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This is definitely my favorite episode so far, but that's likely to change as we go...but WHAT an episode! It has all the ingredients of NGE that I love: A creepy, terrifying angel; Shinji dealing with character growth; existential discussions; action and tension; dark humor, and an overall terse atmosphere that amps up the mystery at the end and leaves me with SO many new questions...but at least we have a few answers, eh?  

The animation, soundtrack, voice acting; it all came together to make such a great episode. And I feel we're just getting started...  

Link to Reaction: https://streamable.com/oyf8ar

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Episode 16 Reaction! SICKNESS UNTO DEATH AND SPLITTING OF THE BREAST!

Link to Reaction: https://streamable.com/oyf8ar **EPIC EPISODE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This is definitely my favorite episode so far, but that's likely to change as we go...but WHAT an episode! It has all the ingredients of NGE that I love: A creepy, terrifying angel; Shinji dealing with character growth; existential discussions; action and tension; dark humor, and an overall terse atmosphere that amps up the mystery at the end and leaves me with SO many new questions...but at least we have a few answers, eh? The animation, soundtrack, voice acting; it all came together to make such a great episode. And I feel we're just getting started... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Simon Lemon

The reason i recommended and sent over the fan remaster is because It actually didn't use the Bluray for it's video. Gainax released a DVD of all the episodes from the broadcast masters. This is all the episodes on standard definition digital tape, this tape was used back in the day by TV companies to air EVA. A couple of fans found out that Episode 16 of that release had more detail in the video than any previous release of the episode. For example in the very dark scenes a lot of detail gets hidden behind complete blackness on the Bluray. The only issue this release had was that it had very dull colors. So they color corrected this version and slightly sharpened the image, and for scenes that used footage from previous episodes they took from the Bluray. I'm glad you thought it looked good! I'm looking forward to next episode.


This episode is so thrilling! The title of this episode “sickness unto death” is named after a novel by Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard written in 1849, it is a work of existential philosophy and deals mainly with the concept of despair (I won’t go into this invade you’ve already looked this up). Asuka is so interesting in this episode, we pick up with her obviously still upset at the events on the previous episode directing a lot of vitriol towards shinji’s character and making snarky comments about Misato’s relationship with Kaji. What bothers Asuka most about Shinji it seems is that he is very intropunitive, and quick to apologize even when he’s not at fault. While in contrast Asuka’s facade of confidence and aggression makes it impossible for her to express her guilt and concern overs Shinji’s situation in this episode, instead trying to goad Rei into a confrontation and hiding outside of Shinji’s hospital room. I feel as though the last episode showed Asuka trying to reach out to others which resulted in her getting hurt, so this episode she pushes others away. The train sequence is one of my favourite moments in EVA, and the haunting violin track you hear during it is called “Zeijaku na, Jiga Kyōkai” the best translation of that I could find is “A fragile ego border”. It’s very interesting how we go from the most confident Shinji that we have seen, and the sweet moment when Misato tells him “you are number one!”, to the darkest place we have seen him presenting blatant suicidal ideation. I find it very sad how most of Shinji’s neuroses stem from the moment pf Gendo abandoning him or when he “ran away”, a situation where shinji places a very unrealistic level of responsibility upon himself considering Gendo was the adult. But in shinji’s mind it seems far easier for him to delude himself into thinking Gendo leaving was his fault, to pathetically hang on to the single piece of praise ever given to him by his father, and to deny that his father could have killed his mother (mother was smiling!) than to consider the alternative. Some big bombshells regarding Shinji’s mother, Rei, and the nature of the EVA’s and Angels really make this episode very exciting. Can’t wait for next week! XD


I’ve never seen this version until today, but it really is a great improvement. Thanks!


It's so crazy with the production behind this episode, but I love that the time as taken to recreate this episode to bring it out in all its glory; for an episode as fantastic as this -- it makes so much sense and is SO warranted! Thanks again for the file! I really appreciated it! <3


That is so fitting that the title of this episode is based off of that novel, especially with the concept of it! Ahhh, that’s a great note about Asuka; it seemed like she was trying to stick up for Shinji in her own way, while also trying to keep herself from getting hurt like she did in the last episode. She’s definitely developing in this series in subtle, little ways. I LOVE the train sequence! It’s so beautiful, philosophical, haunting, and seeing Shinji being in such a serious, dark place is so tense! And YES! That’s a great point – Gendo is the ADULT in the situation; why should Shinji think it was his fault, even if he did run – he was a child! And yes, thinking Gendo has innocence attached to him because his mother was “smiling” – ugh – so many bombshells and so much to think about!! I loved this episode. Thank you for the kind words and comment! I can’t wait for next week, either!

