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Oh ho hoooo, our boy Xie Lian is nearly a one-man army with his detective work and prowess...I am sad he's for the most part fighting on his own (when Feng and Yao aren't there). But this episode, we not only get resolution to the mystery of the Ghost Bride, but we're also getting: 

* Character Deaths that don't care if they're the kind or sweet characters
* Deities who are also untrustworthy or don't bother to settle unrequited romance woes
* A boy with a mysterious "face disease" that is tying back to Xie Lian's hunderds-of-years-old past...and a dark past at that...

This show just sent out the hook and I'm ready to be reeled in! Holy smokes!

Thank you for watching with me and for the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Episode 4 Reaction! A LOVE STORY & BAD OMEN FROM THE PAST!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 10:00): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2dYkixivbU9mV4ARgsZbHH? *HEADPHONE WARNING* Oh ho hoooo, our boy Xie Lian is nearly a one-man army with his detective work and prowess...I am sad he's for the most part fighting on his own (when Feng and Yao aren't there). But this episode, we not only get resolution to the mystery of the Ghost Bride, but we're also getting: * Romance and ACTUAL KISSING AND SUGGESTIVE ROMANCE?! IN THIS DONGHUA!? * Character Deaths that don't care if they're the kind or sweet characters * Deities who are also untrustworthy or don't bother to settle unrequited romance woes * A boy with a mysterious "face disease" that is tying back to Xie Lian's hunderds-of-years-old past...and a dark past at that... This show just sent out the hook and I'm ready to be reeled in! Holy smokes! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Ivan is Yda

I loved this episode! HENLOOOO :3 Your comment on Discord about Pei Ming being similar to Daddy Jin is honestly agreeable. But this opinion will change, for better or worse, you’ll have to see on your own which it is.👀 Restless/Jealous dead brides are honestly a common theme in East Asian Culture, I realized. And this bleeds into South-East Asia, as well. The Whirlpool bandage has a name, and I believe Xie Lian already said it. The Bandage is named “Ruoyue” (/Roh-üe/), and it means “as if to question”. The thing about Pei Ming though, is that he refused to use Xuan Ji’s maps and plans to win the war. He used his and his army’s own force to win. To me, at least he did one thing honorable, and that was to not use a woman’s affections for his or his army’s benefit. Xuan Ji basically sold herself and her own people out of desperation to get Pei Ming yo love her, and Pei Ming’s reaction to this is disgust rather than joy. And the way he said “you’ve let me down” just adds to the idea that he doesn’t like traitors. I’m not gonna say more than that tho cause I’m barely holding onto the thread of not spoiling Pei Ming’s personality and arc to you😭 General Xuan Ji is quite a tragic woman, but like Xiao Pei/Pei Xiu said, if Xuan Ji had indeed realized that Pei Ming wasn’t worth the heart ache, wasn’t worth her. If she had realized sooner that she deserved better than a playboy general, things would have gone better than this. I’d like to believe that Pei Ming was willing to keep Xuan Ji around as a war buddy—someone who he can talk to about the burdens of this war on equal footing, since they are both generals. And I do think he wanted to handle her fairly. They did agree to only be a fling from the beginning. And yeah, we can’t help how we feel about someone and we can’t stop ourselves from loving who we love. But the way Xuan Ji went about it was all wrong. Instead of talking, of communicating, she jumped to the conclusion that Pei Ming loved her as much as she him. That was her mistake. While Pei Ming’s was leading her on instead of cutting her off when things started to go too far. That reveal with the bandaged kid—Keep in mind the flashback that went through Xie Lian, cause that will be important, as you have already guessed. My poor Xiao Ying😭 She was so sweet. I was hoping she was gonna survive. The thing about TGCF and MDZS in comparison is that MDZS deals with almost everyone being Cultivators, and issues involving the Cultivation World alone. Whereas TGCF deals with the dynamics between Gods and humans, and both worlds, along with the Ghost Realm, converging into one functional society—each realm serving a purpose to the other 2. The reason there’s a lot more suggestive themes here is that the team pushed the boundaries of the censorship rules, and it turns out that the Censorship in animation is more laxed than that of live action. Thanks to TGCF pushing said boundaries, MDZS was able to do the same for Season 3. I’M SO EXCITED FOR NEXT WEEK OMG I CANT WAIT FOR YOUR REACTION TO THAT😭 thank you for this video :3

