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The tension and intrigue dials up to an eleven this episode, as we learn more about "Ryuzaki" aka "L," and his plan to expose "Kira" aka Light, who meanwhile is trying to dispose of Shoko Maki before she tells the authorities what she's discovered about Light, which could unravel all of his plans!   

This episode ran the complete gambit, going through ALL of my theories and then some...leaving no stone unturned for the fate of our female former FBI...LIGHT, Light, my dude...the ending of this episode was CHILLING. And we're not even a third of the way through the series...*nervous laughter*  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Death Note: Episode 7 Reaction! "OVERCAST!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/hasoog *HEADPHONE WARNING AND STUNNED SILENCE* The tension and intrigue dials up to an eleven this episode, as we learn more about "Ryuzaki" aka "L," and his plan to expose "Kira" aka Light, who meanwhile is trying to dispose of Shoko Maki before she tells the authorities what she's discovered about Light, which could unravel all of his plans! This episode ran the complete gambit, going through ALL of my theories and then some...leaving no stone unturned for the fate of our female former FBI...LIGHT, Light, my dude...the ending of this episode was CHILLING. And we're not even a third of the way through the series...*nervous laughter* Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Be Happy

Finally !! 😄 let’s gooo !

Be Happy

This episode !! 😭😭 I love it and hate it at the same time!! You were right, she gave him a fake name but even this didn’t save her in the end !! Those 4 last minutes were just a masterclass of manipulation, as he used her fiancé’s death, tempt her with the thing she wants the most, with more power by joining the task force and arrest Kira!! She had nothing to lose and when she latched on it , and casted her rational judgment aside!! It was then when he trapped her good and tight!! The thing is, her having a personal attachment to the case was her downfall because it made her impatient to get revenge and in her grieving state, she fall face to face with a Master , unfortunately, she never stood a chance ! You can learn more about her in the novel the L.A BB Murder. And the sad thing is that it has been said that Naomi, after talking with Light, believed he is L!! Because she never saw L back in LA and also because the mangaka said this was due to them having similar personalities. That is why she told him he reminded her of L and showed him her ID which is a contrast with her careful , cautious personality up until now. I don’t know if this officially confirmed but I find it very believable. Naomi’s death has been and will always be one of the things that marked me in Death Note, because the writer gave us hope and took us in a journey, in the span of an episode, of psychological chess play, letting the door of hope ajar that she will made it alive but nope!! In the end, she s been checkmated !! That shot with her walking toward the rope is heartbreaking, every damn time And again, Light ´s Ego showing, telling her squarely and cruelly that he is Kira when he was sure he wins!! Dude, I love your cockiness but beware of the bragging !! He was cruel this episode and to this day, no matter how much I love Light Yagami ´s character, I can’t forget this murder, even if I know it was self preservation, but Noami has such a potential that haven’t been used!! It is confirmed by the mangaka, is that he created Naomi but realized that she was too smart for the story he has in mind and that she will figure out Light being Kira too quickly even before L so he was somewhat obliged to kill her so the plot continue as he visualize it. 😭😭😭 it is kinda fascinating how characters could grow naturally outside of the author’s expectations. But I understand why she has been killed, in the grand scheme of things. Also it gives the mangaka the opportunity to show that Light can do anything to get what he wants and practically has no limits (morally or else) The Batman comparison !! I love it, it something that has been a running joke among the fandom, especially with how mysterious L is and his relationship with Watari . Now that this traumatic prologue is over, let’s the fun begin 😉😉 As always I enjoyed your reaction and analysis very much .


Glad you’re loving your Death Note journey and we are now at one of my favourite episodes of the series - I had the identical reaction to the ending scene the first time I watched it. I really love how the tension is built and the way the scene develops - poor Naomi, at least she tried. Even though she tried to come across as very much ahead of the game and she definitely had her moment of control of the situation, unfortunately Light outsmarted her - no matter how clever, professional or experienced - like in her case - you are, if you let your guard down for 1 moment and let the emotions take over, it can be quite literally fatal. She clung onto the strong desire to become part of the case with the strong emotional attachment to Ray, in hopes of avenging him. That 1 moment was enough for Light to stab the knife and twist it 😞. And Ryuk dying of laughter was such a highlight of the episode lol for all the wrong reasons. From his point of view, he’s probably thinking how fascinating humans are and how they can be so easily manipulative or manipulated, respectively. As other commenters have mentioned, the mangaka wanted for Naomi to have a bigger role in the series and he was perhaps too ambitious with her, which is why she was killed off that early. There is a 13th volume to the manga which is the guidebook to the series - “Death Note - How To Read” - you should totally check it out alongside the main story in manga form as it does have a lot of interesting information about the characters and more insight on how it all came about. Great reaction as usual and there is so much more to the Death Note journey, looking forward to the next one! :)


Naomi's death is SO heartbreaking -- I'm glad I'm not the only one STUNNED by this episode! @_@ And yes, her desire to become part of the case and that one emotional slip up was all it took. I agree, Ryuk's laughter building these last two episodes to this moment when he realizes how easily humans are manipulated...it's CHILLING. Oooohhhh, that is REALLY interesting about the manga guide! I'll definitely add that to my short list! :) Thank you for the kind words and comment and YES, I feel it's only going to get crazier from here! @.@


RIGHT?! I love and hate it as well – that’s a great way to describe it! The last four minutes are master class indeed and I felt my jaw was on the floor! The moment when emotions really led to a fatal downfall! And oooh!! There’s a novel about the case she was working with L on?! Neat!! Yeah, it’s crazy how the show builds up this character and her death…and we’re still only seven episodes in! @_@ The final shots of this episode were so tragic! And yeah, Light is really lucky in a lot of ways these last episodes - that moment he tells her, though, is indeed chilling! That’s fascinating about her character and how the mangaka viewed her; I’ll have to talk about that in a future discussion! This definitely felt like a “prologue” with introducing all the characters and setting the stage (with Batman and Alfred, too, haha) and now I’m SUPER excited to see what will happen! Thanks for the kind words and comment! :)