Stephen husuc

*Heads up spoilers for attack on titan season one so be warned!* *spoilers* *spoilers* So as a preamble I've been a fan of evangelion for many years, and as a result I've watched it countless times like I do with any art that I find unique or speaks to something I've never seen. On the flip side I started attack on titan in season one randomly one night knowing nothing about it and having no preconceived notions of what to expect. Since then I've watched Aot just as extensively and with the same fervor and passion. I have to say I personally believe Aot was inspired by Eva in a myriad of ways, in the best ways actually. It always kind of drives me crazy that people don't see the insane levels of similarities, it kind of confounds me. Anyways until you finish the series I can't get into most things, so I promise I shall give no spoilers for Eva. That being said I feel this episode is a very good example of some basic scene similarities between the two. Eren and Shinji seem to me to be opposites in a lot of ways, but like with anything on opposing sides they share a lot in my opinion. In season 1 episode 9 of Attack on Titan we find our 15 year old soldier protagonist in the "belly of the beast" if you will... Eren rushed in, before his back up, and as a result was injured and ultimately eaten. As he languishes with the knowledge of his impending doom he thinks of why this happened, why the world is this way, and ultimately thinks of his mother. Just before death he decides he won't give up, even in the face of everything he has witnessed. In that moment the scene changes, his arm bursts forth and he explodes out of the beast in a shower of blood and viscera in a roaring organic mech. It seems like a rebirth, but with the brutality of it the viewer is unsure of how to feel or what to think. Bleh I know I sound over the top but for real even during my very first watch of Attack on Titan I was freaking out because I recognized everything happening. I will say though I was freaking out in the best way possible because Attack on Titan took heavy inspiration but used it in crazy, unpredictable, and original ways. Which honestly is everything I could have hoped for or dreamed of. Anyway sorry this was so long and hopefully I don't sound to much like a biased Eva fanboy. I just couldn't help myself seeing as you understand both series better than most. That all said thanks for the content can't wait for more!


@Daniel OH. MY. GOSH. YES. That is so true! Wow...thank goodness Hange is MUCH better than Gendo! :P

Simon Lemon

This episode is where EVA becomes truly distinct from other Anime of it's time and since. This episode really puts you inside Shinji's mind and all of the different thoughts and emotions he's going through. When i was young and just getting into Anime I was pretty depressed, but I didn't know that it was depression. And i used to go around wondering why I alone, felt that way. Seeing EVA made me realize that there are others struggling with these confusing and conflicting feelings, and that it was depression, and it changed my idea of what art can be about. That is not to say the previous episodes are bad though, far from it.


I remember when I watched EVA for the first time I was 14 and in the same situation. It hit me like no piece of media had ever hit me before or since, and it will always be special to me because of that. It always seemed to me like those who resonated the most with EVA have had similar experiences.


I can't imagine experiencing this as the same age as Shinji and Asuka -- it definitely would have been a coming-of-age-life shaper! <3


I definitely can feel the "shift" in the anime in terms of story and tone, and in a good way! I love getting to finally get a deep dive into Shinji's mind and to find a character that is RELATABLE for so many people and unlike other protagonists in stories, be it anime or otherwise. And I agree; I've really liked the series up until this episode, but this is a turn in a new direction, and one that seems better and better...we'll see where it goes, eh? :) Thanks for the comment and again with the help!


I absolutely agree that there is SO much Eva inspiration within AOT! Seeing AOT and now seeing NGE, you can really tell it! It will be a lot of fun to talk about the similarities once the series is over and I can definitely agree there Eren and Shinji would be a lot of fun to compare and contrast! And ahhhhhh, that is SO TRUE about Eren in that episode relating to Shinji’s struggles in this episode! Wow, I hadn’t thought of it that way, but it’s soooooo inspired by it, I think, too! That is an AMAZING comparison! I’ll have to bring that up in a future discussion! It is going to be a LOT of fun re-reading AOT in the manga this fall/winter and seeing those comparisons first-hand! And no worries about long comments; y’all have seen how I ramble! :) Thank you so much for the comment and the AOT comparison! Onward to Ep17! :D

Stephen husuc

Ah good I'm glad I'm not crazy... I could write a whole thesis paper on the comparisons but I've legitimately had people be confused that I see the similarities and question if I'm just stretching because I'm such an NGE fan... but I love both series so much I can only figure they are AOT fans who haven't seen EVA in a long time and just haven't really thought it through much... Anyways, yes onward I seriously can't wait for you to see more!

Stephen husuc

Definitely my experience as well... I stayed up all night long after finishing 25 and 26... It taught me that I had a problem and that I wasn't alone as well... Truly such a gift

Alex Kornejo

"The mecha genre is dead" "What are you talking about? AoT is the biggest show of the decade" "Yeah, but it's not a mecha show, they're not robots, they're living organisms" "So are the Evas and NGE is a mecha show" "But they wear armor and stuff" "Reiner does too, several of them got some type of hardening" "Yeah but that's part of themselves, not something external" "What about Pieck? She comes with a whole crew on her, at least Pieck is mecha." "Aarrghh, fine, Pieck is mecha but AoT is not." I'm sure this discussion has happened at least once.


@Stephen Husuc Oh yeah, I can see so many parallels and inspiration that Isayama took from Anno with NGE -- I definitely want to do a "protagonist" comparison video with Eren at some point -- and Shinji would definitely have to have a section of it!


On my most recent rewatch I noticed for the first time that Shinji's line "I just wanted to see you one more time" is VERY ambiguously directed. Misato is inconsolable in that moment (what a difference from episode 4!), but Shinji is looking straight past her and not reacting - that only makes sense to me if he's actually talking about/"to" his mother. My first comment here seems to have been eaten; hopefully this isn't spam.


Yeah, that's a fair point -- we're not sure who his words are entirely directed at. We can think he might have referrred to his mother or someone else, not wanting any spoilers, I still think it tied to Misato, but it could have been not only her! Thanks for the comment! I'm sorry Patreon ate the first one but I'm glad you got this one included! :D