The truck

Pei ming said that he like strong women, but I'm pretty sure that "becoming desperate for a man and selling her own country for a man who only wanted a fling" is not a trait of a strong woman. And as a general to general, selling your own country is not really an honourable trait I understand Pei MIng's disgust with that. I personally respect Pei Mings's decision, because the subs said that THEY BOTH agreed to have a fling. And if he didn't feel love for her it was good that he broke things off rather than continued to lead her on. It's kinda tricky I think. But I know a woman who intentionally leads men on without telling them that she only wants a fling. And I hate her for that same reason, so that's why I personally really feel attached to pei ming. Bc he at least made sure that they both knew it was a fling. UNLESS the netflix subs are incorrect. and she didn't know that it would be just a fling. THIS OPINION TOUGH is heavily based on my personal life and opinions so someone else may feel very differently, just to make it clear that I'm stating an opinion only.


They agreed to have a fling - at least, that's how Pei Ming understood it - so he didn't owe Xuan Ji anything. She caught feelings, deeper than his, so it isn't her fault or his really. It just wasn't going to happen on his side and it seems like he was straight with her about it from the start. I think what really killed their relationship was how much she changed. She went from a fiery, honorable general to a lovestruck puppy, even offering to betray her country for him. That's like the lowest thing she could have done, in his eyes. A warrior can admit defeat but not turn on their own. She even tried to give him the country's secrets - as if he needed that to win - which is insulting to him and her people. At that point, he lost all respect for her. But...she was the type who had never let love distract her and when it finally did, it hit her really hard and she had no idea what else to do. She couldn't give up but she couldn't win him back either. So now we've seen the first couple from the OP. I love how Ling Wen's version of the story is mostly gossip. Pei Jr.'s version is more objective but still probably doesn't include all the truth. Xie Lian wonders about everything but his final feeling is that he can't know and it's not up to him to judge them. Gossip and reputation always play an important role in MXTX's stories and her protagonists tend to decide to let their experience with those people decide how they'll relate to them. Wangji knows who Wuxian really is, no matter what people say. Xichen believes in Jin Guangyao until he just can't anymore (and even then, Yao really did love Xichen right up to the end). Xie Lian won't make judgment calls on Pei or Mr. Smirk until he knows them better. Gods can "appoint" people to ascend with them as helpers/subordinates and they get a few perks (this is the level Feng and Yao are in). Then it's up to them to join the Upper Level of gods by performing some feat or heroic act to qualify. Pei Jr. is an Upper-Level god now - they didn't explain it well but he massacred some group to qualify. Feng Xin and Mu Qing (the superiors that Feng and Yao work for) were servants of Xie Lian back when they all were human (this info was in that argument you rewatched from ep.1/2). They became Upper Level eventually and now have subordinates of their own. Human Face Disease! Sounds scary! Xie Lian is shook! Mystery #2 coming up! There is an underlying big mystery that ties the whole story together but it doesn't present itself the way MDZS had the demon arm right from the get-go.


The subs are pretty much correct. The only thing that was lost in translation was that when Pei Ming said "Things have changed" when he broke things off, the original Chinese meant "Things have changed, the war has started again". So basically (I'm just writing how I understand the backstory in this ep as a native Chinese person, not a spoiler) Pei Ming stopped Xuan Ji from commiting suicide after defeating her for the first time in war. He kissed her as a way of saying "I spared your life, you give me a kiss. Now we're even. You don't owe me anything." (Logic that only makes sense to playboys.) Xuan Ji kept challenging Pei Ming until they both agreed to have a fling that doesn't consider the future. All of this happened during a moment of peace between countries. Pei Ming gradually lost interest in Xuan Ji as she became more clingy and lost her confidence as an independent woman. Then, war started again. Pei Ming took this opportunity to break things off with Xuan Ji and he didn't want their relationship to compromise their respective loyalties. Xuan Ji gave Pei Ming intelligence in exchange for his affections, but only made him more disappointed in her. To be honest, Pei Ming is a jerk but I agree with most of his actions. He was clear that it was only going to be a fling, broke things off clearly when the other person got serious and didn't lead her along under false assumptions. He didn't restart his relationship with Xuan Ji when he doesn't love her anymore and took care of her in a way that wouldn't give her false hopes. Xuan Ji on the other hand, I can understand and empathize with her emotional turmoil, but I don't agree with any of her actions. She lost her pride and independence in a relationship, and harmed herself and innocent people just to get Pei Ming's attention.

