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It took 95+ chapters, but our slow burn is finally boiling over! WuXian gets a not-so-good idea of getting Wangji drunk to find out answers, but the results are perhaps MORE than our chaotic gremlin could have expected!  

I have never felt more elated and frustrated than I have with these chapters -- From the (VERY in the nove) spicy moments with our WangXian FINALLY happening, to the subsequent frustrating misunderstanding...I just want to grab our boys and do the "now kisssss" meme! But no time for that...WuXian's figuring things out (maybe? Finally?) and he and Ning are off to FIND TROUBLE! I'm so hyped for the next set of chapters, already!  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Mo Dao Zu Shi: Audio Drama, Manhua, & Novel Review - Part Twenty-Eight! WANGXIAN FINALLY GETS SPICY!

**HEADPHONE WARNING** It took 95+ chapters, but our slow burn is finally boiling over! WuXian gets a not-so-good idea of getting Wangji drunk to find out answers, but the results are perhaps MORE than our chaotic gremlin could have expected! I have never felt more elated and frustrated than I have with these chapters -- From the (VERY in the nove) spicy moments with our WangXian FINALLY happening, to the subsequent frustrating misunderstanding...I just want to grab our boys and do the "now kisssss" meme! But no time for that...WuXian's figuring things out (maybe? Finally?) and he and Ning are off to FIND TROUBLE! I'm so hyped for the next set of chapters, already! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



(My comment keeps disappearing so sorry if you’re reading this for the third time 😭😭😭) I have a little rant about the whole ‘Jiang Cheng killing demonic cultivators’ thing. It frustrates me when people use this as a reason to hate Jiang Cheng and believe it to be 100% true, when it’s not even really proven. Not that I’m blaming you for thinking this way!! I can completely understand how it could look this way.  But hear me out: what if this was also a lie made up by gossipers? As we’ve learned throughout the novel, many people tend to spread exaggerated rumors and have taken the false gossip to be truth. Every time the JC/demonic cultivators thing is brought up, it’s someone else’s account of what happened rather than the one who witnessed it in person. Also, the reason that had said to explain why Jiang Cheng killed and tortured demonic cultivators was because he believed Wei Wuxian would find a way to return somehow and possess their bodies. However, I don’t think he wants to kill Wei Wuxian if he ever returned; just hit him around, vent his anger, and somehow try to mend their broken relationship. Because i think Jiang Cheng still deeply cared about Wei Wuxian but he was just so hurt with his actions and the effect it had on his life. And we know JC favorite coping mechanism is anger. Like we’ve been saying, Jiang Cheng is all bark and no bite. Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling have even pointed this out blatantly.  So I find it hard to believe that he would torture them to death. Jiang Cheng knows exactly how to get Wei Wuxian to talk if he had been possessing a demonic cultivator. It’s also been well-established that it’s not common knowledge that Wei Wuxian is afraid of dogs. Only the Jiang family/disciples know. So he wouldn’t need to torture demonic cultivators to get Wei Wuxian to talk, he would just need to bring in a dog (like in those chapters at the beginning when Wei Wuxian was captured by Jiang Cheng the first time and JC just brings WWX with Fairy in a room together and that’s all he needed to know that Wei Wuxian is in Mo Xuanyu’s body.  I think, what the person that the innkeeper knows who came and supposedly saw Jiang Cheng torturing a demonic cultivator was just a misunderstanding. Because Jiang Cheng has this terrifying reputation that the person could have been seeing an intense disciple training (I can totally imagine Jiang Cheng whipping his disciples with Zidian but not using its full power to train them) and thought it was a torture. When really, it was probably just a normal day as a Jiang disciple, anyone outside of the sect would probably pale at their rigorous training at the hands of Sect Leader Jiang Cheng. And when innkeeper talks about the person with the surname Wen, they didn’t really say that Jiang Cheng tortured them, they just said that he looked at them with hatred, which is, to be fair, understandable since it was also because of the Wens that his entire family died. It just grinds my gears that everyone is so quick to paint Jiang Cheng as this awful person who “tortured and killed demonic cultivators” because it just ‘fits his personality/character’. And, honestly, I think Jiang Cheng just embraces this sort of reputation now because it’s a lot better than when he was being compared to Wei Wuxian all the time. He wanted to separate himself and his Sect from Wei Wuxian, so what better way to do that than let everyone believe he tortures demonic cultivators? Maybe this is just me as a Jiang Cheng stan defending his honor and it’s also been a long while since I read the book so there might be a part of the novel that completely debunks this whole thing, but from what I remember, it was never explicitly shown, it was just talked about by people who never witnessed it themselves. So I just think that as readers who’s seen how much gossip and rumors play a part in the story, we shouldn’t pin it as absolute truth and give Jiang Cheng the benefit of the doubt. *turns off PowerPoint slides* (lmao) Sorry for the rant :/ I didn’t mean for it to get that long. On a side note (which should have actually been the main point of this comment lol), WANGXIAN SPICY SCENE!!! Hoo boy, you don’t know how long I’ve waited for you to get to this scene!! When I first read this part in the novel, I was so shocked. For some reason, my mind wasn’t prepared to have an actual explicit sexy time scene. I was like “there’s no way anything would actually happen, it’s just gonna be implied” BUT THEN IT DID. I shrieked and nearly threw my phone across the room when it happened. It was so sudden!!! But it was also like a “FINALLY, GODDAMMIT!!” kind of moment.  But alas, MXTX said we can’t have nice things yet until the plot wraps up so here’s some MISUNDERSTANDING after your post-sexy-time-bliss. 😭😭😭😭😭 At least, Wei Wuxian is now fully aware of his feelings for Lan Wangji. No more “is it gay to want to kiss your bro?” moments 🤣🤣🤣 And the next episode - gahhh I can’t wait a week to see your reaction!!!


