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I'm still in a state of shock, if I'm honest. L has been my favorite character in this series, and only now, at this episode does it hit that Light definitely would kill his "only friend" for the sake of becoming a "god of the new world."   

This episode has been my favorite of the series and the best L's looked. His final shot kills me: L in Light's arms...an angel looking up into the face of a demon. 

Tsugumi Ohba, it takes BALLS to kill off such a pivotal character at THIS point in the story...but you did it. And that's not even COUNTING Watari and Rem...damn.   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/f5gyx1

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Death Note: Episode 25 Reaction! SILENCE!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/f5gyx1 *FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF HEADPHONE WARNINGS* I'm still in a state of shock, if I'm honest. L has been my favorite character in this series, and only now, at this episode does it hit that Light definitely would kill his "only friend" for the sake of becoming a "god of the new world." This episode has been my favorite of the series and the best L's looked. His final shot kills me: L in Light's arms...an angel looking up into the face of a demon. Tsugumi Ohba, it takes BALLS to kill off such a pivotal character at THIS point in the story...but you did it. And that's not even COUNTING Watari and Rem...damn. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



It genuinely still shocks me that there can be anime watchers out there that have NOT been spoiled about the contents on this episode 😄 that really does deserve a clap 👏 👏👏 I’ve got some free time again so I can catch up with your discussions on Vinland Saga, Death Note etc from this week so except some hopefully not too long comments (but let’s be real probably long) from me soon!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 08:28:21 Hahaha, thank you so much! I have tried my best to be diligent and avoid spoilers because I know how insane this series is and iconic, and I want to experience it as fresh as I can; y'all have been TOO kind to not spoil me! :) I'm excited!! YAY! Bring on the comments!! <3
2022-10-01 16:17:27 Hahaha, thank you so much! I have tried my best to be diligent and avoid spoilers because I know how insane this series is and iconic, and I want to experience it as fresh as I can; y'all have been TOO kind to not spoil me! :) I'm excited!! YAY! Bring on the comments!! <3

Hahaha, thank you so much! I have tried my best to be diligent and avoid spoilers because I know how insane this series is and iconic, and I want to experience it as fresh as I can; y'all have been TOO kind to not spoil me! :) I'm excited!! YAY! Bring on the comments!! <3

The truck

Oookay, this was a heavy one. (one of my fav episodes) And you talk a lot about the stuff, but what I wish to talk about is specifically the foot washing scene. When people talk about it, they point out how it’s a reference to the scene where Jesus washes Judas’ feet and, yeah, I agree it’s very likely that it was what the creators were going for. But, even if just for the sake of considering different possibilities, That Is Not the only feet washing scene in the bible. And Something that always bugged me, is why was L talking about atoning when he was washing Light’s feet… I somewhat tend to consider that the feet washing scene is more similar to the one where “a sinful woman” was washing Jesus’s feet rather than the one where Jesus was washing Judas’s feet. Or maybe it’s meant to be the mixture of both scenes. Because “Light causing L’s death and L knows it” Kinda gives the Judas scene vibes, but “L atones for his sins while humbling himself to wash Light’s feet” which is more to the Sinful woman scene. After all the one and the only thing that makes me be like,,, “maybe it’s the sinful woman” is the fact that L literally says he is doing it to “atone”. Why is he saying that he’s atoning for... What? Atoning for what? I’m wondering IF L kinda surrendered at that moment, in some “only L and Light know” kinda way. Probably not, nice fanfic idea though. And of the sinful woman is mostly not known for atoning or stuff, most people tend to remember her for the “As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.” -Luke 7:38, which is another part I’m kinda, that the show is not looking to reference that scene. BUT I DECIDED TO TALK ABOUT IT ANYWAY. Since I need a dumping ground for all this… stuff. UNLESS!!! The rain dropping down from L’s hair was a reference to the woman's tears, but that might be a Lil bit too foil-hat theory so, hahaha… 👀 But the “Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet” has another VERY fitting scene for a death note. “As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.”- John 13:27, It’s just literally when Light touched the death note. EVEN TOUGh the context around the quote wouldn’t really make any sense in that sense. But this is biblical imagery used in pop culture, it’s always out of context. Also, the fact that L’s kneeling for Light when he washes the feet… IT’S JUST… *every time* I see a character kneeling, in my head, there’s just this small voice going like, “Evildoers will bow down in the presence of the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.”- Proverbs 14:19. Like, always, no matter the scene, in every show. But also, Light’s acting skills? NIce. Even if I wasn’t a Light simp, I’d still applaud him as an actor to actor. I know that you will be reading the manga in your own time, but do you think that you might read the spin-off chapters on camera (like your manga reactions and stuff) or the novels on camera (like your damnei readings) or smt. Since I’d love to see your reactions to them!! Also, ow, my finger. I think I’ll stop this comment here, it’s messy enough as it is. BYEE