Anastasia -

Yeah this show does not spare us any deaths, gore and other gruesome things happening in the canon. I'm glad you decided to read it! The whole thing in one go is the best ofc but kind of a longer commitment than MDZS. That said, in the absence of audiodrama more chapters can be crammed into one video possibly? And when I say deaths and gruesomeness I mean Yi city level AND CLIMBING so be prepared, it's not only emotional pain we'll get to see. I'm more of "Pei Ming did nothing wrong" party honestly, him being brutally honest kind of overrules the disrespect towards women so many readers and watchers feel emanating from him. Until it happens to me XD

Anime Annie

For the OP I just love that shot of Xie Lian and the light becomes brighter and shines over his face, whilst in the next shot Mr Smirk's face is cast more in shadow. The other parts of the OP though always make me think of those 3D paper carving night lights (which I believe there's a bunch of official HOB merch of). The movements of the brides some people didn't like because they used CGI on them at times. But I liked it because it really made them much more creepier with their less fluid motions. Xie Lian: Ling Wen knows it all; can you spill the tea on General Ming Guang's romantic escapades? Ling Wen: Why the heck would you be interested in *that*? Xie Lian: The specific woman in question is possessive, jealous, and disabled. Ling Wen: *sighs in relief* At least that narrows things down some! I do love the Spiritual Communication Array but when it suddenly gets dropped like that it reminds me so much of losing signal on my phone and wandering around going "Hello? Can you hear me now?" Xuan Ji burnt his temples to try and get his attention. It's pretty heartbreaking that she just wanted him to come see her. And that she desired that so much to the point that she was uncaring if he only came to shout or complain about her acts of arson. Your shock at Ying's injury was the same as mine. Maybe I've watched too many shounen anime where the characters can just walk off rolling across stone like that that I also didn't expect her to be so badly injured. But she's just a normal human. RIP Ying! The animation of the descent of the Heaven Officials is so dang beautiful. Also shows off a glimpse of their true powers...something Xie Lian can't access. Pei Ming! I do kinda love his introduction. He's such a playboy, with those lines and putting his lips on Xuan Ji like that. Though Pei Ming dude, consent is key! But I like his outlook on living in the present, and enjoying the moments you can. Though yes, his flitting from partner to partner is very reminiscent of Jin Guangshan. Donghua censor the bloody forest with corpses in the trees in the previous episode but manage to basically show Pei Ming and Xuan Ji in bed together (albeit it's just their silhouettes behind the curtain). I love the music being so hopeful, then the candle blows out and a different score begins that isn't hopeful but rather fills you with dread for what's to come. Not defending Pei Ming's actions or words (he's a d*ck for this) but they both agreed it'd be just a fling; they basically had a friends with benefits relationship and Xuan Ji ended up catching feelings. Pei Ming could have gone about ending things in a different manner that would have been much better for them and Xuan Ji's mental state, but I don't blame him for not reciprocating Xuan Ji's change in feelings. He saw the relationship basically as just a form of companionship/chance to get his leg over. Which does drop him into f**k-boy territory. I also do blame him for not dealing with/helping her before she killed herself, or even when she became a Ghost as if he'd visited her decades previous then so many innocents wouldn't have died due to her anguish and jealousy. Getting the brief bit on Pei Xiu's ascension definitely gives more of a glimpse into the Heavenly Realm. For me it shows that the Heavenly Realm isn't a place where only the good and just figures ascend. For someone to have ascended after massacring people definitely suggests there are darker sides to the Heavenly Realm. Makes you also less likely to assume that Heavenly Realm equals Good and Ghostly Realm is the opposite and therefore equals Evil. Fu Yao and Nan Feng really can't be in the same proximity as each other without sniping at each other, but them whipping out their swords in the midst of the forest (that is currently being de-corpsified) kinda takes the cake. I love these two so much! Their banter though really helps to give you a break from the heavy stuff with Pei Ming and Xuan Ji. But then we get hit with the Human Face Disease, glimpse of Xie Lian's past (with those people from Xianle, his home), and the creepy mask. When watching this as it aired I did scream "You can't end it there!" after seeing poor Xie Lian's terrified and traumatised face. Ah yes, the nepotism within the Heavenly Realm. It's a big thing. And for some, like Pei Ming, even though they ascended they still had family in the Human Realm living their daily lives and procreating to continue the line. And from their line they choose some members, like Pei Xiu, to ascend to godhood. Helps to be related to a god I guess! Your comment about Xie Lian doing all this investigative work on his own and that he needs someone, like Mr Smirk, to come help him made me laugh. Xie Lian is a Sherlock in need of a Watson (or perhaps a Moriarty would be a more apt comparison). I agree with you that there seems to be more death in Tian Guan Ci Fu than Mo Dao Zu Shi, but I think it's more because majority of those that die in the beginning of Mo Dao Zu Shi nearly immediately get brought back as Fierce Corpses, and we have less of an emotional connection with them unlike with Ying. You could also take it as being a much more realistic look at death in Tian Guan Ci Fu; death is uncaring in who it takes and when. Xie Lian really does look so good in red. It's a much more ornate outfit than his white robes. Also with him in red then he and Mr Smirk look like they're in couple outfits...just saying! Yes for all the strong female characters in Tian Guan Ci Fu! It's probably the only thing I'd nit-pick Mo Dao Zu Shi for. Strong female characters in positions of power as you said are, with the exception of Wen Qing and Luo Qingyang, are only briefly mentioned in Mo Dao Zu Shi. Also basically the only women mentioned to still be alive by the end are Baoshan Sanren (who could be dead for all the Cultivators know) and Luo Qingyang (MianMian). Tian Guan Ci Fu definitely has a much more well-rounded 'cast'. I'm so glad you're enjoying the donghua. The story really does pull you in and feeds you little parcels of information. All the while you also end up adding more questions to your pile.

