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Oh my gosh, Kusanagi really starts us off in the next arc right, doesn't she? 

Relationship woes of Riri, Yona, Hak, (but not Soo-won oddly enough), amidst the threat of a new war with the people of Xing, and NEW CHARACTERS! Kusanagi not only delivers with the humor, wholesomeness, and romance in this volume (the slow burn is slowly heating up), but we delve into a gorgeous look into Hak's psyche surrounding one of his closest friends, and WHY that betrayal enrages him so much...

...oh, and of course, there's a cliffhanger with Zeno. Because of COURSE there is! 

Link to Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/8yJ4N4zsqGzdkz64hJYiLf?

Thank you for reading with me and for the support! Apologies...I couldn't wait for Volume 23! See you then! ^^



Link to Reaction (starts at 5:09): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/8yJ4N4zsqGzdkz64hJYiLf? **RELATIONSHIP WOE-FILLED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh my gosh, Kusanagi really starts us off in the next arc right, doesn't she? Relationship woes of Riri, Yona, Hak, (but not Soo-won oddly enough), amidst the threat of a new war with the people of Xing, and NEW CHARACTERS! Kusanagi not only delivers with the humor, wholesomeness, and romance in this volume (the slow burn is slowly heating up), but we delve into a gorgeous look into Hak's psyche surrounding one of his closest friends, and WHY that betrayal enrages him so much... ...oh, and of course, there's a cliffhanger with Zeno. Because of COURSE there is! Thank you for reading with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Be Happy

I want to start here by apologizing about the length of my comments, I realized I got carried away while writing my copy note (thanks for the advice 😄): So , Romania Kitty, welcome to the Xing kingdom !! But before diving in that subject and As someone who loves Su Won ,I want to think that he gave the hairpin to Riri, counting on her to give it back to Yona. But there is also a chance that he put it in the lost and found objects so Yona wouldn’t find it and maybe that would severe this link she have to him. I don’t really know but the two options are valid and It has always been something that confuses me. And the fact that he told Riri to not talk about Yona in the castle is for me to protect Riri. Because remember Ju-Doh ´s reaction to Hak and Yona. for Su Won people they are a threat, and everyone that are in their side will be a danger to Su Won. But I don’t think Su Won sees them that way, I think for him they are very regretful and painful collateral damages to his plan. And also Su Won realises that he lets himself get caught with his emotions when face to face with them, so he tries to gather himself together again. My conflicted king!! Riri and her HUUGE CRUSH!! Whenever you talked about her getting with Su Won , even for the image, I was like, no Romania, he is not her type 😂😂 her type is older guys with wild personality, the Exact OPPOSITE of JONG GI, (Daddy issues , Riri? 😜) That Hak / Su Won chapter : *chef’s kiss* Hak introspection was absolutely necessary to him to grow but also for us to understand how conflicted he is, and how much hurt he is about Su Won’s betrayal, especially that Hak, the perfect husbando that he is, not only is hurt for himself as a betrayed friend but also on behalf of the woman he loves.How can So Won, that he idealized, prefered to himself and pledged himself to be his right hand dare play with her emotions and worse,try to kill Yona , the love of his life. I love Hak to pieces, but the problem is He gave up on Yona , because of and for Yona. She was always vocal about her love of Su Won and he respected that wanted her to have her dream realized, but Su Won never let , not even once any hint that he was interested in her. So Hakbprobably idealizes this idea of them together and I second what Jea Ha thought last volume , Hak tend to feed his miserable part of unrequited love toward Yona!! I mean you deserve her love Duuude!!! Also Su Won said this in episode 2: ´the Su Won you knew never existed ‘ and that has hurt Hak to think his friend who he thought cared for and loved everyone, never cared about him and Yona, but it is a lie because his reaction to them proves the opposite in fact! And also,as you said, he looks up to Su Won, he wanted to be like him (remember the bonus chapter : The Thunder Beast) it is a very very complicated relationship and as I said before, thise two are friendly soulmates really .. poor Hak 😢😢 And funny how when Su Won said, he loved Yona, Hak, Mon Dok .. etc, he never said he loved king Il!! One would think he would mention him before the generals especially that he is family !! Meaning this hatred he has for his uncle is not an impulsive feeling, it has been brewing slowly that hairpin has become the embodiment of both Hak's AND Yona's feelings toward Su-won. To Yona, the hairpin is a reminder of Su-won's gentle and kind nature that she once knew. Hak, on the other hand, finds it to be a manifestation of Su-won's apathetic, cold sense of justice. Interesting though, how the hairpin can encapsulate both perspectives And I feel that Hak’s insistence on getting the hairpin is him maturing because he wanted her to have that only thing that linked her to her earlier life but also because he thinks that the moment she will let go of the hairpin she will be free of her love for Su Won (which is already the case) and can be whole for him to love ❤️ But things are looking bright for him because of Yona FINALLY -HALLELUJAH - admitted she loves him to herself. Huge freaking step. Now act on your emotions folks 😂 I love this Xing arc, it is so good and have some of my favorite events and characters ** cough , Algira, cough** and also some of my very least favorite characters (if not disliked ones) but you shall see and discover by yourself. Now then, will we talk about that pain in the end, with Zeno, helping and protecting Tao! My boy can’t have a break !! And fire, the most painful thing ever!! Kusanagi, you really are ruthless with Seiruyu 😭😭, I am happy he had a great meal at least, thanks God for small favors . Kusanagi is really a sensible mangaka because that incident with Yona and her period is so touching and reminded us that she is a 16 yrs old girl that struggles with girls stuff not only the political burdens on her shoulders, it is so human!! I love how humanily depicted the characters are in Yona, from vulnerability to inner struggles to weakness to daily events like that!! Omg this volume was so good, 23 is so good, but 24 ?? Oh Yes!! *** runs away, screaming her head’s off** I absolutely loved the reaction and discussion !! And can’t wait for next week !!


