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Season 2 Donghua Trailer Reaction at 01:59:50 -- SO EXCITED!  
Link to Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuyzPpk_nKc

We're finally here -- finishing up the BanYue Arc and the contents of the OVA with Chapters 29-31 of our story -- and that's the end of Volume One of the English translation, too!  

There's a LOT to go over in these chapters, including a tiny spoiler the manhua gave me, but that's okay (it's not a major one...I don't think)! Also, after seeing Season 2's donghua trailer, I know two things: I need that second season ASAP...and I'm SO HYPED to start Volume 2 next week!   

Thank you for reading with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel, Manhua, & Audio Drama Review - PART SIX!

Season 2 Donghua Trailer Reaction at 01:59:50 -- SO EXCITED! Link to Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuyzPpk_nKc We're finally here -- finishing up the BanYue Arc and the contents of the OVA with Chapters 29-31 of our story -- and that's the end of Volume One of the English translation, too! There's a LOT to go over in these chapters, including a tiny spoiler the manhua gave me, but that's okay (it's not a major one...I don't think)! Also, after seeing Season 2's donghua trailer, I know two things: I need that second season ASAP...and I'm SO HYPED to start Volume 2 next week! Thank you for reading with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



it could be said that Little Pei did something heroic to save his kingdom but Heavens want to cover it up bc no one would like for that heroic thing to be a total annihilation of another country 😅 you can say that HC dislikes the Heavenly Realm and its officials as a whole, but can respect them individually (how he says that Pei Ming wouldn't act underhandedly + how he respects Little Pei's actions somewhat) shame about the Earth Master and Wind Master reveal but at least it's not a big spoiler in the grand scheme of things and it's not a spoiler that far in the novel can I just say that I love s2 trailer so much?? the slowly panning shot, the curtains billowing to reveal our boi HC 😍😍 btw I loved how much you theorized about the trailer - of course, can't confirm nor deny any theories 😅 next up is uncharted waters!! more characters to meet!! new plots to uncover!! exciting stuff!!

Ivan is Yda

UNCHARTED WATERS ARE COMING IN NOW! God I'm so excited for next week *giddy laughter*


Finally the last part of Banyue arc and truths are revealed! As you can see, in the novel the motifs of both Banyue and general Pei jr. are not quite as what’s shown in donghua and Pei is more of a using-the-girl-to- reach-his-goal image than in the book where he clearly has feelings for her. And the suicide bomb plan is quite terrifying if you think twice, the victims will be the kindest people in Yong An who’d welcome those from a once hostile nation only to be blasted away. And I’m so sure if the plan carried out, XL will be among those who got bombed because of his kind nature (ouch!) he can’t stand a starving kid like banyue, so he’ll be more than willing to shelter banyue ppl…… I’m so sorry that you got spoiled a bit for the lady in black, hopefully this’ll not happen again! And it’s actually quite curious that she’s irritated with the wind master chatting with XL,since she’s with the element earth she can’t be too uncomfortable in deserts, is it because she dislike XL, because she doesn’t want wind master to be too closed to other gods, or is she also having a part in some scandal? We’ll have to wait and see! Romania: XL said he is a failure for 800 years, that’s 3 times of Banyue! Me: 2 times 3 equals 8, Romania not good at maths confirmed LOL Not gonna tell you whether that rumor about HC is once a god true or false, but either way he’s still well informed about heaven till now, otherwise he wouldn’t have known that XL is assigned to the ghost bride task and went there to lead his bride across the bloody forest. The xuan in Xuan Jim’s name and the one for the wind master are not the same, the former ‘宣’ means to publicize, to announce and the latter ‘玄’ means mysterious black, profound, abstruse. But the xuan for wind master’s name and black water title is indeed the same. The donghua trailer for season 2 is just stunning and HC has changed into another set of jewelry to meet his ge-ge on his territory! ( although it’s probably because the donghua team can’t stand animating his former necklace anymore rofl) Thanks for the reaction and looking forward for next week!