Aaron Carrico

It's SO ominous when L looks over his shoulder at the distorted face of Light. Genuinely upsetting. Something I noticed only on this viewing was how, during the rain scene on the rooftop, Light looks so much like the handsome moviestar his sister watched on TV several times before. The boys both really do look so good this episode. Misa looks great, as well, to be fair! I get goosebumps every time it goes completely silent during the storm after L's question. Cinema! Art! Magnifico! If people had a tendency to ship "Sherlock" and "Moriarty" type characters together already, hoooooo boy did that foot drying/rubbing scene pretty much solidified Light and L as a doomed BL romance for the ages. I think L is convinced that Light is Kira, and believes his next move will solve everything, and knows that he'll either die before it happens or he'll prove that Light is Kira, and no matter what happens... their friendship will be over. The biggest thing that bugs me about L's death is just that Light didn't really 'beat' him, in my opinion. He didn't outsmart him, he just used and manipulated Rem, a complete supernatural wildcard who has no rules or regulations. Light is SUCH an asshole, faking his distress over L's death, and then his intentionally panic-inducing comments about how they were all going to die. I was amused to hear you curse strongly at Light during the reaction, "Shut the f*ck up!" Hahaha, I really felt that. This is Light's OMEGA heel-turn, whereas he was oddly endearing with his megalomania before this, now he's completely and utterly reprehensible and irredeemable. Also, now that Rem is gone... a third deathnote has entered the fray! (Light picks up her notebook if I'm not mistaken.) Great reaction, as usual. Can't wait to watch next week's!

Let Ying

I remembered when I first watch this episode. I was really shocked and was not able to move for 15 to 30 mins because of L. I think i got traumatized because I was so in love with L's character and my mom thought that I am sick and need a doctor. 🤭🤭🤭


It's SUCH a shock -- I think I was in shock for a few days after watching that he was actually dead. That's crazy, but I totally understand! L was my favorite and I'm so sad he's gone! :(

Zeyi Li

I hope sometime you can give a try on Death Note Movie Series directed by Shusuke Kaneko, Hideo Nakata and Shinsuke Sato which contains four movies (Death Note (2006), The Last Name(2006), L: Change the World(2008) and Light Up the New World(2016)). This series is probably the best Death Note adaptation among all besides original Manga and Anime.


Ooohhhh, interesting! Thank you so much for letting me know about this! I really appreciate it and will put them on my list -- maybe to tackle in January once I've finished the series! :D


That shot of Light with the distorted face is still so haunting! @_@ And yesss, Light and L look their best in the rain scene and the cinematography of it is soooo amazing! That silence?! The name drop for the episode and the part that steals your breath away! *chef's kisses all around* Ahhh, I'm definitely going to talk about your comment in a future episode (I'm mixing up the comments I receive post this episode, so if it's a few down the road no worries...I have my reasons haha), but that's a great point about Light realizing with Kira and their friendship being over and ALSO about Rem! @_@ And yessss, that's a good way of putting it...Light cheated to kill L, essentially, using a supernatural wildcard. Without Rem, Light would have probably lost. Hm. We'll see how that works for him in the future, now that Rem's gone, I guess. But yes, after this episode, the charm of Light wears off just a wee bit, doesn't it? Without L to balance and for him to work off of, he just seems more dead inside and less endearing. A heel-turn, indeed! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! Now time to pour some tea, be salty, and see how Light handles himself without L. ;)


I love that comparison -- yeah, the talk about atonement does beg to question if L is the one who feels he should atone, and then...why? The concept of the sinful woman versus Jesus is so fascinating and I'm so glad you took the time to type this all out, this was soooo interesting! It definitely creates an interesting discussion, right! I think it'll be at the end of the series before I can come full circle with it, but I love the contrast! I'll have to bring it up in a future discussion; I'm varyingand scattering my comments throughout the next several weeks, but I'll get to it! Hahaha! I'm not sure I can apply Proverbs 14:19 to L's actions on this one, but that's just me, haha!! Oohhhh, are there spin-off chapters and manga?! As I get closer to the end of the series, I may have to ask you on this! :) Thank you so much for the comment and info!! :D

The truck

Heh yeah i agree, proverbs 14:19 is not something that would apply to L's actions. But it could totally be something that Light could be thinking from his "I'm JUSTICE" Point of view. I kinda worded that badly, but anyways. Yeah, feel free to ask me about the spinn off chapters and novels. I'm always ready to be helpful.


OH WOW, yeah, coming from Light's point of view that would TOTALLY make sense! :D And yesss, I will probably ask in the Discord as we get closer! :D Thank you so much!

Zeyi Li

Just a personal advice, watch the first three movies would be fine. I have to put the last one into this cuz it is indeed a movie of this series, but to be honest, it is just a mediocre sequel and unworthy to watch imo. And a fun fact, the first two movies were made earlier than anime and the end of each character was actually more close to author's original thought. In another work of Ohba called BAKUMAN, he complained several times that Shueisha(the publishing house) kinda forced him to continue Death Note cuz it was too popular so he had to change the original story.


Oh interesting! I definitely won't look any further into them for now, because I want to avoid any possible spoilers for the main series, but that is good to know about the last, newer one. Thanks for that!