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*Headphone Warning*  

WOW, this first episode was INSANE for a pilot (pun intended). Shinji is SUCH an intriguing protagonist already, this world is fascinating, and the relationships, symbolism, and themes ALREADY being set up have me floored...I literally had to bring out Whiteboard-kun for the FIRST EPISODE.   

If this first episode is just a TASTE of what we're getting out of this series...it's going to one heckuva ride! I'm psyched!    

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Episode 1 Reaction! "ANGEL ATTACK!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/rfh2f2 *Headphone Warning* WOW, this first episode was INSANE for a pilot (pun intended). Shinji is SUCH an intriguing protagonist already, this world is fascinating, and the relationships, symbolism, and themes ALREADY being set up have me floored...I literally had to bring out Whiteboard-kun for the FIRST EPISODE. If this first episode is just a TASTE of what we're getting out of this series...it's going to one heckuva ride! I'm psyched! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Nice! I think I'll watch this with you. Haven't rewatched it in a decade... and that one was also after about a decade not watching it, and I thought it still held up extremely well. Used to be a huge, huge series at the end of the 90s, and certainly one of the most influential series in the history of the medium.


Wow this is a pleasant surprise. As a long term but silent viewer I’m looking forward to it. Also wanted to just say that you’re one of the best reactors on YouTube.

Kuba Lutek

So excited for you to watch this series.

Maia Brodsky

Woah, did you read the katakana of Shinji's name? Or was there a subtitle I couldn't see? If it's the former, I had no idea! Edit: that you could read katakana, if that wasn't clear lol

Maia Brodsky

Pretty sure they did have GPS in the 80s and 90s, right? It just wasn't a ubiquitous thing people had in their cars.


What on earth did they do to the ending? The music is so iconic. If you know someone who has the DVDs, try to borrow them and watch that instead (They even have multiple versions of the song, so that there's variation between episodes). Not as iconic as the opening (turns out I still can still sing Cruel Angel's Thesis almost perfectly like 25 years later), but still... Not a manga spoiler: The anime is sort of the original version, although it was delayed and the manga released earlier. It was drawn by someone involved in the early development of the series though, the character designer, and back in the day many people essentially considered it Sadamoto's take on on the story, while the TV version was very clearly Anno's. In some way, neither is really an adaptation of the other. Fun fact: Misato has the same VA as Sailor Moon, and her design was influenced by Usagi. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. After watching everything: I think you're going to have a very interesting time with this series, and I'm really looking forward to it.


Oh thank you SO MUCH for the kind words and the comment! I'm very humbled by that! :) I'm also REALLY excited for this series! I can't wait to talk about it with you all!


No worries -- I only watched the first two episodes through Netflix, and then a very kind fellow Patron sent me files for the rest of the series. :) So starting with Episode 3, I'll have a better version I'm watching! Thank you for offering, though and for the kind words! I'm SO hyped to finally be watching this series! And Misato is based off Sailor Moon and has her VA?! Amazing!! I love that! Thanks for the info and the comment! This is going to be wild, I'm sure!


Woah, really?! If I did, it's on accident because I cannot read katakana! I wish I could! Hahaha!!

Sophie biasland x

I’m not interested at all in this series but I hope you enjoy it :)


**does research on GPS** oh wow...it's been around since 1978....welp....🤣 The more you know, right?! Thanks for that info! :D


Oh, that's totally fine! I'm definitely loving it so far, but it is CERTAINLY not going to be everyone's cup of tea! :) Thanks for the comment!