UNCHARTED TERRITORY NEXT WEEK!!!! IM SO HYPED!!!! This comment will be shorter than my other ones because I feel like everything that I needed to say has already been said in my other comments from the donghua reviews. I agree that this last bits were pretty accurate when it comes to novel-canon. Whenever they have the discussion about Xie Lian’s previous words from when he was a prince and how much he’s embarrassed by it always gets me. I love that he acknowledges how it was easy to say things like that when he was young, that he was able to say those things because he was the Prince Who Pleased the Gods, and he probably felt like he could do anything he set his mind to. But he’s lived through many years since then and his worldview has changed. Even if it’s a bit more cynical than optimistic, it just shows how much wiser he’s become. I think, seeing this, it humanizes Xie Lian even more. Although he’s this powerful god, he’s flawed—he’s prone to make errors and fumbled many times. We can empathize with him more rather than being this entity that can do no wrong/is invincible. As San Lang says, it was brave but foolish. But although foolish, it was still brave. Ah, that conversation just warms my heart so much. I also want to point out that in the novel San Lang actually says “I promise you will never find a person more sincere than me in this world” out loud. But in the donghua, San Lang only thinks it to himself but doesn’t say it outright. I don’t think it necessarily changes the meaning of the scene, but something about him saying it aloud rather than keeping it as a wistful longing thought just makes it more…sentimental I guess? Or maybe the better phrasing would be that he’s actually showing he’s being sincere by saying it into existence rather than keeping it to himself. It just makes donghua!San Lang seems more hesitant. Which isn’t a bad thing, it kind of makes sense since they make him more teen-like in the donghua while in the novel it feels like he’s a young man pretending to be a teen. I guess I just like the metaphoric genuine sentiments of saying it aloud to him. Side note, I read somewhere, I think it was Twitter, that the mxtx main characters are all bad at cooking but for logical reasons. Like Wei Wuxian lived on the streets for a time, so he’s learned to ingest anything without complaints which made his flavor palette very much nonexistent and that’s why all his foods end up being super spicy. Now, Xie Lian grew up as a prince so he always had servants to prepare his meals and never learned how to cook. Thus, his terrible cooking, which made even Nan Feng run away. (I won’t say anything about SVSSS in case of spoilers.) I said this comment was going to be short, but it became long again 😅😅😅 I thought I didn’t have much to say but turns out I still had a lot left to say. Anyways, as always, looking forward to next week’s reaction!! 🤗🤗🤗


Yeah, not everyone would want to pray for a god that annihilated an entire nation...makes sense. :P It IS interesting that HC respects some of the gods; I like that little detail that he has some respect for Pei and Little Pei. Yeah, I'm glad since then everyone has offered to look for future manhua spoilers to keep me from getting anything else ruined. :) I'm very lucky in terms of that! The Season 2 trailer was GLORIOUS. So much hype, and they make our boy HC look sooooo perfect! I'm so excited to see how those theories shake out and see where the uncharted waters take us! Let's gooooooo! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! :)


Yes, the book really makes Pei’s feelings all the more present and I love it! :) And I hadn’t thought about XL being one of the victims, but oh my gosh, that makes it all the more terrifying that it could have been that way! @__@ It’s okay that the Ming Yi’s name is out, since I don’t know anything else about her, but I’m glad you all have volunteered in the Discord to help notify me of manhua spoilers; I’m really lucky in that regard! :) Bahhahahaha – As an English major, it is confirmed that Romania is terrible at maths. CONFIRMED indeed! XD That’s a good point about HC being well-informed…I mean, he is well-read, after all, right? ;) I’m curious to see where the novel takes us in that regard! Hmmmm, that’s quite interesting about the Wind Master and Demon Xuan having the same type of name. *theorizing intensifies* hahaha! I love that HC gets all fancied up to meet his gege! I love it! :) I’m so excited to dive into this new volume and these uncharted waters! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


I love that the more we find out about Xie Lian, the more complex his character becomes and the more we love his character! And want to protect him just as much as San Lang! I love that San Lang points out what XL worries about with his actions, but also gives him some praise, too! It’s definitely heartwarming! :) I don’t know how I forgot that San Lang didn’t say it out loud in the donghua, but I’m glad he does in the novel! It’s definitely a more sentimental moment for sure! That’s interesting that MXTX makes most of the main characters not good cooks and justifies it somehow. I wonder if MXTX cannot cook either and projects a little of that; I wouldn’t blame her! :) Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! I’m SOOOO excited for next week! It’s going to be fun! :)

