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To celebrate hitting a subscriber goal on YouTube, I decided to watch a movie! And OH, what a movie you all picked for me! 

I went into this film thinking it was going to be a sweet "missed connection" story, which it is, but at the halfway point it turns into SO MUCH MORE. This heartwarming (albeit stress-laden) story about two soul mates connected through time and space, whose love changed fate and a connection that distance can't destroy...ugh...I apologize ahead of time for saying "So GOOD" so much in the discussion and for my tears! 

Link to Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/dWAfo4nE3nuYES2cxMXgPW?

Thank you for Watching with me and for all the support!


Your Name: Movie Reaction! THANK YOU for 5K Subscribers!!

Link to Reaction (starts at 2:58): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/dWAfo4nE3nuYES2cxMXgPW? **SURPRISINGLY STRESSFUL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** To celebrate hitting a subscriber goal on YouTube, I decided to watch a movie! And OH, what a movie you all picked for me! I went into this film thinking it was going to be a sweet "missed connection" story, which it is, but at the halfway point it turns into SO MUCH MORE. This heartwarming (albeit stress-laden) story about two soul mates connected through time and space, whose love changed fate and a connection that distance can't destroy...ugh...I apologize ahead of time for saying "So GOOD" so much in the discussion and for my tears! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


brianna a

oh my goodness... this movie is honestly so wonderful, beautiful, and a huge tear-jerker!!! I literally feel emotional every time I watch it, and this was like my 5th or 6th watch-through haha... :) there's a movie called "weathering with you" by the same creators/writers... so it's just as beautiful even though I will forever love this one most. there's also a new one by the same team coming out this year!!! all those movies are actually set in the same "universe", but I wouldn't consider that a spoiler because it's just the fact that you get "cameos" of characters from other movies, but they aren't significant to the plot... anyways loved your reaction, I hope you decide to check out the other movies!!

Matthew B

This is the first time this director has given anything close to a happy ending.


Oh wow, REALLY?! That's interesting! Yeah, I was anticipating for a while a sad ending, so I'm glad we got a happy one!!

Alex Kornejo

The current reactions includes stories about a depressed kid in a post-apocalliptic world, the hunt for a serial killer, a revenge story set in a backdrop of ethnic and religious warfare and a story about how unchecked hatred leads to fascism and ethnic cleansing; So from that perspective a story about a couple of kids saving a town with the power of young love is definitely a comfort story. It's only anxiety inducing the first time around, rewatches are just heartwarming.

Alex Kornejo

Makoto Shinkai Cinematic Universe, everyone's doing it so why not? Mitsuha's teacher also has her own movie in Garden of Words doesn't she?

brianna a

I've actually watched that movie too, along with others, but it's been a while so I wouldn't remember who the characters are haha ^-^


Oh wow! Uhm....yeah, compared to all THAT, this is definitely the more comforting story. Hahaha, I could also see that -- I will likely re-watch this and knowing what I do now, I think my stress level will be much lower, hahaha! Thank you for the info and comment!


@Alex, is Garden of Words by the same creator? I've seen that one and it's SO good!


I wasn't walking into this movie expecting to SOB, but here we are...and oooh, yes, Weathering with You was on the poll, so it'll have to get watched at SOME point! :) And oooh, interesting about that new movie! I am ALL for the characters of these various movies being in the same "universe" -- that would actually be a LOT of fun to connect as I go through those movies! Thanks for the comment!


I almost died of a heart attack from deja vu of 5cm/s when watching the last few minutes of your name. Thank god it was a happy ending!


I'm glad it was a happy ending, too! I was bracing myself for a tragic one, but *phew* haha

Alex Kornejo

Yes, Garden of Words is also by Makoto Shinkai, I did some googling and he did in fact confirm the teacher on both movies is the same person (she's named Yukino Yukari), he just kind of retconned what town she was from (Itomori rather than Shikoku).

Alex Kornejo

Sorry, Aren't we technically spoiling 5cm if she ever wanted to watch it?


@Alex, I'm not sure what that movie is, but if the ending/plot's spoiled, I probably won't react to it, haha! I mean, FourSunsets was vague enough, but if y'all want to talk about it, please spoiler tag for me so I don't read! ^^


@Alex Kornejo Wow, that's so cool! I mean...maybe she transferred and got a better teaching job! ^^ That is really cool that they've connected characters from other movies together; love it!

Christopher Pettersson

You're a hard nut to crack but i knew this movie would have a good chance. I for one cry every time i watch it, all around a beautiful (and heartaching) movie. It is a happy ending but i still find it sad that they won't remember any of what brought them together. Personally i always find forgetting and memories fading away in stories extra sad.


I can see how anyone would cry at this movie; it's so movie and yes, heartbreakingly beautiful throughout! But yeah, I was cracked with this! And YES, I was so happy they found each other in the end and can make memories together, but the fact that they don't remember the movie's worth of moments together is so sad! And I agree, any narrative involving forgetting memories or them fading away really gets to me! :'( Thanks for the comment!!