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NOTE: I am LOUD in this video. You have been warned.  ^^ 

I feel like the weight of three seasons, all of the struggles our sunshine boy has faced, have led to this set of episodes. Because FINALLY, finally the numbers of our 20 Seido players are given out. And here we are. 

Of COURSE, though, in true TJ fashion -- now that he's the Ace, things aren't going to be instantly OP or easy for our boy. Oh no, now the pressure is ON and Sawamura is going to get to walk down the road his rival did before him. Will he crumble under the pressure, though? Mangaka...don't you put this evil on us, please!

Link to Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/iLmj31cw9oPwDfk8ADgiJL?

Thank you for watching with me and for the support! 


Ace of the Diamond Act II: Episodes 45-47 Reaction! GO EXCEED! FINALLY, Y'ALL!!

Link to Reaction (starts at 3:55): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/iLmj31cw9oPwDfk8ADgiJL? **ACE-WORTHY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** NOTE: I am LOUD in this video. You have been warned. ^^ I feel like the weight of three seasons, all of the struggles our sunshine boy has faced, have led to this set of episodes. Because FINALLY, finally the numbers of our 20 Seido players are given out. And here we are. Of COURSE, though, in true TJ fashion -- now that he's the Ace, things aren't going to be instantly OP or easy for our boy. Oh no, now the pressure is ON and Sawamura is going to get to walk down the road his rival did before him. Will he crumble under the pressure, though? Mangaka...don't you put this evil on us, please! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


WuXian Suibian

I was waiting for the moment that you saw the text from Chris!! Have to admit I re-watched that squeal a couple of times. Yup, these episodes are a cause for riotous and loud fan girling.


Thank you so much -- that moment SLAYED me! SO many moments in these episodes SLAYED me! This has probably been the set I've fangirled at the most and I regret nothing! I loved these episodes!


Awesome that you're going to an actual game! I would love to go to one but where I'm from baseball really isn't a thing lol. Which teams are playing if you don't mind me asking? I follow MLB pretty closely so I could give you some players to look out for :)


You know it was unexpected but I genuinely love the role Ono is taking this act. The way he's stepped into a senpai role specifically for the first year catchers has been so nice. Especially since he must still be frustrated by being hurt but the way he can not only comfort and help Yui but also do the same for Koushu is so sweet. I have so many feelings about Ochiai trying to convince Kataoka to give the ace number to Furuya. I explained a lot of it in the discord but God it still annoys me. I agree with parts of what he said but I also think how cruel to continuously have a player pushed down and forced to work harder than everyone else just because he grows well when he's forced to work harder. Like at what point do you realize that sometimes players will just break under the constant working hard with no reward. And I still think it would be extremely hypocritical of Kataoka to do that when he's been so adamant about players earning their numbers. You play well, you get a good number. You struggle and don't do well, you don't get the good number. It's not a hard concept but of course Ochiai comes in to be a part time devils advocate and a part time jinx. Its actually hilarious cuz Zono and Asou are always fighting in some capacity. If you watch the backgrounds or look at the little conversations in between others you hear them yelling at eachother a lot lol I love the little charm/keychains that the managers made lol. They're actually so cute and Sawamura making it his profile picture is even better. I wish we could've seen his reaction to getting it Kinda hurts me inside to see Shunshin standing with his team at the opening ceremonies but not in a uniform 🥲 damn those high school regulations The way the other teams were talking about Miyuki honestly sends me everytime. "He's got such a presence", "did he bulk up?" Like wtf lol. Everyone's a Miyuki fan I guess. Sometimes when I watch that Sawamura montage OP I genuinely get goosebumps. God the journey it's been and how much we've all suffered being Sawamura fans. It tastes so sweet 😭 His hands shaking while getting the number is so sweet and cute and sad. It's like the complete opposite reaction that you'd think he'd have but he's likely in complete shock lol. I would've never guessed at the beginning of season 1 that he'd be basically silent after taking the ace number. Furuyas little "congratulations" also proves so much how he's changed. Even season 2 Furuya wouldn't have done that. He would've just been silent. I love their growing friendship so much. I love that TJ confirmed what we all knew that Sawamura is a Shiba Inu through and through 😂 him trying to see his back to see the number is adorable and I love that Furuya related to that. The Sawamura, Raichi, Amahisa trio may be one for the ages. Who else is going to have a storyline with such chaos and ALLOW those chaotic energies to merge like this lol. No one. Only Terajima. Seeing Nori step up to make sure he's not forgotten or overlooked feels like such a long time coming honestly. The confidence he has now is so refreshing. I think you're right that Miyuki definitely had more twinkles in his eyes catching for Sawamura and Furuya but I think a lot of it was because they worshipped Miyuki and would do anything he said and he got full reign to mould them as he wanted. Nori is his age and knows he's an amazing catcher but doesn't worship him. And Nori struggled so much with confidence that Miyuki probably struggled with how to comfort and lift him up. I think they're really comfortable as a battery now though. I love seeing how far Haruichi and Mochi have come in their friendship as well. They're such good partners on the field as well as good friends off the field and it's really sweet. Finally Takatsu put his pride down for a minute to try to give Kanemaru some encouragement and I'm all here for it. I'm sure it still stings for him to have not made the roster but he's committed to helping the team and I love that for them. Even just seeing the current team talking to Ryousuke and Jun is so nostalgic. I wish we could've heard Juns voice on the phone but I'm so glad him and Zono still talk. And Ryousuke encouraging Mochi and Haruichi to be the best middle infielders is really friggin cute. I honestly don't think Miyuki was lying when he said a couple months ago he didn't see Sawamura wearing the ace number for this summer. We know he saw him eventually as the ace but a couple months ago they were playing at the spring Invitational so it's not surprising that at the time Miyuki would've assumed Furuya still would've been the ace. I'm sure everyone assumed that. I think he figured they'd continue to fight it out and maybe in the fall or their third year Sawamura would wrestle it from Furuya but not so quickly after the invitational where Furuya did so well. The text from Chris.... ugh... it's so good. TJ really does know everytime we need to see or hear from Chris and he delivers everytime. It's funny to me how TJ has said that he didn't realize people would respond so positively to Sawamura and Chris' relationship. Like of course we respond positively to the best master/pupil relationship in a sports anime 😂😂 I find it quite cute how everyone is worried about Sawamura before the Yura game. Clearly they had reason to and Sawamura hates it but I find it adorable. I'm so glad TJ included the scene of Mochi up at 2 am nervous and overthinking. A lot of the time Mochi comes across so relaxed and chill and just excited to play so seeing him more somber and serious is so cool to me. The way he's just now coming to terms with the fact that this is his last tournament at Seidou crushes me but it adds so much to his character. As much as I hate seeing Sawamura struggle in this yura game, it's almost all fixed by seeing Furuya run to the mound trying to get Sawamura to calm down and calling him "Eijun" infront of the team. I love it so much. I really am obsessed with their growth as friends and rivals. This reaction was everything I thought it would be and I'm so glad I can finally share acejun art in the discord lol. On to next week's set 👏🏼👏🏼