Anime Annie

Basically enclosed in a deep pit with (potentially rotting) bloody corpses and scorpion snakes. So glad TV has not progressed to the point that we can also smell when watching these scenes. Xie Lian immediately knowing San Lang isn't to blame for the restriction on Fu Yao's power is just so sweet 🥰🥰🥰 Also such romantic imagery of them stepping forward to save Ban Yue...in a bloody pit beneath a shower of scorpion snakes. The natural acceptance that the Heavenly Officials would cover up such a massacre for the sake of gaining new believers is rather terrifying. Also puts another point for San Lang's opinion of the gods and makes it much harder to see them in a good light. San Lang doesn't give two sh*ts who he offends. But I love that he intentionally spoke in Ke Mo's language so as the General could understand him. Just makes him all the more epic. Poor Xie Lian getting triggered with flashbacks because of the arguments between Ke Mo and Pei Xiu 😢 It really shows how pointless the war really was and that Xie Lian's one voice did little to stop it, because two hundred years on the two sides are still having the same kinds of arguments. Woman in black got that sixth sense when looking at San Lang. Love it. Xie Lian is a meh person for her, but San Lang is someone to be wary of. And my only response to that would be, of course you'd need to be wary of San Lang if you're gonna treat his gege coldly! 😂 Context gives so much meaning to some sentences, and the Wind Master's previous words proves that so well. Also once again Mo Xiang Tong Xiu showing how good she is with the 'throwaway' lines that actually have meaning later on. Nan Feng cockblocking us on the information regarding the Wind Master! Don't start a sentence if you're not gonna finish it. I gotta say I love the introduction of the Wind Master. She's the first god, other than Xie Lian, we've met that doesn't appear to have any prejudices and isn't a sheep like other Heavenly Officials. The ones in the wrong are the ones in the wrong and their species holds no reflection on their being good or evil. "your luck is gonna turn for the worse too" poor Xie Lian cannot catch a break. He already has enough bad luck. Or could it be said his atrocious luck is how he ended up in such a position in the first place? Okay so spin-off series with Ke Mo and Xuan Ji a la 'How I Met Your Mother'?? 🤣 San Lang's reaction to Tian Sheng's decision to build a temple 🥺 He's happy for you Xie Lian! Nan Feng being a protective Dad for Xie Lian but it's not to the point where he'll risk eating any food Xie Lian makes 🤣 But I love he comes back to basically threaten San Lang! The *flirting*!!! 🥰🥰🥰 The idea that it'd be strange for Ban Yue to refer to Xie Lian as "Your Highness" I feel like it really shows Xie Lian's care for the young girl and how close he feels to her. She really is like his child 🥺 They gave us the Hualian flirting so as to make the pain of Xie Lian thinking on his past and his past words ten times more painful. San Lang sees all! Minor interaction with Ban Yue and Pei Xiu and he already *knows*. I really feel like San Lang is the only one Xie Lian truly relaxes around. I honestly can't see him letting his curiosity cause him to poke anyone else except San Lang. Ah San Lang's boob window shirt in the manhua!!! Really is such a tease. But I do adore how starember had Xie Lian use San Lang's over-robe as a pillow, and that San Lang pulled up the sheet seeing as he kept his boots on. San Lang's opinions so far have all been proven correct. So his opinion on Qi Rong *must* be true too! 😂 That statement by San Lang about how other ghosts lower than Supreme not having the right to speak to him reminds me so much of Lan Wangji's line to Su She in The Untamed "You are not qualified to talk to me". Such Boss energy! The bit about remembering the names is interesting. Xie Lian is the one that previously said he'd prefer to forget some bad things from the past so as to remember the tasty food he just recently ate. But, even though as San Lang says "it's a waste of [his] brain", Xie Lian cares too much about offending others to follow his previous thinking in this regard. Like even just considering the gods we've met so far, trying to remember their names/titles (pre- and post-ascension) and the names of their temples is hard enough to keep track of. And there are many more Heavenly Officials we've yet to meet. But I love that San Lang, with his words, basically equated the Heavenly Realm's occupants to Qi Rong 🤣 "Welcome to Mo Xiang Tong Xiu! Would you like some pain with your discussions of the past?" Pain from Xie Lian's self-deprecation but also from San Lang's link to the words Xie Lian is laughing humourlessly about having previously spoke. Mo Xiang Tong Xiu just hitting us with more romantic ways to confess your love than "I love you". In all mediums that line ["I promise you won't find another person more sincere than me in this world"] from San Lang is one of my favourites. Like I said in the Discord, the manhua's version of the ring is one of my favourites. It's truly breathtakingly beautiful. It is kinda crazy to think we're already going on to Volume 2! Full steam ahead. Gonna be fun!!! You've seen the trailer so now I no longer need to spoiler tag the gif I have of Hua Cheng on his frigging throne (🥵) when I post it in the Discord🥳 "We gotta go back and watch that again" Now you understand why pretty much all of us in the fandom have re-watched this trailer way too many times to count. It's too late at night so I can't laugh out loud and you backtracking and realising "well yes *some* of those injuries came from San Lang" but also trying to defend him 😂 With your comment I can't not think of Sugar Daddy Hua Cheng funding Xie Lian! 🤣

