for the next 4-5 weeks, I did a requested character tier for my thoughts so far on everyone! I hope you enjoy!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/mqQWkHZkGhkb1qUe2kjfEY?

Thanks for reading with me and the support!

I'll be back with Volume 34's Reaction as soon as Chapter 310 gets an English Translation and I can react! <3


Ace of the Diamond Act II: Manga Volume 33 Reaction & Character Tier!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 4:29): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/mqQWkHZkGhkb1qUe2kjfEY? **CLIFFHANGER IN THE 9TH HEADPHONE WARNINGS** How dare you, TJ. How DARE you. This volume was filled with amazing moments between our aces Sawamura and Mei, their partners (and the POWER OF LOVE), and enough anxiety that only this mangaka can worm his way into the story! I am rooting SO HARD for Seidou, but TJ knows how to make you question EVERY batter that steps up to the plate and EVERY pitch that our boy sends their way! To help cope with the insane cliffhanger I'm left with for the next 4-5 weeks, I did a requested character tier for my thoughts so far on everyone! I hope you enjoy! I'll be back with Volume 34's Reaction as soon as Chapter 310 gets an English Translation and I can react! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Let Ying

Hi Romania, have you started watching Kuroko No Basket? When can we watch your reaction. Sorry if the question is not related to AotD 😅


Yes! I have Episodes 1-3 ready for next week! I can't wait to talk to you all about it, then! :) :)

John Miller

I’m assuming you don’t know but Act II actually ends in like 2 weeks so I guess you won’t have to wait like a month 😂

John Miller

I haven’t even since chapter 300 so no but I guess yes at the same time?? Idk


I have asked that people not spoil me on events to come in the series, son I am going to be quite upset of you have just spoiled something big like this. :(

John Miller

IM SORRY I didn’t mean it in anyway I was just thinking when you were saying in 4-5 weeks that you’d come back and was thought in my head “oh she might need to know this information”


Yeah, I've really tried to be clear that I don't want to be spoiled by ANY upcoming information. That ruined a big surprise for me. I don't want to know any more, but I implore that you PLEASE don't let me know stuff like that in the future. I want to find out when I find out. Thank you.


I've really been holding off on making this comment lol so not ready for non regular daiya reactions. Anyway. One of the best things about this volume is Saotome calling Shirakawa out on his hypocrisy lol. About time someone did if you ask me. And by an underclassman too lol how embarrassing for him. I really like Saotome. I find it genuinely so funny the way Yamaoka mentally plans out these homeruns and then it never turns out right. I think if he stopped planning on homeruns and just aimed for a hit in general he'd have better luck. This volume is also really cool in showing us how far Sawamura has come with his thought process and his understanding of baseball and pitching. Twice in this volume we got to see his thought process be so different from last years. First in the way he knew Saotomes lead off from first was a bluff and that he wasn't running anywhere and second in the way he accurately predicted what Mei was going to throw when even Miyuki was wrong. I love seeing how far he's come. I love seeing double plays in daiya honestly. And real life too but they're just so satisfying. The way Sawamura forced Yamaoka to hit a grounder and it worked out perfectly to get Yamaoka and Saotome out was just super satisfying lol There will never be a time that Sawamura goes into the back room of a dugout and Koushuu doesn't follow. He really watches that boy with an eagle sharp eye and is there instantly. Very helpful young wolf 🥰 The damn bottle drop. It still makes me cringe thinking about it and thinking about how we had a break after that chapter. We had to suffer and overthink for 2 weeks and it was ROUGH. I didn't ever think he was injured (other than when I first read the spoilers without the raws) but the fandom sure did and a ton of people said they were going to stop reading the manga because of it lol. They were pissed. Tad dramatic if you ask me. You're right with Mukai and Toujou. They weren't on the same team but they were rivals on opposing teams. Toujou as a pitcher used to have pitching duels with Mukai and Toujou was also the only batter in junior high who could hit Mukais best pitch. They have a pretty interesting history. I love how excited Mei is by facing Masashi lol. He has so much respect for Tetsu so it doesn't surprise me that he wants to face his younger brother. I wish Masashi could have made something happen during that at bat though. Amahisa seems so annoyed by how good Mei is lol. I dunno if he's actually annoyed by it or just jealous that his summer is still going but his monologue is always welcomed in this game honestly. I want him to narrate every game. I feel like people always underestimate Mei as a batter and it's kind of funny because he hit the winning run in during last years final. He's a very good batter especially for a pitcher. Pitchers usually aren't good batters. I hate that he got such a clean hit but I'm very thankful it wasn't a homerun lol God. The way this fandom blew up over the chapter title "the power of love" lmao. Sometimes TJ really does just shift it to a BL in the most random times. I love hearing Mei monologue about how he knows Itsuki loves him 🤣🤣 Mei being so mad about hitting a double is so relatable lol. I'd be so mad if I made such a good hit and it didn't even go over lol. Most batters would have a bit more composure though. I shouldn't expect that much from Mei Narumiya. This may be the only time ever that anyone has ever complimented Sawamuras fielding lol and it was Amahisa of all people. Yes we should all acknowledge how much he's grown in his fielding. Man I'm sad going forward but I'm glad I could see you fall in love with this series the way I did 🥰🥰