Jenny V

The way I would love to have episodes 4 and 5 together or well 5 and 6 on Netflix next week The episodes are so short for tgcf and they all end on cliffhangers

Ivan is Yda

About Xuan Ji and Pei Ming, I agree. He liked her cause she was headstrong and loyal to her country but the. She turned desperate and betrayed her people who were counting on her, who had innocent lives on the line. I remember a line from Catherine Braithewaite, from RDR2 (game), and she said, “Ain’t no fairness in war”. And that’s true, all is fair in war, you do what you gotta do to make sure your side survives. But the fact is, Pei Ming didn’t ask for the exchange, nor did he want to settle for a relationship with a woman who would betray her own home. From the implication of his actions after being handed the opposing war plans, he didn’t want to win a war through unjust means. To him, this war is fair and remain fair through strength, and not through shortcuts to victory.

Kathy Cheng

I’m looking forward to next episode,I love episode 4 and 5, haha😍


Hahaha!! Right -- or just binge the whole season in one fell swoop, right?! :D The urge to binge is hard to resist!! :D These cliffhangerrrssssss....


Thanks for the comment! My main issue with Pei was when she started to get serious in the relationship and he ditched her -- granted, I'm biased in this because I've been in her shoes in a relationship where I thought things were relatively serious and the other bailed like Pei. I was getting onto him because he led her into the relationship and then ditched her, but that was me projecting, of course. Her selling her country out was obviously a bad move and not something a "strong woman" would have done, so I agree with you there. I don't think she led him on at all; flings are always tricky in stories, because even if they mutually agree it's "just a fling," we the audience know it's likely going to lead into something more...I mean...what fling has ever really stayed "a fling" without someone getting more invested? ;) But yeah! I get where you're coming from! :D


"Logic that only makes sense to Playboys" - I think THAT is the heart of where I took issue with Pei. It makes sense how things fell apart, I'm just not into "playboy" characters that much and was getting some Daddy Jin shades, but luckily, so far, he doesn't seem quite that bad. It's just a shame how both sides ended up tragically losing out on the relationship as a whole...thanks for the comment!


