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Kaworu. Nagisa. Two words that have stolen my heart and ripped it to pieces at the same time. Is he "gay space Jesus?" Is he the antichrist? Both? Regardless, he came out of NOWHERE and completely stole this episode!   

In an episode packed with Ritsuko revealing her affair with Gendo, Asuka revealing even more darkness to her past, lore about Adam and LILITH being brought up -- it all paled in comparison to the arrival of the Final Angel and Shinji's bisexual awakening! Y'all know my BL heart was guarded going into this, thinking we were getting baited, but then shattered when I realized this was REAL. Anno, Anno you mad man!   

This was probably my favorite episode of the series so far and there is SO. MUCH. TO. TALK. ABOUT. and I feel I'll still have more to talk about going into Episode 25. **nervous laughter**

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/1ycejj

Thank you for watching with me and for the support!


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Episode 24 DIRECTOR'S CUT Reaction! THE FINAL MESSENGER!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/1ycejj **WARNING: I GET LOUD IN THIS! HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Kaworu. Nagisa. Two words that have stolen my heart and ripped it to pieces at the same time. Is he "gay space Jesus?" Is he the antichrist? Both? Regardless, he came out of NOWHERE and completely stole this episode! In an episode packed with Ritsuko revealing her affair with Gendo, Asuka revealing even more darkness to her past, lore about Adam and LILITH being brought up -- it all paled in comparison to the arrival of the Final Angel and Shinji's bisexual awakening! Y'all know my BL heart was guarded going into this, thinking we were getting baited, but then shattered when I realized this was REAL. Anno, Anno you mad man! This was probably my favorite episode of the series so far and there is SO. MUCH. TO. TALK. ABOUT. and I feel I'll still have more to talk about going into Episode 25. **nervous laughter** Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Be Happy

Oh finally you met Nagisa!! I just love him!! 😍😍

Simon Lemon

Usually, in old 90's dubs they'd just hire whoever was close to the studio. ADV Films, the studio behind EVA's 90s dub was stationed in Houston, Texas. So I suppose that explains Dub Asuka haha.

Simon Lemon

There's a thing known as "Barefoot Suicide" in Japan where you remove your shoes to not bring dirt into the afterlife. So shoes being take of is often used as a metaphor for it. So seeing how Asuka has neatly folded her clothes and is sitting naked is quite alarming. I'm glad she didn't manage to commit suicide.

Daniel Contreras

I mean, the tub is very rusty but I think the red stuff at the bottom is blood. Asuka must've cut her wrist and was just expecting to die. She didn't manage to succeed but she attempted to, so it's more than a metaphor in this case and the fact she didn't "commit suicide" is just semantics, I think. But I'm as well glad she was found in time.

Simon Lemon

Yeah, I'm not questioning that, just explaining why the show payed such attention to her clothes being folded and why she was naked. Since I've heard people be confused about it before. Should probably mention that English is my second language. Perhaps I didn't express what I meant well enough.

Matthew B

Our Lord and Savior, gay space jesus Nagisa.


Three hours? I am looking forward to it 😅


Ah yes, the episode that spawned 10,000 doujinshi, eternally popular with a certain section of the fan base. Glad you enjoyed it.

Daniel Contreras

English isn't my first language either, so it's very likely I was the one who misunderstood. However I was just trying to expand in one particular point, and I believe is worth noting the blood in tub since I know many people who didn't notice it; I certainly didn't the first time I watched. Very sorry if there was a misunderstanding :)

Joseph Hallowell

I think Kaworu really is one of the highest cultural impact to screen time ratios ive seen LOL It makes sense too because every second he's on screen it's something super impactful. He doesn't waste his limited time haha. One of the best parts about it imo, is hes on the cover art to the series and in a ton of promotional art, and you see that when you start the series you never see him 20+ eps in and are just like "who is this guy on the cover??" LOL

Alex Kornejo

BIBLICAL SPOILER: Just like Jesus in the Bible, he enters way late into the story, he's there briefly and things get weird once he's gone.