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 09:14:55 Yeah, having worked on a farm and been around dead animals and blood in the past (for various reasons), I can attest it’s not a fun smell. Ew. I love that despite the insane imagery, XL doesn’t bat an eye to keep his “friend” San Lang and Ban Yue’s reputation intact. Our divine bean! And yes, the HR isn’t exactly getting painted in the best light so far, especially with SL pointing out some hypocrisies. And he doesn’t care who he offends but also likes to troll in the most respecting way — got give the Ghost King a hand for that, haha! I’m also not a fan of Xie Lian’s PTSD getting triggered throughout this story so far – our dude has done his best to forget certain traumas, but they’re all getting brought back up and it’s so sad! The lady in black knows how powerful San Lang is, but it’s curious if she’s a god why she’s not on board with trying to apprehend him like Nan Feng and Fu Yao are…hm. And yessss, MXTX leaves no stone unturned when she decides to bring back seemingly throwaway lines for characters. I love it! And yes, the Wind Master is QUITE interesting so far! I do feel for XL, though; our boy needs some good luck on his side…I mean, SL WAS there for him, but now? And YES! Nan Feng, you tease! FINISH YOUR SENTENCES AND STATEMENTS, PLEASE! And yes, I will be captain of the Xuan Ji x Ke Mo crack ship! Let’s do this! San Lang being proud for XL! We love to see it! They’re flirting at the shrine is sooooo wonderful to read, too! Nan Feng trying to be that threatening parent, too, but failing, hahaha! But yes, San Lan is so perceptive and Xie Lian not realizing it’s the boy with the bandages in front of him as he talks about him is PURE ANGST. MXTX…whyyyyy? Though, the “boob window shirt” ahahaha and XL using that outer robe as a pillow were nice touches – going the extra mile for the fandom! Soooooo ready to meet this trash king that no one likes, hahahaha! And yes, San Lang has an elite air about him sometimes that reminds me of LWJ! :) LWJ was my favorite in MDZS, so HC is on his way to being my favorite, though I love XL so much! And yessss, SL is so not impressed with the pettiness of the HR, and XL just doesn’t want to offend – such an interesting dynamic! Yessss, MXTX knows that “I love you” is cliche, so let’s find amazing new ways to make that devotion and adoration evident! <3 But yessss, we’re at Volume 2! Insanity!! And oooh, that trailer is sooooo good – I just want the donghua now! :) Sugar Daddy Hua Cheng like Sugar Daddy LWJ? I’m here for it! Let’s go volume 2!! Thank you for the kind words and comment!!
2022-09-05 23:29:17 Yeah, having worked on a farm and been around dead animals and blood in the past (for various reasons), I can attest it’s not a fun smell. Ew. I love that despite the insane imagery, XL doesn’t bat an eye to keep his “friend” San Lang and Ban Yue’s reputation intact. Our divine bean! And yes, the HR isn’t exactly getting painted in the best light so far, especially with SL pointing out some hypocrisies. And he doesn’t care who he offends but also likes to troll in the most respecting way — got give the Ghost King a hand for that, haha! I’m also not a fan of Xie Lian’s PTSD getting triggered throughout this story so far – our dude has done his best to forget certain traumas, but they’re all getting brought back up and it’s so sad! The lady in black knows how powerful San Lang is, but it’s curious if she’s a god why she’s not on board with trying to apprehend him like Nan Feng and Fu Yao are…hm. And yessss, MXTX leaves no stone unturned when she decides to bring back seemingly throwaway lines for characters. I love it! And yes, the Wind Master is QUITE interesting so far! I do feel for XL, though; our boy needs some good luck on his side…I mean, SL WAS there for him, but now? And YES! Nan Feng, you tease! FINISH YOUR SENTENCES AND STATEMENTS, PLEASE! And yes, I will be captain of the Xuan Ji x Ke Mo crack ship! Let’s do this! San Lang being proud for XL! We love to see it! They’re flirting at the shrine is sooooo wonderful to read, too! Nan Feng trying to be that threatening parent, too, but failing, hahaha! But yes, San Lan is so perceptive and Xie Lian not realizing it’s the boy with the bandages in front of him as he talks about him is PURE ANGST. MXTX…whyyyyy? Though, the “boob window shirt” ahahaha and XL using that outer robe as a pillow were nice touches – going the extra mile for the fandom! Soooooo ready to meet this trash king that no one likes, hahahaha! And yes, San Lang has an elite air about him sometimes that reminds me of LWJ! :) LWJ was my favorite in MDZS, so HC is on his way to being my favorite, though I love XL so much! And yessss, SL is so not impressed with the pettiness of the HR, and XL just doesn’t want to offend – such an interesting dynamic! Yessss, MXTX knows that “I love you” is cliche, so let’s find amazing new ways to make that devotion and adoration evident! <3 But yessss, we’re at Volume 2! Insanity!! And oooh, that trailer is sooooo good – I just want the donghua now! :) Sugar Daddy Hua Cheng like Sugar Daddy LWJ? I’m here for it! Let’s go volume 2!! Thank you for the kind words and comment!!