Thank you!! It's going to be the St. Louis Cardinals vs. The Chicago Cubs (the biggest rivalry where I'm from), so it should be an interesting game!


If you're a Cardinals fan they have pretty much the hottest hitter in the game right now in Paul Goldschmidt (AKA Goldy) who plays 1st base, and Nolan Arenado at 3rd who is also a top player at his position. The Cubs on the other hand lack star players and aren't doing too well this season so they will need a solid team performance to give themselves a chance. I support the Padres who played a 3 game series a few weeks ago against the Cardinals and lost every game :( Hope you get an exciting game and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


Ooohhhh, I'm not a "fan" of any team per say (though they are INCREDIBLY popular where I'm from) but that is SO exciting!! I've heard the name Arenado, so I'm even more excited now! Thank you for the heads up! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for both of them! :D


I do love that Ono has stepped up, like Nori, into the role of mentor for the underclassmen: Ono for catching and Nori for pitching. It’s really sweet! I agree; I think Furuya and Sawamura grow under pressure and the need to work harder; the funny thing is after this game (as we’ll see in the next set), I think it will still push Sawamura to work harder, even being the ace – it’s not all sunshine and rainbows at the top; with a rival like Furuya, Sawamura’s going to have to fight to stay on the “throne,” so to speak. But yeah, Ochiai wanting to take the safe route at the expense of the hard work Sawamura’s put in? Nahhh, not having it, either. Sawamura earned it this season! Oh! I never noticed how Aso and Zono are yelling in the background!! Haha, that’s great; as I go through the manga, I’ll have to look out for those moments! I love the little keychains, too! It’s so sweet! That would have been nice seeing his reaction. It would have also been nice seeing Shunshin in uniform. *sigh* At least he seems in good spirits. Hahahahahaha!! Miyuki just has everyone’s attention! :P Pretty boy catchers; what can they do? And yesss, that OP is so good! What an out of left field (pun intended) moment but so perfect – our boy has made it! Finally! It’s fun to see him have a reaction to becoming the ace that I would NOT have expected from season 1. #GROWTH and Furuya’s “congratulations” shows he’s changed a LOT too – I love that developing friendship so much, too! Same with Haruichi and Mochi, too! <3 Sawamura is a Shiba Inu, confirmed, and Sawamura/Raichi/Amahisa is the trio I didn’t know I needed together for all the adventures until now! The sheer chaos they would bring is just so amazing. I need a road trip ova with them! Only TJ, indeed. I agree with your sentiments about Nori and Miyuki’s relationship – I think being captain has helped Miyuki with communication so he’s figured out how to talk to Nori and help make him “shine” to the best of his ability, and Nori’s gained enough confidence in his third year to let himself be the best pitcher he can be. I love it. And I love how Takatsu gives Kanemaru some encouragement, too! Communication and the power of Nakama! Haha! It’s good to see the 3rd years still interacting with the team, being there in “spirit” even though we can’t see/hear them, necessarily. The text from Chris was everything I wanted…well, it will BE everything I want if and when Chris shows up to see Sawamura pitch in the quarterfinals, if we make it that far. UGH, and how could he not know how much we’d love Chris and Sawamura’s relationship! It’s the best, seriously. It’s cute that everyone supports Sawamura now so much and are concerned for him. <3 Adorable, indeed. I agree, seeing Kuramochi nervous at 2 am is so needed; to show that the third years are just as flustered, nervous about this last game – especially as Mochi acknowledges that last year, he didn’t even think about it because he was just a 2nd year. It’s so sad to think it’s their last year, but such a good moment! That’s a good point about Sawamura continuing to surprise Miyuki with becoming the ace this soon! Just like I don’t think anyone expected Furuya and Sawamura’s relationship to have gotten this close; I mean, calling him by his first name in front of the team so casually. I’m quite obsessed, too! Oh, thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I can’t believe there’s only two sets of anime episodes left for now. How surreal! @.@