I remember reading these chapters in the novel and feeling so in bliss because it literally took more then 90 chapters to get there! I can’t even begin to explain how much it hurt my heart when it suddenly got angsty and I was just so done with life. Sigh, we can’t have nice things huh? So yeah. Wanji is pretty kinky, he’s sure into biting. But it shouldn’t surprise me, It’s always the quiet ones smh lol. Wuxian likes it rough and he likes it when Wanji gets angry….hmm. Yea, wangxian is pretty kinky, folks! Since the beginning where Wuxian was trying to get Wanji drunk to give him answers I was already like yeah no this is gonna end up rough….sigh. Also, it’s debatable but some people think that Wanji has already sobered up at some point when they’re in the middle of the ‘act’ and others think that he sobers up after. I mean the novel says that Wanji freezes up AFTER hearing Wuxian say “thank you” and that’s when he suddenly gets up and pushes him away. Personally, I took that as Wanji getting mad because Wuxian just thanked him after they jerked each other off as if it was like he did him a service or favor (and he also mentions how nice and kind Wanji has been towards him). Rather it was pure feelings and Wuxian simply just didn’t know how to confess and right when he was getting at it Wanji pushes him away because he was hurt and it all just gets worse when Wuxian then tries to apologize and explain how it didn’t mean anything because he didn’t want to anger wanji and they both just feel very rejected in the end. Regardless, I felt really bad for Wuxian who genuinely believes that a guy like Lan Wanji could not like him the way that he hopes for and so he tries to cover it up by saying the worst things possible like “I’m sorry” or “don’t worry, this is normal between men” but it just makes it worse. I also felt terrible for Wanji because Wuxian says how this stuff is all just normal and that it basically didn’t really mean anything and it’s like….he’s literally been in love with him for more then a decade. *cries* AAAAAaAAAAAAA. Why must there always be a stupid misunderstanding/ angsty moment that drives a couple apart? It’s like ‘hey! I know you’ve been waiting the entire novel for all this pining and accumulation of feelings to finally come into fruition, so haha you’ve been patient enough…enjoy these beautiful/steamy moments between our sweet boys…but…oh sorry you thought this was gonna be all romantic and stuff? Nah, here’s some angst to ruin your mood! ;D’ :( </3 Cant wait for next week’s episode! I hate mondays with a passion and it’s just the best feeling ever to have your videos to look forwards to everyday. I find that it truly has made my days go by faster because I get so excited in seeing a particular future episode/ set and my mind focuses on that particular day to come and that day really does seem to come by faster. MDZS mondays are a blessing. (:


Oh wow, all I can think of now is the Turtle Cave and how Wangji was biting WuXian...MXTX foreshadowed way back then! But you know, as long as WuXian is okay with it! The WangXian ship is apparently as spicy as the congree WuXian makes? Okay by me! :) I would like to think that Wangji was coherent throughout the scenes post-bath tub, but I agree, that WuXian doesn't know how to move forward from the act that happens because he hasn't fully processed his feelings and he just ends up putting his entire set of legs into his mouth and making it worse, haha! I do feel for WuXian -- like you said, when he says there's no way Wangji could feel that way about it, I just want to shake his shoulders! Hahaha! And then on Wangji's end...*sobs* Of COURSE we have this moment of sadness right before things heat up towards the climax...the author knows what she's doing. UGH. But I'm SO excited for Monday! Thank you so much for the kind words and the comment! I'm happy we've had MDZS Mondays, and I'm ready for it to continue into MXTX Mondays as we go! :)


Oh no! I’m glad that the comment got to post – Patreon is weird about that sometimes! That is a REALLY good point about the gossipers possibly exaggerating about Cheng; I hadn’t thought of that so I’m glad you bring it up! It would definitely make sense with his character and what we’ve seen so far with him as being “all bark, no bite.” I love all the points you bring up with this about Cheng – I’m glad you brought it up! And I can understand that – it seemed out of character in the moment, and based on what you wrote, I can see how it would be an exaggeration. Thank you for bringing that up! I do love Cheng in this, so that makes me feel better! 😊 I’m a stan, too, so I get it! Thank you for the powerpoint, haha!! And no worries, I’m actually glad you pointed that out! But HOOOO, the spicy sceneeeeeee! I wasn’t prepared for how serious things got, because we’ve had all this time built up without any spice. FINALLY, INDEED! YESSSSS! Of course, we have to follow it up with instant angst, because MXTX loves us to suffer, but….we’ve started the spice train, so maybe it won’t be the last we see of it? At least WuXian knows his feelings now….hahahaha! Yes, yes it is gay. And we love it. Now, go get your man, WuXian! Thank you for the kind words and comment! Tomorrow should be funnn!