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I can't believe we're nearing the end of Moriarty the Patriot! I will talk about my plans for the manga and livestream in the final episodes, but for now, let's talk about the genre replacing it: RETRO ANIME!

Vote for ANY and ALL anime you'd want me to watch! 

I'm excited to get into some old series! Thanks for voting! 



Hmm, i guess my standard for "Retro" is a bit different (oh boy, i feel old now^^), but out of those choices i only consider NGE a "real classic". So for that reason alone, it gets a vote. It's more of a "everybody should have at least a partial knowledge of what it's about and what its influence was" deal. If i had to choose which i'd want to watch, i'd pick Monster. I am sorely missing Death Note as an option though, just saying :P Surely that has to be Retro enough, if Bakuman is here. I'll just take it as plans for another slot ;)


I left off some older series because trying to locate them in their "complete" form in a way I could watch was difficult -- and the fact that some of these are nearly 20 years old but don't feel retro is...off putting, I agree! Hahaha! Oh, and no worries -- I've already decided that on Saturdays once AOT is over, I'm starting Death Note. That's why it's not on here. ;)


Monster is such a masterpiece and an easy 10/10 in my book so I do hope it does well!


LotGH is my distant hope.


Wow I really enjoyed Natsume's Book of Friends and so thrilled to see it on the poll! A heart-warming story, and that is what we all need at the moment.


Oh my god, I haven't thought of Trigun in ages! I'm really going to date myself with this one; I watched it in the early 2000s on *dvds* from netflix. XD


I've had a lot of recommendations for Natsume's Book of Friends, so I definitely wanted to include it! :) <3


That red coat and blonde-haired protagonist was so iconic during high school, even though I hadn't watched the series! Definitely want to get to it at some point and oh my gosh, "dvds from Netflix" -- THOSE were the days, eh? :D

Sophie biasland x



I've heard good things!! I'm honestly excited by whatever wins, so this will be interesting!! :D


I am wishing so much for Natsume Yujinchou. It is one of my top 3 anime of all time (with Hyouka and March comes in like a lion (and conan but that is a special case)) Anyway, NatsuYuu is really great and even if it does not win here, I hope you include it again in a poll (especially because we rarely get shoujo adaptations like these, compared to shonen and seinen. That is also why it is so precious to me)


I've had so many recommendations for that one! I'm hoping that even if these don't win this poll, I'll incorporate them into future polls, too! :) Thanks for voting!! :D