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Oh my gosh, this volume we go through SO much! The chapters fly with Flamethrower Furuya, apparently, as we're already at the end of four innings and neither team budging an INCH! Though there's a LOT of close calls!

I adored Mei in this volume and getting into his head! And of course, Sawamura is still our most supportive Ace, and Furuya is staying strong (REALLY STRONG), but will it last into the second half of the game?! TJ gives us just the dose of angst and uncertainty in this volume to make us question it moving forward...hoo boy...

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Bt3LC91P5TRvAJi6jDyuvD?

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Ace of the Diamond Act II: Manga Volume 30 Reaction! MEI & FURUYA'S PITCHER DUEL!

Link to Reaction (starts at 3:20): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Bt3LC91P5TRvAJi6jDyuvD? **MEI-CENTERED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh my gosh, this volume we go through SO much! The chapters fly with Flamethrower Furuya, apparently, as we're already at the end of four innings and neither team budging an INCH! Though there's a LOT of close calls! I adored Mei in this volume and getting into his head! And of course, Sawamura is still our most supportive Ace, and Furuya is staying strong (REALLY STRONG), but will it last into the second half of the game?! TJ gives us just the dose of angst and uncertainty in this volume to make us question it moving forward...hoo boy... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Thank goodness Carlos keeps humbling Mei. I can only imagine how insufferable he would be if everyone helped inflate his ego.


RIGHT?! I love Carlos being the grounded one in the group that keeps Mei in check! He was cracking me up in this volume! I love the dynamic of those four on Inashiro! :) Thanks for the comment!


I love seeing Mei get so mad at Miyuki making contact with his pitch lol he's still so bratty just like last year 🤣 On the flip side, Miyuki and Carlos are so friendly and cute together lol I want them to continue to be friends and hang out after all this. It's really nice to see a mentally calm Furuya in this finals honestly. Even with these walks and runners on base he's still so chill and relaxed and it makes me very proud of him. Toujous throw home tho 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I love when he gets that moment to shine and he gets to prove himself again after a while. Sometimes he really slinks into the background and doesn't get as much time to prove his skills but he comes back really big sometimes and I love it. Really showing Masashi how to outfield. It never surprises me that the losing teams continue to watch the rest of the games and it definitely didn't surprise me that the Ichidai guys were watching from a diner lol. Just can't get rid of baseball that easily. Sanada showing up to practice 😭😭 looking so beautiful and glorious. I wish he had brought Raichi with him but I'll forgive it for how lovely he looks The way Mei thinks about Furuya is always so fascinating to me. He has such high standards for him for some reason and seems so let down that Furuya pitches better while not under the ace stress lol. Furuya definitely does get fired up seeing Mei pitching well but it's clearly not the same types of feelings. It's super interesting to read his thoughts. I swear Asou goes out of his way to have these dramatic ass speeches just to fail as some type of comedic timing lol. Its wild how often he does it. I adore the Mei flashbacks in this volume. They really do flesh out his character like you said and give him so much humanity. It reminds me of what Kataoka said about Sawamura in the first like 10 episodes of the series. "He's like an excited little kid who just learned baseball" I'm glad that Amahisa eventually makes it to the game lol I remember wanting him to be there soooooo badly. Didn't want him to miss out on Sawamura pitching or Seidou hopefully winning. I'm just also not ready for Amahisa to be gone 😅 Honestly hilarious that they named it "the Seidou press" and Meis like what? They just glare? Lmao. He's such a prick. Shirasuuuuu. He continues to impress me as a batter and as a player. Hes probably Seidous most consistent batter at this point and almost rivals Miyuki in power. I'm so glad they fleshed him out after season 1. The BUILD UP for Miyuki vs the change up is so good lol and let me tell you now, the fact that we had to wait a whole week after that just for it to be a foul? Not okay with me lol it was torture Mei and Miyuki really can't help but flirt you know. Even when they're directly against eachother and mid game. I love that cute scene between them. I genuinely feel like they're both having so much fun even with all the stress and pressure lol TJ really hit us with the damn senbatsu flashbacks for Eijun and it still hurts. I'm glad he didn't let it get him down and he seems genuinely happy for Furuya but still. Knowing how weird his head is right now it must be hard for him to sit and watch Furuya doing so well. "He's got nothing on you" is probably the cutest thing Sawamura could ever say to Furuya right now lol. He really is Furuyas biggest fan and I love seeing it. Development for days. Also, I don't really agree that Miyuki should ask the rest of the team about their plans. Tbh I always agreed with him about not talking about it while they were still in the tournament since it's so distracting for them. I think they should talk about it all after the summer tournament and after koshien if they make it there. He did ask Furuya but i think it was on impulse and then he realized after that he shouldn't be distracting them like that. Either way ideally these issues won't come up mid game lol


I really want Carlos and Miyuki’s friendship to continue – considering how Carlos loves to give Mei hell, I’m sure it would work out perfectly, as Mei would just get SO aggravated by their friendship. He is such a bratty diva sometimes! :) I love how annoyed Mei is with the “Seidou Press!” :P And yes, despite having errors, he’s keeping his cool! I love it for our boy, Furuya! I agree, Mei seems to see himself in Furuya in a way, kind of like how Miyuki sees some of himself in Furuya, too, which is FASCINATING! I think Mei had expectations of Furuya and he’s maybe not being what he expected…stillllll holding out to see what Mei says about Sawamura, hahaha! I mean, those flashbacks show JUST how similar they are! Tojo getting his moment was great, too! I hope Masashi is paying attention! :) Yes, when Baseball is that integrated, it’s hard to get rid of it…I love how we transition from the Ichidai boys to Sanada…looking so refreshed and glorious! Seriously, WHERE IS RAICHI?! At least Raizou was happy to see Sanada again! :3 Poor Asou – TJ just doesn’t reward him and his dramatic speeches! I feel for him! LOVE that Amahisa is here to maybe make commentary! He seems quiet, but I have a feeling he’s waiting until “his man” takes the mound, ahahaha! Shirasu is just getting shown how awesome he is in these qualifier games – it’s like TJ has been waiting to show him off this entire time and I love it! TJ LOVES the buildup with Miyuki and Mei – I swear, he loves content with them, but I agree, their dynamic is so perfect! I would honestly ship them if I didn’t ship him and Sawamura so much, haha! But yes, the flirting, the rivalry; it’s all so good! Shame that build up was for a foul, though, haha! I love that Sawamura is still SO supportive and having the Ace energy, but it makes me sad that he’s burying that worry and anxiety right now. I hope our sunshine boy is able to TALK to Miyuki when this game is over! In the meantime, his faith for Furuya is SO PRECIOUS! :) Miyuki and Sawamura are really Furuya’s biggest supporters and I can’t believe how far we’ve come! Maybe I’m just impatient and want to know what they’re doing, hahahaha! I do hope that we find out after the summer games, though! :) Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! REALLY excited for this coming week! So much happening!!