The truck

Hmm... crap, it seems like my comment disappeared when I clicked the post. Or maybe this damn website just won't show it to me, if it is sent but just shows nothing to me.... hmm... gotta rewrite the thing then (or some of it at least) OK so, I have wanted to watch this for SO LONGGG, but when saw this win the poll, I knew I had to watch it. Beforehand, I knew NOTHINg of this show, except few character designs, that it's mecha, people praise the lore of this show and of course: THE OST is made by the man, THE LEGEND HIMSELF Shiro Sagisu, my fav composer, ever. As usual, you have managed to make an hour long video about this, as excepted. Meanwhile, all I got from this ep was: Poor kid let me protecc, Dad is sus, OH wow the OST and mixed feeling about the purple woman. Mixed feelings, 'cuz she seemed real cool at the start, but something about her comment of "deal with it! You're a big boy" in such commanding tone to a boy that has literally JUST NOW been dragged there and was just letting out a mild groan how that LCL stuff was gross... Like, very uncalled for in my opinion.


This op is EPIC :) I voted for Monster so I'm happy it will be on future polls Gotta admit I had Evangelion on my watch list FOREVER, maybe because I'm not really a fan of mecha anime, only Code Geass (a masterpiece imo) and recently 86 eighty-six (highly recommend, and the music producer is the same as AOT), anyways I think this is the signal to finally give it a try so I'll watch it along side with you


An Iconic classic, love the anime and also love the discussion. Shinji so far is pretty atypical for a mecha protag, he's quiet, withdrawn, pretty pessimistic and as stated in the anime "without charm." Tbh a pretty typical teenager. However when we see his father it's pretty clear why Shinji is like that, Dad of the year coming in only wanting his son because he's useful, Even so Shinji came back because of course he's a kid and he want that affection and love from his dad. And all he got was a mecha and to risk his life fighting a monster. Pretty bad day for who seems to be our MC. Can't wait for more episode reactions!

Maia Brodsky

You didn't mention it, so I wonder if you noticed where (anatomically) the entry plug is inserted into the Eva. I remember when I was watching AoT season 1 for the first time back in the day, and thinking, huh, wonder where he got that whole nape of the neck idea...


I saw your comment in my email, hahaha! I WISH I could read Japanese, but there was a subtitle that had his name. ;) No worries!


It is SO hard for me NOT to make AOT references throughout this show, because they are EVERYWHERE! @.@ I don't want to spoil anyone for Attack on Titan if they haven't seen it yet, but man....yuuuuuuuuppppp, the whole nape thing....Isayama definitely watched this show. :)

Maia Brodsky

I took two years of Japanese in college, but I've always been better at hiragana (the other Japanese phonetic alphabet). I tend to forget some katakana characters, but the hiragana ones have stuck with me, so that's something

Maia Brodsky

And then he went and created a very similar looking MC with the polar-opposite personality. I'm sure there will come a time (if ep 1 didn't do it already lol) when you have to restrain yourself from comparing and contrasting the two. Not that I would mind, but it'd be pretty hard to avoid AoT spoilers in such a discussion. Maybe those of us who have seen both can discuss it on the discord with spoiler tags at some point.


Very interesting first episode. I might have to leave you behind and marathon it. :D Even though I /could/ have watched this when it came out, I wasn't interested in it for some reason, even though I've seen plenty of mecha anime. That's why it's always nice to re-watch things as you get older; as you age how you interact with art changes, and I'm almost definite that I'll appreciate it more now than as a kid. I simply haven't seen enough to leave much of anything comprehensive this episode, but I will say that, while Shinji's hesitation as an overwhelmed kid is understandable and I don't blame him at all for hesitating, I think I also understand viewer criticism towards him; that is, whatever his other issues, they're in a life-or-death situation, and if he's likely to die either way, why not go down fighting? Also, I didn't miss some of the metaphysical references in the show. As a graduate of a Catholic school, maybe those theology classes will come in handy! :D

Christopher Pettersson

I think this was the very first anime i ever watched and i remember my brother coming by every weekend with a new episode burned to a cd-rom and we would watch the episode together. This series will always hold a special place in my heart. You will see a lot of parallels with Attack on Titan and i doubt AoT would even exist without Neon Genesis. And if you get something extra out of AoT if you know your norse mythology here, if you know your christian mythology, will notice some... let's call it easter eggs (no pun intended). Yeah the technology in this series is great, reminds me of both Akira (late 80s) and Ghost in the shell (from 95, same year as NGE i believe). Also, i love the soundtrack but not sure how much of it nostalgia, there are certainly a few songs from the soundtrack that will always remind me of Neon Genesis for the rest of my life. Shinji having an existential crisis in the first episode? Welcome to Existential Crisis the anime. 😉


