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**Headphone Warnings All Around**

We end the first act of this season, and boy, HOW WE ROUND IT OUT!
My jaw was on the FLOOR for most of this episode.

I appreciate the levity that Jayce and Viktor give in this, because it is NEEDED. Silco (finally get his name) is a very intriguing antagonist and there's so many parallels between him and his "Brother" Vander and Vi and Powder -- the visual symbolism, music, and animation was at its best so far, and I love the twists and turns this episode gave us. There's, again, a lot of set up as we conclude Act One and move into Act Two, but I'm honestly REALLY excited.

I wish you could have seen my brother's face during the discussion. He is holding in the the spoilers so badly, I can tell, haha! 

Thank you for watching with us and for the support!


ARCANE: Episode 3 Reaction! "The Violence Necessary for Change!"

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 2:06): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/QSVdpJ2E12wZwacyVTT9BU? **Headphone Warnings All Around** We end the first act of this season, and boy, HOW WE ROUND IT OUT! My jaw was on the FLOOR for most of this episode. I appreciate the levity that Jayce and Viktor give in this, because it is NEEDED. Silco (finally get his name) is a very intriguing antagonist and there's so many parallels between him and his "Brother" Vander and Vi and Powder -- the visual symbolism, music, and animation was at its best so far, and I love the twists and turns this episode gave us. There's, again, a lot of set up as we conclude Act One and move into Act Two, but I'm honestly REALLY excited. I wish you could have seen my brother's face during the discussion. He is holding in the the spoilers so badly, I can tell, haha! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Nathan Grenawalt

One of my favorite parts of this episode is the subtlest of things, that anyone could miss - and maybe it's just my imagination. At the end, as Silco hesitates with Powder in his arms, it zooms in on his minions faces, and they look tense. Then he hugs her, and they relax. Silco's followers did not want him to hurt this child, and when he hugs her, they are happy with his choice. This was so different from my expectations for a villain and his gang that it blew my mind like one of Powder's monkey bombs (sorry!).

Christopher Pettersson

With this episode you relize that this show might not have been exactly what you thought beforehand, more complicated... and more depressing. I love Silcos monologue at the beginning and this episode does make him much more compelling than just a one note villain. The voice actor for Powder does one of the best voice performances i've ever heard, you can really feel her emotions and desperation. She probably would have ran after Vi if Vi hadn't hit her, wich seemed to chock her more than the deaths (do i believe powder never even had the chance/time to process those at all in that moment). Vi looking at her bloodied, bandaged hand, the same one Vander held and told her that "using her fists wouldn't solve her problems, only create more". Sadness all around.

Anna Kyruin

I was a bit unsure whether to add this, because it could be seen as a spoiler, but I feel like it's also a correction that you may need to properly understand the weight of some of what was said in this episode. When you started the series, your brother was calling the undercity Zaun because he has context from the games, but the undercity in Arcane is simply referred to as the undercity because it is considered part of the same nation as Piltover. When Silko says "We shared a vision Vander, a dream of freedom, not just for the lanes, but the whole of the underground united as one. The Nation of Zaun" it is the first time in Arcane that anyone refers to the undercity as Zaun, and while it isn't explicit, I think it implies that the idea of the underground as "The Nation of Zaun" originates with Vander and Silko in their younger years together, and the riot that ends with Powder and Vi's parents deaths may have been the culmination of their attempt to create Zaun.


Ooooh, that's SUCH a good part! The Silco/Powder dynamic completely caught me off guard but instantly makes so much sense! And I noticed the followers looked tense when she fell into his arms, but then that makes SO much sense why they seemed relieved. Definitely not something I expected! And those monkey bombs, haha!!


YES! I was expecting some twists and turns for the end of Act I, but this proved they are NOT messing around! I also loved the monologue with Silco at the beginning -- it reminded me a lot of Eren from S4 in a way...if that sounds weird. And the voice acting has really impressed me in this show, but Powder is definitely a standout! Making a kid sound this heartbroken and desperate and believable...yeah, I think I wanted to tune out that moment Vi hit her; that makes a lot of sense, and re-watching -- she definitely seems to not get it was Vander in the moment or have much processing of the situation going on. Which is fitting, since she's a kid. And I love Vi's character, but yeah, Vander's words...haunting, aren't they? Sadness all around, indeed. T-T


Ahhhh, that actually makes a lot of sense! I wondered; we haven't really gotten any reference to "Zaun" this point other than what my brother told me. That makes MUCH more sense as to Silco's motivations in wanting to make the undercity its own nation and not just an extension (and an unwanted one at that) of Piltover. And it helps to establish why Vander's actions feel like such a betrayal to Silco...ahhhh, interesting! Thank you for explaining that -- that helps out a lot! :)


A lot of people get mad at Vi, because she slaps Powder. Yeah, it's not ideal, and most people realize eventually that it is kinda understandable, but i feel like because of the shock factor that scene provides, people miss a lot of "little things". So in defense of Vi: If the explosion wouldn't have happened, they would have gotten away. Vi held the door, Milo picked all locks and Claggor opened up a way out, Vander was good to go. Now, another thing is, nobody but Powder made the connection between the stones and the explosion. So, seeing the Monkey bomb thing, would not have let Vi put it together. In all likelihood Vi would have to assume that Powder followed them and just got caught in the blast. Okay, so Vi just lost pretty much everyone she cares about, gets out and sees Powder, yay, the worst thing didn't happen, right ? Wrong, it's even worse, Powder was responsible for the blast and even makes clear that it wasn't just a "mistake" (well, the particular consequences were, but the blast wasn't, you get it). Yeah, staying cool, calm and collected and comforting (aliterations ftw) Powder would have been the right way to go, but taking that rollercoaster of emotions into account, i honestly am surprised that she didn't go off more, which imo is to show how much Vi loves Powder, which in turn only adds to the tragedy of the whole situation. Oh, and as far as the whole "Vander turning himself in"-thing is concerned: I see it as a "we got the boss, we don't care about the minions" kind of deal. They could have spun that story, Grayson could have done it officially (ensuring the kids' safety), Vander would have gone along with it to protect everyone and imo it is fair to assume that for the council anyone to put the blame on would have been good enough. With Grayson dead, that was no longer an option though. PS: I really didn't like Marcus. A lot of people say "but he saved Vi", i say he covered his own behind. Yeah, he's a hothead rookie, but still, pure frustration...


I definitely would defend Vi -- after everything she just went through (and she's still nearly a kid, too), her reaction is understandable and I can't say I wouldn't have done the same. I feel for Powder, because she's younger and doesn't understand, but it's just a sad situation with the slap. It's a moment that fits the tension of everything that just happened and Vi's character leading up to this point. And I agree about Vander - if Grayson had still been alive, I think they could have made it work. I hate that Grayson died in this, and I agree; I'm not a fan of Marcus in Act I -- we'll see where his character goes from here, but yes, pure frustration! Hahaha! Thanks for the comment!