I definitely get that they both agreed for things to be a “fling” – I do admit I have a little bias in feeling empathy for Xuan Ji because I’ve been in her shoes and know how much it hurts when someone leads you into a relationship (he did “start” the situation even if it was mutual) and then you get really attached to them and they “drop you,” but of course…I do agree that after he rejected her, her actions after that weren’t anything good and only hurt her cause more. I guess I also didn’t like how Pei couldn’t bother himself to see her himself – of course there’s reasons, but it just makes the whole thing pretty tragic for her, even if she fell down a bad path that she shouldn’t have. But they’re the couple from the OP! Ooooooh, that makes more sense! I do love that Xie Lian takes the Wangji approach at the end and decides it’s not his place to judge, since he doesn’t have the full truth of the matter. I feel that ties in really well to his feelings about Mr. Smirk! :) I do love how MXTX weaves in the role of gossip and hearsay into her stories and has that character that reminds us the audience that we shouldn’t assume about characters unless we know the full story, which very rarely happens. ^^ That is interesting about the idea of appointment and a little scary that “massacring” people can get you into godhood. Hm. That is also neat to know about Feng Xin and Mu Qing – seriously, though, WHERE in Episode 1 or 2 is the moment that is revealed?! I feel it’s still a spoiler, because I have re-watched those episodes and cannot find that moment ANYWHERE – if y’all can point me to the timestamp in the episode where that happens, I would appreciate it so much! I feel I’m going crazy having missed that conversation!! #__# I’m ALL ABOARD the mystery of the Human Face Disease! LET’S DO THIS! :) Yeah, Xie Lian looks shook and I’m here for it (though I don’t want sad Xie Lian…seems there’s been enough of that). Thanks for the comment!


I definitely think that Xuan Ji sealed her own fate in the end by being that desperate and selling out her country -- I'm still not happy with Pei that before she got desperate, he just ditched het because she was getting clingy and then didn't bother to see her in the end (but sent his descendent to lock her away in a mountain), but I'm pretty biased in my empathy with Xuan Ji's emotions (not her actions, though).


I love that MXTX is all, "here is a romance. But also there's horror and gore and creepiness. Have fun!" <3 I love it! Ooohhh...I'm not sure I'm prepared if it's crazier than Yi City. @_@ Yeah, I definitely have personal bias with my empathy towards Xuan Ji's emotions...but not her actions, of course. Betraying your country to try and keep a man...not the best of strategies. #_# But yeah, if we don't have the audio drama, I'd probably do more chapters in one go for the novel and manhua...I'll have to plan that out as we get closer! :) Thanks for the comment!


The info about Feng Xin and Mu Qing is brought up in the quarrel of Fu Yao and Nan Feng in the deserted Mingguang Temple at night at the very beginning of EP2 on Netflix, before they proposed Xie Lian to dress as the bride. There's a lot to track in that argument so hope this helps :)

The truck

I mean I kinda get the logic. She was trying to take her own life for something like "I don't wanna own you bc you saved me" So ofc he just went with something random to get past such conversation faster. And as a playboy ofc he would turn it into a flirting. I personally don't really see much more resemblance with daddy jin other than they both being playboys. Maybe there's just smt I'm blind to right now, I mean I'm quite drunk, but there are some clear differences. Pei ming's fling with Xuan Ji was consensual, apart from ONEkiss. But she had tried to kill herself before that and pardon me if I think it's not that bad to steal a kiss from someone if it can save their life, even if it's pretty weird way to do it. Second Daddy JIn Cheated on his wife. Pei Ming wasn't cheating on anyone. Maybe he had multiple flings at once, but we aren't given any reason to assume that he had, bc I'm very sure we would have heard at least one word of such. I get that most people don't like playboys, so I'm just giving my own opinion. I haven't fully read the novel yet so I might be missing some parts, maybe Pei ming will turn out to be a ra'ist when I read the next volume, but as ,for now, this is my view on things. Edit: almost forgot why I was going to write this comment in the first place I wast trying to say that Xuan Ji was leading Pei ming on, but Iwas trying to say that I know a woman who is similar to pei ming, but the difference being that she wont tell her flings that they're just flings and then she would lead them on like that. So I was making the comparison between pei ming and the woman I know. NOT between Xuan Ji and the woman I know.