Ohhhh, I'm already holding back SO many references and comparisons to AOT -- that may just have to be its own video at the end of my watch for NGE and AOT! :) There's just so much, but we do have the Discord to go over some of it!! :D


I've wanted to watch this for a long time but never got around to it so I've decided I'll watch along with you! 😆 I'm excited to get into the craziness


The OST is SO GOOD! And yes, I hear you with Misato - she seems interesting and casual, but there's something about her that is "off" and "suspicious" as well. Yeah, our poor boy Shinji was just thrust into this whole situation and we the audience just watch him have a mental meltdown...in episode one. Neat. :) I'm excited to see where this goes to from here!


I definitely want to keep Monster on future polls! :) And ahhh, Code Geass is a CLASSIC (I guess I HAVE watched a "mech" anime, haha) and I want to have 86 on future polls, too! But I'm SO excited to get into this show with you all!


Shinji = A typical teenager -- YES! And his dad is definitely no Father of the Year. I love just how much we're getting already with their relationship and the motivations between them. Hm. I'm SO hyped for this series and to talk about it with you all! Thank you for the kind words!


I wouldn't blame you for marathoning! I had to watch a little ahead because I couldn't resist! :) I definitely think waiting until I was older to watch this show was a good idea! If I'd watch this as a teen, I'm not sure it would have hit the same way, especially after watching some other series. It's REALLY fascinating to see Shinji's hesitation being understandable and yet at the same time, there's that point -- "Why not go down fighting?" Exactly, Shinji doesn't seem to have any "heroism" in his bones, which is FASCINATING, since he's our main protagonist! @.@ And seeing all the religious references here, that theology class may be interesting for noting in the discussion! Thanks for the comment!


Thank you so much for the kind words! I've waited so long to watch this series, so why not now?! :D It's going to be a ride, I'm sure!


That's so awesome! Those "first anime" moments always have a special place in our hearts, right? It was Sailor Moon for me by myself and Dragonball Z/Digimon with my brother. Yeah, I'm getting the impression that AOT is heavily influenced/inspired from parts of NGE. And hahaha, I am excited to see the religious/mythological references throughout -- I may have to do a video comparing Shinji with Eren by the end of this...maybe. :) And yessss, the OST is great and the sci-fi elements, like the technology, are so fun! And my brother said the best way to describe this show was "A WHOLE LOTTA TRAUMA," So fun times ahead, right? :)

Anastasia -

I feel like I know too much of this series to call it a blind watching, from all of the discussions, online classes on mass culture and Youtube videos calling NGE the series that killed cyperpunk as a genre... but I never sat down and watched any of the episodes so this will be fun. My experience with mecha anime is somewhat substantial I guess since my first ever anime was mecha and then I just watched anything that came to me until the internet exploded and we could start choosing and forming our preferences. So it is a bit nostalgic, a very big bit must-watch for education and philosophy reasons, and of course Whiteboard-kun's assistance will be appreciated for all the story turns. Soo let's go! OMG that opening, I knew it by heart even before I ever saw any screenshots at all. You know, those old audiocassettes with random OST? Ooohhkayy, all the sexual/delivery symbolics, I can't even. Phallic explosion? Umbilical bridge? That internal EVA liquid? Father issues? Yeah, father is not suspicious at all.


It's so crazy; the OP SOUNDS familiar, even though I've never heard it -- the power of the OSTs of the 90's, right?! :) And Yeahhhhhh, all the sexual references....it's....interesting...and the father is DEFINITELY suspicious! @_@ It's going to be an interesting ride, I feel!