Ahhh, honestly, I’ve been avoiding answering the YT comments too – because I don’t want to be caught up, but what can we do? At least we have Kuroko’s Basketball now while we wait! :) Saotome, the underclassman, calling out Shirakawa is SO GOOD. Good on him, making him own up to his hypocrisy! Hahaha! And yeah, Yamaoka is so scary but he just hasn’t gotten a good hit on this has he? And Sawamura predicting the throw that Mei was going to go for when Miyuki DID NOT and him calling Saotome’s bluff? I couldn’t be prouder of our boy! And that double play! <3 SO GOOD! I agree, it’s one of the most fun plays to see in the game – the hype around it is so wonderful! And I cannot help myself by cracking up that Koshu is RIGHT THERE, but I do love how supportive he is of his ace and wanting to support him – It’s so endearing how much he wants to make sure Sawamura is okay! <3 I hope that we get some of him and Koshu as a battery in the future! <3 But YES, you all having to suffer a break after THAT cliffhanger with the bottle is so hard! And knowing TJ, he loves to make you overthink and laugh as we stress out! But I’m glad it wasn’t anything crazy – and honestly, the people that were going to drop if it was an injury – I don’t know how - to invest all this time and stop because of that? Nahhhh hahaha I definitely want more on Mukai and Tojou’s history – I love the concept of them as rivals! I wish we could get more with them. And I know Masashi will eventually get there, but I was sad to see him get out in this one! Mei having so much respect for the Yuki bros, though, is fun – what if we had an OVA of Mei and the Yuki’s hanging out?! That’d be AMAZING! The shenanigans! The Whimsy! :) I would honestly love if Amahisa narrated every game! :) His jealousy at Mei is so funny to me, too! And that’s a good point about Mei being a good batter – I forgot he hit that winning run last year. Oof, that makes me EXTRA happy that Sawamura wasn’t discouraged by the hit Mei had, but MAN, what a close call, eh? I was SO NERVOUS it was a home run! And Mei being a diva about it being a double is absolutely in character and hilarious! THE POWER OF LOVE. Seriously, if this isn’t a BL, what is it then?! And the fact that it’s a continuation of “The Shape of Duos” about Itsuki x Mei and Sawamura x Miyuki was SENDING ME. Mei straight up telling Itsuki to prove his love – I CANNOT – hahaha! XD And Amahisa gets a word in to show some love for Sawamura’s fielding – I love it! Now, if only things can work out for our crew in the next volume! I am REALLY not looking forward to next volume being the last for a while…but I cannot thank everyone enough for getting me obsessed with this series! It’s my favorite sports anime and I can only hope for Act III news as soon as possible. Thank you so much for the kind words and helping me get so obsessed with this series! <3


Regarding the character tiers - How DARE you? Just kidding, you like who you like, for my part, Miyuki has to make the top tier. Yes, he is so frustrating sometimes, but he did basically grow up all alone and he's grown so much communcation wise over the seasons. Not to mention, I don't think we'd have much of a story if Miyuki was a better communicator. Your favorite guy, Sawamura literally worships the guy so you should trust him. Love the reaction and can't wait for the next time.


Hahahaha, I am ready for the tomatoes to be thrown at me! XD I do love Miyuki a lot! He's just not in my top 5, but he's really close! :D Thank you so much for the kind words and comment -- I really appreciate it!! :D