YESSSSS! That shot of Xie Lian juxtaposed next to Mr. Smirk is probably my favorite part! :) It’s just such a beautiful opening! They DEFINITELY were creepier with the CGI in the brides’ movements. But yeah, we can’t show two dudes kissing but yeah, bloody corpses in the forest and sexual innuendos? Bring it on! :P I love that this series is LITERALLY dealing with cellular service issues. XD And also, this show is literally showing how “fragile” regular mortals are – I’m so used to cultivators in MDZS walking away from being stabbed in the gut and spitting out blood every ten minutes that Ying’s sudden but sensible death was shocking! And yessss, I don’t agree with Xuan Ji’s actions, but her emotions I can empathize with. She just wanted closure/to see him again and was denied that even in death. Oof. Yeaaaahhh, I’m not 100% into Pei Ming’s character, but then again, I’m not always into playboy characters (hence my ultimate disdain for Daddy Jin). At least Pei doesn’t seem nearly as awful as Daddy Jin. I agree that her actions aren’t excusable, especially from the point she chose to betray her country onwards, but I do feel she is more of a tragic character than a straight up “evil” one and YES - if he’d visited her and took care of the situations decades prior…Ying and others probably wouldn’t be dead. So….there’s that. Also, YES, the fact that those in the Heavenly Realm may have gotten there by less than ideal means…we’ve seen similar subjects explored - albeit briefly - with MDZS, so I’m excited to get more into it with this series! Ahhhh, interesting that Xie Lian cannot access that “true power” of the Officials. Hm. That cliffhanger, though! HOW DARE THEY. I’m all on board Mr. Smirk helping him in future investigations, and if Xie Lian chooses to don the red robes again, that’d be alright by me! Thanks so much for the kind words and comment – yes, my notes get longer, the questions get more numerous, and I get more and more hooked. Probably just as MXTX had planned! ;)


Ooohhhhhh, okay! THANK YOU -- I will go look that up before watching the next episode! :D I really appreciate it!!


This episode is GREAT – it’s really hooked me onto the show! Thanks for the info on the bandage! :D I definitely, at this point, think that at LEAST Pei is better than Daddy Jin. We’ll see how that changes. I definitely disagree with Xuan Ji’s “actions,” especially once she betrayed her people, but I do empathize with her unrequited love and feel she has a tragic ending. I appreciate y’all not spoiling me on him!! I wish he had come sooner to resolve the issue with her, though – maybe Ying wouldn’t have died if he had. :( I definitely am side-stepping any hints or clues, but yeah, it’s no surprise that a boy with a bandaged face would probably have a connection to the boy that Xie Lian saved many moons ago, even if only symbolically. ^^ I know it’ll all come out in the wash eventually! :) It definitely has me intrigued! I do appreciate that this series is INVOLVING the “common mortals,” whereas nearly everyone in MDZS had at least SOME level of power in cultivation. It has me really eager to see what MXTX delves into with this story vs. the former. I agree, I’ve seen a pattern where the donghua can get away with just a little more or maybe find a more creative way to push the boundaries…hey, if this season let MDZS’s final season run with the censorship, more power to it! :D OOOHHH, I’m getting ready to watch Episode 5 and I’m SO SO excited! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I can’t wait! :D


