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This series has NOT let up from the craziness of the first episode -- there are not only some GORGEOUS shots in this episode, but the mystery, the intrigue, and the characterization of our main characters continues to grow! Everyone seems to have an ulterior motive, and it's hinging on our protagonist Shinji to "step up" and become a "hero"....whether he wants to or not!  

Meanwhile, Shinji gains a new "home" and "roomate(s)," but it's not as heartwarming as it seems, as his memory is jumbled from the recent past, where he apparently defeated an "Angel" and learned that there's something more sinister possibly going on under the surface of this project his father has enlisted him...  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Episode 2 Reaction! "THE BEAST!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/i2efma *HEADPHONE WARNING* This series has NOT let up from the craziness of the first episode -- there are not only some GORGEOUS shots in this episode, but the mystery, the intrigue, and the characterization of our main characters continues to grow! Everyone seems to have an ulterior motive, and it's hinging on our protagonist Shinji to "step up" and become a "hero"....whether he wants to or not! Shinji gains a new "home" and "roomate(s)," but it's not as heartwarming as it seems, as his memory is jumbled from the recent past, where he apparently defeated an "Angel" and learned that there's something more sinister possibly going on under the surface of this project his father has enlisted him... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Re: the name of the episode, Eva has two names for each episode: a Japanese title, and an English title. They are sometimes translations of each other, but often completely different. The listed title is the English translation of the Japanese title, the one you see in the mid-episode card is the original English title. And you'd know why these shots of Misato are in there if you watched the next episode previews (and I understand why you don't...)


Oh, and it's Gendou with a hard G, not like Jenn-doh.

The truck

About the symbols in the opening, can't say that I'm anywhere near an expert on the matters, but I have seen about here and there. BUT the last symbol that says "SYstem something" as you read during your reaction, appears in like a lot of stuff, of course, Idk it's context in this show, yet. All I know is that similar symbols appear in like,, everywhere. And it's usually called the tree of life, the tree of death or the tree of Qlippoth and like... the similar thing is also connected to jews, in some way... But that's like all I know because when I started to google it, all I found was lots of 50 pages long research and I have no time for those. Idk if you do anything with such knowledge like, I thought it's a nice detail when shows take something about real-world mythologies and use it as a part of their own creation. And I don't really have much else to comment on this episode that you didn't talk about yet, but I felt the need to say something :D

Matthew B

"I'm feeling for Shinji" - Mom instincts.


Ooohhhh, thank you! I've recorded Episode 3 already, but I'll make note of that for Ep 4! :)


Oohhh, that makes sense! :) Thanks for the information! And yesss, I usually avoid previews so I can go in blind for the next episode, but I gotcha! :) Thanks for the comment and info! :D


Thank you for the comment and info! A patron shared a link on YT, so I may look at it before reacting to Episode 4 (I've watched EP 3 so far). And hahahaha, 50 page research paper? Is there a CliffNotes version? ;) I do love how the symbolism and mythology is weaved into this show so far, though! :)


Watch the first episode again, and pay attention to where the entry plug goes into the Eva. It’ll remind you of something else you’ve been watching… ;)


YES!! ABSOLUTELY!!! It's insane -- I think I could make an entire video of the AOT parallels so far! I'm afraid to comment on them in the reaction because I don't want to spoil non-AOT viewers, hahahaha! But that's so wild!

Stephen husuc

Since the first time I saw AOT I've talked about how many similarities there are... And people always acted like I was crazy! Ah finally some confirmation! Attack on titan definitely took heavy inspiration and did a damn good job of it


It's INSANE how much inspiration is taken from this, but Isayama did make AOT his own, but the comparison and contrast of Shinji and Eren is absolutely FASCINATING in this! We're not crazy, eh?! :D Thanks for the comment!


Well, I had all these notes and ideas to discuss about this episode and they were rendered meaningless in a matter of seconds towards the end. >.< I do have a few theories that managed to survive, though. Similar to you, it seems to me that the Evas are maybe some kind of biological machine possibly derived from the Angels. But the thought that the pilot is injected into its brain had /not/ occurred to me and is quite alarming. Also, maybe it's not just that Shinji and Rei are kids that makes them "ideal" to pilot the Evas, but - at least for Shinji - were born /after/ the first Angels attack. Misato could still have been a test pilot, but it didn't work because she is too old. However she's involved in the project, though, /for now/ I am happy that she took in Shinji - even if he's going to be her live-in housekeeper. :D And I completely agree with her that A/C is humanity's greatest invention! This is turning out to be a dense and serious story and I'm impressed with how it's dragged me in. I will also point you here for a couple of images shown in the opening. We'll see how the develop! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabbalah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sefirot


Just some "trivia" Japanese VA uses mostly "shitoh" which is equivalent to apostle (biblical) in English, not "tenshi" which is angel. However, in contrast to the voice lines, text frames and computer screen uses angel. In fact, the computer screen uses the English literal "ANGEL" The English dub and subtitles use angel, not apostle at the request of Gainax (studio behind Evangelion) Intentional or not.. there you go

Anastasia -

You know what EVA+Shinji goind berserk remind me of? Atsushi from BSD, again. And his deep instinctive need to stay alive whatever happens. No humanity, no morality, just an angry bellow of a beast wounded and fighting to stay alive.


Oohhhhhh, that's a REALLY good comparison! I can SO see Atsushi from the start of BSD relating to Atsushi; I saw how Misato was like Dazai this episode, so I can see the comparison with Atsushi, too! :D Nice! Thanks for pointing that out!


I have a feeling my theories are going to change on an episode-by-episode basis with this series! @_@ It is QUITE alarming that the pilot is injected into whatever-it-is's brain. Indeed -- maybe that's not the case, buttttt, it's seeming like that. @_@ I am glad Misato took in Shinji -- this kid needs SOME form of human interaction and stability...though...not sure if Misato is the best for that, haha, but she's trying, right?! AND YES -- this story is DENSE so far and has definitely dragged me into it as well. Thank you for the links, too! Heavy religious symbolism the first two episodes in? Nothing to worry about, right? :D Thanks for the comment!