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Did...did Tae-Jun just become one of my favorite characters in this series?! H-how?!

Holy cow, this volume, though! This was definitely Tae-Jun's arc in this and I could not contain my fangirl enthusiasm reading his story in this! The character development! The intrigue about his devotion towards Yona! The comedy GOLD! This volume may be my favorite, yet, and we're still SO early on in the story!

I can't wait to fangirl with you all; thank you for reading with me and for the support!


Yona of the Dawn: Manga Volume 10 Reaction! TAE-JUN SUPREMACY, Y'ALL!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 3:07): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/5RA1fqciLzxE76fhNbM2PD? **HEADPHONE WARNING FOR SURE** Did...did Tae-Jun just become one of my favorite characters in this series?! H-how?! Holy cow, this volume, though! This was definitely Tae-Jun's arc in this and I could not contain my fangirl enthusiasm reading his story in this! The character development! The intrigue about his devotion towards Yona! The comedy GOLD! This volume may be my favorite, yet, and we're still SO early on in the story! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


The truck

Tae-jun is my fav character and every time I read his moments I fall in love with him more and more. In all sorts of media, characters that are spoilt and have no other purpose than being spoilt, annoying and cause problems for the MC, are personally my least fav character trope. BUT when they get even that SLIGHEST bit of humanity in them they're often my fav characters. When I first saw Tae-jun in the anime I was like, Bro, really? I hopes we wouldn't see too much of him, BUT THEN he started to feel awful for killing Yona and the devastated look on his face when he informed So-woon of yona's death. He was suddenly very high up in my fav characters. (just not above my husbandos) and then I read the manga, like bro, I love him so much. Tae-jun is like an embodiment of so many of my fav tropes; a spoilt person with humanity, mourned for his loved one, (that never loved him back), has such intense feelings that idk if they're love or obsession, an absolute cinnamon roll, angst arc, etc Also, I just LOVE the fire soldiers, bc I have a weakness for the supporting characters that are like,, how to explain,,, lower-ranked than the character they follow, like soldiers under a general or servants under a lord. Who also have many comedic lines, make unnecessary(but amazing) commentary and have shenanigans of their own in the baground. Also, Tae-jun has a hot Onii-san and a DILF for a dad, what better tribe to simp for. The clan is on fire. (pun intended)


I looooove that Kusanagi gave Tae-jun his own redemption arc. He’s not just a one-off antagonist—he’s made mistakes and actually learns from them. He has room to grow, and I’m so glad that Kusanagi decided that his story doesn’t end with pushing Yona off a cliff. I had to bite my tongue when we saw Tae-jun in the anime because his redemption is just so gooood. We love a bumbling idiot who just wants to do better. He’s also hilarious, the faces he makes always crack me up XD I’m also so glad you decided to watch the OVAs after you get to their parts in the manga. Like I’ve mentioned previously, there’s not much context you need for the first OVA, but you DEFINITELY NEED IT for the last two. I always recommend people to read up to the them in the manga first because you need all the manga context for it to hit as well as it does. I love these reading reactions; I’ve never seen it done before, but I thoroughly enjoy it! There are so many scenes in the manga that I really want to see your genuine reaction for that you can’t quite get from just an overall review. So I can’t wait for more!!!


Tae-jun!! This really was his volume and I’m SO glad we got this for him. I relate to your description note so hard haha, that was my exact reaction while reading these chapters week to week! We’ve seen him all puffed up and blustery before, tossing out his name/rank like a brat, but here he’s actually made to question “who am I?” and finally stops to think about what “I’m Kang Tae-jun, second son of the chief of the Fire Tribe” MEANS. Also he’s just,, so dramatic lmao but he is trying his best!! Im so glad you decided to pick up the manga and see all this go down because every day I mourn that we don’t get to see his development (and those facial expressions LOL) play out in the anime. Shout out to heuk-chi and the rest of those soldiers too ahh I love them so much. I also love that you keep questioning Zeno haha, can’t wait for you to see his whole deal someday, but until then! Excited to continue this journey with you!


Yeessssss, the comedy and genuine humanity that seeps into Tae-Jun in this volume is my JAM when it comes to character building! Since the anime, I was hoping we'd run into him again, but I had no idea we'd get a whole VOLUME centered around him! @.@ And for it to be SO good! I just love him! I'm with you on all the tropes he embodies! And the soldiers-- the mangaka didn't have to give them the characterization she did, but she DID and it's great. Hahahaha, the tribe is lit with glory, clearly. All puns intended! :) Thanks for the comment! :D


YES! I had no clue we'd get an entire arc and volume on him and I LOVE it! His character and how it's developed is the type of character I love in a series! :) And that is good to know! I feel having read the manga up to the OVA's, it'll lend for a much more fun discussion! :) Thank you so much for the kind words and comment -- I really do love reading the manga with you all and experiencing these things in-time! I'm so excited for the story to come!


He's definitely the type of character I love in a story -- coming from one place and developing into a newer, better person! I didn't think we'd get a whole volume on him, but I'm SO glad we did! And his FACIAL EXPRESSIONS! The mangaka draws him SO well in this! And Heuk-chi is just adorable -- the loyal subordinate who is clearly happy with these new developments. :) And ahhhhh, I'm SO ready to know more about Zeno...but in time, right? :) Thank you for the kind words and comment -- I'm excited already for next week!

Kotaro 14

I love how Yona's experience with confronting the suffering in her kingdom earlier in the manga allowed her to be understanding of Tae-jun's position in this volume. And how Tae-jun was able to empathize and understand the villagers through being inspired by Yona helping them. Their ability to relate to each other's upbringings as 'royalty' allowed them to see each other in a way that none of the other characters would be able to. Also I love Hak and Tae-jun's friendship. Hak is already a very protective person, and along with those instincts being on overdrive after the trauma he and Yona experience, his immediate desire after seeing Tae-jun to kill him is understandable. You can tell he's shocked by Tae-jun's turn around, but he takes it in stride after he saves them from his soldiers. After that I find it's adorable when Hak messes with Tae-jun. Hak needs experiences like this where he's able to overcome hate for people that have harmed him in the past so I'm glad it worked out this way. Thank you for your reaction. Looking forward to next volume's reaction


Yessss, Yona's learning this whole series so far and her passing what she's learned onto Tae-Jun is SO satisfying! I LOVE the development his character gets this volume! I had no idea it was coming, but I'm so in love with it -- and YES! Hak and Tae-Jun developing this comedic relationship is so good! I like that Tae-Jun helps to get Hak to realize that not everyone's a threat to him and Yona, just like how he's realized the dragons are there to help him protect her. :) It's good development for them as well. I loved this volume! Thank you for the kind words and comment! I can't wait to see where this goes!

Toni simi

Yeah the first OVA doesn't need context but the other two are ones I wish I would have watched after reading the manga. There is a shock moment that isn't that shocking anymore after having watched the OVA's. This is my favourite volume from the earlier ones. Tae-jun is one of my favourite characters. I'm a sucker for characters that have developments like him. I love the similiarities between Tae-jun and Yona. They both grew up spoiled without understanding what exactly is going on in the outside world. Both had to learn how much those people suffer. Both were weak. But they also both want to change things. Also I love that Yona is passing on the things she learned to Tae-jun. Makes it even better. Wish you a wonderful day!


That is good to know! I'm VERY excited to have the context of the manga by the time I get to the other OVA's! Yesss, and Tae-Jun is SO good! I love him as a character and the arc he goes through in this volume -- the similarities to Yona and where his character goes in this is SO great! :) Thank you so much for the comment and the kind words -- have a wonderful day, too! :D