There were some tiny details from the novel that the subs didn’t include, so I wonder if this was a subbing thing or if it was just cut out entirely. I never realized it until rewatching it now with you that things were cut out that I think were such a shame they didn’t include. Idk if you consider what I’m about to say next as spoilers, but it’s just the wording and some dialogue in the books are different than the donghua scenes and I feel like it changes the tone just a tiny bit. (Feel free to not read the two paragraphs in between the /// if you just want to experience it when you get to the book.) ///But just things like how the conversation about General Pei between Ling Wen and Xie Lian, in the book, it starts like “oh has General Ming Guang ever had any intimate female friends?” and Ling Wen says “why do you ask?” Xie Lian: “oh nothing really just bc I’m being chased after a dozen dead brides” and then Ling Wen says something along the lines of: “no I mean, old Pei has had too many lovers that makes the question hard to answer.” I think it’s funnier like this, but y’know the way they did it in the donghua still gets the job done. Another thing I’m surprised about that they didn’t really include in this is the fact that when Xiao Ying dies, she asks Xie Lian if she was helpful to him as if asking if her death wasn’t be meaningless. Xie Lian, meanwhile, thinks to himself - her helping didn’t actually help much either. He could bind Xuan Ji easily with the help of his bandages, and Xiao Ying hitting Xuan Ji wouldn’t have done any damage anyways. And so Xie Lian says, her death would be considered meaningless. BUT bc he’s a cinnamon roll, he lies and thanks her for all her help. However, Xiao Ying tells him that she knows she wasn’t actually any help and then passes mid-sentence. This whole interaction really changes the whole tone/meaning of the scene in my eyes. It touches on the whole topic of the fragility of mortality. Compared to these gods/goddesses/ghosts that live forever, the regular humans don’t have the luxury to be carefree with their lives. So their temporary lives should be cherished very preciously. It also shows how the gods don’t even mourn for a mortal dying, they’re rather indifferent to it. That to the gods, who despite relying so much on the help of mortals to sustain their status in the Heavens, they care very little about their lives. It gives us some more insight to Xie Lian’s character. He still thinks like a god, but still willingly offers kindness during her final moments. /// Next episode is gonna be SO GOOD. It’s probably one of my favorites of season 1. Although, it might seem more like just an info-dump/filler if you’re watching it for the first time. And there’s just — no spoilers but I personally think there were some nice touches for novel-only readers, so I’m so excited for next week.


Netflix ep 2, from 3:20-4:00. They are basically insulting each other by bringing up how their respective generals were Xie Lian's bodyguard and body servant and both betrayed or abandoned Xie Lian. I'm not going to say Pei Ming was a good guy when it came to Xuan Ji, but he's not like Daddy Jin. He's actually a favorite side character of mine, but not until much later in the story.


Thank youuuuuu! That helps out so much!! And yes, Pei isn't totally like Daddy Jin, that would be a hard title to top! I definitely will keep most of my judgement off him for now...most, anyway, but I'm sure my views of characters will change as we go in this story!

Ivan is Yda

About General Pei showing up, I think it would have ended up making her more desperate? Cause then she would have thought that “oh he came FOR ME” and she wouldn’t think that he actually came to help those that were caught in the conflict and help resolve the issue. But yeah , true if he came, things would have been resolved sooner. I’m sorry, Miss Romania I really am trying not to give too much away😭😂 I’m so happy you got hooked! Iz gonna be hard to get unhooked tho😂


That's true....it's just such a tragic ending for her character. :') I do appreciate how Xie Lian reacted to it! And yesssssss.....I'm so ready to get further into this story! I know I'm going to get hooked haha!


I am REALLY excited to talk with you all about the next episode!! :D :D It DEFINITELY felt like an info-dump, but in the BEST way -- it's given me a looooooot to sort through! I am going to read the novel (at least the first volume) right after this season of the donghua is over, so I'm going to avoid getting any info about what was left out from the novel for right now -- that way, I have things to talk about with you when I actually get to the novel. :) I'm excited to get some more surprises with that like I did with MDZS! ^^ Monday is going to be funnnnn! I'm glad y'all haven't spoiled me -- the mystery of this series has me hooked! :D


Yes, I'm definitely glad that once we got past the playboy surface, Pei Ming doesn't seem like Daddy Jin! I'm so thankful, because Daddy Jin is the woooooorrrsssttt in MDZS to me, so I'm glad for that. That guy can stay over in that MXTX story, haha! I'm sure that the novel will also give more context, so I'll be happy when I get to that after this season to check out! :D