Yeah, having worked on a farm and been around dead animals and blood in the past (for various reasons), I can attest it’s not a fun smell. Ew. I love that despite the insane imagery, XL doesn’t bat an eye to keep his “friend” San Lang and Ban Yue’s reputation intact. Our divine bean! And yes, the HR isn’t exactly getting painted in the best light so far, especially with SL pointing out some hypocrisies. And he doesn’t care who he offends but also likes to troll in the most respecting way — got give the Ghost King a hand for that, haha! I’m also not a fan of Xie Lian’s PTSD getting triggered throughout this story so far – our dude has done his best to forget certain traumas, but they’re all getting brought back up and it’s so sad! The lady in black knows how powerful San Lang is, but it’s curious if she’s a god why she’s not on board with trying to apprehend him like Nan Feng and Fu Yao are…hm. And yessss, MXTX leaves no stone unturned when she decides to bring back seemingly throwaway lines for characters. I love it! And yes, the Wind Master is QUITE interesting so far! I do feel for XL, though; our boy needs some good luck on his side…I mean, SL WAS there for him, but now? And YES! Nan Feng, you tease! FINISH YOUR SENTENCES AND STATEMENTS, PLEASE! And yes, I will be captain of the Xuan Ji x Ke Mo crack ship! Let’s do this! San Lang being proud for XL! We love to see it! They’re flirting at the shrine is sooooo wonderful to read, too! Nan Feng trying to be that threatening parent, too, but failing, hahaha! But yes, San Lan is so perceptive and Xie Lian not realizing it’s the boy with the bandages in front of him as he talks about him is PURE ANGST. MXTX…whyyyyy? Though, the “boob window shirt” ahahaha and XL using that outer robe as a pillow were nice touches – going the extra mile for the fandom! Soooooo ready to meet this trash king that no one likes, hahahaha! And yes, San Lang has an elite air about him sometimes that reminds me of LWJ! :) LWJ was my favorite in MDZS, so HC is on his way to being my favorite, though I love XL so much! And yessss, SL is so not impressed with the pettiness of the HR, and XL just doesn’t want to offend – such an interesting dynamic! Yessss, MXTX knows that “I love you” is cliche, so let’s find amazing new ways to make that devotion and adoration evident! <3 But yessss, we’re at Volume 2! Insanity!! And oooh, that trailer is sooooo good – I just want the donghua now! :) Sugar Daddy Hua Cheng like Sugar Daddy LWJ? I’m here for it! Let’s go volume 2!! Thank you for the kind words and comment!!


Yas!! Volume 2! Reading Heavens Official Blessing while tipsy sounds like such a trip.


Hahahaha, I was definitely giddy and needed to calm down before the discussion! ^^ But YES! Volume 2 is next week! I'm so excited! :D