Oh no, you all see how long I ramble! Long comments are no problem at all! They just sometimes take me a bit longer to answer. ;) But YES! Welcome to Kitty– I mean, Xing Kingdom! :) That is a good point about Soo-Won and the hair pin – it’s curious: Did he give the hairpin to Riri, saying he found it, and knowing she’d probably give it back? If he just put it in the lost and found, why do that if he didn’t want her to find it? Why not keep it? Unless he’s trying to distance himself from Yona? Maybe he considers her a possible weakness to his overall goal getting completed? SO many questions, and I’ll be excited to learn more hopefully about Soo-won and his “mission” as we go. But yes, it’s clear he’s realized the pain he’s caused Yona and Hak, and he’s not happy about it. And ha ha ha ha, NOW it all makes sense! Soo-Won is not her “type,” or so she THINKS! Bwahahahaha! But seriously, the moments that Soo-Won is made aware of her crush on Guen-Tae are HILARIOUS. ^^ Ohhhh, the Hak and Soo-Won chapter is INDEED *chef’s kiss* I LOVE getting Hak’s mindset in all of this, especially about why Soo-won’s betrayal hurt him. It’s SUCH a deep chapter into Hak’s love for Yona and Soo-won and how Soo-Won betrayed that trust; you worded it perfectly, here. I agree – Hak somehow didn’t catch on that Soo-Won is NOT interested in Yona romantically, I think too because he feeds into that self-loathing side of him that thinks HE doesn’t deserve Yona, but still wants to see her happy. I agree, I’m like, “HAK! You do deserve her love! And she deserves yours!” **frantically pushes them together** I agree that Soo-Won is lying about not caring for Hak and Yona; if that were true, they’d be dead by now. Everything with these three is SO complicated, but the story leaves me hungry for more information, hahaha! Kusanagi knows how to hook us! And I absolutely agree Soo-Won does NOT love King Il; after all, he’s convinced that Il killed his father, who he loved dearly, so of course he wouldn’t care for him. And yessss, I like that description of what the hairpin represents to both Yona and Hak, and how different it is for both of them, based on their perspectives!! I do love that Hak wants it to be YONA’S decision to let Soo-Won go, through the hairpin, so he’s insistent that she have it to make the choice. Of course, we all as the audience know she’s already let go of Soo-Won, bwahahaha! Hak, you sad boy who doesn’t know yet! :P And YES, I feel we’re all Riri, here: Yona, you love him. NOW TELL HIM. <3 The Xing arc is shaping up to be SO fun and interesting already, and I agree, I love Algira and am excited to see what other new characters Kusanagi gives us in this arc! :) But seriously, having Zeno burn alive?! Kusanagi really likes making him SUFFER and throws all of her need for gore towards him, apparently. T__T I agree wholeheartedly, showing that despite all the war, politics, and tension surrounding her…she’s also just a 16-year-old girl and has to deal with what other women around have to, as well. So many stories forget that with female characters, so I like that Kusanagi takes the time to remind us! Plus, I feel for her…having to deal with that while traveling with a horde of men…mad respect for Yona for keeping it under wraps this long! I’m excited for Volume 23, but I haven’t gotten to Volume 24 yet. I’m trying not to get hyped up, though, so I’m not disappointed. I do that easily, so I try to reign it back and like to go in with NO expectations, if that makes sense. But thank you for the kind words and comment!

Toni simi

One of the best arcs and most underrated characters are finally here. I'm so happy that you're also on the Soo-won being Aromantic train. I never see anyone else talking about it but I really like that. I think why Soo-won didn't gave the hairpin to Yona is one, there wasn't really a good point to do it and probably because he feels guilt. I guess he knows that because she still has it, it means it still means something to her and now he feels even more guilty knowing that. "Soo-won loves people equally." It just says so much about him and why he could betray Yona and Hak. He loves everyone so him choosing the whole country over his two best friends just makes so much more sense. Vold and Algira are the best. I love how they have a similar relationship as Hak and Kija. They often tease eachother but they also know they can depend on the other. And Tao is the sweetest soul. I adore her. I love that we got so see Yona getting her period. I never saw it in a manga, even in a highschool or University setting, and especially not in a fantasy series. I appreciated the heck out of that. Kusanagi-sensei proving again how she's the best. Wish you a wonderful day.


Thank you for the kind words and comment! I LOVE this arc so far and yessss, Soo-won at this point is very Aromantic to me; his character grows more and more fascinating as we get more tidbits on him. I agree he feels guilt knowing she still has had feelings for him after all this time. And YES, it's such a twist on the "love" meaning here, as since he loves everyone equally, betraying Hak and Yona wouldn't feel too much, because there's all the others he is working to protect as well. It's SUCH an interesting development with that theme. I love Voldo and Algira, too! :) I definitely get the Hak/Kija vibe, so I'm glad you mentioned that! And Tao is so sweet! And agreed; there's this weird stigma surrounding periods in narratives, like we'll just pretend they don't exist, haha! So I'm glad Kusanagi actually acknowledges their existence and uses it as a point of growth for Yona's character. She really is the best. <3 I hope you have a wonderful day, too! Thanks for the comment!