I kind of went off the ledge on this one, and there's still SO much more than can be discussed! I'm excited! :) Thank you!


I'm so ready, once I'm done with the series, to engage in alllllll the Kaworu x Shinji things. Y'all have no idea, or maybe you do. ^^ Thanks!!


Seriously, Kaworu wastes NO TIME on screen - every moment has significance, and I love it and want more of him! And wow, knowing that he's on so many promotional things but you don't see him until nearly the final hour?! That's insanity! Also, such a spoiler! Hahaha!! Thanks for the comment!


Ooooooooooooh, wow, that actually DOES explain a lot! I just imagine the ADR running into a woman on the street and asking, "Want to voice a severely traumatized teenager?" I know that's how the VA world works, but I like to imagine that scenario. :P


@Simon -- oooooh, interesting! I'm glad she didn't go fully through with suicide if that was what she was planning; thank you for that information!


@Daniel Contreras -- that is so sad and disturbing if that's blood in the tub! @.@ I'm glad at least that she was found and taken to a hospital before she could die! Thanks for noting that, too!


@Alex OMG..."Biblical Spoiler" got me...but hoo buddy...you just made me 100X more nervous for Episode 25. @_@

Tim Schulte

More of a question to other viewers but you can give your thoughts too Romania! I've never watched this show and I am thinking about starting. Should I watch the entire show first or watch along with Romania's reactions. I've never watched a series along with a reactors so I am curious if anyone has done this and how it was.

Butcher Carl

Her analysis is THE most fun I’ve had re-watching this show. If I were starting from scratch, I would watch along side her. But I would likely watch the episode first (on a big screen) and then immediately watch her reaction/analysis. But that’s just me. You could also binge the show and then re-watch it slowly for the analysis too. Either way, watch the show and enjoy it!

Butcher Carl

So I’m just going to speak for myself, but I hope the rest of the community is also on board with this comment: Ok Romania, you’ll notice that you just spent 2 1/2 hours analyzing less than 30 minutes of film. All of the movies are at least an hour and a half. Does this translate to possibly 7+ hours of analysis? Maybe, but I just want to say that I am here for it. I’m not saying you need to do that (hell of an ask from us), but just take your time and don’t feel as if you need to adjust your approach just because of the length. If you split your analysis into chunks or whatever, I think we’re all here for your full analysis and are really looking forward to your insights into the films.


@Butcher Carl Thank you so much for the kind words; I really appreciate that and I'm glad y'all are enjoying my dive into NGE! It's been such an experience!!


Ooohhh, I'd say you're good either way! For me, I like watching a show before watching a reactor's reaction of it, but that's just me -- do whatever you're comfortable with! I know we'd all love to get someone else on the NGE bandwagon! **chants** One of us! One of us!


Thank you for the kind word and yeah, **nervous chuckle** I'm realizing these last two episodes, EOE, and the Rebuilds may take...some...time....hahahaha, to get through! I'm planning on doing Episodes 25 and 26 like I normally do, but I may take breaks in between 26 and EOE and the Rebuilds so I can give myself enough time to get through all the parts and discuss, however long that takes. So there'll be things in place for Thursdays post episode 26 if I need them. We'll see how it goes. :) Thank you for the kind words and the support, though! I'm glad y'all are enjoying the analyses!


The last 20 years of my life have been one long End of Evangelion analysis, so I think 7 hours would be suitable.

Alex Kornejo

I think it's preferable to always watch the show on your own, to see it as the creators meant it; but you can always have fun, watching reactions and reviews right after. I never really watch reactions from shows I haven't watched yet.

Alex Kornejo

"You ***** have been doing this for 20 years. 20 YEARS." https://i.redd.it/uubxq857vb821.jpg


@Chroipahtz, it's crazy to think how long this series has STILL been adding new official content! @.@